13 research outputs found

    Performa Itik Albino Jantan dan Betina bedasarkan Pengelompokan Bobot Tetas

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    Duck’s hatchery industry produces a diverse weight of Day old Duck’s (DOD) because the hatched eggs have diverse weight. The diverse of DOD weight indicates to cause affect to the performance of ducks. Research was conducted to measure the influenceof hatching weight to performance of Alabio duck’s age 0 to 8 weeks. This research used 47 males and 96 females Alabio duck. Alabio’s DODs were separated based on hatching weight, that is small grade (34.39 ± 1.70), medium grade(38.57 ± 0.91), and large grade(43.12 ± 1.98). All ducks had same treatment and maintenance system. This research used randomized completely design with 2x3 factorials of sex and hatching weight. The observed variables were consumption, average daily gain, weight cuts at 8 weeks, feed conversion, and mortality. From this research, hatching weights didn’t influenced to all performances, however sex can influence to daily gain, body weight at 8th  weeks, and feed conversion. Male ducks have daily gain and body weight at  weeks bigger than female ducks. Male ducks have lower feed conversion than female ducks

    Persentase dan Kualitas Karkas Itik Cihateup-Alabio (CA) pada Umur Pemotongan yang Berbeda

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    Low demand of duck meat is influenced by its quality. Generally, ducks slaughtered at 8 weeks have low carcass quality. Slaughter age is expected to influence carcass quality. Therefore, the study of carcass quality in different slaughter ages (8, 10, and 12 weeks) is needed. This research used 32 males and 18 females cihateup-alabio (CA) ducks. Ducks were grouped by hatching period. The experiment design was randomized block factorial (3x2). Treatments were slaughter age and sex. Traits measured were slaughter weight, percentage of carcass and its parts, physical and sensory quality of duck carcass. The result showed that interaction of slaughter age and sex affect slaughter weight. The higher slaughter age resulted higher breast and abdominal fat percentage, but had smaller thigh percentage. Sex had no effect on carcass percentage and its parts. Higher slaughter age and male sex showed better phisycal carcass quality. Differences in slaughter age and sex had no effect on panelist preference. This research concluded that higher slaughter age produces better carcass percentage and quality

    Pengaruh Frekuesi Pendinginan yang Berbeda Terhadap Daya Tetas Telur Itik Persilangan Cihateup Alabio

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    Increasing of duck rearing as a meat producer requires an increase in duck population to fulfill the demand.  The objective of this research was to analyze the proper chilling frequency to increase duck egg hatchability from cihateup alabio cross breeds.  Chilling frequencies used in this study were once, twice, and three times.  One time chilling was done in the afternoon (12.00-13.00).  Two times chilling was done in the morning (06.00-07.00) and in the evening (17.00-18.00).  Three times chilling was done in the morning (06.00-07.00), in the afternoon (12.00-13.00), and in the evening (17.00-18.00).  Materials used in the research were digital thermometer, 491 eggs from Balitnak Ciawi, KMnO4, Na2CO3, 40% formalin, and chlorin.  The result showed a high fertility on duck egg from Cihateup Alabio cross breeds (>75% on average) with 4 : 16 (male : female) sex ratio.  All of the chilling frequencies had no significant effect on egg hatchability from Cihateup Alabio cross breeds

    Pengaruh Waktu Dimulainya Pendinginan Selama Penetasan Terhadap Daya Tetas Telur Itik Persilangan Cihateup Alabio

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    Duck eggs have lower hatchability because they have higher risk of embryo mortality due to a longer incubation than chicken eggs. This study was designed to obtain the proper of start cooling during artificial incubation to improve duck eggs hatchability and hatching weight. Eggs of cihateup alabio duck were obtained from Balai Penelitian Ternak (Balitnak) Ciawi. Eggs were collected weekly in 5 different times. Total egg collected was 419 eggs. Incubated eggs were sprayed and cooled for 0.25 h at room temperature for 2 times a day in setter period. This study used randomized block design and 3 treatments of starting cooling time of egg. Observed variables were egg weight, fertility, hatchability, embryo mortality and hatching weight. Cooling eggs at different times during the setter period did not affect to hatchability. Highest hatchability was obtained on Days 17. The start cooling significantly was affected the hatching weight

    Daya Tetas Telur Itik Cihateup dan Alabio

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    Local ducks in Indonesia such as alabio duck and cihateup duck have advantages as egg producer and meat producer. Efforts is needed to increase the population of ducks by doing hatching. This research is to learn the hatchability of alabio duck and cihateup duck and identify of the factors that can be affected hatching duck eggs. Eggs ducks used 200 grains eggs ducks cihateup and eggs ducks alabio 300 grains. The process of hatching the egg ducks held for 28 days. The percentage fertility and hatchability results duck eggs alabio higher than cihateup duck eggs. Death embryonic the biggest occurred on the day to 26-28 days. Greater egg weights produce larger DOD. Weight of eggs and duck eggs index has no effect on hatchability but which affect hatchability of duck eggs in this study is high temperature during incubation, lower humidity during the period hatcher and egg hygiene. Alabio duck egg weight is lighter than duck eggs cihateup and more oval shaped while cihateup duck eggs more rounded shape. Weight egg and index egg on two types of eggs uniforms

    Nisbah Jenis Kelamin Hasil Penetasan Telur Itik Cihateup dan Alabio

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    Duck eggs are more difficult to hatch than chicken eggs as the duck does not incubate their eggs and the duck eggs need more time to hatch (in 28 days). This study aimed to determine the sex ratio of DOD (Day Old Duck) from two different breeds, namely cihateup from Tasikmalaya West Java and alabio from South Kalimantan. This experiment was conducted from May 2012 to July 2012 at the Hatchery Laboratory of Animal Science Faculty of IPB. 500 eggs consist of 300 alabio eggs and 200 cihateup eggs were used in this experiment. Temperature, humidity, egg weight, egg shape index, hatching weight and mortality were measured. The data of egg weight, egg shape index, and hatching weight were analyzed using t-test, the data of sex ratio DOD were analyzed using chi-square test. The result showed that there were no significant difference between egg weight and egg shape index on sex ratio. Sex ratio of male and female cihateup ducks was equal  (50%:50%), however the sex ratio of alabio ducks was different (32%:68%). Mortality rate was affected by sex of duck (P<0.05). The Higher mortality was occured at early (day 0-7) and late (day>25) hatching period

    Identification of Poymorphism and Association Analyses of FMO3 Gene Related with Carcass and Meat Quality in Cihateup Duck

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    The aim of this study was to identifypolymorphism and association of the FMO3 gene related to carcass and meat quality in Indonesian Cihateup ducks. A total of sixty Indonesian Cihateup ducks were used in this study. Tissues from breast muscleswas used for genomic DNA. Association analysis showed that the SNP g.849A>G was highly significantly associated (P<0.01) with live weight (LW), carcass weight (CW), breast muscle weight (BMW), pH, cooking loss, drip loss (DL), lightness (L*) and redness (a*), TBARS and TMA. Compared to the GG genotype, the AG genotype exhibited greater levels (P < 0.05) LW, CW, pH, a*, TBARS and TMA but not DL and L*. These results will improve the understanding of the functions of the FMO3 gene in carcass and meat quality within the liver and will shed light on FMO3 as a candidate gene in the selection of ducks with good carcass and meat quality trait

    Penggunaan Ekstrak Pelepah Pisang Ambon sebagai Sanitizer Kerabang terhadap Daya Tetas Telur Itik Lokal

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    The use of KMnO4 and formalin 40% for fumigation of hatching machine and hatching eggs has potential hazards to safety and health. Some previous studies have shown that banana pseudostem extract can act as an antimicrobial. This study aimed to examine the use of ambon banana pseudostem extract (Musa paradisiaca var. Sapientum) with concentrations of 10%, 20%, and 30% as eggshell sanitizer to the hatchability of local duck eggs. The results showed eggs hatchability that use of 10% banana pseudostem extract still lower than eggs hatchability that use fumigation. The higher concentration of banana pseudostem extract can reduce the hatchability. Therefore, it is necessary to try experiment use banana peseudostem extract with concentration lower than 10%

    Produksi Telur dan Kualitas Telur Ayam IPB D-1 G7 serta Pendugaan Nilai Ripitabilitasny

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    IPB-D1 is a chicken cross between male F1 PS (PelungxSentul) with F1 female (Kampung x parent stock cobb). The establishment of chicken IPB-D1 aims to produce commercial meat type local chicken with semi-intensive maintenance management. The aim of this research to observe study assesses the performance of egg production and the quality of IPB D-1 chicken eggs and estimates the value of repeatability of production and haugh units of IPB D-1 chicken eggs. The chicken was observed as many as 30 hens IPB D-1 G7 aged 24-36 weeks and eggs as many as 288 eggs. The production and egg quality data were analyzed descriptively and the repeatability values were analyzed with Anova. Egg weight 40 g, Haugh unit value 87 (Very good), egg production 49.22%. The repeatability value of egg production is 0.2 (Moderate) and the repeatability value of the haugh unit is 0.31 (Medium). IPB D-1 Chicken has the potential to be a good dual-purpose chicken

    Penggunaan beluntas, vitamin C dan E sebagai antioksidan untuk menurunkan off-odor (25%) daging itik alabio dan Citaheup

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    Meat consumption of Indonesian society is not limited to the beef and chicken. Meat ducks are now starting to become popular and food products that are brilliant prospects. Sources of duck meat usually from male and female ducks dismissed that as a result of low-quality meat. The purpose of this study is looking at providing beluntas, vitamin c and e on the effectiveness of local men ducks. In the present study utilized two strain Cihateup male duck and Alabio male duck, each of which consists of three repeats with four treatment of forages, namely: 1. KO (control), 2. Beluntas commercial feed + 0.5% (KB), 3. Beluntas commercial feed + 0.5% + vitamint c 250 mg/kg (KBC), 4. Beluntas commercial feed+ 0.5% + vitamint e 400 IU/kg/dose (KBE). Design made of CRD. The results showed that the feed treatment (KB, KBC, KBE) has no effect on feed intake, feed conversion, final weight, body weight gain, weight cut, the percentage of carcasses and carcass parts percentage Alabio duck, but duck feed Cihateup treatment (KBE) significant effect on final weight, percentage body weight gain and carcass parts of the chest compared with treatment C, KB and KBC. The use of leaf starch levels beluntas 0.5°/o yield better feed conversion. Wheat leaf beluntas as much as 0.5% + Vitamint E in the diet, is able to maintain good performance with the ducks