111 research outputs found

    Pedagogia Świętego Józefa w świetle adhortacji apostolskiej „Redemptoris custos”

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    Standards imposed by the contemporary world and the consumerist attitude of man lead to the situation in which people are not willing to make an effort to shape the attitude characterised by maturity, responsibility and integrity. Hence we need well-known and respected role models. One of them is exemplified in the life of the Patron of the Church – Saint Joseph, who meets the demands of the contemporary crisis that exists in marriage, family and society with his attitude of faith and trust in God. This is a much needed role model, particularly in the light of the wide-spreading so called neohumanism, which results in people abandoning not only Christianity but also any other form of religion.In Redemptoris Custos, apostolic exhortation which presents St. Joseph and the mission he had in Christ’ life, St. John Paul II points out to the educational methods used by the earthly father of Jesus, and sets them as an example to be followed by contemporary husbands and fathers. St Joseph shows us the beauty of the path of simplicity, humbleness, work and love, he bears the testimony to married life and concern for women. He presents us with the beauty of fatherhood and struggle to defend the life of a child. He is also the role model of taking responsibility for religious life. His actions create an exceptional pedagogy, realised by silent teaching. Its examples can be seen not only in the Bible but also in the documents of the Church, papal teaching and in the opinions expressed by Christian writers.The Carpenter of Nazareth is an excellent example for teachers. He proves that they do more than just teach their students. He shows us that also teachers can learn from their students whose personalities and characters they shape. This means that we learn all our lives, and constantly grow and thrive in our humanity.Normy narzucane przez współczesny świat i konsumpcyjna postawa człowieka ponowoczesnego sprawiają, że niechętnie podejmuje on trud formowania postawy, którą charakteryzuje dojrzałość, odpowiedzialność i prawość. W tej perspektywie potrzebne są powszechnie znane i szanowane wzorce. Taki jest przykład życia Patrona Kościoła – św. Józefa, który własną postawą wiary i zaufania Bogu wychodzi naprzeciw dzisiejszemu kryzysowi religijnemu w małżeństwie, rodzinie i społeczeństwie. Jest to wzorzec niezwykle potrzebny, szczególnie w perspektywie szerzącego się tak zwanego neohumanizmu, którego skutkiem jest odejście od chrześcijaństwa, a nawet jakiejkolwiek religijności.Św. Jan Paweł II w Redemptoris custos, Adhortacji o św. Józefie i jego posłannictwie w życiu Chrystusa i Kościoła, wskazuje metody wychowawcze stosowane przez ziemskiego ojca Jezusa, które stawia jako wzór do naśladowania przez współczesnych mężów i ojców. Św. Józef ukazuje piękno drogi prostoty, pokory, pracy i miłości, daje świadectwo życia małżeńskiego i troski o kobietę. Ukazuje piękno ojcostwa oraz walki w obronie życia dziecka. Staje się też wzorem osoby odpowiedzialnej za życie religijne. Postępowanie św. Józefa tworzy wyjątkową pedagogię, realizowaną na drodze milczącego nauczania. Jej przykłady widoczne są zarówno w Biblii, jak również dokumentach Kościoła, nauczaniu papieskim, a także w wypowiedziach pisarzy chrześcijańskich.Cieśla z Nazaretu jest wspaniałym przykładem dla pedagogów. Pokazuje, że wychowawca nie tylko uczy swoich podopiecznych – on sam może bowiem także wiele nauczyć się od tych, których kształtuje. Oznacza to, że człowiek jest uczniem przez całe życie, nieustannie wzrastając w człowieczeństwie

    Experimental investigations of the prototype booster bio-pump function of the heart

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    These studies were carried out on one of the prototype booster pump function of the heart with skeletal muscle. The main objective of this study was to find the optimum operating range of the pump and driver and to estimate of its effective performance. Tests were performed using fast video cameras and computer image analysis

    Wiedza pacjentów ze schizofrenią dotycząca rozpoznania objawów zwiastujących nawrót choroby

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    Introduction: Schizophrenia is one of the most severe mental disorders. It is characterized by a chronic course, diverseclinical image, and it often leads to incapacity. The course and severity of the disease may vary, while the appearing symptomsconstitute a turning point in patient’s and his family’s life. This is why it is important to recognise the symptoms andundertake therapeutic measures. The reoccurrence of the disease does not appear suddenly. Usually it is preceded by theperiod of various changes in patient’s behaviour and feelings. Those changes are called the warning signs of a relapse.The aim of this research was to learn about patients’ knowledge of schizophrenia, the consequences of not followingthe doctor’s orders and the warning signs of a relapse. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 69 patients from Mental Health Clinic in Bielsko-Biała. Forthe purpose of this MA thesis the method of diagnostic survey was used. The survey included authorial questionnaireconsisting of 30 structured questions with the possibility of giving one or more answers. Results and conclusions: In the course of the conducted research obtained the results which indicated the high levelof studied patients’ knowledge of schizophrenia, its symptoms and the warning signs of a relapse as well as ways oftreatment. The examined people expressed the awareness that following doctor’s orders may significantly decreasethe risk of relapse. The most relevant issue concerning the acceptance of a disease, the level of patients’ awareness ofa disease and systematic compliance with the recommendations of medical staff were enumerated. Most respondentsexperienced a relapse, despite their declared knowledge of relapse prevention methods. Side effects of used medicineswere the frequent cause of treatment discontinuation. The patients indicated contact with medical staff as the mainsource of broadening their knowledge.Wstęp: Schizofrenia jest jednym z najpoważniejszych zaburzeń psychicznych. Charakteryzuje się przewlekłym przebiegiem, zróżnicowanym obrazem klinicznym, często prowadzi do niesprawności. Może przebiegać w różny sposób i z różnym nasileniem, a pojawiające się objawy stanowią przełom w życiu i funkcjonowaniu pacjenta i jego rodziny. Dlatego tak ważne jest szybkie rozpoznanie objawów i podjęcie działań terapeutycznych. Nawrót choroby nie pojawia się nagle. Zazwyczaj poprzedza go czas różnych zmian w zachowaniu i odczuciach chorego. Zmiany te nazywamy objawami zwiastującymi nawrót choroby. Celem pracy było poznanie stanu wiedzy pacjentów na temat schizofrenii, skutków niestosowania się do zaleceń lekarskich, objawów zwiastujących nawrót choroby. Materiał i metody: Grupę badawczą stanowiło 69 pacjentów Poradni Zdrowia Psychicznego w Bielsku-Białej. Na potrzeby niniejszej pracy wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, a w niej autorski kwestionariusz ankiety, który zawierał 30 pytań zamkniętych o możliwości udzielenia jednej lub kilku odpowiedzi. Wyniki i wnioski: W przeprowadzonych badaniach uzyskano wyniki wskazujące na wysoki poziom wiedzy przebadanych pacjentów na temat schizofrenii, jej objawów, objawów zwiastujących jej nawrót oraz sposobów leczenia. Ankietowani wyrazili przede wszystkim świadomość, że stosowanie się do zaleceń lekarskich może znacznie obniżyć ryzyko wystąpienia nawrotu choroby. Wymieniono najważniejsze kwestie związane z akceptacją choroby, stopniem świadomości pacjentów na jej temat oraz systematyczności stosowania się do zaleceń personelu medycznego. U większości z respondentów wystąpił nawrót choroby, mimo deklarowanej wiedzy na temat metod zapobiegania nawrotom. Działania uboczne stosowanych leków były częstą przyczyną rezygnacji z leczenia. Pacjenci jako główne źródło poszerzania swojej wiedzy wskazali kontakt z personelem medycznym

    Alternative medicine - a replacement or an adjunctive for conventional therapy of chronic pain

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    Introduction and purpose:  Many people worldwide suffer from chronic pain. It is a very inconvenient condition on its own, not only an accompanying symptom of other diseases. Conventional drug treatment may be insufficient in some cases or may even cause serious side effects in the long term. In response to this, we aim to demonstrate the diversity of alternative pain management techniques in this review and identify conditions where such techniques may be beneficial to patients. State of knowledge: This paper evaluates some of the most common alternative pain management methods (acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, mind body therapies, herbal medicine, music therapy)  and their application in specific cases of chronic pain.  We also describe the possible mechanisms of action involved in the effectiveness of these techniques, based on contemporary studies. Summary: In conclusion, there are conditions where alternative medicine may be beneficial for patients suffering from chronic pain. The studies taken into account showed the best effects for chronic musculoskeletal pain treated with methods such as acupuncture and massage. Mind-body therapies may reduce stress levels and symptoms of depression associated with chronic pain, consequently improving the quality of patients' lives. However, alternative methods should not yet be considered as replacements for conventional drug therapy. More studies are needed to evaluate whether alternative therapies will play a significant role in chronic pain management in the future

    Surface-modified poly(l-lactide-co-glycolide) scaffolds for the treatment of osteochondral critical size defects : in vivo studies on rabbits

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    Poly(l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) porous scaffolds were modified with collagen type I (PLGA/coll) or hydroxyapatite (PLGA/HAp) and implanted in rabbits osteochondral defects to check their biocompatibility and bone tissue regeneration potential. The scaffolds were fabricated using solvent casting/particulate leaching method. Their total porosity was 85% and the pore size was in the range of 250–320 µm. The physico-chemical properties of the scaffolds were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), sessile drop, and compression tests. Three types of the scaffolds (unmodified PLGA, PLGA/coll, and PLGA/HAp) were implanted into the defects created in New Zealand rabbit femoral trochlears; empty defect acted as control. Samples were extracted after 1, 4, 12, and 26 weeks from the implantation, evaluated using micro-computed tomography (µCT), and stained by Masson–Goldner and hematoxylin-eosin. The results showed that the proposed method is suitable for fabrication of highly porous PLGA scaffolds. Effective deposition of both coll and HAp was confirmed on all surfaces of the pores through the entire scaffold volume. In the in vivo model, PLGA and PLGA/HAp scaffolds enhanced tissue ingrowth as shown by histological and morphometric analyses. Bone formation was the highest for PLGA/HAp scaffolds as evidenced by µCT. Neo-tissue formation in the defect site was well correlated with degradation kinetics of the scaffold material. Interestingly, around PLGA/coll extensive inflammation and inhibited tissue healing were detected, presumably due to immunological response of the host towards collagen of bovine origin. To summarize, PLGA scaffolds modified with HAp are the most promising materials for bone tissue regeneration

    Acne vulgaris and treatment with topical retinoids - adapalene and tretinoin

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    Introduction and purpose: Acne vulgaris is a disease that mainly affects young people and is associated with overactive sebaceous glands. The disease mainly affects the face but can also occur on the back. Depending on the clinical picture, we can distinguish different types of acne and make our treatment dependent on it. The aim of the study will be to compare the effects of topical retinoids on acne vulgaris. State of knowledge: Topical retinoids have a direct anti-inflammatory effect and prevent the formation of blackheads and microcomedones. Five retinoids are currently available for topical treatment of acne vulgaris. We distinguish three generations. The mechanism of action is not fully understood, but it is known that they react with the RAR and RXR receptors. In the review paper, we will compare the effects of adapalene with tretinoin. Conclusion: According to the indicated study results, there is no significant difference in the effect of treatment with adapalene or tretinoin. Adapalene showed less irritation during treatment than tretinoin. The most important thing during acne treatment is choosing the right concentration and formulation by the dermatologist so that the patient does not stop treatment

    Supplementation of vitamin D in children with obesity and vitamin D deficiency - review of outcomes in terms of obesity parameters and comorbidities

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    In recent years, vitamin D deficiency and obesity in paediatric population have reached epidemic levels worldwide as crucial health concerns with far-reaching consequences. There has been a substantial growth in studies dedicated to these two public health issues over the last years. Numerous studies have confirmed that excess body weight has negative impact on vitamin D metabolism, leading to a higher risk of low levels of this essential vitamin, among individuals who are overweight or obese. Vitamin D deficiency may play a role in the development of obesity-related conditions as insulin resistance, type two diabetes, NAFLD and cardiovascular disease due to anti-inflammatory properties, impact on the endocrine system and metabolic functions of this vital nutrient. Vitamin D supplementation seems to be a beneficial addition to pharmacology and lifestyle changes during obesity treatment