221 research outputs found

    Returning magnetic flux in sunspot penumbrae

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    We study the presence of reversed polarity magnetic flux in sunspot penumbra. We applied a new regularized method to deconvolve spectropolarimetric data observed with the spectropolarimeter SP onboard Hinode. The new regularization is based on a principal component decomposition of the Stokes profiles. The resulting Stokes profiles were inverted to infer the magnetic field vector using SIR. We find, for the first time, reversed polarity fields at the border of many bright penumbral filaments in the whole penumbra.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Spatial deconvolution of spectropolarimetric data: an application to quiet Sun magnetic elements

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    Observations of the Sun from the Earth are always limited by the presence of the atmosphere, which strongly disturbs the images. A solution to this problem is to place the telescopes in space satellites, which produce observations without any (or limited) atmospheric aberrations. However, even though the images from space are not affected by atmospheric seeing, the optical properties of the instruments still limit the observations. In the case of diffraction limited observations, the PSF establishes the maximum allowed spatial resolution, defined as the distance between two nearby structures that can be properly distinguished. In addition, the shape of the PSF induce a dispersion of the light from different parts of the image, leading to what is commonly termed as stray light or dispersed light. This effect produces that light observed in a spatial location at the focal plane is a combination of the light emitted in the object at relatively distant spatial locations. We aim to correct the effect produced by the telescope's PSF using a deconvolution method, and we decided to apply the code on Hinode/SP quiet Sun observations. We analyze the validity of the deconvolution process with noisy data and we infer the physical properties of quiet Sun magnetic elements after the deconvolution process.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Structure and dynamics of penumbral filaments

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    High-resolution observations of sunspots have revealed the existence of dark cores inside the bright filaments of the penumbra. Here we present the stationary solution of the heat transfer equation in a stratified penumbra consisting of nearly horizontal magnetic flux tubes embedded in a stronger and more vertical field. The tubes and the external medium are in horizontal mechanical equilibrium. This model produces bright filaments with dark cores as a consequence of the higher density of the plasma inside the flux tube, which shifts the surface of optical depth unity toward higher (cooler) layers. Our results suggest that the surplus brightness of the penumbra is a natural consequence of the Evershed flow, and that magnetic flux tubes about 250 km in diameter can explain the morphology of sunspot penumbra.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, conference proceedings: SEA, 2008, Santander, Spai

    Detection of emission in the Si i 1082.7 nm line core in sunspot umbrae

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    We analyze spectropolarimetric sunspot umbra observations taken in the near-infrared Si i 1082.7 nm line taking NLTE effects into account. The data were obtained with the GRIS instrument installed at the German GREGOR telescope. A point spread function (PSF) was constructed using prior Mercury observations with GRIS and the information provided by the adaptive optics system of the GREGOR telescope. The data were then deconvolved from the PSF using a principal component analysis deconvolution method and were analyzed via the NICOLE inversion code. The Si i 1082.7 nm line seems to be in emission in the umbra of the observed sunspot after the effects of scattered light are removed. We show how the spectral line shape of umbral profiles changes dramatically with the amount of scattered light. Indeed, the continuum levels range, on average, from 44% of the quiet Sun continuum intensity to about 20%. The inferred levels are in line with current model predictions and empirical umbral models. Current umbral empirical models are not able to reproduce the emission in the deconvolved umbral Stokes profiles. The results of the NLTE inversions suggests that to obtain the emission in the Si i 1082.7 nm line, the temperature stratification should first have a hump located at about log tau -2 and start rising at lower heights when moving into the transition region. This is, to our knowledge, the first time the Si i 1082.7 nm line is seen in emission in sunspot umbrae. The results show that the temperature stratification of current umbral models may be more complex than expected with the transition region located at lower heights above sunspot umbrae. Our finding might provide insights into understanding why the sunspot umbra emission in the millimeter spectral range is less than that predicted by current empirical umbral models

    On the validity of the 630 nm Fe I nm lines for the magnetometry of the internetwork quiet Sun

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    The purpose of this work is to analyze the reliability of the magnetic field strengths inferred from the 630 nm pair of Fe I lines at internetwork quiet Sun regions. Some numerical experiments have been performed that demonstrate the inability of these lines to recover the magnetic field strength in such low flux solar regions. It is shown how different model atmospheres, with magnetic field strengths ranging from few hundred Gauss to kiloGauss, give rise to Stokes profiles that can not be distinguished. The reasons for this degeneracy are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Three dimensional structure of penumbral filaments from Hinode observations

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    We analyse spectropolarimetric observations of the penumbra of the NOAA AR 10953 at high spatial resolution (0.3"). The full Stokes profiles of the Fe I lines at 630.1 nm and 630.2 nm have been obtained with the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on board the Hinode satellite. The data have been inverted by means of the SIR code, deriving the stratifications of temperature, line of sight velocity, and the components of the magnetic field vector in optical depth. In order to evaluate the gas pressure and to obtain an adequate geometrical height scale, the motion equation has been integrated for each pixel taking into account the terms of the Lorentz force. To establish the boundary condition, a genetic algorithm has been applied. The final resulting magnetic field has a divergence compatible with 0 inside its uncertainties. First analyses of the correlation of the Wilson depression with velocity, temperature, magnetic field strength, and field inclination strongly support the uncombed penumbral model proposed by Solanki & Montavon (1993).Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, conference proceeding: SEA meeting 2008, Santander, Spai

    Low-lying magnetic loops in the solar internetwork

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    The aim of this work is to study the structure of the magnetic field vector in the internetwork and search for the presence of small-scale loops. We invert 1.56 micron spectropolarimetric observations of internetwork regions at disc centre by applying the SIR code. This allows us to recover the atmospheric parameters that play a role in the formation of these spectral lines. We are mainly interested in the structure of the magnetic field vector. We find that many opposite polarity elements of the internetwork are connected by short (2-6''), low-lying (photospheric) loops. These loops connect at least the 10-20 % of the internetwork flux visible in our data. Also we have some evidence that points towards a dynamic scenario which can be produced by the emergence of internetwork magnetic flux.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A letter
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