59 research outputs found

    Channel processes of the Ob River and the use of the river for water transport purposes

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    The Ob River is one of the largest rivers in Russia and currently the most important traffic route in Western Siberia. The paper presents the history of water transport on the Ob River against the background of channel processes limiting the navigation on the river. The heterogeneity of the Ob River is determined by specific features of the channel processes and the stability of the riverbed, morphological types of the channel, the nature of deformations, long-term and seasonal changes of riffles and sections of the channel characterized by the presence of riffles. The main measures aimed at improving the navigational conditions of the Ob River include dredging of riffles, construction of dams and bypass channels

    Mathematical modeling of the heat transfer process in porous cooling systems under influence low energy disturbances

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    The paper considers the interaction of a high-temperature flow with a transpiration cooling system exposed to low-energy perturbations of a coolant. It studies the possibility of controlling the heat exchange process in a composite material. The numerical calculations are compared with the experimental data

    Restoration of the Katun River navigable waterways

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    The paper presents an assessment of the effectiveness of the lower Katun River channel training works carried out for the navigable waterway creation and consequences of cessation of regular dredging operations over the last 25 years. Analyses of the channel morphodynamics and its modern characteristics allow authors to recommend the channel management strategy and operations required for restoration of the previously existing navigable waterway.The paper presents an assessment of the effectiveness of the lower Katun River channel training works carried out for the navigable waterway creation and consequences of cessation of regular dredging operations over the last 25 years. Analyses of the channel morphodynamics and its modern characteristics allow authors to recommend the channel management strategy and operations required for restoration of the previously existing navigable waterway


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    The aim of research is to conduct monitoring of seeds growth vigor in wheat and barley as well as to reveal the effect of cultivar, year and area of seeds production on the index of their growth vigor. In the years 2009–2013, the research was conducted in Research Center «Ecoflora» and at the Chair of Phytopathology and Plant Protection Systems of Novosibirsk SAU. The growth vigor estimation was carried out with the method of rolls on 182 grain crop samples from the areas of Novosibirsk region. It was established that the highest values of cereal crop seeds growth vigor were obtained in 2011–2012. The index of seed growth vigor varied with season, minimum value was observed in barley seeds in 2013, it was 62.3%; maximum value was in wheat in 2012, it was 90.0%. The vigor of barley seed growth was below 80% averaged over all the years. Dispersion analysis showed that the share of influence of the factors «crop» and «year» on the seed growth vigor made up 22 and 66%, respectively, and it was significant at 5% significance level. Averaged over 5 years, it were the seeds of Omskaya 36 spring wheat that could be referred to as full-vigorous (85.6%), the unsatisfactory index of growth vigor belonged to the cultivar Altaiskaya 325 (69.2%). The index averaged over the years varied from 62.8 to 89.9% in the seeds grown up in Kochenevo area, that of the seeds sown and grown up in Krasnoozersky area did from 59.4 to 89.9%, the Krasnoozersky index being nearly equal averaged over the years. Among agroecological factors, the highest effect on spring wheat seeds growth vigor was produced by weather conditions of «year» (33–66%), the effect of «cultivar» and «area», where the seeds were obtained, was appreciably lower and in most cases, not true statisticallyЦель исследований  – провести мониторинг силы роста семян пшеницы и  ячменя, а также выявить влияние сорта, года и района получения семян на показатель силы их роста. Исследования проводили в  2009–2013 гг. в  научно-исследовательском центре «Экофлора» и  на кафедре фитопатологии и  систем защиты растений Новосибирского ГАУ. Оценку силы роста проводили методом рулонов на 182 образцах зерновых культур из районов Новосибирской области. Установлено, что наиболее высокие значения силы роста семян у зерновых получены в 2011– 2012 гг. Показатель силы роста семян изменялся по годам, минимальное значение наблюдалось у семян ячменя в 2013 г. – 62,3%, максимальное у пшеницы в 2012 г. – 90,0%. По всем годам исследования в среднем сила роста у семян ячменя была ниже 80%. Дисперсионный анализ показал, что доля влияния фактора «культура» на силу роста семян составила 22%, фактора «год» – 66% и была достоверна на 5%-м уровне значимости. В среднем за 5 лет к полноценным можно отнести только семена сорта яровой пшеницы Омская 36 (85,6%), неудовлетворительный показатель силы роста был у сорта Алтайская 325 (69,2%). У семян из Коченевского района средний показатель по годам варьировал от 62,8 до 89,5%, у семян, выращенных в Краснозерском районе – от 59,4 до 89,9% и был примерно равным в среднем по годам. Среди агроэкологических факторов самое большое влияние на силу роста семян яровой пшеницы оказали погодные условия года – 33–66%, влияние сорта и района получения семян было значительно ниже и в большинстве случаев статистически недостоверно

    Strategy of protection against hazardous channel and hydrological processes in rivers of developed territories and territories with focal development

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    In 2012-2015, the Makkaveev Research Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Fluvial Processes of MSU, Department of Geography, carried out a research, including analysis of hydrological and channel regimes of the Tom river in the Kuznetsk basin (Kuzbass) and the Katun river up to Uimonsky (the Altai), intra-mountain drainage basins, the survey of floodplains and eroded banks, and modelling of floods occurring in floodplains. As a result, a concept has been developed to improve protection measures against hazardous hydrological and channel processes. More than 200 engineering and organisational events were suggested as part of the concept. Given the dense network of river banks and the high potential damage caused by floods in Kuzbass, the continuous protection of cities, large residential and commercial areas, as well as sections of roads and railways subject to erosion is a priority in the flood control concept. In the case of the Katun river basin, characterized by local development, low population density, and relatively small damage caused by floods, the emphasis is put on organisational measures: prevention, evacuation of people and property, insurance and compensation. Selective engineering structures should, as a matter of priority, reduce the dangerous erosion of river banks and ensure a high level of protection of the territory against floods

    Вакцинация детей, рожденных раньше срока

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    Premature newborns are most vulnerable to the severe infectious diseases. The timeliness of vaccination in this group of children is extremely important. Historically, however, vaccination coverage for premature newborns has been significantly reduced due to unjustified contraindications. This is due to the fear of developing post-vaccination complications and the opinion that the immune response to vaccines in preterm newborns is reduced. In addition, in our country, there are no approved federal clinical guidelines for the vaccination of premature newborns, which determines the lack of a unified approach among medical workers and raises doubts among parents.The article presents a review of Russian and foreign literature data, highlighting the state of the problem of timeliness and completeness of vaccination coverage of premature newborns. Features of the immunity of a child born prematurely and the possibility of an adequate response to vaccine antigens in various degrees of prematurity. According to the list of the National Immunization Schedule, scientific and practical data on the safety and efficacy of vaccines registered in Russia, the benefits of complying with approved schedule and the positive non-specific effects of individual vaccines are given. Data on the specific prevention of RS-virus infection are presented. It has been shown that conditions that can develop after vaccination and are characteristic of prematurity are not directly related to the vaccine and that premature newborns is able to develop a sufficient immune response. Accordingly, children born prematurely should be immunized in accordance with the passport age with the stabilization of the child’s condition and adequate weight gain.Недоношенные дети наиболее уязвимы в отношении тяжёлого течения инфекционных заболеваний. Своевременность вакцинации в этой группе детей крайне важна. Однако исторически охват прививками детей, рожденных раньше срока, значительно снижен по причине необоснованных медицинских отводов. Это связано со страхом развития поствакцинальных осложнений и мнении, что иммунный ответ на вакцины у недоношенных снижен. Кроме того, в нашей стране отсутствуют утвержденные федеральные клинические рекомендации по вакцинации недоношенных детей, что определяет отсутствие единого подхода у врачей и порождает сомнения у родителей.В статье представлен обзор российских и зарубежных литературных данных, освещающих состояние проблемы своевременности и полноты охвата вакцинацией недоношенных детей; особенности иммунитета ребенка, рожденного раньше срока, и возможность адекватного ответа на вакцинные антигены при различных степенях недоношенности. Согласно перечню Национального календаря прививок, приводятся научно-практические данные по безопасности и эффективности зарегистрированных в России вакцин, преимущества соблюдения утвержденных схем и положительные неспецифические эффекты отдельных вакцин. Представлены данные по специфической профилактике респираторно-синцитиальной вирусной инфекции. Показано, что состояния, которые могут развиваться после прививки и характерны для недоношенности, не имеют прямой связи с вакциной и что организм недоношенного ребенка способен выработать достаточный иммунный ответ. Соответственно, дети, рожденные раньше срока, должны иммунизироваться в соответствии с паспортным возрастом при стабилизации состояния ребенка и адекватной прибавке веса

    Influence of alpha-glutamil-tryptophan on the background and induced activity of factors of adaptive immunity for prevention

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    Background. During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and in the season of rising incidence of other respiratory infections, it is relevant to use preventive measures of  non-specific prophylaxis. Synthetic peptides are widely considered as a tool. The representative of this group is the synthetic analogue of thymus regulatory peptides Thymogen, which has been used in Russia for more than 20 years in the treatment of acute and chronic infection diseases.The aim of the study. To evaluate the effect of Thymogen, a dosed nasal spray, on induced parameters of the immune system during prophylactic use in healthy volunteers.Materials and methods. Twenty healthy volunteers received Thymogen nasal dosed spray (JSC  “Cytomed”, Russia) at a dose of 25  μg twice a day for 10  days. A  comparative assessment of  immunological parameters was carried out in dynamics: before the start of therapy, on days 6 and 11 of taking the drug and 14 days after the end of the course. Clinical observation was carried out from day 1 to day 11, registration of adverse events – the entire period of the study for 24 days. The first day was considered the day the drug was started.Results. In the course of the work, according to the data of immunological examination, a statistically significant increase in the virus-induced production of interferon alpha (INF-α) by a culture of peripheral blood cells was revealed. The growth rate was recorded on day  11 of taking Thymogen and persisted for 14  days after  the  end  of  the  course. Significant differences in the dynamics of bactericidal and phagocytic activity of neutrophils, serum α- and γ-interferon were not obtained.Conclusion. The use of Thymogen spray at a dose of 25 μg for 10 days was safe and contributed to a significant induction of interferon-alpha in response to exposure to a viral pathogen, which allows us to recommend the drug for prophylactic use during the period of rising incidence of acute respiratory diseases

    Судорожный синдром в поствакцинальном периоде: есть ли связь с вакциной?

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    The article describes the characteristics and classification of adverse events after immunization (AEFI) according to the latest WHO recommendations. The registration systems for AEFI in the USA and in Russia are described. Particular attention is paid to the interpretation of the convulsive syndrome that developed after vaccination. Four clinical cases of the development of convulsive syndrome in children hospitalized at the Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases of Russia (St. Petersburg) in the postvaccination period are presented. The criteria for differential diagnosis of the described diseases are indicated. Only a search for the etiology of the disease allows us to assess the relationship with vaccination, timely conduct adequate therapy and generate objective information on the safety of vaccines. There is a need to register all episodes of seizures after vaccination and introduce new methods for registering PPI, as well as creating a system of statistical accounting of background health conditions (convulsions, allergies) of the population of the Russian Federation of various age groups.В статье дана характеристика и классификация побочных проявлений после иммунизации согласно последним рекомендациям ВОЗ. Описаны системы регистрации побочных проявлений после иммунизации в США и в России. Особое внимание уделено интерпретации судорожного синдрома, развившегося после прививки. Представлены 4 клинических случая развития судорожного синдрома у детей, госпитализированных в Детский научно-клинический центр инфекционных болезней (г. Санкт-Петербург) в поствакцинальном периоде. Обозначены критерии проведения дифференциальной диагностики описанных заболеваний. Так как только поиск этиологии заболевания позволяет оценить связь с прививкой, необходимо своевременно проводить адекватную терапию и сформировать объективную информацию по безопасности вакцин. Показана необходимость регистрации всех эпизодов судорог после прививок и внедрения новых методов регистрации побочных проявлений после иммунизации, а также создания системы статистического учета фоновых состояний здоровья (судороги, аллергия) населения Российской Федерации различных возрастных групп