55 research outputs found

    Feasibility Study of Park and Ride City of Depok

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    Depok City is a city in West Java Province, Indonesia. The city is located just south of Jakarta, which is between Jakarta and Bogor. The total population of Tangerang Regency in 2020 is ± 2,457,745 people according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Depok City. Depok City which has an area of 200.29 km. This research was conducted to determine the feasibility level of the Park and Ride development plan in Depok City. Traffic counting surveys and interviews were carried out on the main road sections which were then processed using Microsoft Excel to determine the parking accumulation until the fluctuation of motorbikes and cars was known. Furthermore, the interview data is processed to determine the amount of public interest in the development of Park and Ride which is reviewed based on gender, age, trip duration, trip intent, parking duration, monthly fuel expenditures, desired parking rates and those who agree to use Park and Ride when the survey was conducted. at 06.00-21.00 WIB on Jalan Jatijajar Terminal area. From the results of processing this data using Microsoft Excel, the characteristics of Park and Ride facilities users and also the number of users of Park and Ride facilities for motorbikes were found to be 421, while for cars of 116 with a plan age until 2021, this proves that there is a need to increase interest in motorbikes. Park and Ride development at Jatijajar Depok Terminal

    Environmental Impact Analysis on School Building Reconstruction (Case Study: SDN Sukatani 7, Depok City)

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    In order to improve educational facilities and infrastructure, Department of Housing and Settlements, Depok City  plans to reconstruction a school building. With the impacts caused by this activity, an environmental impact assessment is needed. The purpose of this study is to obtain the results of an analysis of environmental impact studies and ways of mitigation in minimizing the impacts that occur during pre construction stage, construction stage, and operation stage. The method used is observation, interview and scoping methods to determine the impact and good handling of the environment. The results of this study are obtained an analysis of environmental impacts that occur during the activity and how to minimize the impacts with good handling in order to create an environmental friendly construction

    Traffic Impact Analysis of Tajur Bogor Mall Boxies Building on Roads

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    Traffic congestion that occurs almost evenly throughout the Bogor City area can be caused by several main factors, namely. The narrower roads and the increasing number of motorized vehicles result in congestion. The area of Bogor City, which is only 11,850 ha with a road length of 783,412 km, is already congested to accommodate the number of vehicles that are increasingly exceeding the carrying capacity of the road. In addition, the rapid development of business and trade areas in the city of Bogor spurred changes in traffic intensity. This study aims to create a model of generation and attraction caused by land use such as Educational Buildings, Industrial Estates, Traditional Markets and Supermarkets located in the sub-district. Research data retrieval is carried out using primary and secondary data methods, then the data is processed using (Trip Generation Manual) then modeled with (Software Saturn). The number of generation and towing in the studied area is 491 trips/hour. With Service Levels ranging from C to F. Then the design equation for transportation modeling for the East Bogor sub-district in 2021 is Y = 2963.66+0.840(X) then in 2026, namely Y = 2963.66+0.840(X)

    Assessment of building seismic risk in the environment of Ibn Khaldun University Bogor

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    The city of Bogor has varied contours and high rainfall. Potential natural disasters that often occur include floods, landslides, collapsed buildings, fires, landslides, hurricanes, earthquakes, and landslides. The city of Bogor is included in the zone 4 earthquake. Buildings in the Ibn Khaldun University (UIKA) Bogor were erected vertically as an optimization of limited land. The study of the vulnerability of buildings to earthquakes is very important to ensure that building users are in a safe condition during the service life of buildings against earthquakes using the Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) Method and the Hazus Method. The RVS form is obtained from the design spectra and the response spectrum, namely the high seismicity level based on the building coordinates. Based on the results of the RVS, the value of the vulnerability of buildings in the UIKA Bogor environment is 0.086% with an average value of 3.156. Based on the inspection that has been carried out, the buildings are classified as C1 and S1 building types, vertical irregularities occur in 3 buildings, plan irregularities occur in 1 building out of a total of 9 buildings and the land is assumed to be medium soil (type D) because there is no soil investigation


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    Tingginya tingkat pembangunan di kawasan jalan Raya Bogor sangat berpengaruh terhadap kapasitas ruas jalan dan kecepatan kendaraan. Seperti berdirinya sebuah Tempat pembelanjaan atau Cibinong City Mall ( CCM ) cenderung sering menimbulkan dampak kemacetan yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan hasil kinerja ruas jalan Raya Bogor tersebut pada hari libur dan hari kerja  diantaranya, adalah untuk mendapatkan  kinerja ruas jalan Raya Bogor dan tingkat pelayanan pada jalan Raya Bogor sesi 1 kilometer dari CCM kearah Cibinong dan 1 kilometer kearah Bogor. Pendekatan yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah survey lapangan yang kemudian analisis datanya mengacu pada MKJI. Dari hasil analisis data diketahui lalulintas harian rata – rata LHR pada segmen ruas jalan Raya Bogor, untuk kedua yaitu arah Cibinong dan arah Bogor, hari libur arah Cibinong 382, arah Bogor 296 dan hari kerja untuk arah Cibinong 337, arah Bogor 293 Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan, maka didapatkan nilai derajat kejenuhan tertinggi yaitu 0,81. hal ini menunjukan kondisi di jalan Raya Bogor pada hari libur jam 16.00-17.00 WIB dinyatakan arus mendekati tidak stabil kecepatan rendah sehingga tingkat pelayanan pada jam tersebut D


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    Studi kasus Jalan Margonda Raya Kota Depok sta. 0+750 – 1+250, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui layak atau tidaknya jembatan penyeberangan orang pada ruas jalan tersebut. Dari data survei lalu lintas didapat hasil perhitungan volume lalu lintas rata-rata selama satu minggu pada jalan Margonda Raya depok dari Sta. 0+750 – 1+250, untuk V rata-rata sebesar 8.531, P  rata-rata sebesar 1.251, dan PV²rata-rata sebesar  >1010, dan standar persyaratan  pembangunan fasilitas pejalan kaki yang direkomendasikan oleh Dinas Bina Marga untuk pemilihan penyeberangan tidak sebidang, bahwa V > 3.500, P > 1.250 dan PV² > 1010. Dari hasil perhitungan dan rekomendasi dari Dinas Bina Marga dapat disimpulkan bahwa jalan tersebut telah memenuhi standar persyaratan pembangunan fasilitas pejalan kaki , maka fasilitas penyeberangan ini sangat tepat dibangun JPO dengan volume kendaraan dan  volume pejalan kaki yang menyeberang ruas jalan pada asumsi jam sibuk sangat tinggi

    Kajian Dampak Lingkungan bagi Rekonstruksi Gedung Sekolah (Studi Kasus: SDN Mekarsari 6, Depok)

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    Sebagai salah satu bentuk pelayanan kepada masyarakat, Dinas Perumahan dan Permukiman, Kota Depok berencana merekonstruksi Gedung Sekolah Dasar Negeri Mekarsari 6. Akibat dari kegiatan tersebut memberikan dampak negatif berupa penurunan kualitas udara, peningkatan kebisingan, peningkatan limpasan air permukaan, gangguan kesehatan bagi warga sekitar, dan timbunan sampah domestik yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan konstruksi. Untuk menanggulangi dampak negatif yang terjadi dan mengembangkan dampak positif upaya pengelolaan perlu dilakukan kajian dampak lingkungan yang terjadi pada tahap pra konstruksi, konstruksi sampai tahap operasi. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapat hasil analisis kajian dampak lingkungan dan sosial ekonomi sekaligus cara penanggulangan dalam meminimalisasi dampak yang terjadi pada tahap pra konstruksi, konstruksi sampai tahap operasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode observasi dan metode skoping untuk mengetahui dampak dan penanganan yang baik terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer berupa survei lapangan, wawancara, dan didukung oleh data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini adalah diketahui kondisi rona awal lingkungan di lokasi penelitian dan diperolehnya suatu analisa dampak lingkungan yang terjadi dan cara untuk meminimalisir dampak dengan penanganan yang baik agar terciptanya suatu konstruksi yang ramah lingkungan


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    The construction of a certain area will have an impact on the performance of the surrounding traffic, this is due to the new movements caused, one of which is the expansion of the Mardi Waluya School building located in the city of South Bogor, referring to the regulation of the minister of transportation no. 75 of 2015, then the activity must be carried out a Traffic Impact Analysis, this analysis is carried out to find out how much impact caused by the generation and attraction by the new activity center. With standard calculations based on the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI 2017). From the analysis obtained, the average value of the Existing VCR on the Jalan Pahlawan section is 0.55, Jl. Dreded 0,17, Jl. Aut 0,68, Jl. R Saleh Bustaman 0.58, Jl. Empty 0.98. There was no significant effect on traffic performance during construction. But it is predicted that in the period 2021-2025 it will change with a VCR value of: Jl. Pahlawan 0.57 - 0.63 Jl. Dreded 0,18 - 0,20 Jl. Aut 0,69 - 0,77, Jl. R Saleh Bustaman 0.59 - 0.65, Jl. Empty 1.00 - 1.10. An impact handling simulation was conducted to improve traffic performance, indicated by the VCR value on the Jl. Pahlawan 0.53 - 0.58 Jl. Dreded 0,17 - 0,19 Jl. Aut 0,39 - 0,43, Jl. R Saleh Bustaman 0.54 - 0.60, Jl. Empty 0.76 - 0.84

    Parking Analysis on Bogor Agricultural University Campus

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    Andi Hakim Nasution Building is a facility located at Bogor Agricultural University. Andi Hakim Nasution Building is located in the main campus area of Bogor Agricultural University, Jl, Meranti, Babakan Village, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency. This building is used for the offices of lecturers, staff and leaders, so that one of the motorized vehicle parking facilities is one of the needs of this building, but the existing parking facilities are still not neatly arranged. then it is necessary to study the analysis of parking on the Bogor Agricultural University campus. So that it can provide alternative parking control at the Andi Hakim Nasution Building so that no more motorized vehicles are found that are not neatly parked. This study aims to obtain the existing capacity of parking locations in the Andi Hakim Nasution Building and obtain parking characteristics (accumulation, duration of each vehicle, parking space turnover rate and parking index) of motorized vehicles in the Andi Hakim Nasution Building area. This study uses quantitative methods, this data collection is carried out by observation as primary data, among others, data on the number of vehicles entering, data on the number of vehicles out, data representing peak hours, peak days, normal hours, normal days, the number of Parking Space Units (SRP). The secondary data obtained by researchers through sources that have become data, which have conformity with the data that researchers are looking for in the study area, namely the area of parking area space. The result of this study is that the existing parking lot obtained secondary data with a survey method so as to produce existing data covering an area of 630m2 motorcycle parking area with a capacity of 180 ( Parking Space Unit) SRP and a tilt angle of 90 ° at the Andi Hakim Nasution Building. In this analysis study, the largest accumulated stasis capacity was 251 vehicles with an average parking duration of 9:57 hours on Tuesday, May 30, 2023. During the ten days of the survey conducted, it was found that the maximum parking volume was 403 vehicles with a maximum vehicle parking accumulation of 351 vehicles which occurred on Monday 5 June 2023,  the highest motorcycle parking turn over at the Andi Hakim Nasution Building reached 223.89%, indicating that the performance of motorcycle parking was quite high. The capacity of motorcycle parking spaces at the Andi Hakim Nasution Building cannot meet existing parking needs


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    The efforts of the Bekasi City government to reduce congestion and make it easier for the community to mobilize to DKI Jakarta by implementing the Park and Ride concept, in this case the Bekasi City government plans to build a Park and Ride facility in the Bekasi City square. This research was conducted to determine the feasibility level of the Park and Ride development plan in the Bekasi City square and also to obtain an overview of the existing results of the traffic conditions in the Bekasi City square area (PMI Tennis Court). The traffic counting survey and interviews were conducted at Bekasi Station, on Jalan Ir. H juanda, Jalan Perjuangan, Jalan Pramuka and Jalan Veteran which are then processed using Microsoft Excel to find out the maximum demand from Park and Ride, namely 1527 motorbikes and 308 units of cars, the economic feasibility level of the Park and Ride building shows an IRR of 3.4% , the NPV value> 1 is IDR 102,280,883,874.40 and BCR is 1.37. With a prediction of a building length of 25 years, while for roads that become accessibility for vehicles to and from the Park and Ride building, the lowest level of service occurs on Veteran and Pramuka roads, with service levels F and E. This proves that traffic engineering is necessary. and increasing road capacity, to and from Park and Ride, with pedestrian access and bicycle lanes (to improve road performance)
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