39 research outputs found

    Immigrant fertility in West Germany: is there a socialization effect in transitions to second and third births?

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    In this paper on immigrant fertility in West Germany, we estimate the transition rates to second and third births, using intensity-regression models. The data come from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study. We distinguish women of the first and the second immigrant generations originating from Turkey, the former Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy, and Spain, and compare their fertility levels to those of West German women. In the theoretical framework, we discuss competing hypotheses on migrant fertility. The findings support mainly the socialization hypothesis: the transition rates of first-generation immigrants vary by country of origin, and the fertility patterns of migrant descendants resemble more closely those of West Germans than those of the first immigrant generation. In addition, the analyses show that fertility differentials between immigrants and women of the indigenous population can largely, though not in full, be explained by compositional differences.Dans cet article relatif Ă  la fĂ©conditĂ© des immigrĂ©es en Allemagne, le passage du premier au deuxieme enfant et dans celui du deuxieme au troisieme enfant est estimĂ© Ă  partir de modĂšles de rĂ©gression Ă  risques instantanĂ©s. Les donnĂ©es utilisĂ©es proviennent de l’étude de Panel socio-Ă©conomique allemand. On distingue les femmes immigrĂ©es de premiĂšre ou de seconde gĂ©nĂ©ration originaires de Turquie, d’ex-Yougoslavie, de GrĂšce, d’Italie et d’Espagne, et leurs niveaux de fĂ©conditĂ© sont comparĂ©s Ă  ceux des femmes ouest-allemandes d’origine. Des hypothĂšses concurrentes sur la fĂ©conditĂ© des immigrĂ©s sont discutĂ©es dans le cadre thĂ©orique. Les rĂ©sultats vĂ©rifient principalement l’hypothĂšse de la socialisation : le passage au deuxieme et au troisieme enfant de la premiĂšre gĂ©nĂ©ration d’immigrĂ©s varie selon le pays d’origine, et le profil de fĂ©conditĂ© par Ăąge des descendantes d’immigrĂ©es se rapproche plus de celui des femmes ouest-allemandes que de celui des immigrĂ©es de premiĂšre gĂ©nĂ©ration. De plus, les analyses montrent que les diffĂ©rences de fĂ©conditĂ© entre les immigrĂ©es et les femmes ouest-allemandes peuvent ĂȘtre en grande partie, mais pas totalement, expliquĂ©es par des diffĂ©rences de structure

    does participating in national and ethnic associations promote migrant integration a study with young first and second generation migrants

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    On arrival to a new country, migrants usually face language barriers, cultural barriers, discrimination, and other sources of unjust contextual conditions that lower their chances of a successful life (Handy and Greenspan, Nonprofit Volunt Sect Q 38:956–982, 2009). This scenario compromises their levels of well-being and supports a tendency toward social fragmentation in places of settlement (Garcia-Ramirez et al., Am J Community Psychol 47(1–2), 86–97, 2011). In response to this situation, migrants' engagement in civic life has been identified as an important element for developing both individual well-being and cohesive communities (Gilster, J Community Psychol 40(7), 769–784, 2012) (Stoll and Wong, Int Migr Rev 41(4), 880–908, 2007). Using a qualitative study, the present work explores the effects of activism on youth of sub-Saharan African origin, of the first and second generations, who are active in national and ethnic associations. The work aims to explore (1) through narratives the meaning that integration has for young migrants; (2) how integrated they feel; and (3) the role of the association, both national and ethnic, in the perception of integration of these young people

    Neutrophils can Promote Clotting via FXI and Impact Clot Structure via Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in a Distinctive Manner in vitro

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    Neutrophils and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) have been shown to be involved in coagulation. However, the interactions between neutrophils or NETs and fibrin(ogen) in clots, and the mechanisms behind these interactions are not yet fully understood. In this in vitro study, the role of neutrophils or NETs on clot structure, formation and dissolution was studied with a combination of confocal microscopy, turbidity and permeation experiments. Factor (F)XII, FXI and FVII-deficient plasmas were used to investigate which factors may be involved in the procoagulant effects. We found both neutrophils and NETs promote clotting in plasma without the addition of other coagulation triggers, but not in purified fibrinogen, indicating that other factors mediate the interaction. The procoagulant effects of neutrophils and NETs were also observed in FXII- and FVII-deficient plasma. In FXI-deficient plasma, only the procoagulant effects of NETs were observed, but not of neutrophils. NETs increased the density of clots, particularly in the vicinity of the NETs, while neutrophils-induced clots were less stable and more porous. In conclusion, NETs accelerate clotting and contribute to the formation of a denser, more lysis resistant clot architecture. Neutrophils, or their released mediators, may induce clotting in a different manner to NETs, mediated by FXI


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    Nitric oxide control of large veins in the toad Bufo marinus

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    This study examined the nitric oxide (NO) control of the vascular smooth muscle of the ventral abdominal vein and vena cava of the toad, Bufo marinus, by using anatomical and physiological approaches. Nicotinamide adenine di-nucleotide phosphate-diaphorase histochemistry and immunohistochemistry using endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and neural NOS antibodies produced no evidence for endothelial NOS in the veins, but, neural NOS-immunoreactive perivascular nerves were present. Acetylcholine (10&ndash;5 M) caused a vasodilation in both veins that was endothelium-independent, and which was blocked by the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (10&ndash;5 M). The NOS inhibitors, L-NNA (10&ndash;4 M) and L-NAME (10&ndash;4 M), did not significantly reduce the vasodilatory effect of acetylcholine in the veins; this suggested that the vasodilation was not due to NO. However, in the presence of phenoxybenzamine (10&ndash;7&ndash;10&ndash;8 M), L-NNA significantly reduced the vasodilatory effect of acetylcholine in the veins. This unusual response is due to phenoxybenzamine partially inactivating the muscarinic receptor pool in the veins. In addition, the neural NOS inhibitor, vinyl-L-NIO (10&ndash;5 M), significantly reduced the acetylcholine-mediated vasodilation in the presence of phenoxybenzamine. The results show that in toad veins, nitrergic nerves rather than an endothelial NO system are involved in NO-mediated vasodilation.<br /