18 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 20-22, 1999, Robinson, Mississippi)

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    Contents Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for the Southern United States during 1998. Phillip W Pratt Treasurer report. Peggy S King Contributed paper session Resistance Ratings for 288 soybean Cultivars to the Reniform Nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis. RT Robbins, L Rakes, and L Jackson Evaluation of Azoxystrobin on Two Foliar Soybean Diseases in Arkansas. CM Coker Early Soybean Production System in Missouri: Progress and Potential. JA Wrather, and DA Sleper A New Phomopsis Disease of Soybeans in Mississippi. GL Sciumbato and BL Keeling Reaction of Soybean Genotypes to Sudden Death Syndrome. JH Klein, ME Schmidt, RE Whelan, JS Russin, RJ Suttner, MA Shenaut, and PT Gibson Additional Studies on the Use of Soybean as a Rotation Crop for the Management of Root-knot Nematodes in Peanut. CF Weaver, R Rodriguez-Kabana and CR Taylor Comparison of Soybean Meal with Other Legume Meals as Amendments to Soil for Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. PS King, R Rodriguez-Kabana, and CR Taylor Tolerance of Selected Roundup Ready Soybean Cultivars to Columbia Lance Nematode. SR Koenning Proceedings of the Southern Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by the authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Mention of trademark or propriety products in this proceedings does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (April 6-8, 2000, Fort Walton Beach Florida)

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    Contents Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimate for 1999. Compiled by SR Koenning Treasury report. Peggy S King Invited presentation Bean Pod Mottle: A Soybean Disease on the Rise in the New Millennium. SA Ghabrial Contributed papers Response of Selected Mid-South Soybean Varieties to the Reniform Nematode. GW Lawrence, KS McLean, and SM Baird Field Response of Soybean Cultivars to the Reniform Nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis. PS King, DB Weaver, and R Rodriguez-Kabana Approaches to Race Determination in Soybean Cyst Nematode. AJ Palmateer, ME Schmidt, SR Stetina, and JS Russin Nematological Survey of Selected Soybean and Cotton Fields in Alabama. DG Robertson and R Rodriguez-Kabana Soybean Meal-Based Compositions as Organic Amendments for Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. CF Weaver and R Rodriguez-Kabana Cell Selection Approach for Generating Soybean with Resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina. NA Reichert, GL Sciumbato, S-H Lin, L Chen, BL Keeling, and AL Woods Identification of Molecular Markers Linked to a New Gene Conferring Resistance to Frogeye Leaf Spot in \u27Peking\u27 Soybean. W Yang, DB Weaver, J Qiu, and B Nielsen Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties Associated with Sudden Death Syndrome in Southern Illinois. JP Bond, AJ Hoskins, CM Vick, SK Chong, and JS Russin Response of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome to Amelioration of the Soil Physical Environment. CM Vick, SK Chong, JP Bond, and JS Russin Differential Enzyme Activity in Two Soybean Cultivars Resistant and Susceptible to Sudden Death Syndrome. SA Bates, DA Lightfoot, O Myers, Y Luo, and JS Russin Evaluation Of Azoxystrobin On Soybean Disease, Yield, and Seed Quality. KS McLean, GW Lawrence, L Carter, and L Campbell Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for the United States from 1996-1998. JA Wrather and WC Stienstra Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this proceedings does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 24-25, 1996, Biloxi, Mississippi)

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    Contents Business session Soybean Disease Loss Estimate for the Southern United States during 1995. JA Wrather Treasurer report. GG Hammes SSDW Committee Chairmen for 1995-1996 Graduate student papers Effects of Bacteria Associated with Heterodera glycines in Soybean Fields of Arkansas. TK Field, RD Riggs, and TL Hart Influence of Soybean Pest Complexes on Maturation of Soybean Looper, Pseudoplusia includens. CH Carter, JS Russin, EC McGawley, DJ Boethel, and JL Griffin Contributed papers Resistance to Cyst Nematode in PI 437654 and Hartwig Soybeans. SC Ananad Rotation with Soybean Cultivar Hartwig and Nonhost Crops for Management of the Soybean Cyst Nematode. SR Koenning and KR Barker Relationship of Yield to the Development of Sudden Death Syndrome. JC Rupe Further Evaluation of Date of Planting Effects on Severity of Soybean Stem Canker. AY Chambers Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by the authors. The opinions exposed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Southem Soybean Disease Workers. Mention of trademark or propriety products in this proceedings does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement or that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    The Relational Bottleneck as an Inductive Bias for Efficient Abstraction

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    A central challenge for cognitive science is to explain how abstract concepts are acquired from limited experience. This effort has often been framed in terms of a dichotomy between empiricist and nativist approaches, most recently embodied by debates concerning deep neural networks and symbolic cognitive models. Here, we highlight a recently emerging line of work that suggests a novel reconciliation of these approaches, by exploiting an inductive bias that we term the relational bottleneck. We review a family of models that employ this approach to induce abstractions in a data-efficient manner, emphasizing their potential as candidate models for the acquisition of abstract concepts in the human mind and brain

    Deep Predictive Learning in Neocortex and Pulvinar

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    How do humans learn from raw sensory experience? Throughout life, but most obviously in infancy, we learn without explicit instruction. We propose a detailed biological mechanism for the widely embraced idea that learning is driven by the differences between predictions and actual outcomes (i.e., predictive error-driven learning). Specifically, numerous weak projections into the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus generate top-down predictions, and sparse driver inputs from lower areas supply the actual outcome, originating in Layer 5 intrinsic bursting neurons. Thus, the outcome representation is only briefly activated, roughly every 100 msec (i.e., 10 Hz, alpha), resulting in a temporal difference error signal, which drives local synaptic changes throughout the neocortex. This results in a biologically plausible form of error backpropagation learning. We implemented these mechanisms in a large-scale model of the visual system and found that the simulated inferotemporal pathway learns to systematically categorize 3-D objects according to invariant shape properties, based solely on predictive learning from raw visual inputs. These categories match human judgments on the same stimuli and are consistent with neural representations in inferotemporal cortex in primates

    Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 15-16, 1997, Fort Walton Beach, Florida)

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    Contents Business session Soybean Disease Loss Estimate for the Southern United States during 1996. Compiled by PW Pratt Treasurer report. GG Hammes SSDW Committee chairmen for 1996-1997 Graduate student papers Characterization of Races of Phytophthora sojae in Arkansas and Their Effects on Commonly Grown Cultivars. TA Jackson, TL Kirkpatrick, and JC Rupe Induction of Defense Related Proteins During Compatible and Incompatible Soybean-Cercospora sojina Interactions. WA Baker, J Qiu, CB Lawrence, S Tuzun, and DB Weaver Contributed papers Performance and Cyst Nematode Resistance of Selected Soybean Cultivars in North Carolina Production Fields. SR Koenning and KR Barker Distribution and Diversity of Heterodera glycines in Delaware. RP Mulrooney, NF Gregory, and RB Carroll Foliar Fungicides for Frogeye Leaf Spot Control in Soybeans. AY Chambers Characterization and Control of Soybean Severe Stunt: A New Soilborne Virus Disease of Soybean. TA Evans, RP Mulrooney, R Taylor, and RB Carroll Results of a Preliminary Phytophthora sojae Survey in Kentucky. DE Hershman and TS Abney Reaction of Entries in the Mississippi Soybean Varietal Trials to the Common Races of Phytophthora sojae Isolated in Mississippi in 1996. GS Sciumbato, BL Keeling, JA Fox, and JA Askew The Impact of Phytophthora Root Rot, SDS, and Virus(es) on Yield in Soybean Variety Trials in Mississippi in 1996. IA Fox, GS Sciumbato, BL Keeling, and JE Askew, Jr Velvetbean and Bahiagrass Effects on Yield and Nematode Populations in a Field Infested with Root-Knot and Soybean Cyst Nematodes. DB Weaver, R Rodríguez-Kábana, and DG Robertson Velvetbean and Bahiagrass Effects on Yield and Nematode Populations in a Field Infested with Root-Knot and Other Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. R Rodríguez-Kábana, DB Weaver, CF Weaver, and DG Robertson Susceptibility of Selected Soybean Cultivars to Lesion Nematodes. R Rodríguez-Kábana, J Pinochet, DB Weaver, and PS King Estimating Soybean Yield Loss Caused by Rhizoctonia Foliar Blight. KC Stetina and JS Russi