90 research outputs found

    Penentuan Diagnostik Lymphadenopathy Colli dengan Metode Biopsi pada Penderita HIV-TB di Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso

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    Mycobaterium tuberculosis (M.tuberculosis) telah menginfeksi sepertiga penduduk dunia. Salah satu manifestasi klinis yang terinfeksi M.tuberculosis adalah pembesaran kelenjar getah Bening pada regio colli, axilla, inguinal, abdominal yang sering di sebut tuberkulosis kelenjar. Tuberkulosis kelenjar masih sering menimbulkan permasalahan baik dari segi diagnostik, pengobatan dan pemantauan hasil pengobatannya teristimewa di daerah endemis TB, ditambah lagi gejala tuberkulosis pada penderita HIV sering tidak jelas manifestasi yang sering timbul adalah pembesaran kelenjar getah Bening.Telah dilakukan penelitian pada 11 pasien HIV dengan pembesaran kelenjar getah Bening leher yang diduga karena infeksi M.tb serta bersedia secara tertulis mengikuti penelitian ini. Pada semua subjek dilakukan biopsi jarum halus dan biopsi dengan pembedahan. Hasil biopsi tersebut dilakukan pemeriksaan pewarnaan langsung BTA; sitologi dan PCR. Hasil yang didapat adalah preparat BTA langsung dari BJH 36,4%; Sitologi dari BJH positif tuberkulosis 36,4%; PCR tuberkulosis positif 45,5%; Hasil pemeriksaan Patologi Anatomi (PA) yang positif tuberkulosis adalah 72,7%.Berdasarkan penelitian perbandingan pemeriksaan Mycobaterium tuberculosis pada pembesaran KGB pada pasien HIV dianjurkan melakukan pemeriksaan PA dari bahan spesimen ekstirpasi dari kelenjar getah Bening leher, pertimbangankan PCR tuberkulosis yang non invasif

    Enhanced UV photosensitivity from rapid thermal annealed vertically aligned ZnO nanowires

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    We report on the major improvement in UV photosensitivity and faster photoresponse from vertically aligned ZnO nanowires (NWs) by means of rapid thermal annealing (RTA). The ZnO NWs were grown by vapor-liquid-solid method and subsequently RTA treated at 700°C and 800°C for 120 s. The UV photosensitivity (photo-to-dark current ratio) is 4.5 × 103 for the as-grown NWs and after RTA treatment it is enhanced by a factor of five. The photocurrent (PC) spectra of the as-grown and RTA-treated NWs show a strong peak in the UV region and two other relatively weak peaks in the visible region. The photoresponse measurement shows a bi-exponential growth and bi-exponential decay of the PC from as-grown as well as RTA-treated ZnO NWs. The growth and decay time constants are reduced after the RTA treatment indicating a faster photoresponse. The dark current-voltage characteristics clearly show the presence of surface defects-related trap centers on the as-grown ZnO NWs and after RTA treatment it is significantly reduced. The RTA processing diminishes the surface defect-related trap centers and modifies the surface of the ZnO NWs, resulting in enhanced PC and faster photoresponse. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of RTA processing for achieving improved photosensitivity of ZnO NWs

    Elliptical Galaxies and Bulges of Disk Galaxies: Summary of Progress and Outstanding Issues

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    This is the summary chapter of a review book on galaxy bulges. Bulge properties and formation histories are more varied than those of ellipticals. I emphasize two advances: 1 - "Classical bulges" are observationally indistinguishable from ellipticals, and like them, are thought to form by major galaxy mergers. "Disky pseudobulges" are diskier and more actively star-forming (except in S0s) than are ellipticals. Theys are products of the slow ("secular") evolution of galaxy disks: bars and other nonaxisymmetries move disk gas toward the center, where it starbursts and builds relatively flat, rapidly rotating components. This secular evolution is a new area of galaxy evolution work that complements hierarchical clustering. 2 - Disks of high-redshift galaxies are unstable to the formation of mass clumps that sink to the center and merge - an alternative channel for the formation of classical bulges. I review successes and unsolved problems in the formation of bulges+ellipticals and their coevolution (or not) with supermassive black holes. I present an observer's perspective on simulations of dark matter galaxy formation including baryons. I review how our picture of the quenching of star formation is becoming general and secure at redshifts z < 1. The biggest challenge is to produce realistic bulges+ellipticals and disks that overlap over a factor of 10**3 in mass but that differ from each other as observed over that whole range. Second, how does hierarchical clustering make so many giant, bulgeless galaxies in field but not cluster environments? I argue that we rely too much on AGN and star-formation feedback to solve these challenges.Comment: 46 pages, 10 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Galactic Bulges, ed. E. Laurikainen, R. F. Peletier, & D. A. Gadotti (New York: Springer), in press (2015

    Working conditions, self-perceived stress, anxiety, depression and quality of life: A structural equation modelling approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The relationships between working conditions [job demand, job control and social support]; stress, anxiety, and depression; and perceived quality of life factors [physical health, psychological wellbeing, social relationships and environmental conditions] were assessed using a sample of 698 male automotive assembly workers in Malaysia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The validated Malay version of the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief (WHOQOL-BREF) were used. A structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis was applied to test the structural relationships of the model using AMOS version 6.0, with the maximum likelihood ratio as the method of estimation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results of the SEM supported the hypothesized structural model (<it>χ</it><sup>2 </sup>= 22.801, <it>df </it>= 19, <it>p </it>= 0.246). The final model shows that social support (JCQ) was directly related to all 4 factors of the WHOQOL-BREF and inversely related to depression and stress (DASS). Job demand (JCQ) was directly related to stress (DASS) and inversely related to the environmental conditions (WHOQOL-BREF). Job control (JCQ) was directly related to social relationships (WHOQOL-BREF). Stress (DASS) was directly related to anxiety and depression (DASS) and inversely related to physical health, environment conditions and social relationships (WHOQOL-BREF). Anxiety (DASS) was directly related to depression (DASS) and inversely related to physical health (WHOQOL-BREF). Depression (DASS) was inversely related to the psychological wellbeing (WHOQOL-BREF). Finally, stress, anxiety and depression (DASS) mediate the relationships between job demand and social support (JCQ) to the 4 factors of WHOQOL-BREF.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings suggest that higher social support increases the self-reported quality of life of these workers. Higher job control increases the social relationships, whilst higher job demand increases the self-perceived stress and decreases the self-perceived quality of life related to environmental factors. The mediating role of depression, anxiety and stress on the relationship between working conditions and perceived quality of life in automotive workers should be taken into account in managing stress amongst these workers.</p

    Galaxy bulges and their massive black holes: a review

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    With references to both key and oft-forgotten pioneering works, this article starts by presenting a review into how we came to believe in the existence of massive black holes at the centres of galaxies. It then presents the historical development of the near-linear (black hole)-(host spheroid) mass relation, before explaining why this has recently been dramatically revised. Past disagreement over the slope of the (black hole)-(velocity dispersion) relation is also explained, and the discovery of sub-structure within the (black hole)-(velocity dispersion) diagram is discussed. As the search for the fundamental connection between massive black holes and their host galaxies continues, the competing array of additional black hole mass scaling relations for samples of predominantly inactive galaxies are presented.Comment: Invited (15 Feb. 2014) review article (submitted 16 Nov. 2014). 590 references, 9 figures, 25 pages in emulateApJ format. To appear in "Galactic Bulges", E. Laurikainen, R.F. Peletier, and D.A. Gadotti (eds.), Springer Publishin


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    We have conducted an optical long-slit spectroscopic survey of 1022 galaxies using the 10m Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) at McDonald Observatory. The main goal of the HET Massive Galaxy Survey (HETMGS) is to find nearby galaxies that are suitable for black hole mass measurements. In order to measure accurately the black hole mass, one should kinematically resolve the region where the black hole dominates the gravitational potential. For most galaxies, this region is much less than an arcsecond. Thus, black hole masses are best measured in nearby galaxies with telescopes that obtain high-spatial resolution. The HETMGS focuses on those galaxies predicted to have the largest sphere-of-influence, based on published stellar velocity dispersions or the galaxy fundamental plane. To ensure coverage over galaxy types, the survey targets those galaxies across a face-on projection of the fundamental plane. We present the sample selection and resulting data products from the long-slit observations, including central stellar kinematics and emission line ratios. The full dataset, including spectra and resolved kinematics, is available online. Additionally, we show that the current crop of black hole masses are highly biased towards dense galaxies and that especially large disks and low dispersion galaxies are under-represented. This survey provides the necessary groundwork for future systematic black hole mass measurement campaigns.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures and a 17 page data table, ApJs accepted. Survey data files at http://mpia.de/~bosch/hetmg