7,573 research outputs found

    On the minimum orbital intersection distance computation: a new effective method

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    The computation of the Minimum Orbital Intersection Distance (MOID) is an old, but increasingly relevant problem. Fast and precise methods for MOID computation are needed to select potentially hazardous asteroids from a large catalogue. The same applies to debris with respect to spacecraft. An iterative method that strictly meets these two premises is presented.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, article accepted for publication in MNRA

    Selecting the W Matrix. Parametric vs Nonparametric Approaches

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    In spatial econometrics, it is customary to specify a weighting matrix, the so-called W matrix, just choosing one matrix from the different types of matrices a user is considering (Anselin, 2002). In general, this selection is made a priori, depending on the user’s judgment. This decision is extremely important because if matrix W is miss-specified in some way, parameter estimates are likely to be biased and they will be inconsistent in models that contain some spatial lag. Also, for models without spatial lags but where the random terms are spatially autocorrelated, the obtaining of robust standard estimates of the errors will be incorrect if W is miss-specified. Goodness-of-fit tests may be used to chose between alternative specifications of W. Although, in practice, most users impose a certain W matrix without testing for the restrictions that the selected spatial operator implies. In this paper, we aim to establish a nonparametric procedure where the chosen by objective criteria. Our proposal is directly related with the Theory of Information. Specifically, the selection criterion that we propose is based on objective information existing in the data, which does not depend on the investigator’s subjectivity: it is a measure of conditional entropy. We compare the performance of our criteria against some other alternative like the J test of Davidson and McKinnon or a likelihood ratio obtained in a maximum likelihood framework.

    Excel files and MATLAB programs for numerical solution methods

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    Excel files and MATLAB programs for Chapter 5 of "Economic Growth: Theory and Numerical Solution Methods" published by Springer Verlag.

    Rising above : Rising Eagle Youth Services (REYS) outcomes measurement

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    The project works toward giving a nonprofit organization the ability to measure the effect of its day-treatment curriculum on its clients. The project provides measuring instruments and an evaluation protocol, which includes procedural recommendations

    Optimizing Scan Homogeneity for Building Full-3D Lidars based on Rotating a Multi-Beam Velodyne Rangefinder

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    Multi-beam lidar (MBL) scanners are compact, light, and accessible 3D sensors with high data rates, but they offer limited vertical resolution and field of view (FOV). Some recent robotics research has profited from the addition of a degree-of-freedom (DOF) to an MBL to build rotating multi-beam lidars (RMBL) that can achieve high-resolution scans with full spherical FOV. In a previous work, we offered a methodology to analyze the complex 3D scan measurement distributions produced by RMBLs with a rolling DOF and no pitching. In this paper, we investigate the effect of introducing constant pitch angles in the construction of the RMBLs with the purpose of finding a kinematic configuration that optimizes scan homogeneity with a spherical FOV. To this end, we propose a scalar index of 3D sensor homogeneity that is based on the spherical formulation of Ripley's K function. The optimization is performed for the widely used Puck (VLP-16) and HDL-32 sensors by Velodyne.This work was partially funded by the Spanish project {DPI2015-65186-R}. The publication has received support from Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Andalucía Tech