1,012 research outputs found

    An In-Depth Review of ALEC 305: Presentation Strategies for Agricultural Audiences

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    This portfolio reviews the class, ALEC 305: Presentation Strategies for Agricultural Audiences. This is junior-level class required for students majoring in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Communication (AESC) and is an elective for students minoring in AESC or in Leadership and Communication. The class was also approved as a required class for the Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication (ALEC) major that is anticipated to launch in Fall 2022. As a core requirement for ALEC, the enrollment is anticipated to increase from 25 students to 50 students a year. This class focuses on practical presentations strategies that connect to students’ careers. Learning activities in the course include discussions, informal and formal presentations, and a variety of additional hands-on activities and demonstrations. Student evaluation comments supported that students enjoyed the active learning strategies utilized in the class and appreciated the detailed assignment feedback. Additionally, self-reported data indicated students felt more competent in all major skill areas taught in the class, including creating visuals, sounding and looking confident, and organizing presentations. Some students indicated they would appreciate more presentation opportunities in the future, but most liked the class how it was currently taught. To address the expected increase of enrollment in the future, a graduate teaching assistant has been secured for this class. Another improvement to this course is the addition of virtual reality programs to allow students to practice their presentations. Assignments and content will also be adjusted in the future to best meet the needs of the students enrolled in ALEC 305

    Branding the Berries: Consumers’ Strawberry Purchasing Intent and their Attitude toward Florida Strawberries

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    Florida is the largest producer of strawberries in the United States during the winter months. Recently, Florida has faced competition from strawberries imported from Mexico during peak season. Studies have shown that using state branding can help promote local produce. Branding can create perceived differences between identical items, as well as strong positive associations with the product. This study examined consumers\u27 strawberry purchasing intent and attitudes toward Florida strawberries to aid agricultural communicators in creating effective communication and branding strategies. An online survey was distributed throughout Florida (n = 500). Results indicated that freshness and taste were the most important qualities of strawberries for purchasing decisions and that Florida strawberries were viewed more positively than Mexico strawberries. When respondents were given the option between labels with and without a Fresh from Florida brand logo, the majority preferred to purchase the package labeled Fresh from Florida. Consumers with a lower income were less likely to purchase state branded strawberries. Gender did not have an impact on purchasing intent for strawberries. Using the Fresh from Florida brand for Florida strawberries was a key recommendation from this study, along with using sensory words, like taste and freshness, when marketing strawberries. Also, developing outreach programs to inform lower- income families when produce is in season will help promote the sale of local products. These recommendations could be expanded to other states and commodities

    The Gold Standard: A Qualitative Framing Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Golden Rice in the United States and Philippines

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    Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a major issue in developing countries and affects approximately 250 million children, and blinding 500,000 a year. A proposed intervention to VAD is Golden Rice, a rice that has been genetically modified (GM) to contain beta-carotene, the precursor to Vitamin A. However, Golden Rice is often associated with negatively perceived GM food. Because the media is the most trusted source in providing food-risk related information, a framing analysis of Golden Rice in United States and Philippine newspapers was conducted to determine past and current frames used to describe the rice. Understanding such frames could help domestic and international extension workers develop effective communication strategies and educational opportunities. In the United States, GM food was typically the main topic, and Golden Rice was used as a supporting argument. Science and humanitarian frames were used to describe the rice in the U.S. articles. Golden Rice was more often the main topic in the Philippine articles, and more frames were identified: human health, science, policy, risk, and conflict. Golden Rice appears to be in the emergence phase of the framing cycle in the U.S. and in the conflict/resolution phase in the Philippines. Extension in the U.S. and the Philippines should provide education toolkits to journalists about Golden Rice and consider providing press releases to shape the frames used by the media. Extension workers in the Philippines should educate consumers and farmers about the science of Golden Rice to help them create informed opinions toward the produc

    Consumers\u27 Evaluations of Genetically Modified Food Messages

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    Consumers are concerned about the risks related to genetically modified (GM) food, and there is a need for agricultural communicators and educators to address those concerns. The purpose of this study was to explore Florida residents’ latitudes of acceptance, rejection, and noncommitment toward GM food messages. The findings from this study can be used to guide communication and education campaigns for GM food. An online survey was distributed to a non-probability sample of 500 Florida residents to fulfill the purpose of the study. The messages that most aligned with the respondents’ views toward GM food discussed how potential risks related to human health had not been adequately investigated and that GM food may be riskier to consume compared to traditional food. The messages that most opposed the respondents’ views were that GM food was safe for consumption and that it caused cancer in humans. People whose views most aligned with the message that GM food caused cancer in humans had the largest latitude of rejection, likely due to their extreme attitude, confirmation bias, and ego-involvement. The largest percentage of respondents accepted messages that aligned with their position but expressed noncommitment to messages that opposed their views. This lack of rejection and indication of alignment with messages related to potential risk and uncertainty indicated Florida consumers were unsure about the effects of GM food. Communicators and educators should acknowledge these concerns when delivering information about GM food to enhance the effectiveness of communication with consumers

    Berry Good Programming: An Examination of Consumers’ Purchasing Intent of Florida Strawberries in Out-of-State Markets

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    Florida strawberry producers have faced increased competition and difficulties marketing their products over recent years. The purpose of this study was to explore eastern United States consumers’ purchasing intent of Florida strawberries to develop communication and marketing strategies for Florida strawberries in a competitive market. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) guided the research, and focus groups were conducted in North Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, Massachusetts, and New York. Participants had positive attitudes toward purchasing Florida strawberries, and past experiences and interactions with others influenced their purchasing intent, but their perceptions of behavioral control were low. Participants with neutral attitudes and limited behavioral control had lower intent to purchase Florida strawberries in the future compared to other participants. Extension could help producers increase purchasing intent by increasing perceived behavioral control, making the growing location easily visible on the strawberry labels, and facilitating personal experiences between consumers and the product

    What’s in a Name? The Influence of Persuasive Communication on Florida Consumers’ Attitude toward Genetically Modified Food

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    Consumer acceptance of new food technology, like genetically modified food, is essential for the product’s success. Consumers have been skeptical toward the technology of genetically modified food due to lack of knowledge by the public, negative portrayal of the technology by the media, and a lack of communication about the technology from those who develop and use it. This research was guided by the Elaboration Likelihood Model to investigate the influence of persuasive communication on Florida consumers’ attitude toward genetically modified food. Consumers typically use the peripheral route to assess food information, therefore a message source (peripheral cue) was manipulated to examine its effect on attitude. An experimental design administered through an online survey was used to collect data (n = 515). Respondents reported that they agreed they were knowledgeable about genetically modified food, but they were unsure about associated risks. Respondents neither agreed nor disagreed that the four sources were credible, and there were no differences in credibility. Additionally, there were no differences in their attitude toward genetically modified food associated with the source. The results showed that the source did not predict attitude, but source credibility, risk perception, and some demographic characteristics did. Prior knowledge was not a predictor of attitude, and the respondents likely used the peripheral route to assess the message. Agricultural communicators should target communication for specific audiences and deliver value-driven messages rather than trying to increase consumer knowledge alone. Future research should explore different peripheral cues and their effects on attitude formation

    An Evaluation of Agricultural Communications Faculty Members’ Mentoring Experiences

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    Agricultural communications programs are expected to grow and emerge over the next decade. For these programs to find success, faculty leading them will need to be properly supported through effective mentoring. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current mentoring of agricultural communications faculty across the country. In November 2019, an online survey instrument was distributed to a census of members of the Society of Agricultural Communications Scholars listserv. Survey respondents reported mentoring was not formally required, and most of the respondents received informal mentoring. Mentors were most frequently non-agricultural communications faculty in the respondents’ respective department or an agricultural communications faculty at another institution. Mentees met with mentors as needed and typically discussed teaching, research, or administrative questions. However, the mentees perceived navigating promotion and tenure, work-life balance, and research as the most important topics for their success. Similar to past research, time was the biggest barrier to effective mentoring relationships. The findings from this study provide a baseline to understand what mentoring looks like for agricultural communications faculty and can help administrators provide proper support for effective faculty mentor programs

    Studies of Paleozoic Seed Ferns: Additional Studies of Microspermopteris aphyllum Baxter

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.jstor.org.The genus Microspermopteris is characterized as a small lyginopterid pteridosperm with a pentarch protostele, irregular cortical ridges, and multicellular trichomes. We describe the frond architecture and variability among axillary branches previously unknown for the genus. Fronds are small and delicate, exhibiting three orders of branching. Clasping V-shaped petioles produce primary pinnae alternately to suboppositely from adaxial projections. Primary pinnae in turn produce secondaries that bear two-, three-, or four-lobed ultimate laminar pinnules. Pinnules reconstructed from serial sections are morphologically similar to Sphenopteris-like compressions; however, the overall frond is reduced in size and complexity. While some axillary branches produce secondary xylem, others are composed entirely of primary tissues. Some axillary branches produce scalelike leaves in a tight helix; distally, immature buds are surrounded by flattened bud scales. Although Microspermopteris shows similarities to Heterangium in stelar and cortical anatomy, the two taxa are distinct. Microspermopteris is interpreted as a delicate, scrambling vine, liana, or shrublike plant in contrast to the more robust lyginopterids Lyginopteris, Schopfiastrum, and Heterangium

    Agricultural Scientists’ Perceptions of Working with Reporters

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    Mass media is the main source of scientific information for most Americans, but inaccuracy of reporting has threatened the public’s understanding of science. Perceived media bias and fake news has also made the public skeptical of the media, and scientists’ perceptions are no different. Because scientists are the most trusted source for scientific information in America, it is important they remain willing to work with the media. This study used the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to explore scientists’ perceptions of working with reporters, including their attitude, subjective norms, behavioral control, and intent to engage with the media in the future. In-depth interviews were conducted with 13 tenure-track faculty at the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) in spring 2018. These participants represented low, moderate, and high communicators. The findings from this study indicated mostly negative attitudes toward reporters due to skepticism in their ability to accurately report science. Behavioral control was also limited due to time and ability constraints, but participants recommended trainings as ways to increase behavioral control. Subjective norms were somewhat mixed, with some positive norms from mentors but perceived negative norms from the public. Despite negative attitudes toward reporters, intent to engage with the media was mixed. However, subjective norms and behavioral control were often discussed as reasons to not engage with reporters. The findings from this study offered recommendations for both practice and research to help foster positive relationships between scientists and reporters

    Public Knowledge and Trust of Agricultural and Natural Resources Organizations

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    The public lacks knowledge and connectedness to agriculture and natural resources in the United States, leading to a need for effective communications from agricultural and natural resources organizations. Trust is an integral component of communications, but it is not well understood how the public trusts the various organizations communicating agricultural and natural resources issues. The study evaluated non-profit, for-profit, and governmental organizations. A survey was conducted of a representative sample of the U.S. population to assess the public’s awareness, knowledge, and trust of organizations and their communications. The highest number of respondents was aware and knowledgeable of governmental organizations, except for Extension. Communications from non-profit organizations tended to be trusted the most compared to for-profit organizations and governmental organizations, except for Extension. Respondents’ trust of the non-profit organizations was typically higher than for-profit organizations and governmental organizations, except for Extension. The relationship between trust of an organization and trust of its communications were statistically significant for all organizations, while relationships between trust of an organization and knowledge of an organization were typically negligible and not statistically significant. For-profit organizations and governmental organizations should work to improve the public’s trust. Extension should seek to improve the public’s awareness and knowledge given the level of trust the knowledgeable respondents had for the organization. Future research should address what factors are influencing the public’s trust in organizations and organizations’ communications
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