102 research outputs found

    Experimental Quantum Imaging exploiting multi-mode spatial correlation of twin beams

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    Properties of quantum states have disclosed new and revolutionary technologies, ranging from quantum information to quantum imaging. This last field is addressed to overcome limits of classical imaging by exploiting specific properties of quantum states of light. One of the most interesting proposed scheme exploits spatial quantum correlations between twin beams for realizing sub-shot-noise imaging of the weak absorbing objects, leading ideally to a noise-free imaging. Here we discuss in detail the experimental realization of this scheme, showing its capability to reach a larger signal to noise ratio with respect to classical imaging methods and, therefore, its interest for future practical applications

    Quantum enhanced imaging of nonuniform refractive profiles

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    In this work, quantum metrology techniques are applied to the imaging of objects with a nonuniform refractive spatial profile. A sensible improvement on the classical accuracy is shown to be found when the "Twin Beam (TWB) State" is used. In particular, exploiting the multimode spatial correlation, naturally produced in the Parametric Down Conversion (PDC) process, allows a 2D reconstruction of complex spatial profiles, thus enabling an enhanced imaging. The idea is to use one of the spatially multimode beams to probe the sample and the other as a reference to reduce the noise. A similar model can also be used to describe wave front distortion measurements. The model is meant to be followed by a first experimental demonstration of such enhanced measurement scheme

    Systematic analysis of SNR in bipartite Ghost Imaging with classical and quantum light

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    We present a complete and exhaustive theory of signal-to-noise-ratio in bipartite ghost imaging with classical (thermal) and quantum (twin beams) light. The theory is compared with experiment for both twin beams and thermal light in a certain regime of interest

    Single-phase and correlated-phase estimation with multiphoton annihilated squeezed vacuum states: An energy-balancing scenario

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    partially_open3In recent years, several works have demonstrated the advantage of photon-subtracted Gaussian states for various quantum optics and information protocols. In most of these works, the relation between the advantages and the usual increasing energy of the quantum state related to photon subtraction was not clearly investigated. In this paper, we study the performance of an interferometer injected with multiphoton-annihilated squeezed vacuum states mixed with coherent states for both single- and correlated-phase estimations. For single-phase estimation, although the use of multiphoton-annihilated squeezed vacuum states at low mean photons per mode provides an advantage compared to classical strategy, when the total input energy is held fixed, the advantage due to photon subtraction is completely lost. However, for the correlated case in the analogous scenario, some advantage appears to come from both the energy rise and improvement in photon statistics. In particular quantum enhanced sensitivity with photon-subtracted states appears more robust to losses, showing an advantage of about 30% with respect to the squeezed vacuum state in the case of a realistic value of the detection efficiency.openN. Samantaray; I. Ruo Berchera; I. P. DegiovanniSamantaray, N.; Ruo Berchera, I.; Degiovanni, I. P

    Realization of a twin beam source based on four-wave mixing in Cesium

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    Four-wave mixing (4WM) is a known source of intense non-classical twin beams. It can be generated when an intense laser beam (the pump) and a weak laser beam (the seed) overlap in a χ(3)\chi^{(3)} medium (here cesium vapor), with frequencies close to resonance with atomic transitions. The twin beams generated by 4WM have frequencies naturally close to atomic transitions, and can be intense (gain ≫1\gg 1) even in the CW pump regime, which is not the case for PDC χ(2)\chi^{(2)} phenomenon in non-linear crystals. So, 4WM is well suited for atom-light interaction and atom-based quantum protocols. Here we present the first realization of a source of 4-wave mixing exploiting D2D_2 line of Cesium atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Two-mode squeezed vacuum and squeezed light in correlated interferometry

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    We study in detail a system of two interferometers aimed to the detection of extremely faint phase-fluctuations. This system can represent a breakthrough for detecting a faint correlated signal that would remain otherwise undetectable even using the most sensitive individual interferometric devices, that are limited by the shot noise. If the two interferometers experience identical phase-fluctuations, like the ones introduced by the so called "holographic noise", this signal should emerge if their output signals are correlated, while the fluctuations due to shot noise and other independent contributions will vanish. We show how the injecting quantum light in the free ports of the interferometers can reduce the photon noise of the system beyond the shot-noise, enhancing the resolution in the phase-correlation estimation. We analyze both the use of two-mode squeezed vacuum or twin-beam state (TWB) and of two independent squeezing states. Our results basically confirms the benefit of using squeezed beams together with strong coherent beams in interferometry, even in this correlated case. However, mainly we concentrate on the possible use of TWB, discovering interesting and probably unexplored areas of application of bipartite entanglement and in particular the possibility of reaching in principle surprising uncertainty reduction

    Testing Quantum Gravity by Quantum Light

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    In the last years quantum correlations received large attention as key ingredient in advanced quantum metrology protocols, in this letter we show that they provide even larger advantages when considering multiple-interferometer setups. In particular we demonstrate that the use of quantum correlated light beams in coupled interferometers leads to substantial advantages with respect to classical light, up to a noise-free scenario for the ideal lossless case. On the one hand, our results prompt the possibility of testing quantum gravity in experimental configurations affordable in current quantum optics laboratories and strongly improve the precision in "larger size experiments" such as the Fermilab holometer; on the other hand, they pave the way for future applications to high precision measurements and quantum metrology.Comment: PRL in pres
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