69 research outputs found

    Loss-of-Function Screen Reveals Novel Regulators Required for Drosophila Germline Stem Cell Self-Renewal

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    The germline stem cells (GSCs) of Drosophila melanogaster ovary provide an excellent model system to study the molecular mechanisms of stem cell self-renewal. To reveal novel factors required for Drosophila female GSC maintenance and/or division, we performed a loss-of-function screen in GSCs by using a collection of P-element–induced alleles of essential genes. Mutations in genes of various functional groups were identified to cause defects in GSC self-renewal. Here we report that a group of mutations affecting various ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes cause significant GSCs loss, including Plenty of SH3s (POSH), Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 10 (UbcD10), and pineapple eye (pie). Ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation plays a variety of roles in the regulation of many developmental processes, including mediating stem cell division through degradation of cell cycle regulators. We demonstrated that pie, sharing highly conserved RING domains with human E3 ubiquitin ligase G2E3 that are critical for early embryonic development, is specifically required for GSC maintenance, possibly through regulation of bone morphogenetic protein signaling pathway. Despite the previously reported role in imaginal disc cell survival, pie loss-of-function induced GSC loss is not to the result of caspase-involved cell death. Further efforts are needed to elucidate the functions of ubiquitin ligases in GSC maintenance, which will ultimately contribute to a better understanding of how the ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes regulate stem cell biology in mammalian systems

    Next-generation direct reprogramming

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    Tissue repair is significantly compromised in the aging human body resulting in critical disease conditions (such as myocardial infarction or Alzheimer’s disease) and imposing a tremendous burden on global health. Reprogramming approaches (partial or direct reprogramming) are considered fruitful in addressing this unmet medical need. However, the efficacy, cellular maturity and specific targeting are still major challenges of direct reprogramming. Here we describe novel approaches in direct reprogramming that address these challenges. Extracellular signaling pathways (Receptor tyrosine kinases, RTK and Receptor Serine/Theronine Kinase, RSTK) and epigenetic marks remain central in rewiring the cellular program to determine the cell fate. We propose that modern protein design technologies (AI-designed minibinders regulating RTKs/RSTK, epigenetic enzymes, or pioneer factors) have potential to solve the aforementioned challenges. An efficient transdifferentiation/direct reprogramming may in the future provide molecular strategies to collectively reduce aging, fibrosis, and degenerative diseases

    Assessment of Hypoxia Inducible Factor Levels in Cancer Cell Lines upon Hypoxic Induction Using a Novel Reporter Construct

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    Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) signaling pathway is important for tumor cells with limited oxygen supplies, as it is shown to be involved in the process of proliferation and angiogenesis. Given its pivotal role in cancer biology, robust assays for tracking changes in HIF expression are necessary for understanding its regulation in cancer as well as developing therapies that target HIF signaling. Here we report a novel HIF reporter construct containing tandem repeats of minimum HIF binding sites upstream of eYFP coding sequence. We show that the reporter construct has an excellent signal to background ratio and the reporter activity is HIF dependent and directly correlates with HIF protein levels. By utilizing this new construct, we assayed HIF activity levels in different cancer cell lines cultured in various degrees of hypoxia. This analysis reveals a surprising cancer cell line specific variation of HIF activity in the same level of hypoxia. We further show that in two cervical cancer cell lines, ME180 and HeLa, the different HIF activity levels observed correlate with the levels of hsp90, a cofactor that protects HIF against VHL-independent degradation. This novel HIF reporter construct serves as a tool to rapidly define HIF activity levels and therefore the therapeutic capacity of potential HIF repressors in individual cancers

    Genetic Modifier Screens Reveal New Components that Interact with the Drosophila Dystroglycan-Dystrophin Complex

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    The Dystroglycan-Dystrophin (Dg-Dys) complex has a capacity to transmit information from the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton inside the cell. It is proposed that this interaction is under tight regulation; however the signaling/regulatory components of Dg-Dys complex remain elusive. Understanding the regulation of the complex is critical since defects in this complex cause muscular dystrophy in humans. To reveal new regulators of the Dg-Dys complex, we used a model organism Drosophila melanogaster and performed genetic interaction screens to identify modifiers of Dg and Dys mutants in Drosophila wing veins. These mutant screens revealed that the Dg-Dys complex interacts with genes involved in muscle function and components of Notch, TGF-β and EGFR signaling pathways. In addition, components of pathways that are required for cellular and/or axonal migration through cytoskeletal regulation, such as Semaphorin-Plexin, Frazzled-Netrin and Slit-Robo pathways show interactions with Dys and/or Dg. These data suggest that the Dg-Dys complex and the other pathways regulating extracellular information transfer to the cytoskeletal dynamics are more intercalated than previously thought

    Chronic Hypoxia Impairs Muscle Function in the Drosophila Model of Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)

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    Duchenne's muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe progressive myopathy caused by mutations in the DMD gene leading to a deficiency of the dystrophin protein. Due to ongoing muscle necrosis in respiratory muscles late-stage DMD is associated with respiratory insufficiency and chronic hypoxia (CH). To understand the effects of CH on dystrophin-deficient muscle in vivo, we exposed the Drosophila model for DMD (dmDys) to CH during a 16-day ascent to the summit of Mount Denali/McKinley (6194 meters above sea level). Additionally, dmDys and wild type (WT) flies were also exposed to CH in laboratory simulations of high altitude hypoxia. Expression profiling was performed using Affymetrix GeneChips® and validated using qPCR. Hypoxic dmDys differentially expressed 1281 genes, whereas the hypoxic WT flies differentially expressed 56 genes. Interestingly, a number of genes (e.g. heat shock proteins) were discordantly regulated in response to CH between dmDys and WT. We tested the possibility that the disparate molecular responses of dystrophin-deficient tissues to CH could adversely affect muscle by performing functional assays in vivo. Normoxic and CH WT and dmDys flies were challenged with acute hypoxia and time-to-recover determined as well as subjected to climbing tests. Impaired performance was noted for CH-dmDys compared to normoxic dmDys or WT flies (rank order: Normoxic-WT ≈ CH-WT> Normoxic-dmDys> CH-dmDys). These data suggest that dystrophin-deficiency is associated with a disparate, pathological hypoxic stress response(s) and is more sensitive to hypoxia induced muscle dysfunction in vivo. We hypothesize that targeting/correcting the disparate molecular response(s) to hypoxia may offer a novel therapeutic strategy in DMD

    Small RNAs: keeping stem cells in line

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    Stem cells and RNA silencing have emerged as areas of intense interest for both basic and clinical research. Recently these fields have converged with reports implicating small regulatory RNAs in the maintenance and pluripotency of stem cells

    Notch signaling through Tramtrack bypasses the mitosis promoting activity of the JNK pathway in the mitotic-to-endocycle transition of Drosophila follicle cells

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    Background: The follicle cells of the Drosophila egg chamber provide an excellent model in which to study modulation of the cell cycle. During mid-oogenesis, the follicle cells undergo a variation of the cell cycle, endocycle, in which the cells replicate their DNA, but do not go through mitosis. Previously, we showed that Notch signaling is required for the mitotic-to-endocycle transition, through downregulating String/Cdc25, and Dacapo/p21 and upregulating Fizzy-related/Cdh1. Results: In this paper, we show that Notch signaling is modulated by Shaggy and temporally induced by the ligand Delta, at the mitotic-to-endocycle transition. In addition, a downstream target of Notch, tramtrack, acts at the mitotic-to-endocycle transition. We also demonstrate that the JNK pathway is required to promote mitosis prior to the transition, independent of the cell cycle components acted on by the Notch pathway. Conclusion: This work reveals new insights into the regulation of Notch-dependent mitotic-toendocycle switch.HR-B was funded by grants from the National Institues of Health, American Heart Association and American Cancer Society. VS was supported by the Human Frontier Science Program, EEG by Washington NASA Space Grant and Mary Gates Foundation
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