231 research outputs found

    Menjalin Hubungan (Relation) dalam Perspektif Komunikasi Efektif

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    Human impossible to survive in a world without the involvement of communication. In communicating with others, in addition to exchange messages with each other also build relationships with one another. The relationship developed by someone who acts as a communicator, determine the success of a communication. otherwise if the braid relations can not be achieved with both, then communication is built will fail. Similarly, a mistake to interpret the symbols of other people especially other ethnic groups can lead to conflict. For that, a communicator is required to have the ability to interpret the various symbols are attached to the komunikannya or audience

    Pengaruh Media Latihan Terhadap Kemampuan Lompat Jauh Siswa SD Negeri Lembaya Kecamatan Tompobulu Kabupaten Gowa

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    ABSTRAK RUSTAN. A, 2014. Pengaruh Media Latihan Terhadap Kemampuan Lompat Jauh Siswa SD Negeri Lembaya Kecamatan Tompobulu Kabupaten Gowa (dibimbing oleh H. Djen Djalal, H. Addien). Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh media latihan lompat melewati rintangan terhadap kemampuan lompat jauh siswa SDN Lembaya Kec. Tompobulu Kab. Gowa, (2) Untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh pengaruh media latihan lompat meraih sasaran gantung terhadap kemampuan lompat jauh siswa SDN Lembaya Kec. Tompobulu Kab. Gowa, (3) Untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh kombinasi media latihan lompat melewati rintangan dan meraih sasaran gantung terhadap kemampuan lompat jauh siswa SDN Lembaya Kec. Tompobulu Kab. Gowa, (4) Untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan pengaruh antara ketiga media latihan tersebut terhadap kemampuan lompat jauh siswa SDN Lembaya Kec. Tompobulu Kab. Gowa Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian eksperimen. Sampelnya adalah siswa putra kelas V dan VI SDN Lembaya Kec. Tompobulu Kab. Gowa yang berjumlah 30 orang. Selanjutnya dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu kelompok media latihan lompat melewati rintangan, kelompok media latihan lompat meraih sasaran gantung, dan kombinasi media latihan lompat melewati rintangan dan meraih sasaran gantung. Setiap kelompok eksperimen terdiri dari 10 orang siswa. Teknik penentuan sampel dilakukan secara acak (random sampling). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis inferensial dengan uji-t pada taraf signifikan 5%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan pada kelompok media latihan lompat melewati rintangan terhadap kemampuan lompat jauh siswa SDN Lembaya Kec. Tompobulu Kab. Gowa, yaitu diperoleh t-hitung sebesar -20.774 > t-tabel sebesar 2,262 sedangkan nilai Sig .000 t-tabel sebesar 2,262 sedangkan nilai Sig .000 t-tabel sebesar 2,262 sedangkan nilai Sig .000 0,05) dan F-hitung 0.002 < 2,87. Kata kunci: Media latihan lompat melewati rintangan, media latihan lompat meraih sasaran gantung, kombinasi media latihan

    Semantics of Exceptions

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    We describe a trace semantics of exceptions and then derive a weakest precondition semantics. A program that contains exceptions terminates in one of two possible ways (if it terminates at all): either it terminates exceptionally or it terminates normally. We will therefore consider weakest preconditions that are functions of two postconditions. As a preparation we study aribitrary functions of two arguments, and their compositions

    Uji Alat Tanam dan Pemupuk Lahan Kering di Kecamatan Cempaga Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Kalimantan Tengah

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    Assessment of machinery and equipment for seed planting and 1st fertilizing was conducted in Pundu,Cempaga District, Kotawaringin Timur regency. Method of assessment used on farm research and area of each crop isone hectare consisting of two cooperating farmers. All of the three crops were planted in wet season (October). Boththe equipment and machinery were operated using four wheel tractor of more than &gt;40 Horse Power (HP) modified byBalai Besar Alat dan Mesin Pertanian, Serpong. Aims of the assessment were to determine the performance ofagricultural machinery for seed planting of rice, maize, and soybean. Performance test of seed planting machinesconsisted of three replications. Results showed that use of planting and fertilizing machines is equal to 2 hours/hectarewith 2 operators. Human labour used in each crop is not equal and it depended on cropping spaces. Labour used forfarming practice of rice, maize, and soybean was 450 hours/ha, 150 hours/ha, and 300 hours/ha, respectively.Performance of equipment and machinery for rice cultivation was 4 ha or 2 ha/1 man day (MD) per day using 2operators. It was equal to 112,5 MD using human labour and it can save the cost of labour as many as Rp 536.938.Key words : planting machine, dry-land, rice, maize, soybeanPengkajian alat dan mesin penanam benih dan pemupukan pertama dilaksanakan di lahan kering desa Pundu,kecamatan Cempaga, kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara on farm research dengan luasmasing-masing 1ha dan melibatkan 2 petani kooperator untuk setiap komoditas. Ketiga komoditas ditanam padamusim hujan (Oktober). Alat tanam dan pemupuk yang telah dikaji adalah alat tanam benih dan pemupuk yang ditarikmenggunakan traktor roda empat &gt;40 HP hasil modifikasi dari Balai Besar Alat dan Mesin Pertanian Serpong. Tujuandari kegiatan pengkajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja alat dan mesin pertanian sebagai alat tanam benih padi,kedelai, dan jagung, serta mengetahui prospek dari alat dan mesin penanam benih dan pemupuk tersebut. Metode yangdigunakan adalah metode uji kinerja atau fungsional alat tanam benih dan pemupuk dengan 3 ulangan. Untukmengetahui tingkat kelayakan penggunaan alat tanam dan pemupukan, digunakan analisis finansial USAhatani(MBCR). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa dengan penggunaan alat mesin tanam kapasitas kerja lapang untuktanam dan pemupukan pertama pada masing-masing komoditiadalah sama yaitu dilakukan dalam 2 jam/ha dengan 2orang operator. Penggunaan tenaga manusia tidak sama pada masing-masing komoditas tergantung jarak tanam yangdigunakan, yaitu tanaman padi waktu yang digunakan untuk tanam dan pemupukan pertama adalah 450 jam/ha,jagung 150 jam/ha, dan kedelai 300 jam /ha. Kinerja alat untuk tanaman padi dalam 1 hari dengan 2 orang operatoradalah 4 ha atau 2 ha/1 HOK sama dengan 112,5 HOK dengan tenaga manusia dan dapat menghemat biaya tenagakerja Rp. 536.938. Respon petani dan pemerintah daerah cukup positif dalam kegiatan pengkajian ini. Diharapkandengan alat tanam dan pemupuk ini pemerintah dapat membantu petani dalam permasalahan tenaga kerja, perluasanareal tanam untuk peningkatan peroduksi dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani

    DINAMIKA PEMBINAAN MANAJEMEN PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL PADA PEMERINTAHAN DAERAH (Studi Kasus Pemerintah Kota Balikpapan dan Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara)

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    The changes that occur more often in the law regulation about employee affairs nowadays demand the governments’ reaction  to take the adjustment steps on the management building for the government apparatus in their region.  Management building is one of the most important element to improve the work-performance of the local government apparatus which will lead to the implementation of  service excellence for public society.  Spaces for the innovation in management building for the government apparatus also need to be made so that autonomy function  will not only bring  prosperity for the society but also for the local government apparatus.  Keywords: Management Building of the Government Apparatus, Local Governance

    Pengaruh Orang Tua Tunggal terhadap Pembentukan Sikap Anak di Desa Bone-bone Kecamatan Baraka Kabupaten Enrekang

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    In every life someone will always be in touch with family. The family is a group that identifies themselves from its members consisting of two or more individuals, whether it is blood relations or legally, but functions in such a way that they consider themselves as family. It\u27s different with single parent families, where there is only one parent, both father and mother. Family care patterns applied by parents in educating children are several ways: authoritarian parenting, muscle-loving parenting, democratic parenting, and caring patterns. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of single parents on the formation of children\u27s attitudes in Bone-Bone Village, Baraka District, Enrekang Regency. This research is a type of quantitative research that examines the relationship of two variables. The number of samples in this study amounted to 28 people using saturated sampling techniques. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used is to create a helper table, simple regression analysis, find the Syx value, regression b (Sb) and determine the value of the T test. The results of this study indicate that (1) the care of single parents is in a pretty good category, namely: the average score of 36 which is located in the interval / qualification 39-35 is proven by analyzing the results of questionnaires from 28 respondents, the value of the range of variables X divided by the number of classes variable X. (2) the formation of children\u27s attitudes in Bone-Bone Village, Baraka District, Enrekang Regency is in a pretty good category, namely: an average score of 45 which is located in the 48-45 interval / qualification as evidenced by analyzing the questionnaire of 28 respondents namely the range value variable Y is divided by the number of classes of variable Y. If the value of variable X is higher then the value of variable Y will also be higher. The dominant parenting pattern in this study is authoritative parenting, where care is high in demand and acceptance is also high. (3) Operant Conditioning and Social Learning Theory is very effective in forming children\u27s attitudes. Where this theory is based on habituation and imitation of the environment. The results of the analysis on simple regression statistical tests, namely the t test, obtained the hypothesis test results that that t count (t0)&gt; from 15.33 t table is 2.05. (15,33&gt; 2,05). Thus, H_odi reject and H_adi accept, thus it can be concluded that there is a single parent influence on the formation of children\u27s attitudes in Bone-Bone Village, Baraka District, Enrekang Regency

    Dakwah Melalui Radio (Analisis Program Konsultasi Agama Islam Di Radio Mesra Fm)

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    For media information, radio playing a significant role in conveying the values of Islam which is very important in the formation of a true Muslim personalities in accordance with the demands of the Prophet Muhammad. The existence of an Islam-based radio is felt to be very important because Islam should be spread widely and truth telling is the responsibility of the Muslims as a whole. As word of Allah in Surah al-Imran: 104.`Dari permaslahan above authors take the title essay propaganda through radio (program analysis consultancy Islam in Mesra radio FM) as the research object because the writer wanted to know how the production process of consultation Islam, what enabling and inhibiting factors Islam consultation program and analyze descriptively Islam consultation program. This research is using the case study method with the aim to explain the phenomenon through data collection techniques. This type of research is descriptive qualitative approach and used the theory of critical theory and the theory of mechanics.Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah program konsultasi agama Islam merupakan program mingguan yang mengudara mulai pukul 10.30-11.30 disetiap hari Jum\u27at. The program has a dialog format or interactive manner. Factors supporting the consultation program of Islam, namely: Supported by the government and people of the city of Pare Pare while the limiting factor is the lack of public interest in consulting the religion of Islam, the lack of infrastructure in implementing the program, bad weather at the time of the program which affects not maximal broadcasting. Islam consultation program is very useful for people, especially in the town of Pare Pare, for answering complaints or problems faced by the people in the religious practice of Islam
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