168 research outputs found

    Background-deflection Brillouin microscopy reveals altered biomechanics of intracellular stress granules by ALS protein FUS

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    Altered cellular biomechanics have been implicated as key photogenic triggers in age-related diseases. An aberrant liquid-to-solid phase transition, observed in in vitro reconstituted droplets of FUS protein, has been recently proposed as a possible pathogenic mechanism for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Whether such transition occurs in cell environments is currently unknown as a consequence of the limited measuring capability of the existing techniques, which are invasive or lack of subcellular resolution. Here we developed a non-contact and label-free imaging method, named background-deflection Brillouin microscopy, to investigate the three-dimensional intracellular biomechanics at a sub-micron resolution. Our method exploits diffraction to achieve an unprecedented 10,000-fold enhancement in the spectral contrast of single-stage spectrometers, enabling, to the best of our knowledge, the first direct biomechanical analysis on intracellular stress granules containing ALS mutant FUS protein in fixed cells. Our findings provide fundamental insights on the critical aggregation step underlying the neurodegenerative ALS disease

    917-97 Decreased Resistance Against Oxidation of LDL from Patients with Homozigous Familial Hypercholesterolemia

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    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) was the first genetic disorder recognized to cause myocardial infarction. Homozigotes (H) inherit two mutant genes at the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor locus, and as a result of the increased levels and prolonged residence time of LDL in plasma, there is a strong tendency toward accumulation of LDL in the arterial wall, causing early atherogenesis. It has been shown that LDL might undergo oxidation before it can be taken up by macrophages and it become foam cells. Thus, one additional explanation for atherogenesis in FH may be the extent to which LDL is susceptible to oxidation. We selected 8 homozigous FH pts (mean total-cholesterol 825±70mg/dl) matched with 8 healthy subjects to investigate the LDL oxidizability. Skin fibroblast cultures showed that one patient was receptor negative, while others were receptor-defective. LDL were isolated from serum by ultracentrifugations in KBr. Purified LDL was exposed to oxygen radicals generated by the xanthine/xanthine oxidase reaction (2mM and 100mU, respectively for 18hs at 37°C). Malonildihaldehyde (MDAI content was evaluated by the thiobarbiturate method. LDL analysis was carried on polyacrylamide (PAGE; 5 to 16% gradient) and agarose gel electrophoresis (0.8% in Tris-HCL buffer). No significant increase was observed in the basal concentration of MDA between LDL from H and controls (0.8±0.12 and 0.9±0.15nmoles of MDAlmg of protein, respectively). Instead, afteroxidation MDAwas 35.1±4.5* nmoles/mg of protein LDL from H, and 23.5±4.1 in controls (*p<0.05). PAGE confirmed the purity of LDL, present as an intact apolipoprotein B100(apo-B100). When oxidized LDL was run on PAGE an extensive apo-B100fragmentation, replaced by lower fragments ranging from 97.400 to 205.000 m.w., was only observed in LDL from H but not in controls in our experimental conditions. MDA content after oxidation of LDL correlated well with the loss of intact apo-B100. Finally, the relative LDL mobility on agarose gel was evaluated. This assay allows to detect changes in electric charge induced by oxidation. Basal LDL from H and controls migrated as homogeneous bands to 1.2±0.2 and 1.1±0.2cm from the origin. In contrast, oxidized LDL from H migrated to 2.1±0.3*cm from the origin while those of controls migrated to 1.5±0.2 (*p<0.05). Thus, in FH LDL appear to be more susceptible to oxidationin vitro; the indices for LDL oxidizability were all significantly different from those of controls. This phenomenon may be an important additional mechanism of atherogenesis in homozigous FH

    Microglia-derived microvesicles affect microglia phenotype in glioma

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    Extracellular-released vesicles (EVs), such as microvesicles (MV) and exosomes (Exo) provide a new type of inter-cellular communication, directly transferring a ready to use box of information, consisting of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. In the nervous system, EVs participate to neuron-glial cross-talk, a bidirectional communication important to preserve brain homeostasis and, when dysfunctional, involved in several CNS diseases. We investigated whether microglia-derived EVs could be used to transfer a protective phenotype to dysfunctional microglia in the context of a brain tumor. When MV, isolated from microglia stimulated with LPS/IFNg were brain injected in glioma-bearing mice, we observed a phenotype switch of tumor associated myeloid cells (TAMs) and a reduction of tumor size. Our findings indicate that the MV cargo, which contains upregulated transcripts for several inflammation-related genes, can transfer information in the brain of glioma bearing mice modifying microglial gene expression, reducing neuronal death and glioma invasion, thus promoting the recovery of brain homeostasis

    Diffraction-free light droplets for axially-resolved volume imaging

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    An ideal direct imaging system entails a method to illuminate on command a single diffraction-limited region in a generally thick and turbid volume. The best approximation to this is the use of large-aperture lenses that focus light into a spot. This strategy fails for regions that are embedded deep into the sample, where diffraction and scattering prevail. Airy beams and Bessel beams are solutions of the Helmholtz Equation that are both non-diffracting and self-healing, features that make them naturally able to outdo the effects of distance into the volume but intrinsically do not allow resolution along the propagation axis. Here, we demonstrate diffraction-free self-healing three-dimensional monochromatic light spots able to penetrate deep into the volume of a sample, resist against deflection in turbid environments, and offer axial resolution comparable to that of Gaussian beams. The fields, formed from coherent mixtures of Bessel beams, manifest a more than ten-fold increase in their undistorted penetration, even in turbid milk solutions, compared to diffraction-limited beams. In a fluorescence imaging scheme, we find a ten-fold increase in image contrast compared to diffraction-limited illuminations, and a constant axial resolution even after four Rayleigh lengths. Results pave the way to new opportunities in three-dimensional microscopy

    Breaking the Contrast Limit in Single-Pass Fabry-PĂ©rot Spectrometers

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    The development of high-resolution Fabry-Pérot interferometers has enabled a wide range of scientific and technological advances—ranging from the characterization of material properties to the more fundamental studies of quasi particles in condensed matter. Spectral contrast is key to measuring weak signals and can reach a 103 peak-to-background ratio in a single-pass assembly.At its heart, this limit is a consequence of an unbalanced field amplitude across multiple interfering paths, with an ensuing reduced fringe visibility. Using a high-resolution, high-throughput virtually imaged phased array spectrometer, we demonstrate an intensity-equalization method to achieve an unprecedented 1000-fold increase in spectral contrast in a single-stage, single-pass configuration. To validate the system, we obtain the Brillouin spectrum of water at high scattering concentrations where, unlike with the standard scheme, the inelastic peaks are highly resolved. Our method brings the interferometer close to its ultimate limits and allows rapid high-resolution spectral analysis in a wide range of fields, including Brillouin spectroscopy, mechanical imaging, and molecular fingerprinting

    Two Benthic Diatoms, Nanofrustulum shiloi and Striatella unipunctata, Encapsulated in Alginate Beads, Influence the Reproductive Efficiency of Paracentrotus lividus by Modulating the Gene Expression

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    Physiological effects of algal metabolites is a key step for the isolation of interesting bioactive compounds. Invertebrate grazers may be fed on live diatoms or dried, pelletized, and added to compound feeds. Any method may reveal some shortcomings, due to the leaking of wound-activated compounds in the water prior to ingestion. For this reason, encapsulation may represent an important step of bioassay-guided fractionation, because it may assure timely preservation of the active compounds. Here we test the effects of the inclusion in alginate (biocompatible and non-toxic delivery system) matrices to produce beads containing two benthic diatoms for sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus feeding. In particular, we compared the effects of a diatom whose influence on P. lividus was known (Nanofrustulum shiloi) and those of a diatom suspected to be harmful to marine invertebrates, because it is often present in blooms (Striatella unipunctata). Dried N. shiloi and S. unipunctata were offered for one month after encapsulation in alginate hydrogel beads and the larvae produced by sea urchins were checked for viability and malformations. The results indicated that N. shiloi, already known for its toxigenic effects on sea urchin larvae, fully conserved its activity after inclusion in alginate beads. On the whole, benthic diatoms affected the embryogenesis of P. lividus, altering the expression of several genes involved in stress response, development, skeletogenesis and detoxification processes. Interactomic analysis suggested that both diatoms activated a similar stress response pathway, through the up-regulation of hsp60, hsp70, NF-kappa B, 14-3-3 epsilon and MDR1 genes. This research also demonstrates that the inclusion in alginate beads may represent a feasible technique to isolate diatom-derived bioactive compounds

    It is no longer the time to disregard thyroid metastases from breast cancer: A case report and review of the literature

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    Background: Metastases to the thyroid gland are more frequent than previously thought, although most of them are occult or not clinically relevant. Overall, only 42 cases of metastases to thyroid from breast cancer have been reported thus far. Here we report the case of a patient with breast cancer metastatic to the thyroid. We also review the 42 previously reported cases (published between 1962 and 2012). This is the first review about metastases to thyroid gland from breast cancer. Case presentation: A 64-year-old woman of Caucasian origin was diagnosed with a lobular invasive carcinoma of the breast (luminal A, stage II). She received adjuvant chemotherapy, followed by endocrine therapy. During follow- up, fine-needle cytology of a thyroid nodule revealed malignant cells that were estrogen-positive, which suggested a diagnosis of metastases to the thyroid. Imaging did not reveal any other metastatic site and showed only enlargement of the left thyroid lobe and an inhomogeneous pattern of colloid and cystic degeneration and calcifications. The patient underwent left hemithyroidectomy. Histology of thyroid tissue showed a colloid goitre containing dispersed small atypical neoplastic cells with eccentric nuclei. Immunohistochemistry showed cytokeratin-19 and oestrogen receptor, but not tireoglobulin, e-cadherin or cytokeratin-7, thereby confirming metastases from a lobular breast carcinoma. Hormonal treatment is ongoing. Conclusion: This case report and first review of the literature on metastases to thyroid from breast cancer highlight the importance of a correct early diagnostic work-up in such cases. Indeed, a primary lesion should be distinguished from metastases given the different treatment protocol related to primary cancer and the clinical impact on prognosis

    De novo DNA methylation induced by circulating extracellular vesicles from acute coronary syndrome patients

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    DNA methylation is associated with gene silencing, but its clinical role in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remains to be elucidated. We hypothesized that extracellular vesicles (EVs) may carry epigenetic changes, showing themselves as a potentially valuable non-invasive diagnostic liquid biopsy. We isolated and characterized circulating EVs of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients and assessed their role on DNA methylation in epigenetic modifications
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