162 research outputs found

    Numerical approach to the dynamical Casimir effect

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    The dynamical Casimir effect for a massless scalar field in 1+1-dimensions is studied numerically by solving a system of coupled first-order differential equations. The number of scalar particles created from vacuum is given by the solutions to this system which can be found by means of standard numerics. The formalism already used in a former work is derived in detail and is applied to resonant as well as off-resonant cavity oscillations.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. A (special issue: Proceedings of QFEXT05, Barcelona, Sept. 5-9, 2005

    Dynamical Casimir effect for gravitons in bouncing braneworlds

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    We consider a two-brane system in a five-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime. We study particle creation due to the motion of the physical brane which first approaches the second static brane (contraction) and then recedes from it(expansion). The spectrum and the energy density of the generated gravitons are calculated. We show that the massless gravitons have a blue spectrum and that their energy density satisfies the nucleosynthesis bound with very mild constraints on the parameters. We also show that the Kaluza-Klein modes cannot provide the dark matter in an anti-de-Sitter braneworld. However, for natural choices of parameters, backreaction from the Kaluza-Klein gravitons may well become important. The main findings of this work have been published in the form of a Letter [R. Durrer and M. Ruser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 071601 (2007), arXiv:0704.0756].Comment: 40 pages, 34 figures, improved and extended version, matches published versio

    Vibrating Cavities - A numerical approach

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    We present a general formalism allowing for efficient numerical calculation of the production of massless scalar particles from vacuum in a one-dimensional dynamical cavity, i.e. the dynamical Casimir effect. By introducing a particular parametrization for the time evolution of the field modes inside the cavity we derive a coupled system of first-order linear differential equations. The solutions to this system determine the number of created particles and can be found by means of numerical methods for arbitrary motions of the walls of the cavity. To demonstrate the method which accounts for the intermode coupling we investigate the creation of massless scalar particles in a one-dimensional vibrating cavity by means of three particular cavity motions. We compare the numerical results with analytical predictions as well as a different numerical approach.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Op

    Exact closed form analytical solutions for vibrating cavities

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    For one-dimensional vibrating cavity systems appearing in the standard illustration of the dynamical Casimir effect, we propose an approach to the construction of exact closed-form solutions. As new results, we obtain solutions that are given for arbitrary frequencies, amplitudes and time regions. In a broad range of parameters, a vibrating cavity model exhibits the general property of exponential instability. Marginal behavior of the system manifests in a power-like growth of radiated energy.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    In-Air Evoked Potential Audiometry of Grey Seals (Halichoerus grypus) from the North and Baltic Seas

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    In-air anthropogenic sound has the potential to affect grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) behaviour and interfere with acoustic communication. In this study, a new method was used to deliver acoustic signals to grey seals as part of an in-air hearing assessment. Using in-ear headphones with adapted ear inserts allowed for the measurement of auditory brainstem responses (ABR) on sedated grey seals exposed to 5-cycle (2-1-2) tone pips. Thresholds were measured at 10 frequencies between 1–20 kHz. Measurements were made using subcutaneous electrodes on wild seals from the Baltic and North Seas. Thresholds were determined by both visual and statistical approaches (single point F-test) and good agreement was obtained between the results using both methods. The mean auditory thresholds were ≤40 dB re 20 µPa peak equivalent sound pressure level (peSPL) between 4–20 kHz and showed similar patterns to in-air behavioural hearing tests of other phocid seals between 3 and 20 kHz. Below 3 kHz, a steep reduction in hearing sensitivity was observed, which differed from the rate of decline in sensitivity obtained in behavioural studies on other phocids. Differences in the rate of decline may reflect influence of the ear inserts on the ability to reliably transmit lower frequencies or interference from the structure of the distal end of the ear canal

    Einfluss der Umnutzung eines 20-jährigen Miscanthusbestands auf die Humusgehalte und -qualität einer Parabraunerde

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    In einem Feldversuch nahe Freiburg soll der Einfluss einer ackerbaulichen Nutzung nach Miscanthusumbruch auf die Humusgehalte und –qualität einer Parabraunerde untersucht werden. In einem ersten Schritt wurden die Corg-Gehalte einer 20-jährigen Miscanthusfläche räumlich hoch aufgelöst bis 60 cm Tiefe untersucht und mit den Corg-Gehalten einer angrenzenden Ackerfläche verglichen. Mit 75,6 t C ha-1 wurden auf der Miscanthusfläche um 20 Tonnen höhere Corg-Gehalte gemessen als auf der benachbarten Ackerfläche. Dies entspricht somit einer jährlichen Zunahme der Corg-Gehalte von 1 t a-1. Die größte C-Zunahme wurde dabei in den obersten 10 Zentimeters des Bodens ermittelt. In einem Brutversuch mit Oberboden der beiden Versuchsflächen (25°C, 34 Tage) wurden bei Miscanthus 4,3% des organischen C als CO2 freigesetzt. Im Ackerboden waren dies lediglich 2,3% des organischen C. Das deutet auf einen höheren Anteil an labilem C bei Miscanthus hin und wurde durch einen ca. 3-fach höheren Anteil an heißwasserlöslichem C des Miscanthusbodens gegenüber dem Ackerboden bestätigt. 12C/13C-Isotopenmessungen ergaben zudem, dass das im Brutversuch freigesetzte CO2 nahezu vollständig Miscanthus-bürtig war. Auf dem Miscanthusfeld wurde 2015 ein Parzellenversuch etabliert. Auf vier Parzellen wird Miscanthus weiterhin genutzt, auf weiteren vier Parzellen wurde der Miscanthus im Frühjahr 2015 umgebrochen und eine Kleegrasmischung eingesät. Während sich die Corg-Gehalte der Miscanthusparzellen zwischen Frühjahr 2015 und Frühjahr 2016 nicht veränderten, wurde in der Umbruchvariante eine Abnahme der Corg-Gehalte um 2,8 t ha-1 ermittelt

    Assessing auditory evoked potentials of wild harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)

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    © 2016 Acoustical Society of America. Testing the hearing abilities of marine mammals under water is a challenging task. Sample sizes are usually low, thus limiting the ability to generalize findings of susceptibility towards noise influences. A method to measure harbor porpoise hearing thresholds in situ in outdoor conditions using auditory steady state responses of the brainstem was developed and tested. The method was used on 15 live-stranded animals from the North Sea during rehabilitation, shortly before release into the wild, and on 12 wild animals incidentally caught in pound nets in Denmark (inner Danish waters). Results indicated that although the variability between individuals is wide, the shape of the hearing curve is generally similar to previously published results from behavioral trials. Using 10-kHz frequency intervals between 10 and 160 kHz, best hearing was found between 120 and 130 kHz. Additional testing using one-third octave frequency intervals (from 16 to 160 kHz) allowed for a much faster hearing assessment, but eliminated the fine scale threshold characteristics. For further investigations, the method will be used to better understand the factors influencing sensitivity differences across individuals and to establish population-level parameters describing hearing abilities of harbor porpoises

    Dynamical Casimir Effect with Semi-Transparent Mirrors, and Cosmology

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    After reviewing some essential features of the Casimir effect and, specifically, of its regularization by zeta function and Hadamard methods, we consider the dynamical Casimir effect (or Fulling-Davis theory), where related regularization problems appear, with a view to an experimental verification of this theory. We finish with a discussion of the possible contribution of vacuum fluctuations to dark energy, in a Casimir like fashion, that might involve the dynamical version.Comment: 11 pages, Talk given in the Workshop ``Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions (QFEXT07)'', Leipzig (Germany), September 17 - 21, 200

    Fluctuations, dissipation and the dynamical Casimir effect

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    Vacuum fluctuations provide a fundamental source of dissipation for systems coupled to quantum fields by radiation pressure. In the dynamical Casimir effect, accelerating neutral bodies in free space give rise to the emission of real photons while experiencing a damping force which plays the role of a radiation reaction force. Analog models where non-stationary conditions for the electromagnetic field simulate the presence of moving plates are currently under experimental investigation. A dissipative force might also appear in the case of uniform relative motion between two bodies, thus leading to a new kind of friction mechanism without mechanical contact. In this paper, we review recent advances on the dynamical Casimir and non-contact friction effects, highlighting their common physical origin.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures. Review paper to appear in Lecture Notes in Physics, Volume on Casimir Physics, edited by Diego Dalvit, Peter Milonni, David Roberts, and Felipe da Rosa. Minor changes, a reference adde

    Harbour porpoise (<i>Phocoena phocoena</i>) in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site and requirements for trilateral monitoring

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    The harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is considered part of the ‘Outstanding Universal Value’ characterising the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site (WS WHS). The Trilateral Wadden Sea Plan aims to preserve the conservation status of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation Area, encompassing the WS WHS. The plan has specified two conservation targets for the harbour porpoise: (1) viable stocks and a natural reproduction capacity and (2) conservation of habitat quality for its conservation. To assess the current occurrence of the harbour porpoise in the Wadden Sea area, we collated and analysed data from regional and national research projects using telemetry, aerial surveys, strandings and passive acoustic monitoring, obtained over the years 1990–2020. The results illustrate that porpoises occur in both offshore and intertidal waters, showing seasonal movements and changes in local occurrence over time. Some porpoises displayed limited home ranges throughout the year, suggesting a possible residency for some of the animals using the Wadden Sea area. We also showed that methods, frequency and spatial coverage of monitoring activities vary among the countries Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. We discuss the suitability of the different methods both regarding the challenges of monitoring in the complex Wadden Sea habitat as well as their ability to target the conservation aims of the WHS. We give several recommendations to assess the status of the species to meet the identified conservation aims
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