46 research outputs found

    Spatial modelling of the transport mode choice: application on the Vienna transport network

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    A new approach for spatial modelling of transport mode choice is presented in the paper. The approach tackles the problem by considering the trade-off between subjective and objective factors. To obtain mode Preference Rates (PRs) based on subjective factors, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is applied. The objective factors are expressed with the journey time from any point in the map to destination according to the available transport mode choice on the specific connection. The results are presented as PRs of individual transport modes. The model is validated on the conducted the survey, with students of Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) as a target audience. Members of different target groups (age, national, employment) decide differently regarding the transport choice, so it is better to analyse them separately. The presented model can be used for the city transport planning in any urban area. It can help promote the sustainable modes of transport in the areas that are less adjusted in sustainable manner

    Port Hinterland Modelling Based on Port Choice

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    This paper presents a new approach for hinterland modelling based on the results of port choice modelling. The paper follows the idea that the shippers’ port choice is a trade-off between various objective and subjective factors. The presented model tackles the problem by applying the AHP method in order to obtain ports’ preference rates based on subjective factors, and combine them with objective factors, which include port operation costs, sailing times, and land transport costs using MILP. The ports’ hinterlands are modelled by finding the optimal port of choice for different locations across Europe and merging the identical results. The model can be used in order to produce captive hinterland of ports and can also be exploited in order to analyse how changes in the traffic infrastructure influence the size of hinterlands

    Determination of environment context with the aid of iBeacon and Eddystone technologies

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    V diplomskem delu se poglobimo v delovanje iBeacon in Eddystone tehnologije, ki temelji na Nizkoenergetskem Bluetoothu. Primerjamo njune prednosti in slabosti ter analiziramo varnostne ranljivosti tehnologije. Raziščemo tudi koncept Fizični splet, v sklopu katerega z Beacon oddajniki oddajamo URL naslove s predmetov v bližnje okolje. Prepoznamo in naštejemo priložnosti za integracijo Beacon oddajnikov v praktične in tržne rešitve. V praktičnem delu se posvetimo načrtovanju uporabniškga vmesnika ter razvoju mobilne aplikacije za okolje Android, ki uporablja dotično tehnologijo in z mobilno napravo povezuje realen svet. Uporabnost aplikacije prikažemo na primeru trgovskega centra, kjer na podlagi zaznane bližine oddajnika, uporabniku aplikacije podajamo koristne lokacijsko relevantne informacije, sprožamo različne akcije, beležimo uporabnikovo lokacijo in analiziramo njegove navade. Beacon tehnologijo prepoznamo kot medij za ustvarjanje interakcij med mobilnimi napravami in realnim svetom, s čimer posegamo v internet stvari in odpiramo nove priložnosti v tej domeni.The thesis addresses the operation of iBeacon and Eddystone technology, based on Bluetooth Low Energy. We compare their advantages and disadvantages and analyse on the security vulnerabilities of referred technology. We investigate the concept Physical Web by which we provide URL addresses form objects to the surrounding environment. We identify opportunities for integration of Beacon transmitters in practical and commercial solutions. In the practical part of the thesis, we focus on user interface planning, thereafter on development of mobile application for Android, which uses the respective technology, connecting a mobile device with the real world. We demonstrate the usability of the application on example of the shopping center, where on the basis of the perceived transmitter proximity, we provide a useful location-relevant information to the user of mobile application, trigger various actions, recorded the user\u27s location and analyze his behavior. Beacon technology has been recognized as a medium for creating interaction between mobile devices and the real world, thus intervening in the Internet of things and opening up new opportunities within this domain

    Modeliranje pristaniškega zaledja z izbiro pristanišča

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    This paper presents a new approach for hinterland modelling based on the results of port choice modelling. The paper follows the idea that the shippers\u27 port choice is a trade-off between various objective and subjective factors. The presented model tackles the problem by applying the AHP method in order to obtain ports\u27 preference rates based on subjective factors, and combine them with objective factors, which include port operation costs, sailing times, and land transport costs using MILP. The ports\u27 hinterlands are modelled by finding the optimal port of choice for different locations across Europe and merging the identical results. The model can be used in order to produce captive hinterland of ports and can also be exploited in order to analyse how changes in the traffic infrastructure influence the size of hinterlands.Članek predstavlja nov pristop za modeliranje pristaniškega zaledja na podlagi rezultatov izbire pristanišča. Metodologija je osnovana na ideji, da je izbira pristanišča kompromis med raznimi tako objektivnimi kot tudi subjektivnimi dejavniki. Predstavljen model rešuje problematiko z uporabo metode AHP za določitev preferenčnih stopenj pristanišč na podlagi subjektivnih dejavnikov, katere nato združi z objektivnimi izračuni, ki vključujejo operativne stroške, čase plutja ter stroške zemeljskega transporta z uporabo metode MILP. Modeliranje zaledja je izvedeno z določitvijo optimalnega pristanišča za razne lokacije znotraj Evrope in z združevanjem istih rezultatov. Model je možno uporabiti za določanje zajetega zaledja pristanišč, prav tako pa ga je možno uporabiti za razne analize kako spremembe v prometni infrastrukturi vplivajo na obliko zaledij

    Children gut microbiota exhibits a different composition and metabolic profile after in vitro exposure to Clostridioides difficile and increases its sporulation

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    Clostridioides difficile (Clostridium difficile) infection (CDI) is one of the main public health concerns in adults, while children under 2 years of age are often colonized asymptomatically. In both adults and children, CDI is strongly associated with disturbances in gut microbiota. In this study, an in-vitro model of children gut microbiota was challenged with vegetative cells or a conditioned media of six different toxigenic C. difficile strains belonging to the ribotypes 027, 078, and 176. In the presence of C. difficile or conditioned medium the children gut microbiota diversity decreased and all main phyla (Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria) were affected. The NMR metabolic spectra divided C. difficile exposed children gut microbiota into three clusters. The grouping correlated with nine metabolites (short chain fatty acids, ethanol, phenolic acids and tyramine). All strains were able to grow in the presence of children gut microbiota and showed a high sporulation rate of up to 57%. This high sporulation rate in combination with high asymptomatic carriage in children could contribute to the understanding of the reported role of children in C. difficile transmissions

    Modeliranje pristaniškega zaledja z izbiro pristanišča

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    This paper presents a new approach for hinterland modelling based on the results of port choice modelling. The paper follows the idea that the shippers' port choice is a trade-off between various objective and subjective factors. The presented model tackles the problem by applying the AHP method in order to obtain ports' preference rates based on subjective factors, and combine them with objective factors, which include port operation costs, sailing times, and land transport costs using MILP. The ports' hinterlands are modelled by finding the optimal port of choice for different locations across Europe and merging the identical results. The model can be used in order to produce captive hinterland of ports and can also be exploited in order to analyse how changes in the traffic infrastructure influence the size of hinterlands. Članek predstavlja nov pristop za modeliranje pristaniškega zaledja na podlagi rezultatov izbire pristanišča. Metodologija je osnovana na ideji, da je izbira pristanišča kompromis med raznimi tako objektivnimi kot tudi subjektivnimi dejavniki. Predstavljen model rešuje problematiko z uporabo metode AHP za določitev preferenčnih stopenj pristanišč na podlagi subjektivnih dejavnikov, katere nato združi z objektivnimi izračuni, ki vključujejo operativne stroške, čase plutja ter stroške zemeljskega transporta z uporabo metode MILP. Modeliranje zaledja je izvedeno z določitvijo optimalnega pristanišča za razne lokacije znotraj Evrope in z združevanjem istih rezultatov. Model je možno uporabiti za določanje zajetega zaledja pristanišč, prav tako pa ga je možno uporabiti za razne analize kako spremembe v prometni infrastrukturi vplivajo na obliko zaledij

    Rab3a is critical for trapping alpha-MSH granules in the high Ca²⁺-affinity pool by preventing constitutive exocytosis.

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    Rab3a is a small GTPase of the Rab3 subfamily that acts during late stages of Ca²⁺-regulated exocytosis. Previous functional analysis in pituitary melanotrophs described Rab3a as a positive regulator of Ca²⁺-dependent exocytosis. However, the precise role of the Rab3a isoform on the kinetics and intracellular [Ca²⁺] sensitivity of regulated exocytosis, which may affect the availability of two major peptide hormones, α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) and β-endorphin in plasma, remain elusive. We employed Rab3a knock-out mice (Rab3a KO) to explore the secretory phenotype in melanotrophs from fresh pituitary tissue slices. High resolution capacitance measurements showed that Rab3a KO melanotrophs possessed impaired Ca²⁺-triggered secretory activity as compared to wild-type cells. The hampered secretion was associated with the absence of cAMP-guanine exchange factor II/ Epac2-dependent secretory component. This component has been attributed to high Ca²⁺-sensitive release-ready vesicles as determined by slow photo-release of caged Ca²⁺. Radioimmunoassay revealed that α-MSH, but not β-endorphin, was elevated in the plasma of Rab3a KO mice, indicating increased constitutive exocytosis of α-MSH. Increased constitutive secretion of α-MSH from incubated tissue slices was associated with reduced α-MSH cellular content in Rab3a-deficient pituitary cells. Viral re-expression of the Rab3a protein in vitro rescued the secretory phenotype of melanotrophs from Rab3a KO mice. In conclusion, we suggest that Rab3a deficiency promotes constitutive secretion and underlies selective impairment of Ca²⁺-dependent release of α-MSH