295 research outputs found
Design strategies in facades for the reduction of housing energy consumption
This article analyzes the energy-saving potential of various facade design strategies from a life cycle perspective, including the energy needed in the use stage and the embodied energy of materials. The results provide reference data on the behaviour of these systems in Spain and make it possible to identify the best strategies for reducing energy consumption in a wide variety of potential situations that may arise in both new construction and in the rehabilitation of existing facades. The impact categories studied are fossil fuel depletion and climate change, and design strategies are linked to climate data, orientation, air change rate, facade materials and wall composition. Exchanges between the interior and exterior environments take place through the building envelope, some of whose key design parameters include lighting, ventilation and heat flux. Improving this envelope can greatly reduce environmental impact, ensuring indoor environmental quality. This analysis confirms the need to consider the interactions among the parameters studied, as it shows that there are several design solutions with similar impacts, which can be adapted to project requirements. In both new construction and rehabilitation, some of these parameters may be determined by other design decisions not necessarily aimed at reducing environmental impact, so it can be very useful to be aware of a variety of design alternatives that can be implemented in specific projects
Revisión sobre el estado del arte del análisis de ciclo de vida para tableros derivados de la madera
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto realizar una revisión del „estado del arte‟ sobre los estudios del análisis de ciclo de vida de la madera, más concretamente el caso de los tableros derivados, ya que conforman el eslabón que permite su reutilización en fases sucesivas, asumiéndose de forma intrínseca el concepto de reciclado dentro de la cadena de transformación de esta industria. Todo ello sumado a las ventajas medioambientales de la madera caracterizadas por el efecto sumidero del CO2, así como la reducción del consumo de energía en el proceso de fabricación. En la etapa de recopilación de la documentación durante la búsqueda, se han tratado de recoger y resaltar aquellas experiencias, más interesantes e innovadoras, llevadas a cabo en los últimos años en el tema mencionado, tratando de extraer aquellos casos que permitan obtener una visión tanto de las tendencias en el ámbito internacional como del nacional, e incluso local. De la información aquí recogida sobre el análisis del ciclo de vida de los productos derivados de la madera, se busca constatar las ventajas resultantes de su empleo, respecto de otros materiales
Justo Ruiz a Juan Facundo Quiroga
Pide se le proporcione cien pesos y media arroba de algodó
Low differential pressure and multiphase flow measurements by means of differential pressure devices
The response of slotted plate, Venturi meter and standard orifice to the presence of two phase, three phase and low differential flows was investigated. Two mixtures (air-water and air-oil) were used in the two-phase analysis while a mixture of air, water and oil was employed in the three-phase case. Due to the high gas void fraction (α>0.9), the mixture was considered wet gas. A slotted plate was utilized in the low differential pressure analysis and the discharge coefficient behavior was analyzed. Assuming homogeneous flow, an equation with two unknowns was obtained for the multi-phase flow analysis. An empirical relation and the differential response of the meters were used to estimate the variables involved in the equation. Good performance in the gas mass flow rate estimation was exhibited by the slotted and standard plates for the air-water flow, while poor results were obtained for the air-oil and air-water oil flows. The performance of all the flow meter tested in the analysis improved for differential pressures greater than 24.9 kPa (100 in_H2O). Due to the tendency to a zero value for the liquid flow, the error of the estimation reached values of more than 500% at high qualities and low differential pressures. Air-oil and air-water-oil flows show that liquid viscosity influences the response of the differential pressure meters. The best results for high liquid viscosity were obtained in the Venturi meter using the recovery pressure for the gas flow estimation at differential pressures greater than 24.9 kPa (100 in_H2O). A constant coefficient Cd was used for the low differential pressure analysis and results did show that for differential pressure less than 1.24 kPa (5 inH2O) density changes are less than 1% making possible the incompressible flow assumption. The average of the computed coefficients is the value of Cd
intervenções do enfermeiro obstetra
Este relatório reflete o meu percurso de aprendizagem para a aquisição de competências
comuns e especificas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e
Obstétrica/Enfermeiro Obstetra (EEESMO/EO) e as inerentes ao grau de mestre,
desenvolvidas no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Estágio com Relatório inserida no 10º
Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica.
As alterações hemodinâmicas derivadas do estado gravídico poderão causar eventos
cardiovasculares na mulher com cardiopatia e, como consequência, pôr em risco o bem-estar
materno-fetal. Sendo o EEESMO o profissional de saúde que cuida e intervém
longitudinalmente no percurso da mulher com cardiopatia que deseja engravidar, justifica-se
o desenvolvimento de competências especificas para intervir com qualidade. Neste sentido,
procurei enquadrar neste relatório a evidência científica relacionada com as intervenções do
EEESMO à parturiente com cardiopatia. Para nortear e sustentar este relatório tomei como
referência o Modelo Teórico de Betty Neuman que visualiza a pessoa de uma forma holística
em interação com o exterior e com tendência a procurar a estabilidade e o bem-estar. A
metodologia deste relatório teve por base a prática baseada na evidência com a realização de
uma Scoping Review conforme as diretrizes do Joanna Briggs Institute (2017), a fim de mapear
toda a evidência científica sobre o tema. A questão de pesquisa foi: “Quais as intervenções
do enfermeiro obstetra à parturiente com cardiopatia?”. Realizei uma pesquisa na
plataforma EBSCOhost, nas bases de dados CINAHL, MEDLINE e COCHRANE Database of
Systematic Reviews que fundamentou a prática de cuidados. Foram realizados registos sobre
os cuidados prestados a 2 parturientes com cardiopatia, no instrumento criado para o efeito
e posteriormente analisado parte do seu conteúdo identificando-se a categoria, cuidados
personalizados na gravidez e trabalho de parto e quatro subcategorias: profissional de saúde
de referência, satisfação, segurança e informação, que vão ao encontro da evidência
científica. Constata-se que o EEESMO/EO assume um papel fundamental na gestão dos
estressores destas clientes durante o parto e é visto como o profissional de saúde de
referência da equipa multidisciplinar que informa, transmite segurança potenciando a
satisfação com a experiência do parto.This report describes my path of learning to acquire the general and specific skills of the Nurse
Specialist in Maternal Health and Obstetrics/nurse midwife (EEESMO) in the Curricular Unit
with Report that is part of the 10th Master’s Course in Maternal and Obstetric Health Nursing.
Hemodynamic alterations resulting from pregnancy can cause cardiovascular events in
women and, as a consequence, put maternal-fetal well-being at risk. The EEESMO/nurse
midwife is the health professional who takes care of and is involved in all stages of the path
of a woman with heart disease who wants to become pregnant, so the development of
specific skills to provide high quality support is justified. Therefore, in this report, I have
sought to set out the scientific evidence relating to the involvement of the EEESMO in the
pregnancies of women with heart disease. To orientate and support this report, I used Betty
Neuman's Theoretical Model as reference. This Model visualises the person in a holistic way
in interaction with the outside and always with a tendency to seek stability and well-being.
The foundation for the methodology of this report is evidence-based practice after
conduction a Scoping Review in accordance with the guidelines of the Joanna Briggs Institute
(2017) in order to map all scientific evidence on the subject. The question for my research
was: “What involvement does the obstetric nurse have with the parturient with heart
disease?” I carried out research on the EBSCOhost platform and in the CINAHL, MEDLINE
databases and the COCHRANE Database of Systematic Reviews. Records were made on the
care provided to two parturients with heart disease in the care interaction document created
for this purpose. The content of these records was subsequently analysed to identify the
category, personalised care in pregnancy and labour, and four subcategories: the contact
health professional, satisfaction, safety and information, which are in line with the scientific
evidence. From the analysis of the results obtained, we can see that the EEESMO plays a
fundamental role in managing the stressors of these clients during childbirth and is seen as
the key member of the multidisciplinary team who transmits a feeling of safety and of health
benefits that enhance satisfaction in the experience of childbirt
Contribución al estudio de las eufilicíneas y equisetineas españolas, especialmente de las provincias vascongadas
Tesis inédita de la Universidad de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, leída en 1927.Universidad de MadridTRUEProQuestpu
Habilidades blandas y desempeño de los directivos en las instituciones educativas del nivel secundaria de Quiruvilca
El presente trabajo de investigación, tuvo la finalidad de determinar la relación que
existe entre habilidades blandas y desempeño de los directivos en las instituciones
del nivel secundaria de Quiruvilca, 2023. Se aplico dos cuestionarios a una muestra
piloto para su confiabilidad Alfa de Conbrach de la variable 1= 0,93 y la variable 2=
0,85; luego a la muestra de estudio que consistió de 73 docentes que evaluaron a
sus 13 directivos de 12 instituciones educativas del nivel secundaria. Fue una
investigación de tipo básica, con diseño transversal correlacional, de nivel
descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo. Los resultados obtenidos fueron procesados
con el programa SPSS y Excel, así como la prueba no paramétrica de Rho de
Spearman, de los cuales se obtuvieron puntuaciones que permitieron rechazar la
hipótesis nula y aceptar la hipótesis de investigación o alterna, dicha prueba arrojó
una puntuación de correlación positiva alta de 0,799; y una significancia de 0,000,
significancia menor a la estandarizada de 0,05; estos resultados nos permitieron
aceptar la hipótesis alterna, por lo tanto, existe relación directa entre habilidades
blandas y desempeño de los directivos de las instituciones educativas del nivel
secundaria de Quiruvilca, 2023
Contribución al estudio de las eufilicíneas y equisetineas españolas, especialmente de las provincias vascongadas
Tesis inédita de la Universidad de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, leída en 1927.Universidad de MadridTRUEProQuestpu
Idiopathic External Jugular Vein Thrombosis
External jugular vein thrombosis is a rare complication that, when it occurs, is usually secondary to cervical trauma, infection, venous cannulation or malignancy. By contrast, spontaneous external jugular thrombosis is extremely uncommon.
We report the case of a 69-year-old woman presenting to the Emergency Department with a 3 centimetre neck lump, which had suddenly appeared on the same day. She did not have any other relevant symptoms. The patient had not suffered any recent cervical trauma or infection. There was no personal or familial history of thromboembolic disease. Physical examination was normal, apart from the neck mass.
A neck ultrasound revealed a non-occlusive thrombus inside the right external jugular vein.
Usual workup, including a coagulation laboratory profile, autoimmunity and malignancy research, was unremarkable, identifying the thrombosis as idiopathic. Anticoagulation treatment was started, leading to a complete resolution of the thrombus, without recurrence.
The sudden appearance of a painless cervical mass, without any identified triggering factor, is not common. The possibility of a jugular thrombosis should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of an isolated neck lump.
In this case, point-of-care ultrasound, which is becoming increasingly available in Emergency Departments, contributed to the rapid and accurate diagnosis of the patient
Criterios para la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en el proyecto de fachadas de edificios de viviendas
Las actuales exigencias en materia de energía y emisiones y la ineficiencia del parque edificado hacen necesario detectar soluciones apropiadas para el diseño de la envolvente de los edificios. Dentro de esta envolvente, la fachada juega un papel determinante, ya que además de gestionar los flujos energéticos que se producen entre el interior y el exterior, tiene la capacidad de mejorar la calidad ambiental interior. En este trabajo se analiza el potencial de ahorro de energía y la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de varias estrategias de diseño de fachadas desde una perspectiva de ciclo de vida, incluyendo la energía necesaria en la fase de uso y la que llevan incorporada los materiales. Las categorías de impacto estudiadas son: consumo de combustibles fósiles y cambio climático y las estrategias de diseño están vinculadas a las zonas climáticas, la orientación, renovación del aire interior, materiales y composición de fachada. Los resultados obtenidos proporcionan datos de referencia del comportamiento de varios sistemas, y permiten detectar las mejores estrategias para reducir el consumo energético en viviendas, en una amplia variedad de situaciones posibles, que se dan tanto en fachadas de nueva construcción como en la rehabilitación de fachadas existentes. Es a través de la envolvente de la vivienda donde se produce el intercambio entre el ambiente interior y el exterior, y donde la iluminación, ventilación o flujo de calor son parámetros fundamentales para el diseño. Mejorando esta envolvente se puede reducir considerablemente el impacto ambiental, tanto en la selección de materiales como durante el uso del edifici
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