5,439 research outputs found

    Spread of the invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) along the Mediterranean Coast of the Murcia region (SE Spain)

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    The aim of this paper was to document the appearance and spread of the green alga Caulerpa racemosa along the coast of Murcia in south–eastern Spain. It was found for the first time in the area in 2005 and over the next two years the number of new sightings increased almost exponentially. In the period 2005–2007 the total surface area colonised by the alga in the region was estimated to be at least 265 ha. Benthic assemblages colonised by the alga were rocky bottoms with photophilic algae, dead P. oceanica rhizomes, infralittoral and circalittoral soft bottoms and maerl beds. No penetration of the alga was observed in P. oceanica meadows, except in one locality. Biometric analysis indicated high vegetative development in the established colonies in comparison to those described in other Mediterranean areas. Rapid spreading dynamics observed in the Murcia region is a potential threat for native benthic communities. Key words: Biological invasions, Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea, Colonised surface area, Distribution, Mediterranean Sea, Spain.En el presente trabajo se documenta la aparición y dispersión del alga verde Caulerpa racemosa a lo largo de la costa de Murcia, región situada en el sureste español. El alga fue detectada por primera vez en el año 2005 y durante los dos años consecutivos se observó un crecimiento casi exponencial en el número de áreas colonizadas. La superficie total colonizada por el alga en Murcia durante el periodo 2005–2007 ha sido estimada en 265 ha., siendo las comunidades bentónicas afectadas algas fotófilas sobre sustrato rocoso, "mata muerta" de P. oceanica, fondos blandos infralitorales y circalitorales y fondos con comunidades de maërl. La presencia del alga dentro de praderas de P. oceanica solamente fue detectada en una localidad. Los estudios biométricos realizados muestran un elevado desarrollo vegetativo de las poblaciones de C. racemosa en Murcia en comparación con colonias de otras áreas del Mediterráneo, siendo esta rápida dinámica de expansión una amenaza potencial para las comunidades bentonicas nativas. Palabras clave: Invasiones biológicas, Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea, Superficie colonizada, Mar Mediterraneo, España.The aim of this paper was to document the appearance and spread of the green alga Caulerpa racemosa along the coast of Murcia in south–eastern Spain. It was found for the first time in the area in 2005 and over the next two years the number of new sightings increased almost exponentially. In the period 2005–2007 the total surface area colonised by the alga in the region was estimated to be at least 265 ha. Benthic assemblages colonised by the alga were rocky bottoms with photophilic algae, dead P. oceanica rhizomes, infralittoral and circalittoral soft bottoms and maerl beds. No penetration of the alga was observed in P. oceanica meadows, except in one locality. Biometric analysis indicated high vegetative development in the established colonies in comparison to those described in other Mediterranean areas. Rapid spreading dynamics observed in the Murcia region is a potential threat for native benthic communities. Key words: Biological invasions, Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea, Colonised surface area, Distribution, Mediterranean Sea, Spain

    Sustainable sugarcane vinasse biorefinement for trans-aconitic acid-based biopolymer synthesis and bioenergy generation

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    This study aimed at developing a multiproduct biorefinery scheme for vinase valorization. It involved the extraction of trans-aconitic acid, its transformation into biopolymers using microwave irradiation and the use of the raffinated-vinasse for biogas production. Each technology was assessed individually, followed by a process integration at bench scale, from which a mass balance was calculated, supporting the feasibility of the approach. As a renewable source derived from a residue, these bioproducts can replace crude-oil-based materials in various chemical industrial processes; however, a detailed techno-economic and life-cycle analysis are required to defined the sustainability of the process

    La formación radiolarítica Jarropa: definición y significado en el Jurásico Subbético (Cordillera Bética)

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    The Jarropa Radiolarite Formation is defined formally, for the first time, according to the international guide of stratigraphic nomenclature, and the holostratotype and two parastratotypes are described. This is a very characteristic Jurassic unit of the Subbetic (Betic Cordillera) in which point out the presence of radiolarite levels, together with siliceous marlstones, marls and clays. Two members are differentiated: a lower member of green, radiolarites and siliceous marls, and an upper member of red, siliceous clays and marls, both being recognizable in most of the outcrops. The age of this formation in the holostratotype, known mainly from the study of their radiolarians, is Late Callovian-Oxfordian. In other stratigraphic sections (including some parastratotype) is verified that the exact age of the bottom of the formation, and of the boundary between the two before described members are heterochronous, within the Uppermost Bajocian-Lowermost Kimmeridgian. They are pelagic sediments, deposited during the expansive phase of the Southern Iberian Continental Paleomargin, in areas far from the continent with thin continental crust. They have a great analogy with deposits outcropping in others Mediterranean Alpine domains (Apennines, Alps, Dinarids, etc.) also accumulated during Jurassic extensive phases of continental margins adjacent to the Tethys. The depositional bathymetry is estimated in a few hundreds of meters, without a necessary relation with the calcite compensation depth (CCD).Se define formalmente, por primera vez, la «Formación Radiolarítica Jarropa» de acuerdo con las normas internacionales de nomenclatura estratigráfica, y se describen el holoestratotipo y dos paraestratotipos. Se trata de una unidad litoestratigráfica muy característica del Jurásico del Subbético (Cordillera Bética) en la que destacan la presencia de niveles de radiolaritas, junto con margas y arcillas silíceas. Se diferencian dos miembros, uno inferior («miembro de radiolaritas y margas silíceas, verdes») y otro superior («miembro de arcillas y margas silíceas, rojas»), ambos reconocibles en la mayoría de los afloramientos. La edad de esta formación en el holoestratotipo, conocida a partir del estudio de los radiolarios, es Calloviense superior-Oxfordiense. Se constata que las edades del muro de la formación y del límite entre los dos miembros, en otras secciones estratigráficas son diferentes mostrando un carácter claramente heterócrono, dentro del intervalo Bajociense terminal-Kimmeridgiense basal. Se trata de sedimentos pelágicos, depositados en áreas alejadas del continente, durante la fase expansiva del margen continental sudibérico, con sustrato de corteza continental. Presentan una gran analogía con materiales que aparecen en diferentes dominios alpinos mediterráneos (Apeninos, Alpes, Dinárides, etc.) también depositados, durante el Jurásico, en fases de expansión de márgenes continentales adyacentes al Tethys. La batimetría de su depósito se estima en pocos centenares de metros, sin una necesaria relación con el nivel de compensación de la calcita (CCD)

    18S-NemaBase: Curated 18S rRNA Database of Nematode Sequences

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    Nematodes are the most abundant and diverse animals on the planet but lack representation in biodiversity research. This presents a problem for studying nematode diversity, particularly when molecular tools (i.e., barcoding and metabarcoding) rely on well-populated and curated reference databases, which are absent for nematodes. To improve molecular identification and the assessment of nematode diversity, we created and curated an 18S rRNA database specific to nematodes (18S-NemaBase) using sequences sourced from the most recent publicly available 18S rRNA SILVA v138 database. As part of the curation process, taxonomic strings were standardized to contain a fixed number of taxonomic ranks relevant to nematology and updated for the most recent accepted nematode classifications. In addition, apparent erroneous sequences were removed. To test the efficacy and accuracy of 18S-NemaBase, we compared it to an older but also curated SILVA v111 and the newest SILVA v138 by assigning taxonomies and analyzing the diversity of a nematode dataset from the Western Nebraska Sandhills. We showed that 18S-NemaBase provided more accurate taxonomic assignments and diversity assessments than either version of SILVA, with a much easier workflow and no need for manual corrections. Additionally, observed diversity further improved when 18S-NemaBase was supplemented with reference sequences from nematodes present in the study site. Although the 18S-NemaBase is a step in the right direction, a concerted effort to increase the number of high-quality, accessible, full-length nematode reference sequences is more important now than ever

    18S-NemaBase: Curated 18S rRNA Database of Nematode Sequences

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    Nematodes are the most abundant and diverse animals on the planet but lack representation in biodiversity research. This presents a problem for studying nematode diversity, particularly when molecular tools (i.e., barcoding and metabarcoding) rely on well-populated and curated reference databases, which are absent for nematodes. To improve molecular identification and the assessment of nematode diversity, we created and curated an 18S rRNA database specific to nematodes (18S-NemaBase) using sequences sourced from the most recent publicly available 18S rRNA SILVA v138 database. As part of the curation process, taxonomic strings were standardized to contain a fixed number of taxonomic ranks relevant to nematology and updated for the most recent accepted nematode classifications. In addition, apparent erroneous sequences were removed. To test the efficacy and accuracy of 18S-NemaBase, we compared it to an older but also curated SILVA v111 and the newest SILVA v138 by assigning taxonomies and analyzing the diversity of a nematode dataset from the Western Nebraska Sandhills. We showed that 18S-NemaBase provided more accurate taxonomic assignments and diversity assessments than either version of SILVA, with a much easier workflow and no need for manual corrections. Additionally, observed diversity further improved when 18S-NemaBase was supplemented with reference sequences from nematodes present in the study site. Although the 18S-NemaBase is a step in the right direction, a concerted effort to increase the number of high-quality, accessible, full-length nematode reference sequences is more important now than ever

    Succinyl-CoA Synthetase: New Antigen Candidate of Bartonella bacilliformis

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    BACKGROUND: Bartonella bacilliformis is the causative agent of Carrion's disease, a neglected illness with mortality rates of 40-85% in the absence of treatment. The lack of a diagnostic technique to overcome misdiagnosis and treat asymptomatic carriers is of note. This study aimed to identify new B. bacilliformis antigenic candidates that could lead to a new diagnostic tool able to be implemented in endemic rural areas. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Blood (n = 198) and serum (n = 177) samples were collected in northern Peru. Clinical data were recorded. Specific 16S rRNA amplification by RT-PCR, IFA and ELISA for IgM/IgG with whole cells as antigens was done. Western blot analysis and N-terminal amino acid sequencing detected seroreactive proteins. ELISAs for IgM/IgG for the antigenic candidates were performed. Of the population 33.3% reported at least one symptom compatible with Carrion's disease; 25.4% (IFA), 27.1% (ELISA-IgG), 33.9% (ELISA-IgM) and 38.9% (RT-PCR) of samples were positive. Four proteins were considered potential antigenic candidates, including two new antigenic candidates, succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit alpha (SCS-alpha) and succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit beta (SCS-beta). On Western blot both Pap31 and SCS-alpha interacted with IgM, while GroEL and SCS-beta interacted with IgG. The presence of specific antibodies against the antigenic candidates varied from 34.5% (IgG against SCS-alpha) to 97.2% (IgM against Pap31). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: RT-PCR and the high levels of positivity for specific ELISAs demonstrate high levels of B. bacilliformis exposure and asymptomatic carriers among inhabitants. The new antigens identified might be used as a new rapid diagnostic tool to diagnose acute Carrion's disease and identify asymptomatic carriers

    A multilayer service data acquisition and operation system for oceanographic ships and instrumentation networks

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    A new Data Acquisition and Operation System for Oceanographic ships and Instrumentation Networks has been developed by the Marine Technology Unit of the Spanish Research Vessels for their networked remote acquisition platforms. The new system built over LABVIR project background follows a Service Oriented Architecture to allow expandable access to acquired data in real time and to archived data. Several Data layers are implemented to allow data access from the more common tools and formats used in marine sciences.Peer Reviewe