812 research outputs found

    Inductive benchmarking for purely functional data structures

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    Every designer of a new data structure wants to know how well it performs in comparison with others. But finding, coding and testing applications as benchmarks can be tedious and time-consuming. Besides, how a benchmark uses a data structure may considerably affect its apparent efficiency, so the choice of applications may bias the results. We address these problems by developing a tool for inductive benchmarking. This tool, Auburn, can generate benchmarks across a wide distribution of uses. We precisely define 'the use of a data structure', upon which we build the core algorithms of Auburn: how to generate a benchmark from a description of use, and how to extract a description of use from an application. We then apply inductive classification techniques to obtain decision trees for the choice between competing data structures. We test Auburn by benchmarking several implementations of three common data structures: queues, random-access lists and heaps. These and other results show Auburn to be a useful and accurate tool, but they also reveal some limitations of the approach

    The Australian Incident Monitoring Study in intensive care: AIMS-ICU. An analysis of the first year of reporting.

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    Publisher's copy made available with the permission of the publisher Copyright © 1996 Australian Society of AnaesthetistsThe AIMS-ICU project is a national study set up to develop, introduce and evaluate an anonymous voluntary incident reporting system for intensive care. ICU staff members reported events which could have reduced, or did reduce, the safety margin for the patient. Seven ICUs contributed 536 reports, which identified 610 incidents involving the airway (20%), procedures (23%), drugs (28%), patient environment (21%), and ICU management (9%). Incidents were detected most frequently by rechecking the patient or the equipment, or by prior experience. No ill effects or only minor ones were experienced by most patients (short-term 76%, long-term 92%) as a result of the incident. Multiple contributing factors were identified, 33% system-based and 66% human factor-based. Incident monitoring promises to be a useful technique for improving patient safety in the ICU, when sufficient data have been collected to allow analysis of sets of incidents in defined “clinical situations”.U. Beckmann, I. Baldwin, G.K. Hart, W.B. Runcima

    The cerebrovascular effects of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine infusions under propofol and isoflurane anaesthesia in sheep

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    Publisher's copy made available with the permission of the publisher © Australian Society of AnaesthetistsInfusions of catecholamines are frequently administered to patients receiving propofol or isoflurane anaesthesia. Interactions between these drugs may affect regional circulations, such as the brain. The aim of this animal (sheep) study was to determine the effects of ramped infusions of adrenaline, noradrenaline (10, 20, 40 µg/min) and dopamine (10, 20, 40 µg/kg/min) on cerebral blood flow (CBF), intracranial pressure (ICP), cerebrovascular resistance (CVR) and cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO₂). These measurements were made under awake physiological conditions, and during continuous propofol (15 mg/min) or 2% isoflurane anaesthesia. All three catecholamines significantly and equivalently increased mean arterial pressure from baseline in a dose-dependent manner in the three cohorts (P0.05). Under propofol (n=6) and isoflurane (n=6), all three catecholamines significantly increased CBF (P<0.001). Dopamine caused the greatest increase in CBF, and was associated with significant increases in ICP (awake: P<0.001; propofol P<0.05; isoflurane P<0.001) and CVR (isoflurane P<0.05). No significant changes in CMRO₂ were demonstrated. Under propofol and isoflurane anaesthesia, the cerebrovascular effects of catecholamines were significantly different from the awake, physiological state, with dopamine demonstrating the most pronounced effects, particularly under propofol. Dopamine-induced hyperaemia was associated with other cerebrovascular changes. In the presence of an equivalent effect on mean arterial pressure, the exaggerated cerebrovascular effects under anaesthesia appear to be centrally mediated, possibly induced by propofol- or isoflurane-dependent changes in blood-brain barrier permeability, thereby causing a direct influence on the cerebral vasculature.http://www.aaic.net.au/Article.asp?D=200205

    The Australian Incident Monitoring Study in Intensive Care: AIMS-ICU. The development and evaluation of an incident reporting system in intensive care

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    Publisher's copy made available with the permission of the publisher © 1996 Australian Society of AnaesthetistsIntensive care units are complex, dynamic patient management environments. Incidents and accidents can be caused by human error, by problems inherent in complex systems, or by a combination of these. Study objectives were to develop and evaluate an incident reporting system. A report form was designed eliciting a description of the incident, contextual information and contributing factors. Staff group sessions using open-ended questions, observations in the workplace and a review of earlier narratives were used to develop the report form. Three intensive care units participated in a two-month evaluation study. Feedback questionnaires were used to assess staff attitudes and understanding, project design and organization. These demonstrated a positive attitude and good understanding by more than 90% participants. Errors in communication, technique, problem recognition and charting were the predisposing factors most commonly chosen in the 128 incidents reported. It was concluded that incident monitoring may be a suitable technique for improving patient safety in intensive care.U. Beckman, L.F. West, G.J. Groombridge, I. Baldwin, G.K. Hart, D.G. Clayton, R.K. Webb, W.B. Runcima

    The pure effect of social preferences on regional location choices: The evolving dynamics of convergence to a steady state population distribution

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    This paper tracks the consequences of individuals’ desire to align their location with their social preferences. The social preference studied in the paper is distaste for relative deprivation, measured in a cardinal manner. Location is conceived as social space, with individuals choosing to relocate if, as a result, their relative deprivation will be reduced, holding their incomes constant. Conditions are provided under which the associated dynamics reaches a spatial steady state, the number of periods it takes to reach a steady state is specified, and light is shed on the robustness of the steady state outcome. By way of simulation it is shown that for large populations, a steady state of the relocation dynamics is almost always reached, typically in one period, and that cycles are more likely to occur when the populations’ income distributions are more equal

    Detecting anomalous energy consumption in android applications

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    The use of powerful mobile devices, like smartphones, tablets and laptops, are changing the way programmers develop software. While in the past the primary goal to optimize software was the run time optimization, nowadays there is a growing awareness of the need to reduce energy consumption. This paper presents a technique and a tool to detect anomalous energy consumption in Android applications, and to relate it directly with the source code of the application. We propose a dynamically calibrated model for energy consumption for the Android ecosystem, and that supports different devices. The model is then used as an API to monitor the application execution: first, we instrument the application source code so that we can relate energy consumption to the application source code; second, we use a statistical approach, based on fault-localization techniques, to localize abnormal energy consumption in the source code

    LaryngoTORS: a novel cable-driven parallel robotic system for transoral laser phonosurgery

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    Transoral laser phonosurgery is a commonly used surgical procedure in which a laser beam is used to perform incision, ablation or photocoagulation of laryngeal tissues. Two techniques are commonly practiced: free beam and fiber delivery. For free beam delivery, a laser scanner is integrated into a surgical microscope to provide an accurate laser scanning pattern. This approach can only be used under direct line of sight, which may cause increased postoperative pain to the patient and injury, is uncomfortable for the surgeon during prolonged operations, the manipulability is poor and extensive training is required. In contrast, in the fiber delivery technique, a flexible fiber is used to transmit the laser beam and therefore does not require direct line of sight. However, this can only achieve manual level accuracy, repeatability and velocity, and does not allow for pattern scanning. Robotic systems have been developed to overcome the limitations of both techniques. However, these systems offer limited workspace and degrees-of-freedom (DoF), limiting their clinical applicability. This work presents the LaryngoTORS, a robotic system that aims at overcoming the limitations of the two techniques, by using a cable-driven parallel mechanism (CDPM) attached at the end of a curved laryngeal blade for controlling the end tip of the laser fiber. The system allows autonomous generation of scanning patterns or user driven freepath scanning. Path scan validation demonstrated errors as low as 0.054±0.028 mm and high repeatability of 0.027±0.020 mm (6×2 mm arc line). Ex vivo tests on chicken tissue have been carried out. The results show the ability of the system to overcome limitations of current methods with high accuracy and repeatability using the superior fiber delivery approach

    What unites Europe and what divides it? Solidarity and the European heritage reconsidered

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    Despite the on-set on new divisions, there is a strong case to be made for the view that ultimately Europe is more united than divided. There is still significant continuity with the post-war project of reconstruction and peace and that this common ground that constitutes the European heritage needs to be given greater recognition. One of the defining features of European self-understanding is opposition to war

    Lumen shape reconstruction using a soft robotic balloon catheter and electrical impedance tomography

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    Incorrectly sized balloon catheters can lead to increased post-surgical complications, yet even with preoperative imaging, correct selection remains a challenge. With limited feedback during surgery, it is difficult to verify correct deployment. We propose the use of integrated impedance measurements and Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) imaging to assess the deformation of the balloon and determine the size and shape of the surrounding lumen. Previous work using single impedance measurements, or pressure data and analytical models, whilst demonstrating high sizing accuracy, have assumed a circular cross section. Here we extend these methods by adding a multitude of electrodes to detect elliptical and occluded lumen and obtain EIT images to localise deformations. Using a 14 Fr (5.3 mm) catheter as an example, numerical simulations were performed to find the optimal electrode configuration of two rings of 8 electrodes spaced 10 mm apart. The simulations predicted that the maximum detectable aspect ratio decreased from 0.9 for a 14mm balloon to 0.5 at 30mm. The sizing and ellipticity detection results were verified experimentally. A prototype robotic balloon catheter was constructed to automatically inflate a compliant balloon while simultaneously recording EIT and pressure data. Data were collected in experiments replicating stenotic vessels with an elliptical and asymmetrical profile, and the widening of a lumen during angioplasty. After calibration, the system was able to correctly localise the occlusion and detect aspect ratios of 0.75. EIT images further localised the occlusion and visualised the dilation of the lumen during balloon inflation