226 research outputs found

    Modeling the Effects of Avian Flu (H5N1) Vaccination Strategies on Poultry

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    The work in this article addresses a problem posed by Dr. Maria Salvato to the CODEE community. The task was to model costs associated with varying vaccination strategies for the Avian Flu virus (H5N1) on chicken populations. The vaccination strategies proposed included vaccination varying proportions of the flock with live virus vaccine, dead virus vaccine, and no vaccination. This article encompasses the construction of a model for the problem using a modification to the SIER model and the subsequent analysis of that model. The analysis of the model revealed the most cost effective vaccination strategy to be vaccination of half the flock with dead virus vaccine

    One-Sided Resonance Problems for Quasilinear Elliptic Operators

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    AbstractWe present some new existence results for a quasilinear elliptic problem with an unbounded driving force. The quasilinear elliptic operator is assumed to be variational and is such that 0 acts like an isolated eigenvalue with a corresponding eigenfunction which does not change sign. The driving force is further assumed to be in one-sided resonance around the eigenvalue 0, and a solvability condition of potential type is imposed. Variational methods are used to obtain existence. Our results significantly improve earlier results of the authors

    Fungi Associated with Esca and Young Grapevine Decline in Greece

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    In the period 1998–2001 significant numbers of vine samples of different varieties, grafted onto different rootstocks, ready for out-planting or planted and declined a few months or years later, were collected or sent to our laboratory to investigate the presence of phytopathogenic fungi. Three hundred eighty rooted cuttings ready for outplanting, 1250 young vines planted and exhibiting decline symptoms in the first year of establishment, 82 vines two to nine years old and 27 old vines exhibiting the classical esca symptoms were examined. Isolations yielded the fungi Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Fomitiporia punctata and Stereum hirsutum, as well as other fungi of the genera Phaeoacremonium, Cylindrocarpon and Botryosphaeria. The low incidence of these fungi isolated in a low percentage of samples suggested that they could not by themselves be the cause of young grapevine decline. Abiotic causes, such as lesions from improperly healed rootstock disbudding sites and graft unions made in the nursery, as well as improper storage and transportation conditions of the propagated material must also have played a role and made the decline more acute. The occurrence of the isolated fungi as endophytes and their role in the outbreak of grapevine decline remain to be investigated

    El mito de Perseo desde la Antigüedad hasta nuestro tiempo.

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    El trabajo consiste en estudiar el mito más relevante de Perseo, el cual hemos dividido en seis episodios, y trabajarlos teniendo en cuenta las fuentes antiguas escritas para así conocer las obras de los artistas que dedicaron parte de su producción al mito. En definitiva, se trata de analizar las distintas formas en las que fueron trabajados los episodios en ciertos periodos históricos-artísticos; Antigüedad, Edad Media, Renacimiento, Barroco, Siglos XVIII-XIX y Siglos XX-XXI.The work consists of studying the most relevant myth of Perseus, which we have divided in six episodes, and work them taking into account the ancient sources written in order to know the works of the artists who dedicated part of their production to the myth. In In short, it is about analyzing the different ways in which the episodes in certain historical-artistic periods; Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, XVIII-XIX centuries and XX-XXI centuries

    Las nuevas tecnologías en la formación y el desarrollo de las mujeres: Una revisión de síntesis teórica

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    Máster Universitario en Educación y Tecnologías de la Información y Comuni

    Educación e igualdad: un estudio sobre conductas de violencia de género entre estudiantes del Grado de Educación Primaria

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    La docencia juega un papel fundamental en nuestra sociedad. Las instituciones educativas, como agentes socializadores que son, tienen en su poder gran parte de transmisión de valores, conocimientos y creencias. Por ello, el profesorado y las mismas instituciones deben tratar los problemas sociales desde la educación integral. La violencia de género es uno de estos problemas con los que cuenta nuestra sociedad , más aún cuando se reproduce por cualquier medio, y los dispositivos electrónicos parecen estar favoreciendo a crear nuevos espacios de conductas de violencia. El presente trabajo recoge las ideas y opiniones de futuros docentes, con la intención de sensibilizar en el tema de violencia de género. Para ello, hemos contado con 17 estudiantes del Grado de Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Sevilla, quienes participan en grupos de discusión y nos enseñan su perspectiva. En este estudio cualitativo, dos dilemas serán la guía para la puesta en práctica de los grupos de discusión. El estudio culmina con la necesidad de formación para sensibilizar a futuros docentes en materia de géneroTeaching plays a fundamental role in our society. The educational institutions, as socializing agents, have in their power a great part of transmission of ethical values, knowledge and beliefs. Therefore, teachers and the same institutions should treat social problems from comprehensive education. Gender violence is one of this problems that our society has, even more as it is enlarged by means of electronic devices that seem to be favoring the creation of new spaces of violence conducts. The present work collects the ideas and opinions of future teachers, with the in-tention of raising awareness on the subject of gender violence. For this objective, we have contacted 17 students of the Primary Education Bachelor Degree from the Univer-sity of Seville, who participated in discussion groups and told us their perspective. In this qualitative study, two dilemmas will be the guide for the implementation of the discussion groups. The study culminates with the need for training to sensitize fu-ture teachers on gender issues

    La Estigmatización del otro en los Procesos de Inclusión de Estudiantes con Discapacidad

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    The objective of this analysis is to try to approach the issue of how the stigmatization of the other influences the inclusion processes of students with disabilities in the university sector. This work is framed in the essay modality and is supported by a reflexive and critical field research. As a main contribution, there is the fact of allowing readers to reflect on how harmful it is for an educational institution to share the physical space and not the social space when stigmatization is allowed to play a preponderant role in our interpersonal relationships.El objetivo de este análisis es intentar una aproximación al tema de cómo la estigmatización del otro influye en los procesos de inclusión de los estudiantes con discapacidad en el sector universitario. Este trabajo está enmarcado en la modalidad de ensayo y está apoyado en una investigación de campo de carácter reflexivo y crítico. Como aporte principal, está el hecho de permitir a los lectores reflexionar sobre lo perjudicial que es para una institución educativa compartir el espacio físico y no el social cuando se deja que la estigmatización tenga un rol preponderante en nuestras relaciones interpersonales
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