24 research outputs found

    An Energy-Efficient Clustering Routing Protocol for WSN based on MRHC

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    currently the world is adopting Internet of Things (IoT) as the future technology and the interest IoT development is increasing. As it’s expected to be the leading technology by 2022 according to Gartner. WSN is the main technology component of the IoT since it rely on sensing and collecting data in a specific filed of interest. As the WSN main issue is the network life time due the limitation in sensors resource. Therefore, such lifetimeconstrained devices require enchantment on the existing routing protocols to prolong network life time as long as possible. In our paper we propose enhancement in the well know WSN routing protocol LEACH by proposing a new Energy aware algorithm in communication within cluster, hence reduce power consumption in communication process

    VoroCrust: Voronoi Meshing Without Clipping

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    Polyhedral meshes are increasingly becoming an attractive option with particular advantages over traditional meshes for certain applications. What has been missing is a robust polyhedral meshing algorithm that can handle broad classes of domains exhibiting arbitrarily curved boundaries and sharp features. In addition, the power of primal-dual mesh pairs, exemplified by Voronoi-Delaunay meshes, has been recognized as an important ingredient in numerous formulations. The VoroCrust algorithm is the first provably-correct algorithm for conforming polyhedral Voronoi meshing for non-convex and non-manifold domains with guarantees on the quality of both surface and volume elements. A robust refinement process estimates a suitable sizing field that enables the careful placement of Voronoi seeds across the surface circumventing the need for clipping and avoiding its many drawbacks. The algorithm has the flexibility of filling the interior by either structured or random samples, while preserving all sharp features in the output mesh. We demonstrate the capabilities of the algorithm on a variety of models and compare against state-of-the-art polyhedral meshing methods based on clipped Voronoi cells establishing the clear advantage of VoroCrust output.Comment: 18 pages (including appendix), 18 figures. Version without compressed images available on https://www.dropbox.com/s/qc6sot1gaujundy/VoroCrust.pdf. Supplemental materials available on https://www.dropbox.com/s/6p72h1e2ivw6kj3/VoroCrust_supplemental_materials.pd

    All-Hex Meshing of Multiple-Region Domains without Cleanup

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present a new algorithm for all-hex meshing of domains with multiple regions without post-processing cleanup. Our method starts with a strongly balanced octree. In contrast to snapping the grid points onto the geometric boundaries, we move points a slight distance away from the common boundaries. Then we intersect the moved grid with the geometry. This allows us to avoid creating any flat angles, and we are able to handle two-sided regions and more complex topologies than prior methods. The algorithm is robust and cleanup-free; without the use of any pillowing, swapping, or smoothing. Thus, our simple algorithm is also more predictable than prior art

    Sampling Conditions for Conforming Voronoi Meshing by the VoroCrust Algorithm

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    We study the problem of decomposing a volume bounded by a smooth surface into a collection of Voronoi cells. Unlike the dual problem of conforming Delaunay meshing, a principled solution to this problem for generic smooth surfaces remained elusive. VoroCrust leverages ideas from alpha-shapes and the power crust algorithm to produce unweighted Voronoi cells conforming to the surface, yielding the first provably-correct algorithm for this problem. Given an epsilon-sample on the bounding surface, with a weak sigma-sparsity condition, we work with the balls of radius delta times the local feature size centered at each sample. The corners of this union of balls are the Voronoi sites, on both sides of the surface. The facets common to cells on opposite sides reconstruct the surface. For appropriate values of epsilon, sigma and delta, we prove that the surface reconstruction is isotopic to the bounding surface. With the surface protected, the enclosed volume can be further decomposed into an isotopic volume mesh of fat Voronoi cells by generating a bounded number of sites in its interior. Compared to state-of-the-art methods based on clipping, VoroCrust cells are full Voronoi cells, with convexity and fatness guarantees. Compared to the power crust algorithm, VoroCrust cells are not filtered, are unweighted, and offer greater flexibility in meshing the enclosed volume by either structured grids or random samples

    Power Prediction of Airborne Wind Energy Systems Using Multivariate Machine Learning

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    Kites can be used to harvest wind energy at higher altitudes while using only a fraction of the material required for conventional wind turbines. In this work, we present the kite system of Kyushu University and demonstrate how experimental data can be used to train machine learning regression models. The system is designed for 7 kW traction power and comprises an inflatable wing with suspended kite control unit that is either tethered to a fixed ground anchor or to a towing vehicle to produce a controlled relative flow environment. A measurement unit was attached to the kite for data acquisition. To predict the generated tether force, we collected input–output samples from a set of well-designed experimental runs to act as our labeled training data in a supervised machine learning setting. We then identified a set of key input parameters which were found to be consistent with our sensitivity analysis using Pearson input–output correlation metrics. Finally, we designed and tested the accuracy of a neural network, among other multivariate regression models. The quality metrics of our models show great promise in accurately predicting the tether force for new input/feature combinations and potentially guide new designs for optimal power generation.Wind Energ

    VoroCrust Illustrated: Theory and Challenges (Multimedia Exposition)

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    Over the past decade, polyhedral meshing has been gaining popularity as a better alternative to tetrahedral meshing in certain applications. Within the class of polyhedral elements, Voronoi cells are particularly attractive thanks to their special geometric structure. What has been missing so far is a Voronoi mesher that is sufficiently robust to run automatically on complex models. In this video, we illustrate the main ideas behind the VoroCrust algorithm, highlighting both the theoretical guarantees and the practical challenges imposed by realistic inputs