4,416 research outputs found

    Examining Barriers to Reentry Faced By Offenders in a Metropolitan County Jail and Community Setting

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    This study uses a strain theory approach to examine the barriers to community reentry faced by individuals being released from county detention facilities. Individuals who are reentering the community from jail face a variety of challenges, particularly when trying to access community resources. In almost every community, barriers to offender reentry include, but are not limited to, housing, benefit acquisition, healthcare, access to medications, identification, transportation, mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment and employment. While there has certainly been an increase in the amount of programs and services available for former offenders, research analysis presented here will identify what these barriers are, who they affect and why they are so monumental. Through qualitative research, the barriers to reentry that will be focused on throughout this study include (a) access to healthcare services, (b) access to substance abuse treatment, (c) housing and (d) employment, four major challenges to an offenders\u27 successful reentry, and whether or not easing or eliminating these barriers have any effect on recidivism

    Igneous Rock Associations 20. Pearce Element Ratio Diagrams: Linking Geochemical Data to Magmatic Processes

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    It has been nearly fifty years since Tom Pearce devised a type of element ratio diagram that isolates the effects of crystal fractionation and accumulation (sorting) hidden in the chemistry of a suite of igneous rocks. Here, we review the guiding principles and methods supporting the Pearce element ratio paradigm and provide worked examples with data from the Mauna Ulu lava flows (erupted 1970–1971, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii). Construction of Pearce element ratio diagrams requires minimum data; a single rock analysis can suffice. The remaining data test the model. If the data fit the model, then the model is accepted as a plausible or likely explanation for the observed chemical variations. If the data do not fit, the model is rejected. Successful applications of Pearce element ratios require the presence and identification of conserved elements; elements that remain in the melt during the processes causing the chemical diversity. Conserved elements are identified through a priori knowledge of the physical-chemical behaviour of the elements in rock-forming processes, plots of weight percentages of pairs of oxides against each other, or by constant ratios of two elements. Three kinds of Pearce element ratio diagrams comprise a model: conserved element, assemblage test, and phase discrimination diagrams. The axial ratios for Pearce ratio diagrams are combinations of elements chosen on the basis of the chemical stoichiometry embedded in the model. Matrix algebra, operating on mineral formulae and analyses, is used to calculate the axis ratios. Models are verified by substituting element numbers from mineral formulae into the ratios. Different intercepts of trends on Pearce element ratio diagrams distinguish different magma batches and, by inference, different melting events. We show that the Mauna Ulu magmas derive from two distinct batches, modified by sorting of olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and, possibly, orthopyroxene (unobserved).RÉSUMÉIl y a prĂšs de cinquante ans Tom Pearce a conçu un genre de diagramme de ratio d’élĂ©ments qui permet d’isoler les effets de la cristallisation fractionnĂ©e et de l'accumulation cristalline (tri) au sein de la chimie d'une suite de roches ignĂ©es. Dans le prĂ©sent article, nous passons en revue les principes et les mĂ©thodes Ă©tayant le paradigme de ratio d’élĂ©ments de Pearce, et prĂ©sentons des exemples pratiques Ă  partir de donnĂ©es provenant de coulĂ©es de lave du Mauna Ulu (Ă©ruption 1970–1971 du volcan Kilauea, Hawaii). La confection des diagrammes de ratio d’élĂ©ments de Pearce requiĂšre un minimum de donnĂ©es; une seule analyse de roche peut suffire. Les donnĂ©es restantes servent Ă  tester le modĂšle. Si les donnĂ©es sont conformes au modĂšle, alors le modĂšle est acceptĂ© comme explication plausible ou probable des variations chimiques observĂ©es. Si les donnĂ©es ne correspondent pas, le modĂšle est rejetĂ©. Les applications rĂ©ussies des ratios d’élĂ©ments de Pearce requiĂšrent la prĂ©sence et l'identification d’élĂ©ments conservĂ©s; Ă©lĂ©ments qui demeurent dans la masse fondue au cours des processus causant la diversitĂ© chimique. Les Ă©lĂ©ments conservĂ©s sont identifiĂ©s par la connaissance a priori du comportement physico-chimique des Ă©lĂ©ments dans les processus de formation des roches, le positionnement sur la courbe des pourcentages pondĂ©rĂ©s de pairs d'oxydes les uns contre les autres, ou par des ratios constants de deux Ă©lĂ©ments. Trois types de diagrammes de Pearce de ratio d’élĂ©ments constituent un modĂšle: Ă©lĂ©ment conservĂ©, test d'assemblage, et diagrammes de phase discriminant. Les ratios axiaux pour les diagrammes de ratio d’élĂ©ments de Pearce sont des combinaisons d'Ă©lĂ©ments choisis sur la base de la stƓchiomĂ©trie inhĂ©rente au modĂšle. L’algĂšbre matricielle, appliquĂ©e Ă  des formules minĂ©rales et Ă  des analyses, est utilisĂ©e pour calculer les ratios axiaux. Les modĂšles sont vĂ©rifiĂ©s en utilisant les nombres d’élĂ©ment des formules minĂ©rales dans les ratios. DiffĂ©rentes intersections dans les diagrammes de ratios d’élĂ©ments de Pearce distinguent diffĂ©rents lots de magma et, par infĂ©rence, diffĂ©rentes coulĂ©es. Nous montrons que les magmas de Mauna Ulu proviennent de deux lots distincts, modifiĂ©s par l’extraction de l'olivine, de clinopyroxĂšne, de plagioclase et, Ă©ventuellement, orthopyroxĂšne (non observĂ©)

    The Value of Comparative Animal Research : Krogh’s Principle Facilitates Scientific Discoveries

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    There are no conflicts of interest to declare. This paper developed from the 2016 Early Career Impact Award from the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences to TJS. TJS has received funding from The Leverhulme Trust. FJPE is in receipt of funding from the BBSRC (BB/M001555/1). The National Institutes of Health has funded RDF (NS 034950, NS093277, NIMH 087930), AGO (HD079573, IOS-1354760) and AMK (HD081959). BAA is an Arnold O. Beckman postdoctoral fellow.Peer reviewedPostprin

    On the use of a sunward-libration-point orbiting spacecraft as an IMF monitor for magnetospheric studies

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    Magnetospheric studies often require knowledge of the orientation of the IMF. In order to test the accuracy of using magnetometer data from a spacecraft orbiting the sunward libration point for this purpose, the angle between the IMF at ISEE 3, when it was positioned around the libration point, and at ISEE 1, orbiting Earth, has been calculated for a data set of two-hour periods covering four months. For each period, a ten-minute average of ISEE 1 data is compared with ten-minute averages of ISEE 3 data at successively lagged intervals. At the lag time equal to the time required for the solar wind to convect from ISEE 3 to ISEE 1, the median angle between the IMF orientation at the two spacecraft is 20 deg, and 80% of the cases have angles less than 38 deg. The results for the angles projected on the y-z plane are essentially the same

    Welding of gamma titanium aluminide alloys

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    An article made of a gamma titanium aluminide alloy is welded, as for example in the weld repair of surface cracks, by removing foreign matter from the area to be welded, first stress relieving the article, cooling the entire article to a welding temperature of from about 1000.degree. F. to about 1400.degree. F., welding a preselected region in an inert atmosphere at the welding temperature, and second stress relieving the article. Welding is preferably accomplished by striking an arc in the preselected region so as to locally melt the alloy in the preselected region, providing a filler metal having the same composition as the gamma titanium aluminide alloy of the article, and feeding the filler metal into the arc so that the filler metal is melted and fused with the article to form a weldment upon solidification

    Safeguard: Progress and Test Results for a Reliable Independent On-Board Safety Net for UAS

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    As demands increase to use unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for a broad spectrum of commercial applications, regulatory authorities are examining how to safely integrate them without compromising safety or disrupting traditional airspace operations. For small UAS, several operational rules have been established; e.g., do not operate beyond visual line-of-sight, do not fly within five miles of a commercial airport, do not fly above 400 feet above ground level. Enforcing these rules is challenging for UAS, as evidenced by the number of incident reports received by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This paper reviews the development of an onboard system - Safeguard - designed to monitor and enforce conformance to a set of operational rules defined prior to flight (e.g., geospatial stay-out or stay-in regions, speed limits, and altitude constraints). Unlike typical geofencing or geo-limitation functions, Safeguard operates independently of the off-the-shelf UAS autopilot and is designed in a way that can be realized by a small set of verifiable functions to simplify compliance with existing standards for safety-critical systems (e.g. for spacecraft and manned commercial transportation aircraft systems). A framework is described that decouples the system from any other devices on the UAS as well as introduces complementary positioning source(s) for applications that require integrity and availability beyond what can be provided by the Global Positioning System (GPS). This paper summarizes the progress and test results for Safeguard research and development since presentation of the design concept at the 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC '16). Significant accomplishments include completion of software verification and validation in accordance with NASA standards for spacecraft systems (to Class B), development of improved hardware prototypes, development of a simulation platform that allows for hardware-in-the-loop testing and fast-time Monte Carlo evaluations, and flight testing on multiple air vehicles. Integration testing with NASA's UAS Traffic Management (UTM) service-oriented architecture was also demonstrated

    Kimberlite Volcanology: Transport, Ascent, and Eruption

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    Epidemiologic Study of Dental Caries Experience and Between-Meal Eating Patterns

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    The relationship between dental caries and between-meal snacks was investigated in a study of 1,486 high school students. The participants completed a questionnaire on between-meal habits and then were given dental examinations. The lack of differences in dental caries between racial and geographic groups was not related to the frequency of sucrose-containing, between-meal snacks.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66591/2/10.1177_00220345730520022501.pd
