230 research outputs found

    The Availability and Properness of the Health Care Facilities for Waste Handling Based on Indonesian Topography and Geo

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    Background: medical facilities research (Rifakes) 2011 was performed to know a comprehensive image about thegovernment health care facilities as a plan in medical service development that fi ts with the society needs. Although healthcenter was already available, but the availability and the properness of the health care facilities were not spread evenly,such as waste handling facilities. The aim of this research is analyzing the availability and the properness of waste handlingin health center based on demography and geography in Indonesia. Methods: This research is a secondary data analysisof Rifakes 2011 about the availability and the properness of waste handling in health center. The data analysis was donein univariat and bivariat. The correlation between the properness of waste handling and the isolation of an area was testedwith spearmann correlation. The correlation between the properness of waste handling of health care in archipelago and ofthat in frontier area was tested with mann whitney test. Results: More than a half ( 66,8%) of the waste handling of healthcenter is already available, yet with improper category ( 72,7% ). There is a signifi cant correlation between the propernessof waste handling with a location topography ( isolation area, archipelago, and frontier area ). The improper waste handlingis especially in rural area with 80, 6%, whereas in city with 5,7%. Conclusion: There is a signifi cant correlation between theproperness of waste handling in health center with topographical and geographical condition. Recommendation: Wastemanagement in health centers should be more serious attention and handling, availability WWTP, feasibility of handlingthe waste, and if possible waste minimalisali clinic

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Karyawan pada PT. Kawasan Wisata Pantai Cermin Theme Park dan Resort Hotel

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    Competence is the basic characteristic of a person who allows an employee / employees expend maximum performance on the job. Human resources is a factor of the crisis (crusial factor) that can determine life and death reciprocation of a business.The low quality of human resources led to the fall of the effectiveness of employer / employee, which indirectly cause a drop in morale. Declining morale will have an impact on organizational climate will affect whether or not the goal is achieved and the effectiveness of organizations that have been planned.The formulation in this study is "How big Effects of Human Resource Competency Against Employee Effectiveness at PT. Kawasan Wisata Pantai Cermin Theme Park & Resort Hotel. The purpose of this study is to determine how much influence the competence of the Human Resources Employee Effectiveness at PT. Kawasan Wisata Pantai Cermin Theme Park & Resort Hotel. The method used in this research is descriptive method with quantitative analysis

    Analisis Hubungan Status Otonomi Puskesmas dengan Motivasi Karyawan di Kabupaten Sleman, Pasuruan dan Kota Blitar

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    Backgrounds: Since decentralization year 2001, various innovations have been made by the districts or municipalities, especially on delegating broader decision space for management of community health centers to meet demands for qualified medical care. Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship on autonomy level at health centers (decision space) of employee motivation. The motivation of employees was related to the concept of Motivating Potential Score, that composed of Skill Variety, Task Identity, Task Significance, Autonomy, and Job Feedback. Methods: tt was an observational study with a cross sectional design, carried out at Puskesmas Depok /I (150 type), Sleman District, Yogyakarta Province and at Puskesmas Bangil (self-management type), Pasuruan District, and Puskesmas Karangsari (free type), Blitar Municipality both in East Java Province. The study was done from May to December 2009. Respondents were employees at public health centers taken by random sampling to proportional size. Analysis were to assess the status of autonomy relationship with employee motivation at public health centers, tested by anova and combined with qualitative analysis from in-depth interviews to heads of the centers. Results: Results showed that most employeer motivation at each type of health centers was cathegorized as fairly autonomy status for public health center with 150 (62.5%), self-management (72%) and free type (75.7%). The Anova test were F = 1.450 at p-value = 0.240 (p > 0.05). Hence, it could be said there was no difference on employee motivation at health center type, 150, self-managed and free type. Recommendations: This study recommends that heads of community health centers should be able to encourage development of intrinsic motivation to create leadership to give inspiration for employees and supportive work environment, empowering employees, delegating meaningful work and enhancing employee competenc

    Geometric Prequantization of the Moduli Space of the Vortex equations on a Riemann surface

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    The moduli space of solutions to the vortex equations on a Riemann surface are well known to have a symplectic (in fact K\"{a}hler) structure. We show this symplectic structure explictly and proceed to show a family of symplectic (in fact, K\"{a}hler) structures ΩΨ0\Omega_{\Psi_0} on the moduli space, parametrised by Ψ0\Psi_0, a section of a line bundle on the Riemann surface. Next we show that corresponding to these there is a family of prequantum line bundles PΨ0{\mathcal P}_{\Psi_0} on the moduli space whose curvature is proportional to the symplectic forms ΩΨ0\Omega_{\Psi_0}.Comment: 8 page

    The Abuse of Sympathetic Power to Counter Hegemony

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    Sympathy may be generally defined as a support given to other who is believed that he/she is undeservedly suffering or misfortune. Identical to the positive notion of „support‟, the practice of sympathy in the society portrays deviating purpose. Powerless can effectively appeal to the sympathy of their counterparts for their own strategic gain, and more specifically, that this powerless individuals can leverage their weaknesses through the strategic use of sympathy in order to mitigate the disadvantages of lacking power. This powerless strategy may even be used to maintain their relation with the powerful. It calls sympathy as means of resistance. These phenomena will be noted as the abuse of sympathetic power. This article is intended to explore the practice of sympathetic power to counter hegemony. It attempts to portray the sympathetic power‟s potency as means of resistance to counter hegemony. The area of inquiry constricted into the specified context of Minah‟s Cocoa Beans Stealing Case in 2009. The study will be conducted by combining Fairclough‟s CDA model with Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), particularly by considering interpersonal metafunction proposed by Halliday. Based on the analysis, Minah appeals sympathy by exposing her innocence and all the characteristics that she naturally possess. She was able to influence court decision to set her free even all the evidences prove her for commiting the crime of stealing

    The Effectiveness of Sympathy Appeal as Strategy in Law Case

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    Sympathy may provide motive which result in why people behave in such a given way. People tend to behave according to what they feel.In law cases in which the suspects have a tendency of difficulty proving that he is innocent, the effort to attract public sympathy is then, seen as logical strategy.This article was intended to analyze the effectiveness of sympthy appeal as strategy in law cases. The effectiveness will be analyzedbythecontextof The case of ’bullying’ by Muhammad Arsyad, a satay seller, against President Joko ’Jokowi’ Widodo (2014). It sought causal relation of sympathy appealanditseffectinlegaldecisionthroughlinguisticevidences.Thisstudyemployed Judgement, sub-systems of Attitude in Appraisal devices following a model proposed byMartinandRose(2003).ThefindingindicatesthatArsyadeffectivelyusedsympathy appeal as a strategy to mitigate the sentenced. The effectiveness of the sympathy appeal might be proven by these positive judgements provided by the addressee.     Keywords: Effectiveness, Sympathy Appeal, Judgemen

    Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Non Nakes terhadap Faktor Risiko dan Komplikasi Kehamilan dan Persalinan sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Rujukan (Studi di Kabupaten Banjar dan Tanah Laut Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan)

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    Background: In Indonesia the maternal deaths at rural areas was still high because most deliveries were conducted by non health workers and many occurred homes. Early detection for risk factors, complicated pregnancies and deliveries are one of the efforts to prevent the maternal deaths in community. The purpose of the study was to determine knowledge, attitude and behavior of the non health workers on risk factors, complicated pregnancies and deliveries. Methods: It was an observational study with a cross sectional approach, sample were taken purposively. The study was conducted at four public health center in two district (Banjar and Tanah Laut) in South Kalimantan Province. Respondents were non health workers composed of traditional birth attendants (TBAs), Posyandu cadres and families of pregnant and deliveries mothers. Results: The study showed that the majority of respondents had low knowledge on risk factors and complicated pregnancies and deliveries. The majority of respondents, 95% cadres and 83.3% family members were disagree if the delivery services only assisted by health workers. Furthermore, the majority of TBAs (65%) agreed that deliveries would be assisted by health workers if they were given some compensation. The majority of the patients would be referred to health facilities if they were found complicated pregnancies and deliveries. Therefore, the knowledge of non health workers has to be improved. So that they have good knowledge and abilities to refer patients rightly and promptly

    Kualitas Dange yang Disubstitusi Tepung Daging Ikan Kembung (Rastrellinger Kanagurta)

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    Dange is a traditional food made from delicate wet sago starch and further roasted in forna. Dange has rectangle form, flat with approximately 0,5 cm thickness. In addition, dange is also well known for its light, tasteless, hardness and relatively not hygroscopy. To increase the quality of dange and improve its flavour, a research was performed to study the quality of dange substituted with mackerel fish meat. The treatment was arranged in two classifications factorial completely randomized design. The classifications were variation of mackerel fish meat (0%, 2%, 5% and 8%) and time of grill (1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes). Furthermore, the dange product quality was tested chemical and sensory analysis. The chemical analysis consisted of moisture, protein, fat, ash and starch content. Whereas the different of dange product quality was tested sensory analysis using scoring test method and the consumers acceptance was tested by hedonic scale test method. It was found that the most liked dange was made from 5% substitute of mackerel fish meat at 1 minute grill. This dange had slightly brittle texture, yellow-white colour, fishy taste and relatively strong fishy flavour with 27.84% moisture, 3.98% protein, 0.50%fat, 2.48% ash and 57,78% starch content

    Prevalensi Penyakit Hipertensi Penduduk Di Indonesia Dan Faktor Yang Berisiko

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    Background: The analysis of hypertension prevalence for Indonesia citizen aging of 15 years old and over, and its risk factors has been conducted. Data of National Health Basic Survey (Riskesdas) 2007 and National Health Survey (Susenas) 2007 data were used. Methods: Variables analyzed were: 1) Social Economics and individual characteristics (age, sex, marital status, education, settlement area, social economic groups), 2) Risk behavior (smoking habit, fruits and vegetables consumption), 3) Body Mass Index (BMI) group, and 4) Mental disordered. Analysis emphasized on descriptionof hypertension prevalence by social economics, individual characteristics, risk behavior factors, BMI groups and mental disordered. The correlation of hypertension toward behavior factors, BMI groups, and mental disordered groups were done in order to determine the relationship between them using logistics regression technique. It was also to find out the most dominant factor. Results: showed that 34.9% Indonesia citizen suffered from hypertension (by measuring individual blood pressure). People in Java-Bali has the highest prevalence (35.9%) of hypertension while the lowest was in Sumatra (32.9%). Hypertension prevalence (by interview respondents diagnosed the health professional) only 7.4%. Multiple logistics regression analysis showed that heavy smoker, obese, and heavy mental disorder has correlation significantly (p = 0.000) toward hypertension. The most dominant factor increasing hypertension risked was obese