221 research outputs found

    Comparison of the results of two methods of teaching fractions

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University, 1941. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    New York Times Opinion Editor Inspires UM Journalism Students, Faculty

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    Kathleen Kingsbury discusses state of profession during campus visi

    La profesión de maestro desde la dimensión competencial

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    En este artículo presentamos en primer lugar una aproximación conceptual de la figura del maestro, a lo largo de la historia, y de su profesión docente analizando los requisitos que debe cumplir cualquier ocupación para ser considerada una verdadera profesión y exponiendo las características que le confieren a la enseñanza la categoría de profesión. En segundo lugar, debido a la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), revisaremos las competencias que deben alcanzar los estudiantes de los Grados de Maestro para ser considerados unos profesionales de la enseñanza, desde una perspectiva técnica y normativa

    Correction of evident falsehood requires explicit negation

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    The danger of receiving false information is omnipresent, and people might be highly vigilant against being influenced by falsehoods. Yet, as research on misinformation reveals, people are often biased by false information, even when they know the valid alternative. The question is why? The current research explores the relative encoding strength of two opposing alternatives involved in the correction of falsehood: the false concept and the valid concept. These encoding strengths may be critical for what people remember and how they act upon receiving false information. We compared two triggers for the correction of falsehood—a sentence consisting of clearly false information (e.g., “honey is made by butterflies”) and a sentence consisting of an explicit negation of this information (e.g., “honey is not made by butterflies”). The general pattern of results from five experiments demonstrates that the valid concept (e.g., “bees”) exhibits a weaker presence in memory than the false concept (e.g., “butterflies”) following the comprehension of evidently false information as compared to its explicit negation. Thus, the current research provides an answer to the riddle of the persistence of false information: False information is less likely to be mentally corrected if it is not explicitly negated. Even when people detect that a sentence is false, they tend to focus on the false concept rather than on the valid concept. These findings shed new light on extant research and offer fresh insights about the processing of false information and related phenomena such as the reliance on misinformation

    Digital divide: Impact on social and personal development. Associated factors

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    El presente ensayo teórico revisa el concepto de la brecha digital, empezando por la relación entre el desarrollo y la tecnología, incluyendo el papel que juega a nivel internacional la educación en este complejo mosaico. Posteriormente, definimos la competencia digital y la brecha digital, para centrarnos en aquellos aspectos que pueden influir en su aparición. Entendiendo la brecha digital como fruto de la falta de acceso o de competencia en el uso de la tecnología digital, los factores que aparecen asociados son principalmente de tipo socioeconómico, De entre ellos destacamos el género, edad y el uso de los videojuegosThis theoretical essay reviews the concept of the digital divide, starting with the relationship between development and Technology, including the role of Education in this complex and international mosaic. Later, we define digital literacy and the digital divide, to focus on those aspects that can influence their appearance. Understanding the digital divide as a result of lack of access or proficiency in the use of digital technology, the factors associated are mainly socioeconomic. Among these we can find gender, age and use of video game

    Comunication as a Digital Literacy Subdimension on Future Primary Teachers

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer y analizar la autopercepción que el alumnado que empieza el Grado de Maestro de Educación Primaria tiene de la dimensión comunicativa dentro de su competencia digital. Los resultados nos indican que los futuros maestros se consideran muy competentes en el uso del correo electrónico, herramienta que utilizan con mucha frecuencia. En cambio, muy pocos son capaces de crear, editar o modificar wikis; en general se muestran poco competentes en el trabajo colaborativo y las herramientas relacionadas. Las redes sociales tienen un enorme impacto. Las carencias en trabajo colaborativo son importantes en futuros docentes.The objective of this research has been the perception of pre service students of the Degree of Primary Education, has of the communicative dimension of their own digital literacy. The results indicate that future teachers are self-considered proficient in the use of email. However very few of them create, edit or modify wikis, and they do not seem very comfortable with collaborative work and related tools. Social networks have a huge impact. Deficiencies in collaborative work or at alternative communication options are therefore aspects to observe in their training and professional performance

    Stereochemical studies on protonated bridgehead amines. ^1H NMR determination of cis and trans B-C ring-fused structures for salts of hexahydropyrrolo [2,1-a] isoquinolines and related C ring homologs. Capture of unstable ring-fused structures in the solid state

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    Acid-addition salts of tricyclic isoquinolines 2a/b, 3a/b, 4a-4c, 5, 6a/b, 7, 8a/b, 9a/b, and 17a/b were studied by high-field ^1H NMR in CDCl_3 solution. Cis (e.g., 14 and 15 in Figure 1) and trans (e.g., 13)B-C ring-fused structures were identified by using the vicinal ^3J(CH-NH) coupling constants, which demonstrate a Karplus-like behavior. In some cases, we initially observed a trans form, which converted to a cis A form by N H proton exchange. For 4c.HBr, the exchange process was slowed by addition of trifluoroacetic acid. In many cases, cis A and cis B structures were preferred in solution. The pendant phenyl group exerted a strong influence on the preferred solution structure. Observation of the initial, unstable trans-fused structures was related to their capture in the solid state and release intact on dissolution. X-ray diffraction was performed on the HBr salts of 2a (B-C cis), 2b (B-C cis), and 4c (B-C trans). The result for 4c.HBr confirmed the connection between the initial trans form in solution and the solid state. For 17b.HCI two conformers, associated with hindered rotation about the bond connecting the 2,6-disubstituted phenyl group to the tricyclic array, were detected at ambient probe temperature; however, rotamers were not observed for either of the two forms (trans and cis A) of 17a.HBr. Two conformers were also found for 16b.HBr. Temperature-dependent behavior was recorded in the ^1H NMR spectra of 17b.HBr and 16b.HBr; the activation free energy for interconversion of conformers was estimated to be in the vicinity of 17 kcal/mol for the former and 14-15 kcal/mol for the latter. The ^1H NMR spectrum of butaclamol hydrochloride (20.HC1), a potent neuroleptic agent, in Me_2SO-d_6 revealed two species in a ratio of 81:19, which were assigned as trans and cis A forms, respectively. ^1H NMR data for various free bases are also presented and discussed. Empirical force field calculations on three model hydrocarbons are discussed from a perspective of finding an explanation for the configurational/conformational behavior of the bridgehead ammonium salts. Diverse literature examples of structures for protonated bridgehead amines are also discussed. A tentative rationale is suggested for the preference of cis A forms in some protonated tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives