523 research outputs found

    The Effects of Disease Contamination on Memory for Touched Objects in Older Adults

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    Recently it has been shown that individuals have better memory for objects that have been touched by an individual with a contagious disease relative to an individual with a non-contagious disease or who is healthy (Gretz & Huff, 2019). This pattern has been suggested to occur due to the activation of the Behavioral Immune System (BIS)—an avoidance-based system designed to thwart sources of potential pathogens. The BIS has been suggested to operate through an evolutionary-based mechanism in which avoidance of pathogens increases the likelihood of survival, increasing reproductive success. Given this approach, an important question is how the activation of the BIS operates in older adults (60 + years of age), since older adults are past their reproductive prime, with many no longer having the physical capacity for reproduction. To evaluate the evolutionary BIS account, older adults watched a series of videos depicting an actor walking through a household scene and interacting with several objects. Prior to watching the videos, older adults were informed that the actor was either diagnosed with Influenza, a highly contagious disease, Cancer, a non-contagious disease, or was Healthy and not afflicted with any ailments. Following the videos, participants then completed a free-recall test where they were to retrieve the objects from the videos regardless if they were touched and a source-recognition test where they had to identify if a specific object was touched, not touched, or not in the videos at all. Recall of touched objects was greatest in the Influenza group, followed by the Cancer and Healthy groups, and source recognition for touched objects was only greater in the Influenza group relative to the Cancer and Healthy groups. Since touched-object recall was greater in the disease groups over the Healthy group, we instead argue for a health-preservation account over an evolutionary account of the BIS, in which BIS activation operates to promote longevity rather than promoting reproductive success

    History of Sanbornton, New Hampshire, in two volumes, Vol. I. annals.

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    Includes bibliographical references and indexes.; I. Annals -- II. Genealogies

    Glassy states in lattice models with many coexisting crystalline phases

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    We study the emergence of glassy states after a sudden cooling in lattice models with short range interactions and without any a priori quenched disorder. The glassy state emerges whenever the equilibrium model possesses a sufficient number of coexisting crystalline phases at low temperatures, provided the thermodynamic limit be taken before the infinite time limit. This result is obtained through simulations of the time relaxation of the standard Potts model and some exclusion models equipped with a local stochastic dynamics on a square lattice.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Lattice Glass Models

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    Motivated by the concept of geometrical frustration, we introduce a class of statistical mechanics lattice models for the glass transition. Monte Carlo simulations in three dimensions show that they display a dynamical glass transition which is very similar to that observed in other off-lattice systems and which does not depend on a specific dynamical rule. Whereas their analytic solution within the Bethe approximation shows that they do have a discontinuous glass transition compatible with the numerical observations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; minor change

    Teaching Courses Online: A Review of the Research

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    This literature review summarizes research on online teaching and learning. It is organized into four topics: course environment, learners’ outcomes, learners’ characteristics, and institutional and administrative factors. The authors found little consistency of terminology, discovered some conclusive guidelines, and identified developing lines of inquiry. The conclusions overall suggest that most of the studies reviewed were descriptive and exploratory, that most online students are nontraditional and Anglo American, and that few universities have written policies, guidelines, or technical support for faculty members or students. Asynchronous communication seemed to facilitate in-depth communication (but not more than in traditional classes), students liked to move at their own pace, learning outcomes appeared to be the same as in traditional courses, and students with prior training in computers were more satisfied with online courses. Continued research is needed to inform learner outcomes, learner characteristics, course environment, and institutional factors related to delivery system variables in order to test learning theories and teaching models inherent in course design

    Ordering and Demixing Transitions in Multicomponent Widom-Rowlinson Models

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    We use Monte Carlo techniques and analytical methods to study the phase diagram of multicomponent Widom-Rowlinson models on a square lattice: there are M species all with the same fugacity z and a nearest neighbor hard core exclusion between unlike particles. Simulations show that for M between two and six there is a direct transition from the gas phase at z < z_d (M) to a demixed phase consisting mostly of one species at z > z_d (M) while for M \geq 7 there is an intermediate ``crystal phase'' for z lying between z_c(M) and z_d(M). In this phase, which is driven by entropy, particles, independent of species, preferentially occupy one of the sublattices, i.e. spatial symmetry but not particle symmetry is broken. The transition at z_d(M) appears to be first order for M \geq 5 putting it in the Potts model universality class. For large M the transition between the crystalline and demixed phase at z_d(M) can be proven to be first order with z_d(M) \sim M-2 + 1/M + ..., while z_c(M) is argued to behave as \mu_{cr}/M, with \mu_{cr} the value of the fugacity at which the one component hard square lattice gas has a transition, and to be always of the Ising type. Explicit calculations for the Bethe lattice with the coordination number q=4 give results similar to those for the square lattice except that the transition at z_d(M) becomes first order at M>2. This happens for all q, consistent with the model being in the Potts universality class.Comment: 26 pages, 15 postscript figure

    Density functional theory for nearest-neighbor exclusion lattice gasses in two and three dimensions

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    To speak about fundamental measure theory obliges to mention dimensional crossover. This feature, inherent to the systems themselves, was incorporated in the theory almost from the beginning. Although at first it was thought to be a consistency check for the theory, it rapidly became its fundamental pillar, thus becoming the only density functional theory which possesses such a property. It is straightforward that dimensional crossover connects, for instance, the parallel hard cube system (three-dimensional) with that of squares (two-dimensional) and rods (one-dimensional). We show here that there are many more connections which can be established in this way. Through them we deduce from the functional for parallel hard (hyper)cubes in the simple (hyper)cubic lattice the corresponding functionals for the nearest-neighbor exclusion lattice gases in the square, triangular, simple cubic, face-centered cubic, and body-centered cubic lattices. As an application, the bulk phase diagram for all these systems is obtained.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures; needs revtex
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