1,475 research outputs found

    Relaciones históricas entre las variables aleatoria y estadística y sus repercusiones didácticas

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    A través de 8 etapas históricas, en Ruiz (2013) se describe el proceso constitutivo de la variable aleatoria. En ellas también se observa el desarrollo histórico de la variable estadística y las vinculaciones entre las experiencias empíricas dadas a través del análisis de datos de variables estadísticas y la teorización en el campo de la probabilidad. Las interacciones entre estos dos ámbitos no respondieron sólo a una necesidad de herramienta matemática en los análisis de datos sino se dieron en ambos sentidos y de diferentes formas que se describen y se ejemplifican en este escrito. A partir de este análisis se estipulan posibles explicaciones y acciones que ayuden al estudio del aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la inferencia estadística y la probabilidad

    Growth vs level effect of population change on economic development: An inspection into human-capital-related mechanisms

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    We study the impact of demographic change on economic short and long-term dynamics in an enlarged Lucas-Uzawa model with intratemporal altruism. Demographics are summarized by population growth rate and initial size. In contrast to the existing literature, the long-run level effects of demographic changes, i.e. their impact on the levels of variables along the balanced growth paths, are deeply characterized in addition to the more standard growth effects. It is shown that the level effect of population growth is a priori ambiguous due to the interaction of three causation mechanisms, a standard one (dilution) and two non-standard, featuring in particular the transmission of demographic shocks into human capital accumulation. Overall, the sign of the level effect of population growth depends on preference and technology parameters, and on the initial conditions as well. In contrast, we prove that the long-run level effect of population size on per capita income is negative while its growth effect is zero. Finally, we show that the model is able to replicate complicated time relationships between economic and demographic changes. In particular, it entails a negative effect of population growth on per capita income, which dominates in the initial periods, and a positive effect which restores a positive correlation between population growth and economic performance in the long-run.Human Capital; Population Growth; Population Size; Endogenous Growth; Level Effect; Growth Effect

    Matrimonio, género y familia en la Constitución Española : Trascendiendo la familia nuclear

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    ¿Identidad o autonomía?. La autonomía relacional como pilar de la ciudadanía democrática

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    Este artículo se propone reivindicar la autonomía de la persona como centro neurálgico de los ordenamientos jurídicos democráticos, como piedra de toque de la ciudadanía democrática y de los derechos fundamentales en que ésta se concreta. Propone para ello que nos alejemos de las premisas liberales que parten del individuo aislado y contemplan nuestras relaciones como amenazas potenciales a nuestra autonomía, para asumirlas como integrantes de nuestra capacidad auto-normativa tanto en un sentido descriptivo como en términos normativos. Al hilo del análisis de jurisprudencia constitucional, el artículo pretende destacar el potencial de la autonomía, entendida en términos relacionales, como clave interpretativa de los conceptos jurídicos de dignidad e igualdad, y como alternativa a las nociones de identidad y de libertad. Pretende destacar el potenciar de la autonomía relacional para hacer frente a relaciones de poder que erosionan la ciudadanía democráticaThis paper aims to vindicate autonomy as the central value of democratic legal orders, as the touchstone of democratic citizenship and the rights that give it shape. To this end, it discards liberal constructions that depart from the individual as an isolated being and regard our relationships as potential threats to autonomy. Instead, it proposes that we contemplate our relationships as constitutive of autonomy, in both descriptive and normative terms. As it analyses constitutional case-law, this paper argues for relational autonomy as the key concept to understand dignity and equality and as an alternative to identity and freedom. It underlines its potential to help us eradicate power relations that erode democratic citizenshi

    Risk aversion and debt maturity structure

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    We study the relationship of risk aversion and debt maturity structure. In a model in which adverse selection in financial markets creates a role for the use of short-term debt, we allow the possibility of borrowers being risk-averse. This creates a trade-off between reduced expected financing costs and higher risk and allows for the study of the effect of risk aversion on optimal maturity structure. We prove that, as risk aversion increases, so does the percentage of debt that is long-term.risk aversion, debt maturity structure, adverse selection.

    Impact of Latina Identity on Leadership Styles

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    This program evaluation focuses on the impact of Latina identity on school leadership. I offer voice to a silenced and minimally recognized group by including my story and the story of other Latina leaders. Through this ethnographic and case study approach, I explore the central question: “How does race and gender of Latinas influence their leadership style?” Being female and Latina, I seek to understand how the pressures of conforming to traditional White male leadership style impacts Latinas’ ability to lead with authenticity. This research suggests that in order for Latinas to practice authenticity, we must create an environment in which we embrace and use Latinas’ strengths and experiences. The research on emotional intelligence broadens the perspective on leadership styles which challenges the notion that we must conform to one style. I combine emotional intelligence research with research on Latina strengths and offer recommendations on how organizations can support Latinas and leverage our strengths to add to an organization’s value rather than find ways for Latinas to assimilate

    What Is at Stake in the Recognition of Non-Normative Identities?

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    The deconstruction of the binary sex-gender system that sustains modern western states demands the deconstruction of its dichotomies and their excluding effects on non-normative identities. This demands in turn that gender self-determination be recognised as a right. In Spain this right has been given constitutional status (STC 99/2019), yet it is currently not articulated in legislation. Proposals of a new legal framework have met with resistance and an ensuing need for compromise. Unless it grasps and upholds the full constitutional extent of the right to gender self-determination, however, legislation risks being born both unconstitutional and obsolete, out of pace with social demands

    Global dynamics and imbalance effects in the Lucas Uzawa model : further results

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    In this paper we use a new analytical approach to the Lucas-Uzawa model (Boucekkine and Ruiz-Tamarit, 2007) to extend the existinc results on the dynamics and notably on the imbalance effects arising in the model. The approach does not only allow to extend the traditional analysis to any initial conditions for all variables in level, but it also permits a more general investigation of imbalance effectsLucas-Uzawa; hypergeometric functions; imbalance effects; global dynamics