50 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Learning Cycle dan Gaya Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam Siswa Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Ubudiyah Kota Pematang Siantar

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    The purpose of this study was to find out: (1) differences in learningoutcomes of Islamic Culture History of students taught with learnig cyclelearning strategies with students taught with expository learningstrategies, (2) differences in learning outcomes of Islamic Culture Historyof students who have visual learning styles, auditory and kinesthetic, and(3) the effect of learning cycle learning strategies and student learningstyles on the results of learning Islamic Cultural History. The method ofthis research is quasi-experimental with the population of this study arefourth grade students (four) Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah AwaliyahUbudiyyah 2018/2019 school year consisting of 2 (two) classes. Thesample selected cluster random sampling technique in terms of the classwith the learning cycle learning strategy is class IV1 with 31 students,while students taught with expository strategies are students of class IV2with 34 students. The instruments of data collection are questionnairesand test results. Technique by analysis of variance (Anova) at = 0.05. Theresults of this study are: (1) student learning outcomes taught withlearning cycle learning strategies ( X = 33.22) higher than student learningoutcomes taught with expository learning strategies ( X = 27.94), withFcount = 89.49 > Ftable = 3.988, (2) student learning outcomes with visuallearning styles ( X = 34.26) are higher than student learning outcomes withkinesthetic learning styles ( X = 28.38) and auditory learning styles (( X =27.69), with Fcount = 62.49 > Ftable = 3.988, and (3) there is an interactionbetween learning strategies and learning styles towards learning outcomeswith statistical calculations known Fcount = 47.06 > Ftable = 3.988

    Investigasi Potensi Agregat Geoteknik Dengan Metode Geolistrik (Investigation of Potential Geotechnical Aggregate with Using Geoelectrical Methods)

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    Geotechnical Aggregate are rocks that can be used as material for a wide range of construction engineering purposes. The need for geotechnical aggregates increased along with the rapid development. Required sources of aggregatequalified engineering was good, close to the project site and has large reserves. This research will be carried out an investigation to get to the source of geotechnical aggregate surveying of Geology and Geophysics measurements. Geophysical measurement is working by using of Geoelctric methods with Schlumberger configuration. Geological survey result obtained is that the material consists of geotechnical aggregate are QTV , Qtvl and TMV , composition form clastica volcanic rocks , breccias , lava , tuff andesite to basalt. Result of Geoelectric measurements showed that the potential for geotechnical aggregate form Alluvial rocks having resistivity values between 2-20 ohm meter , whereas the geotechnical aggregate form intrusive rocks is 30-80 ohm meter . Resource potential Probable amounted to 5,742,453 m3

    Management and Development Strategy of Medium Class Housing Industry (Case Study of PT. Baruga Asrinusa Development)

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    This study aims to find out how the external and internal environment that affects the business and management strategies and development of the middle-class housing business is right for PT. Baruga Asrinusa Development in order to continue to survive and develop. This research was conducted at PT. Baruga Asrinusa Development- Bukit Baruga Estate, located in Antang village, Manggala sub-district, Makassar city. Selection of this location is done intentionally (purposive) with the consideration that PT. Baruga Asrinusa Development is one of the longest established developers since 1992 and is also a local developer located in Makassar which currently has many major competitors from local developers and outside developers. The results of this study find that to deal with external threats immediately implement an aggressive strategy strategy that seeks to improve internal conditions of weakness and external threats by utilizing a number of internal strengths possessed and existing external opportunities

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi (TUPOKSI) Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) Kecamatan Mandau dalam Melaksanakan Pelayanan dan Bimbingan Kepada Masyarakat

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    During the duties and functions of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) districtsespecially in Mandau districts Bengkalis in implementing the perceived service is stillinadequate. Phenomena occurring in the performance of its duties are still focused weddingactivities alone. Though the task KUA is not only cater weddings, as outlined in the Decreeof the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 517 of 2001 that the Office of Religious Affairs incharge of carrying out some tasks of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of the District /Municipality in the field of Islamic Affairs in the District. Ranging from matters of marriage,family and household consultation problematic, coaching and consulting religious, charity,charitable, and social worship, halal food and community partnerships, harmonious family,kemasjidan coaching, consulting inheritance, until the giver of information and guidanceaffairs Hajj rituals.This study used qualitative methods and then analyzed using descriptive analyticaltechniques through interviews. To obtain the informant, the researcher uses triangulationtechniques. Then to complete the data, the authors also took the documentation of literatureand internet media.PENDAHULUANNegara Indonesia memiliki daerah yang sedang giat melakukan pembangunan yangdilaksanakan mulai dari pusat sampai ke daerah. Pembangunan di Indonesia saat ini tidakhanya diarahkan kepada tercapainya hasil fisik dan kesejahteraan materil, akan tetapimencakup segala bidang yang lazimnya disebut dengan pembangunan nasional.Pembangunan nasional hanya akan berhasil dengan baik apabila diimbangi administrasipemerintahan yang berdaya guna dan berhasil guna (efisien dan efektif) dalam melaksanakanyang bersifat pembangunan.Selanjutnya sebagai bagian integral dari pembangunan Negara RI, agama menjadilandasan moral dan etika dalam bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Agama memilikikedudukan dan peran yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia, pengakuanakan kedudukan dan peran penting agama ini tercermin dari prinsip ketuhanan yang maha esasebagai sila pertama falasafah negara pancasila, yang juga dipahami sebagai sila yangmenjiwai sila-sila pancasila lainnya. Oleh sebab itu pembangunan agama bukan hanyamerupakan bagian integral pembangunan nasional hendaknya melainkan juga bagian yangseharusnya melandasi dan menjiwai keseluruhan arah dan tujuan pembangunan nasional.Selain memiliki posisi yang sangat penting, agama juga menempati posisi yang unikdalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Hal ini tercermin dalam suatu rumusan terkenaltentang hubungan antara agama dan negara di Indonesia bahwa “Indonesia bukanlah negar

    Arrangement of Players Position in Soccer Using the Technique of Naive Bayes

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    In the modern soccer era, soccer is already considered as an entertainment, even modern soccer already become as an industry or a business that considered can bring a great profit to the club owner. One of the most important factor in building a team is young age soccer player development. Right young age soccer player development method, can be very helpful in establish a good team. A professional team must have acoach, for the first team or junior team. The duties of a coach is determine a right position for soccer player in the game, this duties sometimes make a coach is hard to making a right decision. This research will discussabout how to design a decision support system for determine soccer player using naive bayes technique. Data mining used naive bayes technique for find a prediction for soccer player based on the player skill test result. From this research result, it can be seen that by using decision support system using data mining with naive bayes technique can be help coach performance in determine position for soccer player especially for young age soccer player development so that can help coach in the making right decision effectively and efficiently

    Pengaruh Penerapan Model Kolaboratif MURDER terhadap Hasil Belajar, Aktivitas dan Respons Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas X

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model kolaboratif MURDER (Mood, Understand, Recall, Detect, Expand, dan Review) terhadap hasil belajar, aktivitas, dan respons siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika kelas X. Penelitian ini adalah pra-eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu cluster random sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, tes hasil belajar (pretest dan posttest), lembar observasi aktivitas siswa, dan angket respons siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistika deskriptif dan inferensial. Hasil analisis statistika deskriptif menunjukkan: (1) rata-rata keterlaksanaan pembelajaran sebesar 3,73 (terlaksana dengan baik),(2) ratarata hasil pretest yaitu 35 (kategori sangat rendah). Rata-rata hasil posttest yaitu 85 (kategori tinggi), (3) hasil posttest menunjukkan bahwa ketuntasan klasikal tercapai sebesar 94% (4) rata-rata gain ternormalisasi sebesar 0,77 (kategori tinggi), (5) rata-rata persentase aktivitas siswa sebesar 90% (sangat aktif) (6) rata-rata persentase siswa yang memberi respons positif sebesar 89%. Hasil analisis statistika inferensial menunjukkan: (1) nilai rata rata siswa yang diajar menggunakan model kolaboratif MURDER lebih besar dari 70, (2) nilai rata rata gain ternormalisasi lebih besar dari 0,3 (kategori sedang), (3) rata rata ketuntasan klasikal lebih besar dari 80%. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model kolaboratif MURDER berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar, aktivitas, dan respons siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika kelas

    Perangkat Pembacaan Data Analog Peralatan Industri Dengan Komunikasi Standard RS-485

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    Perekaman data-data parameter atau variabel di perangkat kendali jaring tertutup di industri dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai macam cara. Dengan menggunakan programmbale Logic controller (PLC), perekaman data-data parameter berbasis waktu telah dilakukan. Namun keterbatasan memori PLC mempersulit pembacaan dan meningkatkan biaya perekaman. Perekaman dngan pena bergerak di industri, juga sering ditemui. Kelemahan cara ini adalah pemborosan kertas dan pengamatan variabel yang cukup sulit, sehingga tumpukan kertas hasil rekaman semakin banyak dan semakin mempersulit dokumentasi proses kendali industri. Oleh karena itu diperlukan perangkat yang fleksibel dengan memori yang dapat diekspansi dengan biaya murah dan tanpa kertas. Paper ini menjelaskan desain perangkat perekam dengan menggunakan komputer PC untuk data-data di lapangan industri. Kata Kunci— Komunikasi data, kendali industri, mikrokontroller

    Test of Some Concentration of Piper Aduncum L. Leaf Powder Extract to Control Setora Nitens Wlk (Lepidoptera; Limacodidae) in Palm Oil Plant (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq)

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    Palm oil plant is one of plantation crop that grown by people of Indonesia, especially Sumatra (Riau). Setora nitens is one of the major pests in palm oil plantations. Management control to decrease the Setora nitens by using synthetic insecticides. Reducing the effects caused by synthetic insecticides, therefore need alternative in pest control techniques such as use organic insecticide derived from Piper aduncum L. The purpose of this research is to get Piper aduncum L. leaf powder extract concentrate that effective to control Setora nitens at palm oil plantations. This research was carried out experimentally by using Completely Randomized Design consisting of 5 treatments with 4 replications. The treatment consisting five level: SRH 0 (no concentration), SRH 1 (concentration of 25 g/liter of water), SRH 2 (concentration of 50 g/liter of water), SRH 3 (concentration of 75 g/liter of water) and SRH 4 (concentration 100 g/liter of water). Results showed that the concentration of 100 g/liter was able to kill Setora nitens by 45% and this has not been effective in controlling caterpillars Setora nitens because not reach 80%. The best concentration to kill 95% of the population of Setora nitens is 206% or 2.06 kg/l of water. Piper aduncum L. leaf powder extract has not been effective in controlling caterpillars Setora nitens at palm oil plantations