422 research outputs found

    Using the space-borne NASA scatterometer (NSCAT) to determine the frozen and thawed seasons

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    We hypothesize that the strong sensitivity of radar backscatter to surface dielectric properties, and hence to the phase (solid or liquid) of any water near the surface should make space-borne radar observations a powerful tool for large-scale spatial monitoring of the freeze/thaw state of the land surface, and thus ecosystem growing season length. We analyzed the NASA scatterometer (NSCAT) backscatter from September 1996 to June 1997, along with temperature and snow depth observations and ecosystem modeling, for three BOREAS sites in central Canada. Because of its short wavelength (2.14 cm), NSCAT was sensitive to canopy and surface water. NSCAT had 25 km spatial resolution and approximately twice-daily temporal coverage at the BOREAS latitude. At the northern site the NSCAT signal showed strong seasonality, with backscatter around −8 dB in winter and −12 dB in early summer and fall. The NSCAT signal for the southern sites had less seasonality. At all three sites there was a strong decrease in backscatter during spring thaw (4–6 dB). At the southern deciduous site, NSCAT backscatter rose from −11 to −9.2 dB during spring leaf-out. All sites showed 1–2 dB backscatter shifts corresponding to changes in landscape water state coincident with brief midwinter thaws, snowfall, and extreme cold (Tmax\u3c−25°C). Freeze/thaw detection algorithms developed for other radar instruments gave reasonable results for the northern site but were not successful at the two southern sites. We developed a change detection algorithm based on first differences of 5-day smoothed NSCAT backscatter measurements. This algorithm had some success in identifying the arrival of freezing conditions in the autumn and the beginning of thaw in the spring. Changes in surface freeze/thaw state generally coincided with the arrival and departure of the seasonal snow cover and with simulated shifts in the directions of net carbon exchange at each of the study sites

    Sensitivity of boreal forest regional water flux and net primary production simulations to sub-grid-scale land cover complexity

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    We use a general ecosystem process model (BIOME-BGC) coupled with remote sensing information to evaluate the sensitivity of boreal forest regional evapotranspiration (ET) and net primary production (NPP) to land cover spatial scale. Simulations were conducted over a 3 year period (1994–1996) at spatial scales ranging from 30 to 50 km within the BOREAS southern modeling subarea. Simulated fluxes were spatially complex, ranging from 0.1 to 3.9 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 and from 18 to 29 cm yr−1. Biomass and leaf area index heterogeneity predominantly controlled this complexity, while biophysical differences between deciduous and coniferous vegetation were of secondary importance. Spatial aggregation of land cover characteristics resulted in mean monthly NPP estimation bias from 25 to 48% (0.11–0.20 g C m−2 d−1) and annual estimation errors from 2 to 14% (0.04–0.31 Mg C ha−1 yr−1). Error was reduced at longer time intervals because coarse scale overestimation errors during spring were partially offset by underestimation of fine scale results during summer and winter. ET was relatively insensitive to land cover spatial scale with an average bias of less than 5% (0.04 kg m−2 d−1). Factors responsible for differences in scaling behavior between ET and NPP included compensating errors for ET calculations and boreal forest spatial and temporal NPP complexity. Careful consideration of landscape spatial and temporal heterogeneity is necessary to identify and mitigate potential error sources when using plot scale information to understand regional scale patterns. Remote sensing data integrated within an ecological process model framework provides an efficient mechanism to evaluate scaling behavior, interpret patterns in coarse resolution data, and identify appropriate scales of operation for various processes

    BIOME-BGC simulations of stand hydrologic process for BOREAS

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    BIOME-BGC is a general ecosystem model designed to simulate hydrologic and biogeochemical processes across multiple scales. The objectives of this investigation were to compare BIOME-BGC estimates of hydrologic processes with observed data for different boreal forest stands and investigate factors that control simulated water fluxes. Model results explained 62 and 98% of the respective variances in observed daily evapotranspiration and soil water; simulations of the onset of spring thaw and the dates of snowpack disappearance and accumulation also generally tracked observations. Differences between observed and simulated evapotranspiration were attributed to model assumptions of constant, growing season, overstory leaf areas that did not account for phenological changes and understory effects on stand daily water fluxes. Vapor pressure deficit and solar radiation accounted for 58–74% of the variances in simulated daily evapotranspiration during the growing season, though low air temperature and photosynthetic light levels were found to be the major limiting factors regulating simulated canopy conductances to water vapor. Humidity and soil moisture were generally not low enough to induce physiological water stress in black spruce stands, though low soil water potentials resulted in approximate 34% reductions in simulated mean daily canopy conductances for aspen and jack pine stands. The sensitivity of evapotranspiration simulations to leaf area (LAI) was less than expected because of opposing responses of transpiration and evaporation to LAI. The results of this investigation identify several components within boreal forest stands that are sensitive to climate change

    Land Ecosystems and Hydrology

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    The terrestrial biosphere is an integral component of the Earth Observing System (EOS) science objectives concerning climate change, hydrologic cycle change, and changes in terrestrial productivity. The fluxes o f CO2 and other greenhouse gases from the land surface influence the global circulation models directly, and changes in land cover change the land surface biophysical properties o f energy and mass exchange. Hydrologic cycle perturbations result from terrestrially-induced climate changes, and more directly from changes in land cover acting on surface hydrologic balances. Finally, both climate and hydrology jointly control biospheric productivity, the source o f food, fuel, and fiber for humankind. The role of the land system in each of these three topics is somewhat different, so this chapter is organized into the subtopics of Land-Climate, Land-Hydrology, and Land-Vegetation interactions (Figures 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3)

    A continuous satellite-derived global record of land surface evapotranspiration from 1983 to 2006

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    We applied a satellite remote sensing–based evapotranspiration (ET) algorithm to assess global terrestrial ET from 1983 to 2006. The algorithm quantifies canopy transpiration and soil evaporation using a modified Penman-Monteith approach with biome-specific canopy conductance determined from the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and quantifies open water evaporation using a Priestley-Taylor approach. These algorithms were applied globally using advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) GIMMS NDVI, NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis (NNR) daily surface meteorology, and NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget Release−3.0 solar radiation inputs. We used observations from 34 FLUXNET tower sites to parameterize an NDVI-based canopy conductance model and then validated the global ET algorithm using measurements from 48 additional, independent flux towers. Two sets of monthly ET estimates at the tower level, driven by in situ meteorological measurements and meteorology interpolated from coarse resolution NNR meteorology reanalysis, agree favorably (root mean square error (RMSE) = 13.0–15.3 mm month−1; R2 = 0.80–0.84) with observed tower fluxes from globally representative land cover types. The global ET results capture observed spatial and temporal variations at the global scale and also compare favorably (RMSE = 186.3 mm yr−1; R2 = 0.80) with ET inferred from basin-scale water balance calculations for 261 basins covering 61% of the global vegetated area. The results of this study provide a relatively long term global ET record with well-quantified accuracy for assessing ET climatologies, terrestrial water, and energy budgets and long-term water cycle changes

    Comparing the impacts of 2003 and 2010 heatwaves in NPP over Europe

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    In the last decade, Europe was stricken by two outstanding heatwaves, the 2003 event in Western Europe and the recent 2010 episode over Russia. Both extreme events were characterised by record-breaking temperatures, and widespread socio-economic impacts, including significant increments on mortality rates, decreases in crop production and in hydroelectric production. This work aims to assess the influence of both mega-heatwaves on vegetation carbon uptake, using yearly Net Primary Production (NPP) and monthly Net Photosynthesis (PsN) data derived from satellite imagery obtained from MODIS for the period 2000–2011. <br><br> In 2010, markedly low productivity was observed over a very large area in Russia, at monthly, seasonal and yearly scales, falling below 50% of average NPP. This decrease in NPP in 2010 was far more intense than the one affecting Western Europe in 2003, which corresponded to 20–30% of the average, and affected a~much larger extent. Total NPP anomalies reached −19 Tg C for the selected regions in France during 2003 and −94 Tg C for western Russia in 2010, which corresponds almost to the magnitude of total NPP anomaly during 2010 for the whole Europe. <br><br> Overall, the widespread negative PsN anomalies in both regions match the patterns of very high temperature values preceded by a long period of below-average precipitation, leading to strong soil moisture deficits, stressing the role of soil-atmosphere coupling. In the case of 2003 heatwave, results indicate a strong influence of moisture deficits coupled with high temperatures in the response of vegetation, while for the 2010 event very high temperatures appear to be the main driver of very low NPP

    Impacts of large-scale oscillations on pan-Arctic terrestrial net primary production

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    Analyses of regional climate oscillations and satellite remote sensing derived net primary production (NPP) and growing season dynamics for the pan-Arctic region indicate that the oscillations influence NPP by regulating seasonal patterns of low temperature and moisture constraints to photosynthesis. Early-spring (Feb–Apr) patterns of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) are proportional to growing season onset (r = −0.653; P = 0.001), while growing season patterns of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) are proportional to plant-available moisture constraints to NPP (Im) (r = −0.471; P = 0.023). Relatively strong, negative PDO phases from 1988–1991 and 1998–2002 coincided with prolonged regional droughts indicated by a standardized moisture stress index. These severe droughts resulted in widespread reductions in NPP, especially for relatively drought prone boreal forest and grassland/cropland ecosystems. The influence of AO and PDO patterns on northern vegetation productivity appears to be decreasing and increasing, respectively, as low temperature constraints to plant growth relax and NPP becomes increasingly limited by available water supply under a warming climate

    Satellite assessment of land surface evapotranspiration for the pan-Arctic domain

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    Regional evapotranspiration (ET), including water loss from plant transpiration and soil evaporation, is essential to understanding interactions between land-atmosphere surface energy and water balances. Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and surface air temperature are key variables for stomatal conductance and ET estimation. We developed an algorithm to estimate ET using the Penman-Monteith approach driven by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived vegetation data and daily surface meteorological inputs including incoming solar radiation, air temperature, and VPD. The model was applied using alternate daily meteorological inputs, including (1) site level weather station observations, (2) VPD and air temperature derived from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) on the EOS Aqua satellite, and (3) Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) reanalysis meteorology-based surface air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation data. Model performance was assessed across a North American latitudinal transect of six eddy covariance flux towers representing northern temperate grassland, boreal forest, and tundra biomes. Model results derived from the three meteorology data sets agree well with observed tower fluxes (r \u3e 0.7; P \u3c 0.003; root mean square error of latent heat flux \u3c30 W m−2) and capture spatial patterns and seasonal variability in ET. The MODIS-AMSR-E–derived ET results also show similar accuracy to ET results derived from GMAO, while ET estimation error was generally more a function of algorithm parameterization than differences in meteorology drivers. Our results indicate significant potential for regional mapping and monitoring daily land surface ET using synergistic information from satellite optical IR and microwave remote sensing
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