20 research outputs found

    The economic valuation of mangrove ecosystem in Youtefa bay, Jayapura, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is understanding about the total economic value of mangrove ecosystem in the area of Youtefa bay, Jayapura, Papua. The data were collected directly by interviews. Data collection was conducted in March until April 2018 inthe area located in three traditional villages around Youtefa bay namely Tobati (46 respondents), Enggros (82 respondents) and Nafri (100 respondents). The methods in this research are contingent valuation method, market price, replacement cost, benefit transfer and willingness to pay. The result of this research shows that total economic value of mangrove ecosystem is about USD 3,715,115.02 year-1 or about USD 15,937.49 ha-1year-1. Nowadays, the communities in the three villages of Youtefa bay get direct use from the mangrove ecosystem are about USD 2,049,419.17 year-1 or USD 3,987.1968 household-1year-1. These direct use are derived from the utilization of mangroves as a supplier of fish, crab, shrimp, shellfish and firewood products. Indirect use of mangroves as coastal protection, prevention of seawater intrusion and carbon sequestration of USD 1,660,163.80 year-1 or USD 7,122.50 ha-1year-1. The option and existence value of mangrove ecosystem are about USD 3,496.80 year-1 and USD 2,035.25 year-1. The conservation effort for the maintaining of mangrove ecosystem are needed to get the high value of the using it and improve the welfare of local communities

    Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) from Demta Coast, Jayapura Regency, Papua

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    The population of Thunnus albacares yellowfin tuna from the Scombridae family is very abundant in North Papua Waters (WPP 717). This study aims to analyze the parameters of population dynamics based on the long-weight relationship and condition factors on Thunnus albacares in Demta Coastal Waters, Jayapura Regency. Fish data collection uses passive and active fishing methods using gill nets, handlines, and long line fishing through fishing activities by traditional fishermen during April - June 2022. Data analysis uses analysis length-weight relationship and condition factor. The results of this study found that the population structure of yellowfin tuna (T. albaceras) was very diverse in the waters of North Papua, with a negative allometric growth pattern (b < 3), i.e. the growth of body length was faster than weight. The condition factor averaged 1.1302 with a maximum of 1.4718 and a minimum of 0.7028. Where in the gonadal maturity period morphometric adaptation occurs, weight growth becomes faster and body length becomes slower

    Potensi Penyerapan Karbon Pada Padang Lamun (Seagrass) Di Teluk Youtefa Kota Jayapura, Papua

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    Climate change has been global warming as greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) caused by increased emissions of gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) so that solar energy is trapped in the earth's atmosphere. Various efforts have been made to reduce the impact of climate change, one of which is by utilizing the oceans and coastal ecosystems as natural CO2 sinks. The purpose of this study was to determine the density, carbon sequestration in biomass and the habitat conditions of seagrass beds conducted in March 2021 in Youtefa Bay, Jayapura Papua. Seagrass density was carried out using the quadrant transect method, carbon content analysis was carried out using the ashing method. The results of the study found 1 species of seagrass, namely Enhalus acoroides, the density values ranged from 85.69 ind/m² - 102.56 ind/m². the value of biomass under the substrate ranged from 3321.75 - 3580.75 gbk/m² which was greater than the value of the biomass above the substrate, which ranged from 720.19 to 955.79 gbk/m², followed by the value of the carbon content under the substrate (roots and rhizomes) ranged from 87.30 – 96.92 g C/m² while the value of carbon content above the substrate (leaf) ranged from 35.99 – 44.84 g C/m². The total carbon stock in Youtefa Bay waters, Jayapura City, Papua ranges from 4859.38 – 6687.89 tons/ha.Key Words: Biomass; Carbon Content; Carbon Sequestration; Ashing Method; Youtefa Ba


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    This study wanted to determine the effectiveness of using Microsoft powerpoint based on video learning through a scientific approach in the biology e-module of monera for increasing the activity, interest and learning outcome of 10th MIA Insan Cendekia Jayapura students. Research Methods Research and Development (R&D). The research sample was conducted in class X MIA SMA IT Insan Cendekia Jayapura with a total of 28 students. The results showed that the feasibility of the E-Module Biology Monera material through the use of Microsoft PowerPoint media based on learning videos was feasible to be used as a learning media material with an average validator rating of 87%. The use of Biology E-Modules can also increase students' learning activities in the learning process with an average percentage result of 80% in the high category, and can increase high learning interest in students with an average percentage of 74%. The increase in student learning outcomes also increased with the n-Gain test results obtained an average of 0.73 in the high category


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    Training activities of plant cultivation as a living pharmacy  in an effort to improve the family welfare in the Yabema village of district Elelim was held on 16 and 22 September 2019. This activity is to answer one of the problems of the limited cultivation in the land owned by the urban Community at Elelim District in terms to improve the family welfare. The method used in this activity is in the form of training by providing material and practice (demonstration) in the target society that is urban society with limited land and yard. This activity involved 24 people from various circles such as youth, students and women and men. From this training activity, the community has been aware of the techniques of verticulture cultivation in optimizing land Utilization. The results of these activities are expected to be further developed to address challenges in order to increase family needs and to improve the welfare of the family itself. Moreover, this activity is also one of the efforts to answer the challenge of mitigation issues against global warming by increasing the number of vegetation which can utilize carbon dioxide in the air. Keywords: cultivation technique, verticulture,the yard, family welfar

    Model Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya Pada Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia

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    This study aims to determine the differences in models of peer tutors on learning outcomes in the material of the Human Circulatory System. The method used in this study was experimental guasi with a sample of 100 people divided into two classes namely the control and experiment classes. The results of the study revealed that there were differences in learning outcomes between classes using the model of peer learning with conventional learning models this was evidenced by the value of Asymp. a large (2-tailed) value of 0,000 is generated from the T-test and the n-Gain average value uses peer tutors of 0.73 and a high category and those using the conventional learning model 0.34, the medium categor


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    This research  is a research and development that aims to know to create an integrated IPA module, the feasibility of integrated IPA module, the improvement of the activity, science process skill, and student’s learning result by using integrated IPA module, the advantage and disadvantages using integrated IPA module based on discovery learning on vibration, waves, and sounds materials. The research method is research and development. This research conducted in class VIII C of SMP YPK 2 Manokwari with 30 students. The result shows that :  1) The feasibility of integrated IPA module based on discovery learning on vibration, waves, and sounds materials from validator 91,49% with very decent category, IPA teachers got 90,83% with very good category, and the result of  try out in small scale got 87,75% 2) The  integrated IPA module based on discovery learning on vibration, waves, and sounds can improved the science process skills  with skilled categories (63,15%)  3)

    Aktivitas Enzim Amilase Isolat Bakteri Amilolitik dari Tepung Sagu Basah dan Lingkungan Tempat Penyediaannya Secara Tradisional di Jayapura

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    The study about the activity of the enzyme amylase from amylolytic bacterial isolates from wet sagoo starch and  its traditional provision environment had been done in Jayapura. The purposes of this study were to determine the activity of amylase enzyme and to identify the bacteria isolated from wet sagoo starch and its processing environment in Jayapura district. The method used was an experimental laboratorium in which isolation of amylolytic bacteria was performed by using nutrient agar medium with 1% soluble starch on spreed pour plate method. The enzyme activity was detected with 0.2% iodine in 2% potassium iodide which were able to form a clear zone. The protein content of the crude enzyme extract was determined by the Bradford method using bovine serum albumin (BSA). Amylase enzyme activity was determined by the formula: DUN/ml = [(R0-R1)/R0] [dilution factor] DUN/ml (dextrinizing units per ml). The results showed that there were 15 isolates amylolytic bacteria. Four (4) bacterial isolates have amylolytic power of more than 30 mm. The amilase activity of amylolytic bacterial of all  isolates were quite high: which were 35 577, 18 903,  32 106 and 46 600 U/mg for SU4, SU13, SU23 and SU40 respectively. The identification of isolates indicated that the three isolates are members of the Bacillus cereus ATCC 14 579 types with a similarity value of 71.70% to 81.10%, and one isolate is Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6501 members with a similarity value of 94.30%. Keywords: Amylolytic bacteria, amylase activity, characterization, sago flour