309 research outputs found

    Experience of the application of remote educational technologies in teaching discipline «mathematics»

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    The article presents the experience of using distance learning technologies in mathematics lessons. A number of possibilities of ProCollege automated control system are consideredПредставлен опыт применения дистанционных образовательных технологий на уроках математики. Рассмотрен ряд возможностей автоматизированной системы управления (АСУ) ProColleg


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    The transesterification of vegetable oil using various kinds of alcohols is a simple and efficient renewable fuel synthesis technique. Products obtained by modifying natural triglycerides in transesterification reaction substitute fossil fuels and mineral oils. Currently the most significant is the biodiesel, a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters, which is obtained in a reaction with methanol, which in turn is obtained from fossil raw materials. In biodiesel production it would be more appropriate to use alcohols which can be obtained from renewable local raw materials. Ethanol rouses interest as a possible reagent, however, its production locally is based on the use of grain and therefore competes with food production so it would implicitly cause increase in food prices. Another raw material option is alcohols that can be obtained from furfurole. Furfurole is obtained in dehydration process from pentose sugars which can be extracted from crop straw, husk and other residues of agricultural production. From furfurole the tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA), a raw material for biodiesel, can be produced. By transesterifying rapeseed oil with THFA it would be possible to obtain completely renewable biodiesel with properties very close to diesel [2-4]. With the purpose of developing the synthesis of such fuel, in this work a three-stage synthesis of rapeseed oil tetrahydrofurfurylesters (ROTHFE) in sulphuric acid presence has been performed, achieving product with purity over 98%. The most important qualitative factors of ROTHFE have been determined - cold filter plugging point, cetane number, water content, Iodine value, phosphorus content, density, viscosity and oxidative stability


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    Проведен эколого-эпидемиологический анализ заболеваемости кишечными инфекциями населения г. Рубцовска за пятилетний период с учетом: возраста, социального статуса больных, этиологической структуры заболевания. Для установления преобладающего пути передачи инфекций учитывались данные по микробиологическому анализу питьевой воды. В течении 5-ти лет на территории г. Рубцовска отмечается устойчивая тенденция к повышению уровня заболеваемости населения кишечными инфекциями с преобладанием острых кишечных инфекций неустановленной этиологии. Среди детского населения уровень заболеваемости острыми кишечными инфекциями более чем в 3 раза превышает таковой среди взрослого населения. Заболеваемость острыми кишечными инфекциями среди детей, не посещающих дошкольные учреждения в 5 раз выше, чем среди детей дошкольных учреждений. Качество питьевой воды не оказывает существенного влияния на состояние заболеваемости кишечными инфекциями населения г. Рубцовска. Ключевые слова: эколого-эпидемиологический анализ, заболеваемость, острые кишечные инфекции, этиологическая структура заболеваемост

    Soviet Power Plus Rationalization of the Whole Country: Creating the Kingdom of Reason

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    The correlation between the categories of rational and irrational in the philosophy of the Enlightenment and classical Marxism, which found its embodiment in Russia in the form of Bolshe-vism (Leninism), is studied. The authors identify that rationalism as a kind of "mythology of Reason" arose in the Enlightenment era and reached its apogee in the Great French Revolution and German classical philosophy. Despite the fact that in a number of works of classical Marxism heuristically valuable ideas were put forward to reformulate the problem of the essence and correlation of the categories of ration-al and irrational, rationalism prevailed in the understanding of reality and practices of the first years of the October Revolution. This found expression in the works of V.I. Lenin, in the socio-political and spiritual atmosphere of revolutionary Russia, which had far-reaching consequences for Soviet soci-ety. This phenomenon paved the way for the state-political mythology of Reason and its fetishization, the mystification of science (which, like magic, "can do anything"). These rationalist schematisms pene-trated deeply into all forms of mass consciousness and gave rise to the cult of Reason, on the basis of which all spheres of life of Soviet society were supposed to be transformed. © 2022, RUDN UNiversity. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ, (21-011-43023)arose in the Enlightenment era and reached its apogee in the Great French Revolution and German classical philosophy. Despite the fact that in a number of works of classical Marxism heuristically valuable ideas were put forward to reformulate the problem of the essence and correlation of the categories of ration-al and irrational, rationalism prevailed in the understanding of reality and practices of the first years of the October Revolution. This found expression in the works of V.I. Lenin, in the socio-political and spiritual atmosphere of revolutionary Russia, which had far-reaching consequences for Soviet society. This phenomenon paved the way for the state-political mythology of Reason and its fetishization, the mystification of science (which, like magic, "can do anything"). These rationalist schematisms penetrated deeply into all forms of mass consciousness and gave rise to the cult of Reason, on the basis of which all spheres of life of Soviet society were supposed to be transformed. Keywords: early Soviet period, enlightenment rationalism, mass consciousness Acknowledgements and Funding: The article was prepared with the support of RFBR grant No. 21-011-43023 “The official discourse of the Russian policy of memory of the Soviet past: interpretation strategies, actors, commemorative practices.” For citation: Rusakova, Olga, and Rusakov, Vasiliy. “Soviet Power plus Rationalization of the Whole Country: Creating the Kingdom of Reason.” RUDN Journal of Russian History 21, no. 4 (November 2022): 452–468. https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8674-2022-21-4-452-46