601 research outputs found

    A critique of the concept of accuracy in social information processing models of childrenā€™s peer relations.

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    According to Kenneth Dodgeā€™s social information processing model, children who behave aggressively do so because they interpret othersā€™ behaviour, and evaluate aggressive acts, inaccurately. The concept of accuracy is inappropriate here because members of different social groups can differ systematically in their interpretations and evaluations of behaviour. Imposing the concept of accuracy exalts one social groupā€™s views as accurate, with others seen as flawed. Social information processing models could remove the concept of accuracy by drawing on the theory of autopoiesis, which states that an organismā€™s response to a stimulus is specified by the organism rather than by the stimulus itself. Thus the environment is seen not as information to be (in)correctly interpreted, but as a set of triggers in a personā€™s phenomenological world. This approach is strengthened by attention to the myriad ways in which a personā€™s interpretations are informed (but not determined) by other people, explaining why we are likely to form interpretations and values similar, but not identical, to others in our social groups

    A Nice Dandelion: Visual experiences at a shopping centre in Trondheim

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    The Dandelion, a nine meters tall naturalistic sculpture painted in bright green and yellow car paint, was installed on a traffic island outside the City Syd ShoppingCentre on August 9th 2007. The sculpture provides an example with which to study the role art plays within public places. Aesthetic qualities are a useful place to start when trying to understand the role of public art. The Dandelionā€™s form, colour and physical connection with elements within the same  location, give the sculpture an opening to establish a relationship with its public. The Dandelionā€™s public is the focus of this paper. What the public sees may  lead to talk of other things connected to the Dandelion, but it is the sculptureā€™s physical form and visual qualities which initiate the response. The judgement  of form is a constant preoccupation; we make value judgements about many of the objects around us in day-to-day life. Taste is based on everyday  experiences, and not on fixed standards. The dandelion provides visitors to the shopping centre with something with which to consider and measure other  elements in the area with. It is likely that they would have done this anyway, but the Dandelion provides them with an aesthetic standard with which to do  this. This paper is based on fieldwork experiences in 2007 and 2008 at the City Syd Shopping Centre, which is located in the Tiller neighbourhood on the  outskirts of Trondheim, Norway. Keywords: public art, aesthetics, shopping centres, agenc

    Obstacles vs. resources: comparing the effects of a problem-focused, solution-focused and combined approach on perceived goal attainability and commitment.

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    Previous research suggests that solution-focused (SF) questions may be superior to problem-focused (PF) alternatives for a range of practical and psychological outcomes. However, a great deal remains unknown regarding the effects of specific SF (or PF) approaches and the mechanisms through which they occur. The aim of this pre-registered study was to investigate the extent to which SF questions targeting resources have a more positive effect on perceived goal attainability (PGA) and goal commitment than PF questions targeting obstacles or a combination of PF & SF questions targeting both resources and obstacles. 115 students aged 15-16 were randomly assigned to either (i) a SF condition targeting resources, (ii) a PF condition targeting obstacles or (iii) a combined-approach condition targeting both. All participants were asked to identify a challenging area of study before answering condition-specific questions. Although not all statistically significant, results indicated that the SF group had higher mean PGA and goal commitment than both the PF and combined PF & SF group. Effect size estimates were small-to-medium for PGA and small for goal commitment. Results of a mediation analysis suggested that condition had an indirect effect on goal commitment through enhanced PGA. Qualitative data analysis suggested that the PF question was more likely than the SF question to elicit thoughts of self-regulation, whereas the SF question was more likely to elicit thoughts of tools and resources. These findings are consistent with those from previous research and broaden our understanding of SF (vs PF) questions

    The effect of solution-focused scaling and solution-focused questions on expectancy and commitment.

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    Solution-focused (SF) approaches are widely used in schools. The present study examined the effects of a central SF techniqueā€”'scaling'ā€”on female secondary studentsā€™ improvement expectancy (IE) and commitment to improvement (CTI). Popular follow-up questions were also tested. In Experiment 1, 120 students were randomly assigned to a 'success scaling', 'success scaling' plus follow-up SF question, or control condition. IE and CTI were higher in the scaling conditions than in the control group, but differences were small and not statistically significant. In Experiment 2, 115 students were randomly assigned to a 'success scaling' plus one SF question, 'success scaling' plus two SF questions, or problem-focused condition. Students in the doubly augmented scaling condition reported higher IE and CTI than students in the other conditions. However, differences were small and not statistically significant. The results of this study suggest that (success) scaling techniques may not be as effective as is widely supposed. Impact Statement Solution-focused (SF) approaches are common in schools and used by both teachers and school psychologists. However, SF approaches are generally multicomponent interventions, making it impossible to identify effective techniques. The present study provides the most thorough experimental evidence to date for the effectiveness of the central SF technique: (success) scaling

    Uncertainty, reconstruction and resistance: young adults' responses to religious diversity in Spain and the UK.

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    Young people in diverse societies routinely encounter worldviews different from their own, but we know relatively little about how these encounters affect them. This study investigated how young adults in Britain and Spain respond to encounters with other worldviews, focusing on whether and how their existing worldviews were affected. We conducted semi-structured interviews with twenty participants. Thematic and narrative analyses revealed three main responses: uncertainty, reconstruction and resistance. Encounters with alternative worldviews often led young people to feel uncertain about their own beliefs, particularly those which they understood to be contradicted by the alternative worldview. Reconstruction occurred when participants adopted elements of newly encountered worldviews to create an idiosyncratic religiosity or spirituality. Resistance captured those instances where participants dismissed alternative worldviews as epistemologically or morally problematic. The findings indicate that young people in the UK and Spain are responding in several distinct ways to religious diversity


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    Skripsi ini berjudul ā€œDari Jalan Pajajaran Hingga Istana Merdeka: Perjuangan Gerakan Serikat Pekerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia Tahun 2003-2007ā€. Adapun masalah utama yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah ā€œBagaimana Jejak Langkah gerakan Serikat Pekerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia pada tahun 2003-2007ā€? Masalah utama tersebut kemudian dibagi menjadi empat pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu:(1)Bagaimana latar belakang munculnya Gerakan Serikat Pekerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia pada tahun 2003-2007 ?(2)Bagaimana upaya dan dinamika Gerakan Serikat Pekerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia dalam memperjuangkan hak-hak para pekerja tahun 2003-2007? (3) Bagaimana pengaruh Gerakan Serikat Pekerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia terhadap kondisi dan status para pekerja pada tahun 2007 ? (4) Apa saja Faktor-faktor pendorong dan penghambat Gerakan Serikat Pekerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia pada tahun 2003-2007. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode historis, dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: (1) Memilih topik; (2) Mengusut bukti-bukti; (3) Membuat catatan penting; (4) Mengevaluasi secara kritis, baik kritik internal maupun kritik eksternal; (5) Menyusun hasil-hasil penelitian; (6) Menyajikan dalam suatu cara yang dapat menarik perhatian dan mengkomunikasikannya kepada para pembaca sehingga dapat dimengerti sejelas mungkin. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh beberapa simpulan. Pertama, berdasarkan penelitian diketahui bahwa, gerakan serikat pekerja PT DI merupakan gerakan yang timbul sebagai dampak atas kebijakan pemutusan hubungan kerja seluruh pekerja yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Kedua gerakan serikat pekerja PT DI dalam perjuangannya telah melakukan berbagai upaya baik secara formal maupun non formal yang dilakukan baik itu di lingkungan perusahaan maupun di luar perusahaan, upaya formal sendiri dilakukan dengan upaya mediasi,serta upaya hukum dalam bentuk gugatan ke beberapa tingkat peradilan. Upaya non formal dilakukan dengan bentuk aksi unjuk rasa sampai sweeping dan pemblokiran jalan masuk ke perusahaan. Ketiga, status dan kondisi dari para pekerja PT DI telah menemui kejelasan setelah adanya upaya yang dilakukan oleh serikat pekerja PT DI. Status yang telah berkekuatan hukum tetap, berupa bukan lagi pekerja PT DI serta pemenuhan hak para pekerja yang belum terpenuhi akan segera dibayarkan setelah proses pemailitan perusahaan. Keempat, adanya beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi gerakan pekerja itu sendiri berupa faktor pendorong dan faktor penghambat, faktor pendorong sendiri yakni berupa adanya tujuan bersama, adanya keputusan sepihak yakni berupa kebijakan PHK yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan tanpa melibatkan perwakilan pekerja berupa serikat pekerja itu sendiri, dan faktor ekonomi. Sementara faktor penghambat berupa adanya perbedaan pendapat baik di lingkungan antar serikat pekerja yang ada di perusahaan maupun di intern serikat pekerja itu sendiri. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan rekomendasi terhadap pembelajaran sejarah di sekolah dan bisa dijadikan sebagai kerangka berpikir untuk penelitian selanjutnya.----------This thesis titled ā€œDari Jalan Pajajaran Hingga Istana Merdeka: Perjuangan Gerakan Serikat Pekerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia Tahun 2003-2007ā€. The main issues discussed in this thesis is ā€œBagaimana Jejak Langkah gerakan Serikat Pekerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia pada tahun 2003-2007ā€? The main problem is then divided into four research questions, namely (1) What is the background of the United Workers Movement PT Dirgantara Indonesia in 2003-2007? (2) How is the effort and the dynamics of the United Workers Movement PT Dirgantara Indonesia in fighting for the rights of workers in 2003-2007? (3) How does the United Workers Movement PT Dirgantara Indonesia on the condition and status of workers in 2007? (4) What factors driving and inhibiting Union Movement PT Dirgantara Indonesia in 2003-2007. The method used in this study is the historical method, with the following steps: (1) Selecting a topic; (2) Investigate the evidence; (3) Make important notes; (4) Evaluate critically, both internal and external criticism of criticism; (5) Develop research results; (6) Present in a way that can attract attention and communicate it to the readers so that they can be understood as clearly as possible. The data collection techniques used in this research is the study of literature and interviews. Based on the results obtained some conclusions. First, based on the research note that, the trade union movement PT DI is a movement arising from the impact of policy termination of employment of all workers conducted by the company. Both the trade union movement in its struggle PT DI has made various efforts, both formal and non-formal conducted either within the company or outside the company, its own formal effort done with mediation efforts, as well as the remedies in the form of a claim to some degree of justice. Non-formal effort done with the form of rallies until sweeping and blocking the entrance to the company. Third, the status and conditions of the workers of PT DI has met clarity after the efforts made by the union PT DI. Status which has legally binding, such is no longer the workers of PT DI as well as the fulfillment of the rights of workers who have not been met will be paid immediately after the bankruptcy of the company. Fourth, there are several factors that influence the labor movement itself be a motivating factor and factor inhibitors, factor driving itself that form the common goal, any unilateral decision in the form of redundancy policy undertaken by companies without involving the workers' representatives in the form of the union itself, and factor economy. While inhibiting factors such as differences of opinion both within the inter-union workers in the company or in internal union itself. Results from this study are expected to provide recommendations on the teaching of history in schools and can be used as a framework for further research

    The mental health and wellbeing of EU citizens in the UK: a systematic review of the qualitative literature.

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    Moving to a new country impacts on migrantsā€™ mental health and well-being. There are over 3.6 million European Union citizens living in the United Kingdom. We conducted a systematic review of the qualitative literature to explore what is known about their mental health and well-being at the post-migration stage in pre-Brexit period. We searched five databases from 1st January 2009 to 19th February 2019; Web of Science, MEDLINE, CINAHL, SocIndex and Scopus for studies. Ten papers reporting nine studies were included in this review. Two themes were constructed; a narrative of adjustment and of employment realities. The former focuses on the process of settling in and the role of social connectedness. The latter concerns employment realities with included studies exploring the financial position and employment experiences of migrants. Findings indicate that we still know relatively little about the range of post-migration experiences among EU citizens and their implications for mental health

    The use of religious metaphors by UK newspapers to describe and denigrate climate change.

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    British newspapers have denigrated anthropogenic climate change by misrepresenting scientific consensus and/or framing climate change within unsympathetic discourses. One aspect of the latter that has not been studied is the use of metaphor to disparage climate change science and proponents.This article analyses 122 British newspaper articles published using a religious metaphor between summer 2003 and 2008. Most were critical of climate change, especially articles in conservative newspapers The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail and The Times. Articles used religion as a source of metaphor to denigrate climate change in two ways: (1) undermining its scientific status by presenting it as irrational faith-based religion, and proponents as religious extremists intolerant of criticism; (2) mocking climate change using notions of sin, e.g. describing ā€˜greenā€™ behaviours as atonement or sacrifice.We argue that the religious metaphor damages constructive debate by emphasizing morality and how climate change is discussed, and detracting attention from the content of scientific data and theories

    Sibling birth order, use of statutory measures and patterns of placement for children in public care: implications for international child protection systems and research.

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    Public care of abused and neglected children is one important element of statutory intervention which aims to address the major global challenge of protecting children from abuse and neglect. Where a child is part of a sibling group, this introduces particular challenges with regard to meeting the needs of all those affected. This paper presents findings from one of the first studies examining birth order effects on statutory intervention patterns for looked-after siblings. The experiences and outcomes of children were compared depending on maternal birth order at the time of data collection. We found strong evidence that the length of time from first referral of a child deemed at risk to first statutory intervention is greater for first-born than for last-born children and firstborn children are significantly older than last-born children when they are first placed on statutory measures. The study concludes that first-born siblings may be particularly vulnerable to delayed statutory intervention and the cumulative effects of harm and certain routes to permanence may be less available to them. We argue for increased focus within international child welfare policy and practice on timely and intensive assessment of first-born children, where risk of maltreatment is identified, in order to address potential inequalities of access to protection. A focus on risk introduced by systemic factors within legal and welfare systems in addition to risk introduced by perpetrators of abuse is needed. We also argue for greater research attention to, and more precise measurement of, birth order as a variable in studies of the looked-after population

    Relative strangers: sibling estrangements experienced by children in out-of-home care and moving towards permanence.

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    Loss of sibling relationships is a common experience across international jurisdictions for children entering public care. This is the case despite statutory guidance that emphasizes the need to place siblings together when in their best interests, and increasingly robust evidence of the protective nature of sibling relationships when children face adversity. Research on the experiences and outcomes of siblings in care has thus far focused predominantly on placement and contact patterns, particularly of siblings in care concurrently. This study extends this research by comprehensively mapping sibling networks both within and outside the care system and measuring sibling estrangement (living apart and lack of contact) over time. Drawing on administrative and case file data within the Children's Hearings System in Scotland, the circumstances of 204 children and young people from 50 sibling networks were examined longitudinally. The study found very high rates of sibling estrangement with seven in 10 relationships between a child in out-of-home care and a sibling classified as estranged and half of all siblings classified as strangers (siblings having never lived together and no record of any communication or meetings between the child and sibling). Moreover, sibling estrangement increased significantly as children moved through the care system. We argue that continued effort is needed to improve the accuracy with which aspects of sibling relationships of children in care are recorded and measured in order to assess the longer-term impact of state interventions on children's lives and the capacity of child welfare agencies to meet policy goals
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