15 research outputs found


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    The aim of this resarch is to determine the potential of   rumen  content of cattle from slaughterhouse as ruminants   feed in Manokwari District, judging   from quantity (fresh and dry weight), Quality (DM and OM content), and physical characteristics.  Data of research analyzed by tabulation and T-Test. The results showed that each cow that is cut produces an average rumen content  of 8.507, 88 g  fresh weight or 1.127,16 g  dry weight with DM content 89,14%   and  OM content 89,83%. The average daily cattle slaughter of 5 tails, so that the contents of the rumen generated as much as 10.595,8 g (10,596 kg) fresh weight or 5.635,8 g (5,636 kg)  dry weight with 5,024 kg  DM and 4,513 kg OM availability.  Characteristics of the rumen content after drying is  yellowishbrown ,  texture varies smooth to coarse and aromatic typical of rumen or dried grass. &nbsp

    Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Rumput Raja (Pennisetum purpureophoides) dengan Perlakuan Pupuk Anorganik Dan Organik

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    This study aims to determine the effect of inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizer, and the combination of both on the growth of king grass (Pennisetum purpurephoides). The research method was a completely random design with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The research treatments consisted of A (without fertilizer), B (100% inorganic fertilizer), C (100% organic fertilizer), and D (50% inorganic and 50% organic fertilizer). The result of the study shows that inorganic, organic, and its fertilizer combination treatment has a non-significant effect on the height of the plant, the length and width of the leaf, and the length of its segments, while inorganic and organic fertilizer treatment has a significant effect on the stem diameter. The conclusion is that the use of 100 % organic fertilizer has better results for the vegetative growth of king grass (Pennisetum purpurephoides) compared to the use of inorganic fertilizer and its combination

    Supplementation of bangun-bangun leaf (Coleus amboinicus Lour) and Zn-vitamin E to improve metabolism and milk production of Etawah cross bred goats

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    Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of Coleus amboinicus L. and zinc-vitamin E supplementation in ration to improve rumen metabolism and milk production of Etawah crossbred goat. In the first experiment, 6 treatments were evaluated using in vitro batch culture. It was found that Coleus amboinicus and Zn-vitamin E supplementation significantly (P 0.01) increase dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) digestibility and Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) concentration, but decrease NH3 concentration, rumen pH and total microbe. In the second experiment, 8 treatments were evaluated using in vivo experiment on 24 goats. The result showed that Coleus amboinicus and Zn-vitamin E supplementation significantly increase dry matter and TDN intake and milk production. Key Words: Coleus Amboinicus, Zn-Vitamin E, Rumen Metabolism, Milk Production, Etawah Crossbred Goa

    Pengaruh Tingkat Penggunaan Isi Rumen Sapi Terfermentasi dalam Ransum Terhadap Penampilan Itik Fase Starter

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    The object of this experiment was to know the effect of rumen content on duck performance at starter period. Randomized Completely Design consisted of 5 treatments and 4 replications was used in this experiment. Each experiment unit consisted of 2 ducks at starter period, thus tottaly was 40 ducks. Four dietary treatments comprised 1) basal diet without rumen content; 2) basal diet supplemented v.ith 5% of rumen content; 3) basaJ diet supplemented v.ith 10% of rumen content; 4) basal diet supplemented with 15% ofrumen content; 5) basal diet supplemented with 20% of rumen content. Variable determine in this experiment were feed intake, body gain, and feed efficiency. In general, use of cow's rumen content in diet increased feed intake, body gain, and feed efficiency. Supplementation of rumen content at level of 10% in diet had the best result in this experiment


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efek antikolesterol fraksi n-heksana ekstrak rumput kebar pada hewan model hiperlipidaemia. Delapan kelinci dewasa dibagi dalam dua kelompok. Kelompok kontrol (K1) hanya diberikan diet tinggi lemak selama 1 bulan dan pada kelompok perlakuan (K2) diberikan diet tinggi lemak ditambah fraksi n-heksana ekstrak rumput kebar. Uji keberhasilan penelitian dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan kolesterol total serum darah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi kolesterol total serum darah pada K1 dan K2 masing-masing adalah 100,00±18,28 dan 47,75±12,53 mg/dl. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa fraksi n-heksanaa mampu menurunkan tingkat kolesterol total dalam serum darah

    Sifat Fisik serta Kandungan Bahan Kering dan Bahan Organik Silase Rumput Irian (Sorghum sp) yang Difermentasi Menggunakan lsi Rumen

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    The aims of this experiment was to determine the physial characteristic, dry matter and organic matter content of Irian grass (Shorgum sp.) silage fermented with rumen content. The experiment was conducted at Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed and Laboratory of Soil, Faculty of Agriculture Cenderawasih University during 2,5 months. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisted of 4 treatments and 5 replications was used in this experiment. For each treatment, two kg of Irian grass was supplemented with rumen content at level of 0, 2, 4 and 6%. Result showed that Irian grass suplemented with 4% of rumen contents were the best in quality of physical characteristic. The current study suggest that use of rumen content in Irian grass up to 6% after 28 days of ensiling had a good physical characteristics (i.e. texture, smell, color and pH) and dry mater and organic matter contents

    Proses Penyembelihan dan Waktu Mati Sempurna Sapi Bali sebagai Hewan Kurban di Kabupaten Manokwari

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek kesejahteraan hewan berdasarkan tata cara pemisahan dan handling sapi ketika akan disembelih, berapa lama waktu maksimal sapi Bali yang disembelih mati sempurna dan indikator kematian apa yang paling lama hilang setelah sapi disembelih. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 57 ekor sapi Bali yang disembelih di 5 masjid di Kabupaten Manokwari yang menyelenggarakan penyembelihan hewan kurban. Pengamatan tata cara pemisahan dan handling sapi dilakukan dengan observasi. Waktu henti darah memancar dihitung sejak awal darah memancar sampai tidak lagi memancar. Indikator kematian lain (refleks pupil, refleks kornea, pernafasan ritmik, tonus rahang, tonus lidah, refleks ekor, refleks anus, dan refleks tracak) dihitung setelah waktu henti darah memancar diperoleh. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Data henti darah memancar dihitung rerata dan simpangan bakunya, sedangkan indikator lain disajikan dengan range tiap menit dalam tabel. Pemisahan antara lokasi penempatan dengan penyembelihan dan penggunaan kandang jepit modifikasi untuk handling telah dilakukan disebagian besar lokasi pengamatan. Waktu henti darah memancar pada penelitian ini adalah 2,93 menit. Refleks kornea dan tonus lidah merupakan indikator tercepat yang hilang, yaitu 4-5 menit setelah darah berhenti memancar, kemudian berturut-turut diikuti dengan pernafasan ritmik dan tonus rahang, yaitu masing-masing 5-6 menit serta refleks ekor dan refleks tracak, yaitu 6-7 menit. Refleks anus merupakan indikator terlama yang hilang, yaitu 7-8 menit setelah darah berhenti memancar. Kesimpulan: sebagain besar masjid telah memperhatikan kesejahteraan hewan berdasarkan lokasi dan tata cara penyembelihan. Sapi Bali sebagai hewan kurban di Kabupaten Manokwari mengalami mati sempurna pada menit ke 13,93 dan indikator kematian terakhir yang hilang adalah refleks anus

    Asesmen Produktivitas Ternak dan Kesesuaian Potensi Tanaman Pertanian Sebagai Hijauan Pakan: Sebuah Potret Kawasan Agro-Ekologi Dataran Rendah Selatan Merauke, Papua

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    The study aimed to descriptively capture livestock production and food waste and the suitability of border farms in the lowland Merauke region. Data were analyzed on livestock population structure (individual/ST), food crop waste production (dry weight, DW), capacity, and location quotient (LQ), and SWOT. Food crop waste production is 350 thousand tons of DW and so far only provided for ruminant cattle about 11%. Food crop straw waste is still dominated by rice straw (97%), followed by corn waste (2%), sweet potatoes, and peanuts. The capacity to increase the cattle population is close to 315 thousand ST. The LQ value of both livestock and food crops in Merauke is still in the range of 0 -<1 and is still a prospective sector to be optimized. The results of SWOT analysis conclude that the S-O strategy is the intensification and expansion of livestock commodities.    Keywords: livestock population structure, location quotient, KPPTR, crop residues, Merauk

    Asesmen Produktivitas Ternak dan Kesesuaian Potensi Tanaman Pertanian Sebagai Hijauan Pakan: Sebuah Potret Kawasan Agro-Ekologi Dataran Rendah Selatan Merauke, Papua

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    The study aimed to descriptively capture livestock production and food waste and the suitability of border farms in the lowland Merauke region. Data were analyzed on livestock population structure (individual/ST), food crop waste production (dry weight, DW), capacity, and location quotient (LQ), and SWOT. Food crop waste production is 350 thousand tons of DW and so far only provided for ruminant cattle about 11%. Food crop straw waste is still dominated by rice straw (97%), followed by corn waste (2%), sweet potatoes, and peanuts. The capacity to increase the cattle population is close to 315 thousand ST. The LQ value of both livestock and food crops in Merauke is still in the range of 0 -&lt;1 and is still a prospective sector to be optimized. The results of SWOT analysis conclude that the S-O strategy is the intensification and expansion of livestock commodities.&nbsp; &nbsp; Keywords: livestock population structure, location quotient, KPPTR, crop residues, Merauk

    Asesmen Produktivitas Ternak dan Kesesuaian Potensi Tanaman Pertanian Sebagai Hijauan Pakan: Sebuah Potret Kawasan Agro-Ekologi Dataran Rendah Selatan Merauke, Papua

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    The study aimed to descriptively capture livestock production and food waste and the suitability of border farms in the lowland Merauke region. Data were analyzed on livestock population structure (individual/ST), food crop waste production (dry weight, DW), capacity, and location quotient (LQ), and SWOT. Food crop waste production is 350 thousand tons of DW and so far only provided for ruminant cattle about 11%. Food crop straw waste is still dominated by rice straw (97%), followed by corn waste (2%), sweet potatoes, and peanuts. The capacity to increase the cattle population is close to 315 thousand ST. The LQ value of both livestock and food crops in Merauke is still in the range of 0 -&lt;1 and is still a prospective sector to be optimized. The results of SWOT analysis conclude that the S-O strategy is the intensification and expansion of livestock commodities.&nbsp; &nbsp; Keywords: livestock population structure, location quotient, KPPTR, crop residues, Merauk