20 research outputs found

    Functional genomic analysis of C. elegans molting.

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    Although the molting cycle is a hallmark of insects and nematodes, neither the endocrine control of molting via size, stage, and nutritional inputs nor the enzymatic mechanism for synthesis and release of the exoskeleton is well understood. Here, we identify endocrine and enzymatic regulators of molting in C. elegans through a genome-wide RNA-interference screen. Products of the 159 genes discovered include annotated transcription factors, secreted peptides, transmembrane proteins, and extracellular matrix enzymes essential for molting. Fusions between several genes and green fluorescent protein show a pulse of expression before each molt in epithelial cells that synthesize the exoskeleton, indicating that the corresponding proteins are made in the correct time and place to regulate molting. We show further that inactivation of particular genes abrogates expression of the green fluorescent protein reporter genes, revealing regulatory networks that might couple the expression of genes essential for molting to endocrine cues. Many molting genes are conserved in parasitic nematodes responsible for human disease, and thus represent attractive targets for pesticide and pharmaceutical development

    Regulation of the C. elegans molt by pqn-47

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    AbstractC. elegans molts at the end of each of its four larval stages but this cycle ceases at the reproductive adult stage. We have identified a regulator of molting, pqn-47. Null mutations in pqn-47 cause a developmental arrest at the first larval molt, showing that this gene activity is required to transit the molt. Mutants with weak alleles of pqn-47 complete the larval molts but fail to exit the molting cycle at the adult stage. These phenotypes suggest that pqn-47 executes key aspects of the molting program including the cessation of molting cycles. The pqn-47 gene encodes a protein that is highly conserved in animal phylogeny but probably misannotated in genome sequences due to much less significant homology to a yeast transcription factor. A PQN-47::GFP fusion gene is expressed in many neurons, vulval precursor cells, the distal tip cell (DTC), intestine, and the lateral hypodermal seam cells but not in the main body hypodermal syncytium (hyp7) that underlies, synthesizes, and releases most of the collagenous cuticle. A functional PQN-47::GFP fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm rather than the nucleus at all developmental stages, including the periods preceding and during ecdysis when genetic analysis suggests that pqn-47 functions. The cytoplasmic localization of PQN-47::GFP partially overlaps with the endoplasmic reticulum, suggesting that PQN-47 is involved in the extensive secretion of cuticle components or hormones that occurs during molts. The mammalian and insect homologues of pqn-47 may serve similar roles in regulated secretion

    Fur seals do, but sea lions don’t – cross taxa insights into exhalation during ascent from dives

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    Many agencies provided funding and logistical support for the various research efforts resulting in the data presented here: the South African Department of Science and Technology, administered by the National Research Foundation and the Department of Environmental Affairs for subantarctic fur seal work; the Australian Research Council (DP110102065), Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment and the Office of Naval Research (Marine Mammals and Biological Oceanography Program Award no. N00014-10-1-0385) for Australian fur seal work; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) via grants to the Alaska SeaLife Center and the National Marine Mammal Laboratory, with additional funding and logistical support from North Pacific Wildlife Consulting for Steller sea lion and northern fur seal (Russia) work; the National Marine Mammal Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA for northern fur seal (Alaska) work. Research support for R.W. Davis was provided by the National Science Foundation.Management of gases during diving is not well understood across marine mammal species. Prior to diving, phocid (true) seals generally exhale, a behaviour thought to assist with the prevention of decompression sickness. Otariid seals (fur seals and sea lions) have a greater reliance on their lung oxygen stores, and inhale prior to diving. One otariid, the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella), then exhales during the final 50–85% of the return to the surface, which may prevent another gas management issue: shallow-water blackout. Here, we compare data collected from animal-attached tags (video cameras, hydrophones and conductivity sensors) deployed on a suite of otariid seal species to examine the ubiquity of ascent exhalations for this group. We find evidence for ascent exhalations across four fur seal species, but that such exhalations are absent for three sea lion species. Fur seals and sea lions are no longer genetically separated into distinct subfamilies, but are morphologically distinguished by the thick underfur layer of fur seals. Together with their smaller size and energetic dives, we suggest their air-filled fur might underlie the need to perform these exhalations, although whether to reduce buoyancy and ascent speed, for the avoidance of shallow-water blackout or to prevent other cardiovascular management issues in their diving remains unclear.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    Best practice guidelines for cetacean tagging

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    Animal-borne electronic instruments (tags) are valuable tools for collecting information on cetacean physiology, behaviour and ecology, and for enhancing conservation and management policies for cetacean populations. Tags allow researchers to track the movement patterns, habitat use andother aspects of the behaviour of animals that are otherwise difficult to observe. They can even be used to monitor the physiology of a tagged animal within its changing environment. Such tags are ideal for identifying and predicting responses to anthropogenic threats, thus facilitating the development of robust mitigation measures. With the increasing need for data best provided by tagging and the increasing availability of tags, such research is becoming more common. Tagging can, however, pose risks to the health and welfare of cetaceans and to personnel involved in tagging operations. Here we provide ‘best practice’ recommendations for cetacean tag design, deployment and follow-up assessment of tagged individuals, compiled by biologists and veterinarians with significant experience in cetacean tagging. This paper is intended to serve as a resource to assist tag users, veterinarians, ethics committees and regulatory agency staff in the implementation of high standards of practice, and to promote the training of specialists in this area. Standardised terminology for describing tag design and illustrations of tag types and attachment sites are provided, along with protocols for tag testing and deployment (both remote and through capture-release), including training of operators. The recommendations emphasise the importance of ensuring that tagging is ethically and scientifically justified for a particular project and that tagging only be used to address bona fide research or conservation questions that are best addressed with tagging, as supported by an exploration of alternative methods. Recommendations are provided for minimising effects on individual animals (e.g. through careful selection of the individual, tag design and implant sterilisation) and for improving knowledge of tagging effects on cetaceans through increased post-tagging monitoring.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Functional genomic analysis of C. elegans molting.

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    Although the molting cycle is a hallmark of insects and nematodes, neither the endocrine control of molting via size, stage, and nutritional inputs nor the enzymatic mechanism for synthesis and release of the exoskeleton is well understood. Here, we identify endocrine and enzymatic regulators of molting in C. elegans through a genome-wide RNA-interference screen. Products of the 159 genes discovered include annotated transcription factors, secreted peptides, transmembrane proteins, and extracellular matrix enzymes essential for molting. Fusions between several genes and green fluorescent protein show a pulse of expression before each molt in epithelial cells that synthesize the exoskeleton, indicating that the corresponding proteins are made in the correct time and place to regulate molting. We show further that inactivation of particular genes abrogates expression of the green fluorescent protein reporter genes, revealing regulatory networks that might couple the expression of genes essential for molting to endocrine cues. Many molting genes are conserved in parasitic nematodes responsible for human disease, and thus represent attractive targets for pesticide and pharmaceutical development

    Molting Defects Caused by RNAi

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    <p>N2 larvae were fed bacteria expressing dsRNA corresponding to the indicated genes, or control bacteria not expressing dsRNA of a worm gene (A). Panels A–D show the anterior, whereas (E) shows the mid-body of a larva. Black arrowheads mark unshed cuticle. White arrowhead (C) indicates the buccal capsule. Nomarski optics.</p

    A Model for Molting of <i>C. elegans</i>

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    <p>(1) Endocrine and possibly neuroendocrine cues trigger molting in <i>C. elegans,</i> stimulating epithelial cells to remodel the exoskeleton near the end of each larval stage. (2) Transcriptional cascades involving NHRs alter gene expression in response to the endocrine cue. In particular, NHR-23 directly or indirectly activates expression of many genes, including <i>mlt-8, mlt-9, mlt-10, mlt-11, acn-1,</i> and <i>nas-37</i> in the hypodermis, as well as <i>xrn-2</i> in the pharyngeal myoepithelium. (3) Factors downstream of NHR-23, including MLT-8 and ACN-1, amplify the signal to molt. Signaling via transmembrane proteins likely stimulates release of the old cuticle. (4) Extracellular matrix proteins and secreted enzymes identified in our screen contribute to the new cuticle or regulate release of the old one. We expect precise regulation of these transmembrane proteins and secreted enzymes to accompany the molt. In theory, intercellular signaling might coordinate events in different epithelial cells, the muscle, and the intestine. We further expect secreted signals to provide feedback on the status of the molt to endocrine regulators. The Hint domain protein QUA-1 is a good candidate for a signal secreted from the hypodermis that might amplify a cue for ecdysis, signal to adjacent tissues, or provide feedback. Green shading indicates that a <i>gfp</i> fusion to the corresponding gene was expressed in epithelial cells. † indicates that the gene is required for expression of <i>mlt-10p::gfp-pest</i> in the hypodermis<i>.</i></p