580 research outputs found

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Identificación de parasitismo intestinal por microscopia directa en materia fecal de los habitantes de Quilloac de cinco a once años, Cañar 2014

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    Antecedentes.- La Organización Mundial de la Salud calcula que el 80% de todas las enfermedades entre ellas las parasitarias de los países en vías de desarrollo, como el Ecuador, se dan por falta de agua limpia y saneamiento adecuado, siendo los niños el grupo más vulnerable. (1) Objetivo.- Este estudio pretende Identificar parásitos intestinales por microscopia directa en materia fecal de los habitantes de Quilloac de cinco a once años de edad, Cañar 2014. Metodología.- El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal porque nos permitió determinar la presencia de parasitismo intestinal de la comunidad de Quilloac, en un tiempo y espacio determinado. Previo a la recolección de la muestra, los habitantes seleccionados con sus representantes legales firmaron el consentimiento informado, en donde se les proporcionó la información necesaria acerca del proceso de investigación a la vez se aplicó una encuesta y como instrumento un formulario elaborado por las autoras, en donde constaron datos de filiación e información relacionada con las variables de estudio como: la edad, sexo, hábitos de higiene, eliminación de excretas, uso de agua potable o entubada, eliminación de basura, convivencia con animales y parásito. Se trabajó con un universo finito de 307 niños; para la recolección de la muestra, se proporcionó envases apropiados, las muestras fueron procesadas en el laboratorio de la Escuela de Tecnología Médica y como técnica se utilizó un examen coproparasitario, cumpliendo normas de bioseguridad y control de calidad. La información obtenida fue procesada en el programa SPSS versión 22 y las gráficas en Excel en forma de tablas para su análisis por medio de estadística descriptiva. Resultados.- proporcionan datos importantes a la comunidad de Quilloac, aportan al mejoramiento de la salud de la población, ya que el 60,6% de los niños esta parasitado, de esto, el 19,9% tiene monoparasitismo y el 80,1% poliparasitismo; además se encontró: Ameba Coli 16,1%, Ameba Histolytica en 48,8%, Giardia Lamblia 18,3%, Enteromona Hominis 7,0%, Iodoameba B. y Hymenolepis Nana 3,8% y Áscaris Lumbricoides el 2,2%. Conclusiones.- Concluyendo que la falta de salubridad, higiene personal y familiar; las condiciones económicas de los pobladores, agua entubada, deficientes programas de control parasitario, tratamientos inadecuados, son causas primordiales para que la parasitosis no se pueda erradicar.Background. - The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of all parasitic diseases including those of developing countries, such as Ecuador,to used drinking water, are given for lack of clean water and adequate sanitation,the most suffer they"re children being the group more vulnerable. (1) Objective.- This study aims to identify intestinal parasites by direct microscopy in feces of people in Quilloac five to eleven years old, Cañar 2014. Methodology. - The study was descriptive cross-sectional because it allowed us to determine the presence of intestinal parasites Quilloac community in a given time and space. Prior to sample collection, the people selected their legal representatives signed informed consent, where they were provided with the necessary information about the research process both a survey instrument was applied as a form developed by the authors, where they consisted affiliation data and information related to the study variables such as age, sex, hygiene, excreta, or use piped water, garbage disposal, living with animals and parasite. We worked with a finite universe of 307 children; for sample collection, appropriate packaging is provided,in this case: the samples were processed in the laboratory of the School of Medical Technology as one coproparasitario examination technique was used, fulfilling biosafety standards and quality control. The information obtained was processed in SPSS version 22 and graphs in Excel in tabular form for analysis using descriptive statistics. Results.- provide important data Quilloac community,we have ti give thank to contribute to improving the health of the population, since 60.6% of children this parasitized, this, has Monoparasitism 19.9% and 80.1% polyparasitism; also found: Amoeba coli 16.1%, 48.8% Ameba histolytica, Giardia lamblia 18.3%, 7.0% Enteromona Hominis, Iodoameba Butschlii and Hymenolepis Nana 3.8% and Ascaris lumbricoides 2.2%. Conclusion.- Concluding that the lack of sanitation, personal and family hygiene is very important; economic conditions of the people, piped water, poor parasite control programs, inadequate treatments are primary causes for the parasite can not be eradicated. We need to over look any of those matters to help and improve all those topics mentioned.Licenciado en Laboratorio ClínicoCuenc

    Storytelling - SHAPE ENERGY facilitation guidelines for interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder processes

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    Storytelling as a research and collaboration tool is grounded in several social science disciplines, including Anthropology and Sociology. The storytelling methodology that SHAPE ENERGY will use is developed and coordinated by our project partner Duneworks, and will facilitate productive working in several SHAPE ENERGY activities and within our own communication approaches. This report details the guidelines for facilitators of the 18 SHAPE ENERGY multi-stakeholder workshops and the four Horizon 2020 sandpits with H2020/FP7 project partners. However, these guidelines are also designed to enable wider use by others aiming to facilitate interdisciplinary and/or multi-stakeholder collaboration

    Selected nutritional and biochemical characteristics of non-institutionalized rural elderly women living in Story City, Iowa

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    A study was conducted to examine selected nutritional and biochemical relationships in 65 non-institutionalized rural elderly female residents of Story City, Iowa. The female volunteers were mentally and physically able to participate in the study. They had no overt disease conditions and/or they were not taking any medications that would interfere with the study. Data collected by personal interview included medical history, drug usage, dietary information, height and weight history of 25 reference women (50-64 years), 28 young-old women (65-84 years) and 12 old-old women (85-92 years). Heights and weights were also measured. Fasting blood samples were obtained and analyzed for total serum cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), serum triglyceride, serum immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM), serum albumin and total serum protein. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations were calculated. Serum lipids were not significantly affected by age, drug use or age by drug use interaction. Mean concentrations of total serum cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C and serum triglyceride were 7.03 mmol/L (272 mg/dL), 5.07 mmol/L (196 mg/dL), 1.29 mmol/L (50 mg/dL) and 1.51 mmol/L (134 mg/dL). Serum lipids were not significantly related to dietary lipids. Based on one 24-hour dietary recall, the average percent of energy from fat was 29, P:S ratio was 0.51 and dietary cholesterol intake was 193 mg. Mean serum IgA concentration was influenced by age but not by drug use or age by drug use interaction. Mean serum albumin levels were significantly affected by age but not by drug use. Mean total serum protein levels were affected by drug use but not by age. For all participants, mean concentrations of serum immunoglobulins, serum albumin and total serum proteins were within normal limits. Results of this study suggest that unidentified factors other than age, drug use or age by drug use interaction greatly affected serum lipid profiles and immunoglobulins in the well-elderly women

    Let\u27s Dine Alone Tonight

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    Man in suit and woman in dress standing on stairs; Photograph of Ruth Sylvia Keilhttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music/7994/thumbnail.jp


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    Staphylococcus aureus telah lama dikenal sebagai salah satu patogen penyebab penyakit pada manusia. Tidak hanya sebagai patogen, Staphylococcus aureus juga merupakan flora normal yang dapat ditemukan pada nasal anterior manusia. Karier Staphylococcus aureus memegang peranan penting dalam epidemiologi dan patogenesis infeksi Staphylococcus aureus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kuman Staphylococcus aureus dari isolat swab nasal pada perawat di ruang OK dan ICU. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah eksperimental observasional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 sampel swab nasal yang diambil dari 10 orang responden perawat di ruang OK dan 20 orang responden perawat di ruang ICU. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 15 dari 30 sampel swab nasal (50.0%) tumbuh kuman Staphylococcus aureus, 12 dari 30 sampel swab nasal (40.0%) tumbuh kuman bukan Staphylococcus aureus, dan 3 dari 30 sampel swab nasal (10.0%) tidak tumbuh kuman. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa 15 responden perawat (50.0%) yang telah diambil sampel swab nasal merupakan karier Staphylococcus aureus. Kata kunci: swab nasal, Staphylococcus aureus, karier Staphylococcus aureu

    Wissensaustausch zwischen Forschung und Praxis erfolgreich gestalten

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    Um die gesellschaftliche Transformation zu gestalten, wird der Austausch von Wissen zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis immer wichtiger. Dieser Artikel benennt Prinzipien, Kompetenzen und Rahmenbedingungen für erfolgreichen Wissensaustausch