11 research outputs found

    Fatigue fractures in military conscripts : a study on risk factors, diagnostics and long-term consequences

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    Fatigue fracture is an overuse injury commonly encountered in military and sports medicine, and known to relate to intensive or recently intensified physical activity. Bone responds to increased stress by enhanced remodeling. If physical stress exceeds bone s capability to remodel, accumulation of microfractures can lead to bone fatigue and stress fracture. Clinical diagnosis of stress fractures is complex and based on patient s anamnesis and radiological imaging. Bone stress fractures are mostly low-risk injuries, healing well after non-operative management, yet, occurring in high-risk areas, stress fractures can progress to displacement, often necessitating surgical treatment and resulting in prolonged morbidity. In the current study, the role of vitamin D as a predisposing factor for fatigue fractures was assessed using serum 25OHD level as the index. The average serum 25OHD concentration was significantly lower in conscripts with fatigue fracture than in controls. Evaluating TRACP-5b bone resorption marker as indicator of fatigue fractures, patients with elevated serum TRACP-5b levels had eight times higher probability of sustaining a stress fracture than controls. Among the 154 patients with exercise induced anterior lower leg pain and no previous findings on plain radiography, MRI revealed a total of 143 bone stress injuries in 86 patients. In 99% of the cases, injuries were in the tibia, 57% in the distal third of the tibial shaft. In patients with injury, forty-nine (57%) patients exhibited bilateral stress injuries. In a 20-year follow-up, the incidence of femoral neck fatigue fractures prior to the Finnish Defence Forces new regimen in 1986 addressing prevention of these fractures was 20.8/100,000, but rose to 53.2/100,000 afterwards, a significant 2.6-fold increase. In nineteen subjects with displaced femoral neck fatigue fractures, ten early local complications (in first postoperative year) were evident, and after the first postoperative year, osteonecrosis of the femoral head in six and osteoarthritis of the hip in thirteen patients were found. It seems likely that low vitamin D levels are related to fatigue fractures, and that an increasing trend exists between TRACP-5b bone resorption marker elevation and fatigue fracture incidence. Though seldom detected by plain radiography, fatigue fractures often underlie unclear lower leg stress-related pain occurring in the distal parts of the tibia. Femoral neck fatigue fractures, when displaced, lead to long-term morbidity in a high percentage of patients, whereas, when non-displaced, they do not predispose patients to subsequent adverse complications. Importantly, an educational intervention can diminish the incidence of fracture displacement by enhancing awareness and providing instructions for earlier diagnosis of fatigue fractures.PÀÀsÀÀntöisesti urheilijoilla ja sotilaskoulutuksessa olevilla henkilöillÀ esiintyvÀ rasitusmurtuma syntyy, kun luun kuormituksen kesto ylittyy varsinkin jyrkÀssÀ nousujohteisessa ja liian nopeatahtisessa harjoittelussa. Luun vaurioituessa muodostuu mikromurtumia, joiden paranemista rasitus saattaa estÀÀ. Rasituksen seurauksena vaurio voi myös laajentua ja lopulta johtaa varsinaiseen luun murtumaan. YleensÀ rasitusmurtumat paranevat hyvin riittÀvÀllÀ levolla ja kuormituksen vÀhentÀmisellÀ. Kuitenkin tiettyihin rasitusmurtumiin, kuten reisiluunkaulan murtumiin, liittyy riski murtuman dislokaatiosta, mikÀ pahimmillaan voi johtaa pysyvÀÀn invaliditeettiin. TÀten rasitusmurtumien ennaltaehkÀisy ja varhaisdiagnostiikka ovatkin ensisijaisen tÀrkeitÀ. Rasitusmurtumien diagnostiikka perustuu pÀÀasiassa potilaan taustatietoihin sekÀ erilaisiin radiologisiin kuvantamismenetelmiin - kliiniset tutkimukset ovat epÀvarmoja ja laboratoriodiagnostiikka puuttuu. Koska D-vitamiinilla on selkeÀ rooli luuston terveydessÀ, selvitimme onko sillÀ yhteyttÀ rasitusmurtumiin. KeskimÀÀrÀiset D-vitamiinitasot olivat murtumapotilailla merkitsevÀsti alhaisemmat kuin verrokeilla. TRACP5b-entsyymi, kuvaten luun hajotuksen mÀÀrÀÀ elimistössÀ, on toiminut hyvin osteoporoosin diagnostiikassa, joten selvitimme soveltuuko se myös rasitusmurtumien osoittamiseen. Kohonnut seerumin TRACP5b arvo nosti murtuman todennÀköisyyden kahdeksankertaiseksi verrokkeihin nÀhden. Selvitimme magneettikuvauksen avulla minkÀlaisia luumuutoksia tai muita syitÀ löytyi 154 potilaan kliinisesti epÀselvÀn rasitusperÀisen sÀÀri-/pohjekivun taustalta. Magneettitutkimus paljasti 86 potilaalla yhteensÀ 143 rasitusmurtumaa, joista 99% sijoittui sÀÀriluuhun ja 57% sen alimpaan kolmannekseen. PitkÀllÀ 20-vuoden seuranta-ajalla selvitimme reisiluun kaulan rasitusmurtumien esiintyvyyden varusmiesten palvelusaikana sekÀ nÀiden murtumien johdosta hoidettujen potilaiden pitkÀaikaisseurantatulokset. Tutkimus osoitti, ettÀ alhainen D-vitamiinin saanti altistaa rasitusmurtumien syntymiselle. Rasitusmurtumapotilaiden TRACP5b arvoissa on nÀhtÀvissÀ nousevaa trendiÀ. EpÀselvien sÀÀren alueen rasituskipujen syynÀ ovat usein luun rasitusmuutokset, jotka varsinkin esiintyessÀÀn sÀÀriluun alaosissa jÀÀvÀt usein nÀkymÀttÀ tavallisessa röntgenkuvauksessa. Dislokoituneet reisiluun kaulan rasitusmurtumat johtavat useimmilla potilailla komplikaatioihin, kun taas dislokoitumattomat murtumat paranevat lÀhes poikkeuksetta oireettomiksi. Tehokkaalla ohjeistuksella on selkeÀsti mahdollisuus vaikuttaa nÀiden murtumien varhaiseen diagnosointiin ja siten komplikaatioiden onnistuneeseen vÀlttÀmiseen

    Effects of operational assessment of the 4:4 and 4:4/6:6 watch systems on sleepiness, fatigue, and stress responses during patrolling on a navy missile patrol boat

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    The operation of naval vessels involves watchkeeping 24 h per day, which is globally carried out by a variety of different watch systems. In this study, the rotating 4:4 and fixed 4:4/6:6 two-section watch systems were compared in terms of sleepiness, fatigue, and stress responses. The data collection took place on a Finnish Defence Forces' (FDF) Navy missile patrol boat with 15 crew members serving as study participants. The data collection periods lasted two separate weeks (7 days, 6 nights) with the different watch systems. The subjective sleepiness of the participants was assessed before and after every watch using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). Stress responses were assessed daily by the recorded levels of salivary alpha-amylase (sAA), cortisol (sCor), immunoglobulin A (sIgA), and dehydroepiandrosterone (sDHEA). The participants' sustained attention, inhibitory control, and working memory were assessed daily by cognitive tests (SART, N-Back). The heart rate variability (HRV) during an orthostatic test was used as an additional daily marker to assess the amount of psychological stress of the participants. In this study, the difference regarding sleepiness and fatigue between the study weeks was most visible in the subjective KSS, which clearly favored the 4:4/6:6 system. The results of sAA and sIgA also suggested that the subjects were psychologically less stressed during the study week with the 4:4/6:6 watch system. Cognitive test results (SART, N-Back) indicated that there were overall no significant differences in the subjects' sustained attention, inhibitory control, or working memory during the study weeks or between the study weeks. The results of the HRV data during the daily orthostatic tests were inconclusive but there was some indication that the subjects were less stressed during the study week with the 4:4/6:6 watch system. In conclusion, the present study indicates that in navy surface operations: working with the fixed 4:4/6:6 watch system causes less sleepiness, fatigue, and psychological stress than working with the rotating 4:4 watch system. The study result is well in line with previous research regarding watch systems

    The Effects of Individual Characteristics of the Naval Personnel on Sleepiness and Stress during Two Different Watchkeeping Schedules

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    Background: Naval service can have a significant impact on the wellbeing of seafarers, and the operation of warships is highly dependent on the personnel on board. Nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the impact of seafarers' individual characteristics on their wellbeing in a naval environment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate individual characteristics of the naval personnel that may be associated with the amount of sleepiness, fatigue and stress responses experienced during shift work and irregular working hours in a naval environment. Methods: The study took place on a Finnish Defence Forces' Navy missile patrol boat on which 18 crewmembers served as study participants. The measurement periods lasted two separate weeks (seven days and six nights) during shift work with two different watchkeeping systems (4:4, 4:4/6:6). The onboard measurements consisted of the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, salivary stress hormones, cognitive tests (Sustained Attention to Response Task and N-back Task) and heart rate variability. Results: Participants of older ages or with a longer history in naval service were associated with a greater amount of sleepiness, fatigue and stress responses on board. On the contrary, increased physical activity and a higher level of physical fitness, especially standing long jump, were associated with a lower amount of sleepiness, fatigue and fewer stress responses. In addition, an athletic body composition together with a healthy lifestyle may be beneficial, considering the stress responses on board. Conclusion: The present results are well in line with the previous literature regarding shift work and irregular working hours. The results highlight the importance of regular physical activity and good physical fitness during service in the naval environment

    The Effects of Individual Characteristics of the Naval Personnel on Sleepiness and Stress during Two Different Watchkeeping Schedules

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    Background: Naval service can have a significant impact on the wellbeing of seafarers, and the operation of warships is highly dependent on the personnel on board. Nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the impact of seafarers’ individual characteristics on their wellbeing in a naval environment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate individual characteristics of the naval personnel that may be associated with the amount of sleepiness, fatigue and stress responses experienced during shift work and irregular working hours in a naval environment. Methods: The study took place on a Finnish Defence Forces’ Navy missile patrol boat on which 18 crewmembers served as study participants. The measurement periods lasted two separate weeks (seven days and six nights) during shift work with two different watchkeeping systems (4:4, 4:4/6:6). The onboard measurements consisted of the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, salivary stress hormones, cognitive tests (Sustained Attention to Response Task and N-back Task) and heart rate variability. Results: Participants of older ages or with a longer history in naval service were associated with a greater amount of sleepiness, fatigue and stress responses on board. On the contrary, increased physical activity and a higher level of physical fitness, especially standing long jump, were associated with a lower amount of sleepiness, fatigue and fewer stress responses. In addition, an athletic body composition together with a healthy lifestyle may be beneficial, considering the stress responses on board. Conclusion: The present results are well in line with the previous literature regarding shift work and irregular working hours. The results highlight the importance of regular physical activity and good physical fitness during service in the naval environment.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Risk factors of acute and overuse musculoskeletal injuries among young conscripts: a population-based cohort study

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    Background Military service in Finland is compulsory for all male citizens and annually about 80% of 19-year-old men enter into the service. The elevated risk for many chronic diseases and loss of function among those who are inactive and unfit can be often detected already in youth. On the other hand, activity-induced injuries among young are true public health issue. The purpose of the present prospective cohort follow-up study was to evaluate predictive associations between acute or overuse injuries and their various intrinsic risk factors. Methods Four successive cohorts of conscripts who formed a representative sample of Finnish young men were followed for 6 months. At the beginning of the service, the risk factors of injuries were measured and recorded and then the acute and overuse injuries treated at the garrison clinic were identified. Predictive associations between injuries and their risk factors were examined by multivariate Cox’s proportional hazard models. Results Of the 1411 participants, 27% sustained an acute injury and 51% suffered from overuse injury. Concerning acute injuries, highest risk for severe injuries were detected among conscripts with low fitness level in both the standing long-jump and push-up tests (hazard rate, HR=5.9; 95% CI: 1.6‒21.3). A history of good degree in school sports was not a protective factor against acute injuries. High waist circumference and, on the other hand, being underweight according to BMI increased the HR for overuse injuries. Brisk leisure time physical activity before military entry was a protective factor against overuse injuries. Poor result in Cooper’s test was a warning signal of elevated risk of overuse injuries. Conclusion We confirmed previous findings that low level of physical fitness is predictor for musculoskeletal injuries during intensive physical training. The U-shaped relationship between body composition and overuse injuries was noticed indicating that both obesity and underweight are risk factors for overuse injuries. Persons with excellent sports skills according to their earlier degrees in school sports had similar HR for acute injuries than those with poorer degrees. This indicates that school-age sports skills and fitness do not carry far and therefore preventive programmes are needed to prevent activity-induced injuries.BioMed Central open acces

    Effects of operational assessment of the 4:4 and 4:4/6:6 watch systems on sleepiness, fatigue, and stress responses during patrolling on a navy missile patrol boat

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    The operation of naval vessels involves watchkeeping 24 h per day, which is globally carried out by a variety of different watch systems. In this study, the rotating 4:4 and fixed 4:4/6:6 two-section watch systems were compared in terms of sleepiness, fatigue, and stress responses. The data collection took place on a Finnish Defence Forces’ (FDF) Navy missile patrol boat with 15 crew members serving as study participants. The data collection periods lasted two separate weeks (7 days, 6 nights) with the different watch systems. The subjective sleepiness of the participants was assessed before and after every watch using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). Stress responses were assessed daily by the recorded levels of salivary alpha-amylase (sAA), cortisol (sCor), immunoglobulin A (sIgA), and dehydroepiandrosterone (sDHEA). The participants’ sustained attention, inhibitory control, and working memory were assessed daily by cognitive tests (SART, N-Back). The heart rate variability (HRV) during an orthostatic test was used as an additional daily marker to assess the amount of psychological stress of the participants. In this study, the difference regarding sleepiness and fatigue between the study weeks was most visible in the subjective KSS, which clearly favored the 4:4/6:6 system. The results of sAA and sIgA also suggested that the subjects were psychologically less stressed during the study week with the 4:4/6:6 watch system. Cognitive test results (SART, N-Back) indicated that there were overall no significant differences in the subjects’ sustained attention, inhibitory control, or working memory during the study weeks or between the study weeks. The results of the HRV data during the daily orthostatic tests were inconclusive but there was some indication that the subjects were less stressed during the study week with the 4:4/6:6 watch system. In conclusion, the present study indicates that in navy surface operations: working with the fixed 4:4/6:6 watch system causes less sleepiness, fatigue, and psychological stress than working with the rotating 4:4 watch system. The study result is well in line with previous research regarding watch systems.peerReviewe