720 research outputs found
The National Park Idea: Historical Misconceptions and Ecological Realities
17 pages.
Contains references
Atomic and Electronic Structure of Graphene and Graphene Intercalation Compounds. X-Ray Standing Wave and Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Studies
The morphology of graphene/Iridium(111) was studied by x-ray standing wave (XSW) measurements. A dependence of the moire corrugation on the graphene coverage is observed. A comparison with density functional theory (DFT) reveals a discrepancy on the corrugation caused by stress appearing from the cool down from the preparation temperature. The model of rehybridised graphene due to cluster adsorption is supported by a structure analysis. Graphene intercalation compounds were investigated by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), low energy electron diffraction (LEED), and XSW. It is shown that intercalation takes place via cracks and holes at wrinkles and wrinkle crossings. The superstructures of caesium intercalated graphene are resolved. For intercalants interacting mainly via van der Waals forces it could be shown that the graphene-intercalant
distance is dependent on the charge transfer. Moreover, the structure analysis supports that oxygen intercalation leads to quasi freestanding graphene. A rigid-band model is introduced and applied to graphene intercalation compounds. Scanning tunnelling microscopy measurements reveal clear indications for Dirac electron scattering at defects. In these processes the pseudo-spin is not conserved leading to both inter- and intravalley scattering
The National Park Idea: Historical Misconceptions and Ecological Realities
17 pages.
Contains references
Creating an Environment That Encourages Women Entrepreneurs
If women do not participate fully in entrepreneurial activities, we lose half the potential of our society and economic development will be limited. Women who do take on entrepreneurial roles succeed admirably. Thus, their participation is all the more important. This article cites a speech by Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's COO, in which she offers several reasons for women's lack of participation and leadership. These factors are discussed and several solutions are proposed which could contribute to making the environment of a community more supportive and conducive to the successful participation of women in leadership roles
Analysis of the Potential Structure of a Peer Mentorship Program for The Construction Management Department at Cal Poly, SLO
The Construction Management Department at Cal Poly, SLO has no structured peer mentorship program as of 2022. The department has attempted to implement a peer mentoring program in the past but none with longevity. This paper analyzes data collected from the students of the CM Department through a qualitative and quantitative survey regarding the need and structure of a peer mentorship program to begin again. The surveyâs main goal was to gain an understanding of whether or not the students think the department should implement a peer mentorship program and the structure that the student body would find most beneficial if a program was to start. Based on the research survey that students responded to, a peer mentorship program would positively influence the Construction Management Department and most students would be willing to become a mentor. A peer mentorship program was seen as a positive addition to the department and most students said that they would use a mentor for career and internship advice, class registration and competition teams. This paper analyzes data that shows the students do not believe there should be prequalification requirements for students to apply and that most students would prefer to have 1-4 underclassmen assigned to them
Semantik der Sinne : die lexikografische Erfassung von Geschmacksadjektiven
Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch
ĂleintrĂ€ge ins Meer ĂŒber die offshore Ălindustrie und die Tankschiffahrt: Eine Kurzstudie ĂŒber EintragsgröĂen, Abbauprozesse und Schadenswirkung von Kohlenwasserstoffen unter ökologisch-ökonomischen Gesichtspunkten
Im Auftrag des Instituts fĂŒr Meereskunde
an der UniversitĂ€t Kiel und dem Institut fĂŒr
Energieanwendung und Rationelle Energiewirtschaft an der UniversitÀt Stuttgart;
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist das Ergebnis einer 3-monatigen Studie ĂŒber EintrĂ€ge und Wirkungen von Kohlenwasserstoffen, die durch AktivitĂ€ten der offshore Erdölproduktion und durch die Tankschiffahrt in die marine Umwelt gelangen.
Sie umfaĂt zunĂ€chst einen Ăberblick ĂŒber Art und Umfang von EintrĂ€gen aus weltweiten und regionalen offshore AktivitĂ€ten. Als exemplarische Fallstudie werden ergĂ€nzend
aktuelle Informationen ĂŒber Art und Umfang von Entsorgungen in die Nordsee durch die norwegische Ălplattform OSEBERG C gegeben. Globale und regionale EintragsgröĂen aus dem Transport von Rohöl und seiner Raffinate durch
Tanker werden anschlieĂend erörtert. Zum erstĂ€ndnis der Auswirkungen auf die Lebewelt erschien eine Betrachtung der Ausbreitung von Ăl im Meer sowie dessen VerĂ€nderung unter dem EinfluĂ physikalisch-biologischer Abbauprozesse als notwendig.
AbschlieĂend werden potentielle Auswirkungen eines kĂŒstennahen Ălunfalls auf den betroffenen Wirtschaftsraum diskutiert und auf Probleme hingewiesen, die sich aus der Entsorgung ausgedienter Ălförderplattformen ergeben können
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