463 research outputs found

    The Orphan of Zhao |《赵氏孤儿》

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    This data consist of 11 productions of The Orphan of Zhao created by practitioners from four countries – China, Nigeria, Korea and Britain – and spans a range of theatrical genres: Chinese regional operas; spoken drama and Chinese opera in the Western style as well as dramas in Korean and in English (works by Ahmadu Bello University in Nigeria and by the Royal Shakespeare Company in Britain). Viewers can find the introduction to each of the productions, including the information about the particular genre of each stage work. There are also still images and clips of videos; some production links include critical reviews. These diverse productions not only retell an ancient story of an orphan in China, but also enlighten us about the intriguing fluidity and continuity of human culture. 这个《赵氏孤儿》资料群包括11部不同的《赵氏孤儿》作品,分别来自四个国家:中国、韩国、尼日利亚和英国。这里既有中国的戏曲、话剧和歌剧作品,也有韩语和英语的作品(尼日利亚贝洛大学戏剧部和英国皇家莎士比亚剧团的演出)。资料群为浏览者提供了每个作品的介绍包括该作品所采用的剧种。每部作品都有照片,有些包括录像片断和评论文章,这些各有特色的作品不仅重新讲述了一个中国孤儿的故事,而且也使我们看到人类文化中引人入胜的流动和延续的特质

    Indigenous Restitution in Settling Water Claims: The Developing Cultural and Commercial Redress Opportunities in Aotearoa, New Zealand

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    Water is important to all peoples, including indigenous peoples. In recent years, the government in Aotearoa, New Zealand has utilized various cultural redress-type legal mechanisms to recognize and revive the importance of water to the Maori people’s identity, health, and wellbeing. These mechanisms create revolutionary modern opportunities for Maori to participate in the decision-making of how specific waters are used and protected. In particular, the negotiated agreements for the Te Arawa Lakes, and the Waikato, Waipa, and Whanganui rivers are studied in this article as prominent examples of how the government has agreed to, for example, co-management regimes. With the government working with Maori to resolve water claims, why–in 2012–have the government and many Maori come head-to-head about Maori rights to water, to the extent that urgent proceedings in the Waitangi Tribunal and now the High Court have been called? Part of the explanation lies in the government’s tactics for reconciliation, which focus on cultural redress solutions that concentrate on management opportunities. To date, the Government has refused to address possible Maori commercial and proprietary redress for water even though it is something that many Maori want resolved. This 2012 clash has starkly illustrated that despite the creation of several notable cultural redress water settlements, real reconciliation in a decolonized context will remain elusive until fair, complete, and holistic restitution for water grievances is offered across all redress spectrums, including cultural, commercial, and proprietary


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah pengaturan mengenai alat bukti yang sah dalam pemeriksaan perkara kekerasan fisik dalam rumah tangga di pengadilan dan bagaimanakah pembuktian dalam pemeriksaan perkara kekerasan fisik dalam rumah tangga di pengadilan. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normative, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Kekerasan seksual yang dilakukan selain dari suami istri adalah pengakuan terdakwa. Alat bukti yang sah ialah keterangan saksi; keterangan ahli; surat; petunjuk; keterangan terdakwa dan hal yang secara umum sudah diketahui tidak perlu dibuktikan, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga dan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana. 2. Pembuktian dalam pemeriksaan perkara kekerasan fisik dalam rumah tangga di pengadilan,sesuai Pasal 183 Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana, dan Untuk mempidana seseorang hakim harus mendapat keyakinan atas bukti-bukti yang diisyaratkan dalam undang-undang sehingga terdakwa dinyatakan sebagai pihak yang bersalah, karena di Indonesia menganut sistem pembuktian yang negatif, yaitu pembuktian didasarkan pada ada atau tidaknya alat bukti yang diperoleh dari barang bukti di mana alat bukti itu hakim mendapat keyakinan bahwa seseorang itu bersalah atau tidak bersalah. Kata kunci: Alat bukti,kekerasan fisik, rumah tangga

    An investigation into the commercial feasibility of Jasus edwardsii aquaculture in New Zealand

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    In 1996 New Zealand introduced legislation to allow Jasus edwardsii pueruli to be collected as "seedstock" and ongrown in a commercial aquaculture trial. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the commercial feasibility of J. edwardsii aquaculture in New Zealand by working with an organisation involved in the trial. The methodology involved a combination of experiments in the field, in laboratories, and within an ongrowing facility. This thesis examined five key areas and found the following: 1. Data obtained in the research indicates that New Zealand will continue to rely on harvesting pueruli from the wild since significant technical obstacles remain in the development of commercial scale pueruli hatcheries. Forecast data, obtained using the delphi technique and information about current research on larval rearing, indicates that commercial scale supply of pueruli from hatcheries may occur between 2017 and 2021. 2. Harvesting trials collected a low number of pueruli with the lowest unit cost for collection being 1.80.Agreatercollectionratecouldbeachievedwithabetterunderstandingofseasonalandlocalsettlementpatterns.3.Survivalratesinpuerulitransportingexperimentsweresignificantlyaffectedbystockingdensity,timeandtemperature.Thesafesttransitconditionswereachievedwith15pueruliperlitreforlessthan6hoursat14°C.4.Arangeofstockingdensities,from3lobsterspertankto12pertank,weretestedfortheireffectongrowthofsixmontholdlobsters.Thelobsterswererearedinatotalrecirculationseawatersystemataconstant16°C,andfedfreshmussels(Pernacanaliculus).Forthe121daytrial,nostatisticallysignificanteffectwasdetected.However,therewasatrendforgrowthratestobehighestat3and6lobsterspertankandforgrowthratesatstockingdensitiesof9and12lobsterspertanktodecreaseafterDay50.Lobstersshowedincreasedmortalityatthehigheststockingrate.5.Abioeconomicmodelofahypotheticalfarmwasdevelopedtoassesseconomicbenefitsandrisksandtodetermineoverallprofitability.Themodelshowedanannualnetcashpositionof1.80. A greater collection rate could be achieved with a better understanding of seasonal and local settlement patterns. 3. Survival rates in pueruli transporting experiments were significantly affected by stocking density, time and temperature. The safest transit conditions were achieved with 15 pueruli per litre for less than 6 hours at 14°C. 4. A range of stocking densities, from 3 lobsters per tank to 12 per tank, were tested for their effect on growth of six-month old lobsters. The lobsters were reared in a total recirculation seawater system at a constant 16°C, and fed fresh mussels (Perna canaliculus). For the 121 day trial, no statistically significant effect was detected. However, there was a trend for growth rates to be highest at 3 and 6 lobsters per tank and for growth rates at stocking densities of 9 and 12 lobsters per tank to decrease after Day 50. Lobsters showed increased mortality at the highest stocking rate. 5. A bioeconomic model of a hypothetical farm was developed to assess economic benefits and risks and to determine overall profitability. The model showed an annual net cash position of 287,100 and cumulative cash position of 859,200bythe10thyearofoperationbasedonannualsalesof10,837kgat859,200 by the 10th year of operation based on annual sales of 10,837 kg at 65 per kg. The model indicates that the highest cost components in the first 10 years are processing and transport, and labour. Based on the model and the scenarios examined, profitability is very sensitive to factors such as the farm size, processing and transport costs, and sale price. Biological factors such as growth rates, survival, and feed requirements also influence overall profitability. Good returns will depend upon consistent exports of high quality lobsters. The study concludes that commercial feasibility will be affected by these key areas. The potential of J. edwardsii aquaculture in New Zealand will continue to benefit from further research


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tugas, hak dan kewajiban serta wewenang dari Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dan bagaimana hubungan Pemerintah Desa dengan Badan Pemusyawaratan Desa menurut peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 110 Tahun 2016 mengatur secara jelas tentang tugas, hak dan kewajiban serta wewenang dari Badan Pemusyawaratan Desa. Secara garis besar Badan Pemusyawaratan Desa adalah lembaga yang memiliki kekuatan dalam mengajukan usulan dan menyepakati peraturan desa yang bakal menjadi pedoman pelaksanaan pembangunan desa. 2. Hubungan antara Pemerintah Desa dengan Badan Pemusyawaratan Desa adalah berupa hubungan kemitraan, konsultatif dan koordinatif. Hubungan tersebut karena selalu kerjasama dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, pembangunan dan kemasyarakatan di desa, melakukan konsultasi yang intensif dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan desa serta selalu berkoordinasi dalam melakukan pembangunan desa.Kata kunci:  Kajian Yuridis, Hubungan Pemerintah Desa Dengan  Badan  Pemusyawaratan Des


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    Perindustrian di Indonesia merupakan salah satu komponen perekonomian yang sangat penting. Tata letak fasilitas pabrik didefinisikan sebagai tata cara pengaturan fasilitas-fasilitas pabrik dengan memanfaatkan luas area secara optimal untuk menunjang kelancaran proses produksi. Industri kecil menengah bernama “Salsha Dara” bergerak pada pengolahan ikan Teri Crispy. Salsha Dara berdiri sejak tahun 2014 yang beralamat di Jalan Wolter Monginsidi, Samarinda. Produk-produk yang sudah dihasilkan oleh Salsha Dara antara lain Teri Crispy, Stick Bawang, Madu Trigona dan Kue kering atau pastry. BLOCPLAN merupakan sistem perancangan tata letak fasilitas yang membuat dan mengevaluasi tipe-tipe tata letak dalam merespons data masukan. Luas lantai produksi yang didapat adalah 13,72 m dengan luas wilayah kerja 1 sebesar 2,45 m, wilayah kerja 2 sebesar 2,5725 m, wilayah kerja 3 sebesar 1,16375 m, wilayah kerja 4 sebesar 1,16375 m dan wilayah kerja 5 3,43 m yang kemudian dipetakan ke dalam software AutoCAD seperti pada Gambar 2. Kemudian didapatkan nilai Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) pada tiga wilayah yaitu pada bagian lantai produksi pada Gambar 3, Wilayah Kerja 2 pada Gambar 4 dan Wilayah Kerja 5 pada Gambar 5. Semua data yang telah didapatkan kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam input data Blocplan sehingga menghasilkan usulan tata letak seperti pada Gambar 6 untuk bagian lantai produksi, Gambar 7 untuk Wilayah Kerja 2 dan Gambar 8 untuk Wilayah Kerja 5 yang kemudian dipetakan ke dalam software AutoCAD seperti pada Gambar 9. &nbsp