18,456 research outputs found

    Classical and Quantum Brane Cosmology

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    The first part of this lecture quickly touches upon some important but infrequently discussed issues in large extra dimension and warped extra dimension scenarios, with particular reference to effects in the early universe. The second part discusses a modification and extension of an earlier proposal by Brown and Teitelboim to relax the effective cosmological term by nucleation of fundamental membranes.Comment: 12 pages, latex using aipproc2.st

    The role of the male produced pheromone in the reproduction behaviour of the southern armyworm Pseudaletia separata (Wlk.) : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Zoology.

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    Detailed courtship patterns have been described for few species of Lepidoptera. Most of the descriptive work in the literature is fragmentary or lacking in experimental or statistical analysis. Brower, Brower, and Cranston (1965) working on wild populations of the queen butterfly Danaus gilippus berenice have statistically analysed the probability of each movement in the sequence and have given a reliable and detailed account of mating in this species. Tinbergen (1958) by the presentation of models of varying size and colouration, and examining the affect of removal of structures suspected to be important in courtship has produced a good experimental account of mating in Satyrus semele the grayling butterfly. Because of the greater difficulties of observing complete mating sequences of nocturnal insects in the wild, most moth studies have been carried out with small caged populations. Again detailed expermental work is rare. The studies of Shorey (1964) on the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni and Birch (1970) on the angleshades moth Phlogophora meticulosa possess good experimental detail suggesting that chemical cues are much more important in the courtship of moths than in butterflies. Development of more definitive techniques has allowed the investigation of insect courtship to move from subjective descriptions of the movement sequence to precise studies of the visual, tactile and chemical cues. In particular the availability of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques capable of detecting the very small amounts of material produced by insects, has revolutionised the study of the chemicals, or pheromones, that are used in intra- specific communication.[FROM INTRODUCTION

    The diet of feral goats (Capra hircus L.) in the Rimu-Rata-Kamahi Forest of Mount Egmont [microform] : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Zoology at Massey University

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    The diet of the feral goat (Capra hircus) in rimu-rata-kamahi forest on Mount Egmont was examined by sorting monthly rumen samples for one year. Seasonal changes in diet, relative plant palatabilities, differential fragmentation and digestion rates of plant species, nitrogen and mineral levels in principal foods, and several aspects of population biology were measured. Results show that individual goats contain at least 19 plant species on average and some more than 30. Presumably, they eat about this number daily. However, just two species (Asplenium bulbiferum and Ripogonum scandens) make up 44.8% of the total amount eaten over the year. There are significant seasonal changes in the amounts eaten for Coprosma grandifolius, Coprosma tenuifolia, Griselinia littoralis, Melicytus ramiflorus, Ripogonum scandens (fruit and vine) and Weinmannia racemosa. Goats clearly select or reject different plant species. Thus use of species is largely independent of availability. The most preferred foods are probably Schefflera digitata and Ripogonum scandens fruit and vine. In contrast the very abundant Microlaena spp., Uncinia spp., moss, Alsophila smithii and especially Blechnum fluviatile are among the most unpalatable. The low and probably variable availability of many species within the study area obscures their seasonal trends and palatability ratings. Asplenium bulbiferum, and probably Melicytus ramiflorus, are underestimated in the diet, whereas Ripogonum scandens vine may be overestimated. However, the magnitude of error is not sufficient to be a problem in this study. There is no obvious correlation between diet selection and the levels in plants of N, K, Ca, Mg, P, s, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn. Only Na is deficient enough to possibly be selected for and highest levels occur in the very palatable Schefflera digitata. Age structure, body condition and reproductive data suggest a predominantly young, healthy population that is reproducing rapidly

    Technology transfer within the government

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    The report of a workshop panel concerned with technology transfer within the government is presented. The presentation is made in vugraph form. The assigned subtopic for this panel are as follows: (1) transfer from non-NASA US government technology developers to NASA space missions/programs; and (2) transfer from NASA to other US government space mission programs. A specific area of inquiry was Technology Maturation Milestones. Three areas were investigated: technology development; advanced development; and flight hardware development

    Teaching University Students to Read and Write

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    Recent government initiatives have required universities to include specific literacy and numeracy targets for the students. The authors – both members of the English discipline at Charles Sturt University – were invited to develop and run a two-semester program for all students studying to become early childhood, primary, and secondary teachers. This article outlines the nature of the two subjects which comprise the program: the first focused on reading and comprehension, the second on writing and composition. These subjects were conceived from collegial dialogues between academics in education and the humanities, and then developed from these different assumptions and starting points. Over the last five years, the shared experiences of teaching these prospective teachers has grown into a strongly coherent first year of study. This article seeks the describe the experiences of teaching literacy to first-year education students, and it is by turns hypothesising and speculative, reflective and qualitative, in its approach. In the process, this article offers colleagues across the country a reflection on the hypotheses of literacy education, some new ideas for teaching literacy, and some optimism for the future of the teaching profession, and the dignity of those who aspire to be a part of it

    On the selection of materials for cryogenic seals and the testing of their performance

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    Three questions are addressed: what mission must a cryogenic seal perform; what are the contrasts between desirable and available seal materials; and how realistic must test conditions be. The question of how to quantify the response of a material subject to large strains and which is susceptible to memory effects leads to a discussion of theoretical issues. Accordingly, the report summarizes some ideas from the rational mechanics of materials. The report ends with a list of recommendations and a conclusion

    Development and verification of methods for predicting flow rates through leaks in valves and couplings

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    This is the final report of a research effort which addresses the title problem. The report discusses two broad models of flows, which represent the following extreme cases: (1) inertia-dominated flow, where friction is relatively insignificant; and (2) friction-dominated flow where inertia is insignificant. In class (2), the leak channel might consist of the gap between a scratch in a plastic seal and a polished metal plate against which the seal is pressed. Here, the cross section of the leak channel is modeled as a flat bottomed crescent. A publication generated under the present grant period presents an exact solution of the equations of fully-developed laminar pipe flow of a liquid in the case of a crescent beneath a hyperbolic arc. A Master's thesis project supported by the present grant presents the corresponding solution beneath a circular arc. A second publication reviews the flow of a gas through the same channel, which may be analyzed by a standard one-dimensional model (Fanno flow) for an engineering approximation. Finally, the report discusses the design and progress in the fabrication of a leak-test cell, in which one may measure the flow of fluid through a controlled flaw in a seal. The aim of such measurements is to furnish data for comparison with the predictions of the theory

    Berkeley on Evil

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    This essay consists of two parts. Part I offers an explanation of Berkeley's understanding of the relationship between materialism and evil. Berkeley regards materialism as the chief instrumental cause of evil in the world. It is the belief in matter that encourages us to believe that God is not immediately, intimately present in every aspect of our life. Immaterialism, by contrast, makes God's immediate presence vivid and thereby serves to undermine the motivation to vice. Part II locates Berkeley's view on matter and evil within the Christian Neoplatonic tradition. I compare Plotinus' minimalist approach to matter and his identification of matter with evil to Berkeley's eliminitivism about matter and his corresponding identification of materialism as the chief source of evil

    Index to the Acts & Resolves of Rhode Island 1758-1850 Part 2 (H-O)

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    Part 2 (H-O): Index to the Printed Acts and Resolves, and of the petitions and reports to the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, from the year 1758-1850. That the Secretary of State be directed to complete, or cause to be completed, the Alphabetical Index to the Schedules from the year 1828 to the year 1850 inclusive, in the same manner as the Index to the volumes of the preceding years has been made; and that when completed, there shall be printed under his direction, two hundred and fifty copies of the same, the expense to be paid out of the General Treasury upon the order of the Governor
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