60 research outputs found

    Endogenous circatidal rhythm in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum (Bivalvia: Veneridae)

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    Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum, removed from their natural environment and maintained for 9 weeks in continuously immersed conditions exhibited a clear endogenous circatidal rhythm in oxygen consumption. The clams exhibited a semidiurnal rhythmicity in oxygen consumption after showing a diurnal pattern in the first few days (5 to 7 d) of the experiment. The results of the present study indicate that activity rhythms of clams are controlled not only by exogenous factors, but also by an endogenous circatidal periodicity

    Benthic ecology of semi-natural coastal lagoons, in the Ria Formosa (Southern Portugal), Exposed to different water renewal regimes

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    Several studies in semi-natural coastal lagoons in the Ria Formosa lagoonal system have been carried out. These man-made water reservoirs behave as small lagoons with one opening to the tidal channels, which may be intermittent. Because of their size, these reservoirs are ideal sites for ecological studies. Water quality and macrobenthic fauna were analysed in five water reservoirs. All reservoirs received the same incoming water through a tidal channel, but they differed in water renewal regime. Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and Discriminant Analysis were used to evaluate the similarity among sites, stations and sampling occasions. Different levels of taxonomic resolution (family, large taxonomic groups and phylum level) were also evaluated. The separation of sites and stations became unclear using high taxonomic levels. Results from the multivariate analyses suggest a slight differentiation of the stations according to sampling occasion but a clear differentiation of the several water reservoirs. Some of the lagoons studied with low water renewal rates showed strong environmental variations. They were characterised by low diversity indexes and abundance of small-sized organisms. Other lagoons, with high water renewal rates, showed low environmental variation and well diversified and structured benthic communities. The main environmental factor that seems to affect the benthic communities was the variation in salinity between neap and spring tides, which is related with the water renewal regime. Coastal lagoons offer a protected shallow habitat, which can be highly productive. Well structured communities, controlled by k-strategists, can develop and settle in leaky lagoons, that is, lagoons with wide entrance channels and tidal currents which guarantee a good water renewal. In these lagoons, biomass can accumulate in large organisms. In contrast, lagoons with a single narrow entrance, that may be closed for long periods, are characterised by persistent physical stress and are dominated by communities of small-sized r-strategists

    The North Sea Benthos Project: planning, management and objectives

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    The ICES Benthos Ecology Working Group is integrating recent macrobenthic infaunal data (1999-2001) available from various sources, including national monitoring surveys, in North Sea soft bottom sediments. lt is expected to cover most of the North Sea. The main goal is an overall comparison with the North Sea Benthos Survey data of 1986, in order to determine whether there have been any significant changes and, if so, what may be the causal influences (e.g., climate change, fishing impacts). The work will contribute valuable information on several other topics such as habitat classification and the distribution of endangered species. Therefore, in addition to physico-chemical measurements of sediments samples alongside the benthic fauna, information on water depths, temperature, water quality and salinity will be incorporated in the analysis of species and community distributions. Also, we will use existing ecological and hydrographical models for currents, bottom shear stress and carbon input, along with information on the distribution of habitat types, to explain the observed distribution patterns. At the ASC, an overview of the data available will be presented as well as the anticipated outcomes, and the first steps taken to deal with taxonomic differences and other issues affecting the capability to integrate submitted information

    Changes in North Sea macrofauna communities between 1986 and 2000

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    This paper is chapter 5.2 of the ICES CRR “Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos” (ICES 2007) compiled by the ICES Study Group on the North Sea Benthos Project 2000. The North Sea Benthos Project 2000 (NSBP) was initiated as a follow-up to the earlier 1986 ICES North Sea Benthos Survey (NSBS). One major aim of the NSBP 2000 was to compare the outcome with that of the 1986 NSBS, in order to identify any significant changes in the community structure and their likely causes. In general, the spatial distribution of the macrofaunal communities in 2000 was rather similar to that in 1986. But changes were found within communities which were addressed to changes in the hydroclimate caused by changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation influencing changes in currents and sediment structure as well as food availability

    Status of Biodiversity in the Baltic Sea

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    The brackish Baltic Sea hosts species of various origins and environmental tolerances. These immigrated to the sea 10,000 to 15,000 years ago or have been introduced to the area over the relatively recent history of the system. The Baltic Sea has only one known endemic species. While information on some abiotic parameters extends back as long as five centuries and first quantitative snapshot data on biota (on exploited fish populations) originate generally from the same time, international coordination of research began in the early twentieth century. Continuous, annual Baltic Sea-wide long-term datasets on several organism groups (plankton, benthos, fish) are generally available since the mid-1950s. Based on a variety of available data sources (published papers, reports, grey literature, unpublished data), the Baltic Sea, incl. Kattegat, hosts altogether at least 6,065 species, including at least 1,700 phytoplankton, 442 phytobenthos, at least 1,199 zooplankton, at least 569 meiozoobenthos, 1,476 macrozoobenthos, at least 380 vertebrate parasites, about 200 fish, 3 seal, and 83 bird species. In general, but not in all organism groups, high sub-regional total species richness is associated with elevated salinity. Although in comparison with fully marine areas the Baltic Sea supports fewer species, several facets of the system's diversity remain underexplored to this day, such as micro-organisms, foraminiferans, meiobenthos and parasites. In the future, climate change and its interactions with multiple anthropogenic forcings are likely to have major impacts on the Baltic biodiversity

    In-Situ Messungen zur Bestimmung von geothermischen Untergrundkennwerten

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    Der Wirkungsgrad einer Erdwärmesondenanlage hängt von den geothermischen Eigenschaften des Untergrundes ab. Um eine geothermische Anlage technisch und wirtschaftlich auszulegen, ist es notwendig, die thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften des Vorhabenstandortes zu berücksichtigen. Die Qualitätssicherung und Überprüfung bestehender Geothermieanlagen gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Um diesen Anforderungen zu entsprechen wurde ein Temperatur-Tiefen-Messsystem für Erdwärmesonden (EWS-Logger) entwickelt. Die auch als \glqqErzhäuser-Sonde\grqq bezeichnete Apparatur ist Teil eines schnellen und kostengünstigen In-Situ-Messverfahren zur Bestimmung geothermischer Untergrundkennwerte. Mittels einer komplexen Auswertung der an einer Forschungsbohrung gesammelten Daten konnten zahlreiche geothermische Untergrundkennwerte in einer wassergefüllten Erdwärmesonde ermittelt werden. Der Vergleich dieser aus EWS-Logs abgeleiteten Kennwerte mit den aus Geothermal-Response-Tests und aus Laboruntersuchungen erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigt eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung. Bei einer entsprechenden Datenerhebung kann der EWS-Logger auch zur langfristigen Überwachung einer Erdwärmesondenanlage eingesetzt werden

    In-situ-Measurements for the Determination of geothermal Underground Parameters

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