27 research outputs found
Sobre algunos mitos y realidades de la ganadería bovina
The rise of cable television, the Internet, and the importance of social networks have contributed to the widespread dissemination of messages that are seriously affecting the agri-food system, mainly due to the dissemination of inaccuracies that create panic in some regions about the consumption of animal origin products. The collective imaginary is loaded with beliefs that, in most cases, do not have enough foundations and, in many others, it has a political sense or intentions without technical and scientific support. The aim of this document is to present evidence to support some myths related to bovine production systems to favor the debate on the consumption of beef, which is gaining strength around the world.El auge de la televisión por cable, el advenimiento de Internet y la expansión de las redes sociales han contribuido a que se difundan profusamente mensajes que están afectando en gran manera el sistema agroalimentario al difundir imprecisiones y generar, en algunas esferas, pánico hacia el consumo de productos de origen animal. El imaginario colectivo ha estado cargado de creencias que, en la mayoría de los casos, no tienen suficientes fundamentos y, en muchos otros, tienen un sentido político o intenciones sin sustento técnico ni científico. El objetivo de este documento es presentar elementos de juicio para examinar algunos mitos relacionados con los sistemas de producción bovina con el fin de aportar al debate sobre el consumo de este tipo de carne, que ha tomado fuerza alrededor del mundo
Efficacy and Safety of Topical Fipronil 1% and Deltamethrin 0.1% in Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Naturally Infested by Haematopinus tuberculatus
Haematopinus tuberculatus is the main arthropod affecting buffaloes around the world. It causes intense itching and restlessness, altering feeding habits, thus reducing animal productivity. This parasitosis is seldom studied, as it does not lead to significant animal mortality or financial losses. In this project, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of two commercially available products for control of pediculosis in naturally infested buffaloes. A total of 24 milk producing, clinically healthy female buffaloes that were naturally infested by lice were included in this study. Animals were equally distributed into two groups: group 1 was treated with a single dose of pour on Fipronil (1%, Carval de Colombia, 1 ml of product per 10 kg of live weight). Group 2 was treated with a single dose of deltamethrin (5%, Bioara, SA), at a final concentration of 0,1% applied with an aspersion pump as a single bath of 4 liters of diluted solution per animal. Lice were counted weekly from day 1 to day 58 post-treatment. Up to day 23 post-treatment, no significant differences in efficacy were observed between products.Fipronil 1% consistently exhibited an efficacy above 70% from day 8 and until 30 day of the study. These results suggest that both products are efficient and safe to control lice infestations in buffaloes. However, fipronil 1% exhibited a greater residual effect, which reduces the number of baths required to treat infested animals, and reduces the probability of selecting for drug-resistant lice populations
Behaviour and Welfare of Dairy Buffaloes: Pasture or Confinement?
This review seeks to integrate recent scientific findings on the behaviour of buffalo cows in different production systems. These issues are discussed in relation to the level of welfare that buffalo cows experience under different production systems. In extensive conditions, the level of welfare is high because the animals are free to express natural behaviours related to feeding (grazing, ruminating) and rest. In contrast, intensified livestock-raising methods and techniques (machine-milking, artificial breeding etc.), first developed for dairy cattle are increasingly being used with water buffaloes in order to increase milk production. Greater knowledge of the biology of dairy buffaloes in aspects linked to physiology, behaviour, and health, together with needed adjustments to their production systems, will indicate options for improving the levels of comfort and welfare of these animals and contribute to increasing the efficiency of this type of dairy production. It is necessary to appreciate the importance of welfare within the entire chain of animal production since each of the scientific aspects considered in this manuscript reflects that animal welfare is not an absolute term, but multidisciplinary, with direct consequences on productivity. The welfare of animals in the production systems must be considered with the aim of ensuring an adequate nutritional, clinical, sanitary and behavioural status of the animals. When these aspects are achieved, production can be maximized and, for this reason, it is essential to maintain a balance between welfare and productivity
Comparación de cuatro protocolos anestésicos para ovariohisterectomia canina en jornadas de esterilización masiva
ABSTRACT: Four anesthetic protocols were evaluated for ovariohysterectomy in twenty female dogs. The bitches were randomly divided in four groups of five animals each and were assigned to one of four different anesthetic protocols. In all the protocols xylazine, acepromacine and atropine were included in preanesthesia; ketamine was added to groups 3 and 4 in premedication. Induction was made with ketamine in groups 1 and 4, or propofol in groups 2 and 3. Three anesthesiological variables (latency period, length of the anesthesia and recovery from anesthesia) and six physiological variables (body temperature, cardiac frequency, respiratory frequency, diastolic and systolic blood pressure, oxygen saturation in blood, carbon dioxide in exhaled air) were evaluated. For analysis of data a fully random - balanced fix effect - experimental design, with five replications for treatment was used. The Tukey test with 95% confidence intervals was used for analysis of quantitative variables. A unidirectional descriptive analysis was also used. Body temperature decreased up to 37 ºC in all animals in group 1. The respiratory frequency showed a great variation, especially in groups 1 and 2 (without ketamine in premedication), being more stable in protocol 3 (propofol without ketamine) (p<0.05). Cardiac frequency was slightly increased in group 1. Oxygen saturation in blood and carbon dioxide in exhaled air were stable and similar in all groups (within physiological limits). Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were stable with propofol, higher with ketamine in preanesthesia and induction, and unstable when ketamine was used in induction only. The anesthesiological variables evaluated did not show statistically significant differences among the four protocols. Based on the clinical behavior and on the physiological variables, it was concluded that, the use of ketamine and propofol (protocol 3) for preanesthesia and induction, respectively, is the best anesthetic combination for massive neutering of bitches.RESUMEN: En el presente estudio se evaluaron cuatro protocolos anestésicos para ovariohisterectomía en veinte hembras caninas distribuidas al azar en cuatro grupos de cinco animales cada uno, y se asignó, al azar, un protocolo diferente a cada grupo. Todos los grupos evaluados recibieron xilacina, acepromacina y atropina en la preanestesia; adicionalmente, los grupos 3 y 4 recibieron ketamina. La inducción se llevó a cabo con ketamina en los grupos 1 y 4, o con propofol en los grupos 2 y 3. En cada caso se evaluaron tres variables anestesiológicas (periodo de latencia, duración de la anestesia y recuperación de la anestesia) y seis variables fisiológicas (temperatura corporal, frecuencia cardíaca, frecuencia respiratoria, presión arterial diastólica y sistólica, saturación de oxígeno en sangre y bióxido de carbono en aire expirado). En todos los protocolos, la temperatura corporal estuvo en descenso, hasta un mínimo de 37 ºC registrados en el protocolo 1. La frecuencia respiratoria tuvo grandes variaciones en los grupos 1 y 2 (sin ketamina en la premedicación) y fue más estable en el grupo 3 (propofol, sin ketamina) (p<0.05). La frecuencia cardiaca estuvo ligeramente aumentada en los grupos 1 y 4 (ketamina sólo en inducción) y fue más estable en los demás grupos. La saturación de oxígeno en la sangre y la concentración de bióxido de carbono en aire expirado, presentaron un comportamiento estable, siempre dentro de los rangos fisiológicos. La presión arterial, tanto diastólica como sistólica, tuvo un comportamiento estable con el propofol, fue más alta con el uso de ketamina en preanestesia e inducción, y más inestable cuando se usó ketamina sólo en la inducción (p<0.05). Las variables anestesiológicas no presentaron diferencias significativas. Con base en el juicio clínico y en los resultados de las variables fisiológicas, se concluye que el uso de ketamina en preanestesia, e inducción con propofol (protocolo 3), es la combinación anestésica más recomendable para este tipo de intervenciones
Comparision of two anesthetic protocols for ovariohisterectomy in healthy female dogs
ABSTRACT: To determine the hemodynamic and physiologic changes and the characteristics of the recuperation phase in two anesthetic protocols to be used in healthy female dogs for elective ovary ohisterectomy, two groups of animals were used in order to test two protocols: Group I was given fentanyl + ethomidato and group II fentanyl + thiopental. For maintenance isofluorane was used in both groups. The following variables were measured at five minute intervals during the surgical procedure: cardiac frequency, breathing frequency, temperature, expired carbon dioxide, non- invasive blood pressure and oxygen saturation. Statistically, temperature and capnography were the only ones yielding significant results: temperature presented an average of 37.7 ± 1.4, in protocol I and 38.0 ± 1.2 in protocol II (p < 0.05); for capnography the average was of 50.9 ± 19.1 for protocol I and 51.9 ± 7.9 for protocol II (p < 0.01), the other variables did not present statistical differences between the tested protocols and maintained themselves within physiological parameters. For recuperation the fallowing variables were measured: time to gag reflex, esternal position, time of liquid ingestion and time of ingestion of solids. In summary, in spite of the significant differences in temperature and capnography, the values were always within physiological parameters therefore in practical terms the protocols behaved in a similar manner. It corresponds to the clinician to define which of the two protocols is more suitable depending of variables and circumstances other than those analyzed in this study such as costs and availability.RESUMEN: Para determinar los cambios hemodinámicos, y fisiológicos y la recuperación en dos protocolos anestésicos, en hembras caninas sanas durante ovariohisterectomia (OVH) electiva, se utilizaron dos grupos de animales, a cada uno de los cuales se les asignó un protocolo anestésico: Grupo I (fentanil + etomidato), grupo II (fentanil + tiopental). En ambos grupos el mantenimiento se hizo con isoflurano. Cada cinco minutos durante el procedimiento quirúrgico se midieron las siguientes variables: frecuencia cardíaca, frecuencia respiratoria, temperatura, dióxido de carbono expirado, presión arterial no invasiva, saturación de oxígeno. Las variables que presentaron significancia, desde el punto de vista estadístico, fueron: temperatura, con una media en el protocolo I de 37.7 ± 1.4, y de 38.0 ± 1.2 en el protocolo II (p < 0.05); y la variable capnografía con una media para el protocolo I de 50.9 ± 19.1 (p < 0.05) y en el protocolo II de 51.9 ± 7.9. Las demás variables se comportaron dentro de los parámetros normales, sin cambios significativos entre los protocolos. Durante el tiempo de recuperación se midieron las siguientes variables: tiempo de presentación del reflejo deglutorio, posición esternal, primera ingesta de líquidos y primera ingesta de alimentos. En resumen, desde el punto de vista estadístico los dos protocolos se comportaron de manera similar a pesar de las diferencias significativas de las variables temperatura y capnografía, por tanto corresponde al criterio clínico definir cuál de los dos protocolos utilizar, dependiendo de variables y circunstancias distintas a las analizadas en este estudio, como son la disponibilidad y el precio de los medicamentos, entre otros
Bovine Tuberculosis Testing in Colombia: Comparative Histopathological, Microbiological, and Molecular Biology Findings
Introduction: Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic infectious disease present in Colombia, caused by Mycobacterium bovis, and causes tuberculosis in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis through the intradermal test is difficult; evaluating and understanding the behavior of other diagnostic tests is necessary.
Objective: To describe the behavior and results of different diagnostic methods for bovine tuberculosis in water buffalo positive for the Purifed Proteic Derivate (DPP) intradermal test.
Methodology: In water buffaloes positive for comparative cervical tuberculin test, different diagnostic methods were applied, described, and compared: Ziehl-Neelsen staining, microbiological culture, histopathological analysis, and PCR-HRM.
Results: Histopathological tests showed that 26 water buffalo positive for DPP (52%) had histological lesions compatible with bovine tuberculosis. 37% of the evaluated samples from tuberculin-positive Buffalo's lungs and secondary lymph nodes showed acid-alcohol-resistant bacillus with Ziehl-Neelsen staining. Four samples of Mycobacterium bovis from tuberculin-positive buffalo were isolated and identified, with two of these isolates confirmed from tissues with PCR-HRM, and three buffalo with microbiological isolates presented granulomatous lesions through histological analysis. Seventeen tuberculin-positive buffalo (34%) tested positive for real-time PCR HRM, and nine of these buffalo did not have histological lesions compatible with bTB and were confirmed with the molecular test.
Conclusion: Our results provide positive evidence of histological findings, microbiological isolation, and molecular diagnosis of tuberculin-positive water buffalo in the lowlands of Colombia. None of the complementary tests performed showed 100% concordance with the comparative cervical tuberculin test results for bTB
Sequencing and Analysis of the Myostatin Gene (GDF-8) in Bubalus bubalis Young Animals to Determine the Existence of Possible Mutations Expressed in Double Musculature Phenotype
Since the 19th century, the presentation of bovines with disproportionate muscle development have been associated with mutations that inhibit the action of the myostatin gene, it is referred to as double muscle mutation, which is common in some European Bos taurus breeds but it is not reported in buffaloes Bubalus bubalis. This study aims to evaluate if the phenotype observed in 6 young buffaloes with disproportionate muscle development has the same myostatin mutation reported in cattle. DNA was obtained from the blood of the animals of the Murrah breed. First, second and third exon was amplified end point PCR; the fragments were sequenced using capillary electrophoresis. Holstein cattle (Bos taurus) was used As control for normal phenotype. The results obtained from the comparison of the sequence of the myostatin gene show that the observed double-muscled phenotype did not show differences from normal controls. Interspecific variation was demonstrated by comparing exons two and three of the gene, finding 12 variations between the Bos taurus and Bubalus bubalis species in the evaluated fragments. It is necessary to study physiology, and the animals to explain the phenotype observed in buffaloes
Effects of two intravenouse dose levels of omeprazole on the gastric juice pH of healthy horses
Summary Background: omeprazole suppresses gastric acid secretion and increases gastric juice pH by blocking the H+, K+ ATPase in the secretory membrane of parietal cells. Gastric juice pH below 4, long periods of no feed intake and stress are factors predisposing to gastric ulcers in horses. Objective: to determine the effect of 1 and 2 mg/Kg intravenous (IV) omeprazole on the gastric juice pH of Colombian Creole horses. Methods: seven horses were treated with two IV levels of omeprazole (1, and 2 mg/Kg body weight (BW)) in a crossover design. The omeprazole dose for each animal was reconstituted with 100 ml 0.9% NaCl. Gastric pH was measured using a portable pH-meter in stomach samples collected at time 0 (just before treatment), and 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 24 hours post-treatment. Results: the gastric pH at time 0 fluctuated from 1.6 to 3.2 in all horses. Both omeprazole doses (1 and 2 mg/Kg) significantly increased the gastric pH (pH>4.6) from 1 to 11 hours after the treatment. At 24 hours post-treatment, pH of the group treated with 1.0 mg/Kg significantly decreased to 2.8 ± 0.3, but remained elevated at 5.7 ± 0.87 for the group treated with 2 mg/Kg. Conclusion: the study demonstrated that a single IV omeprazole dose of 2 mg/Kg, but not 1 mg/Kg, maintained gastric pH above 4 during 24 hours.Resumo Antecendentes: o omeprazol diminui a secreção de ácido gástrico e aumenta o pH do suco gástrico através do bloqueio da enzima H+, K+ ATPasa na membrana secretora da célula parietal. O pH do suco gástrico inferior a 4 por longos períodos de jejum e estresse pode causar úlceras gástricas em equinos. Objetivo: determinar o efeito de 1 mg/Kg e 2 mg/Kg de omeprazol intravenoso (IV) sobre o pH do suco gástrico do cavalo Criollo Colombiano. Métodos: sete cavalos foram tratados com omeprazol (1 mg/Kg e 2 mg/Kg de peso corporal, IV), em um desenho cruzado. Uma dose de omeprazole de cada animal fue reconstituida com 100 ml de NaCl a 0,9% e foi administrada por via intravenosa. O pH do suco gástrico foi medido, usando um medidor de pH portátil nas amostras estomacais nas 0 horas (antes do tratamento), 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 e 24 horas pós-tratamento. Resultado: o pH do suco gástrico quando 0 variou de 1,6 a 3,2 em todos os cavalos. Ambas as doses de omeprazol (1 e 2 mg/Kg) induziram um aumento significativo no pH do suco gástrico (pH>4,6), a partir de 1 hora até 11 horas pós-tratamento. Às 24 horas póstratamento, o pH médio ± desvio padrão (DP) no grupo tratado con 1 mg/Kg IV, diminuiu significativamente para 2,8 ± 0,3 mas manteve-se elevado a 5,7 ± 0,87 no grupo tratado com 2 mg/Kg IV. Conclusão: o estudo demonstra que uma única aplicação intravenosa de omeprazol a 2 mg/Kg IV, mas não a 1 mg/Kg em equinos, manteve o pH>4 no suco gástrico por 24 horas.Resumen Antecedentes: el omeprazole disminuye la secreción de ácido gástrico e incrementa el pH del jugo gástrico al bloquear la enzima H+, K+ ATPasa en la membrana secretora de la célula parietal. El estrés y el pH gástrico por debajo de 4 durante largos periodos de ayuno predisponen a las úlceras gástricas en caballos. Objetivo: determinar el efecto de dos dosis diferentes de omeprazol intravenoso (IV) sobre el pH gástrico en caballos Criollos Colombianos. Métodos: siete caballos fueron tratados con una o dos dosis de omeprazol IV (1 vs. 2 mg/Kg de peso corporal (PC)) en un diseño cruzado. La dosis de omeprazol para cada animal fue reconstituida con 100 ml de NaCl 0,9%. El pH del jugo gástrico se determinó con un medidor portátil a las: 0 (antes del tratamiento), 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 y 24 horas post-tratamiento. Resultados: el pH gástrico a la hora 0 varió de 1,6 a 3,2 en todos los caballos. Ambas dosis de omeprazol (1 y 2 mg/Kg) incrementaron significativamente el pH gástrico (pH>4,6) de 1 hora hasta 11 horas después del tratamiento. A las 24 horas pos-tratamiento el pH en el grupo tratado con 1 mg/Kg IV disminuyó significativamente a 2,8 ± 0,3, pero se mantuvo elevado a 5,7 ± 0,87 en el grupo tratado con 2 mg/Kg. Conclusión: el estudio demostró que una sola aplicación intravenosa de 2 mg/Kg de omeprazol, pero no de 1 mg/Kg, mantuvo el pH gástrico por encima de 4 durante 24 horas