257 research outputs found

    A Slight Re-telling of the David and Goliath Story: Surprising Power Dynamics in Proxy Relationships

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    This thesis discusses how local forces, despite being the weaker actor in a proxy relationship, manipulate external powers’ support to pursue their own objectives. Three factors – practical advantage, relative will, and diverging objectives – explain this counterintuitive power dynamic. First, local forces have better local knowledge, more extensive networks, and greater legitimacy, which give them leverage and make them desirable partners. Second, local forces\u27 involvement is often existential rather than selective; unlike external powers, local forces are thus unconstrained by domestic political vulnerabilities. This enables them to close the significant power gap with external powers. Third, local forces\u27 objectives may diverge from their sponsors\u27, creating incentives for exploitation and manipulation of external support to pursue their own agenda, regardless of the external powers’ interests. These three factors effectively explain the dynamic between the Soviet Union and Cuba during the Angolan civil war and the relationship between the U.S. and the Kurds in the fight against ISIS. Cuba mostly operated within the Soviet strategic parameters, while at the same time manipulating Soviet support to forward its own interests in Africa. The Kurds manipulated U.S. support while fighting ISIS to acquire territories and to pursue autonomy and independence, goals inconsistent with US interests. Further research is still needed to identify under what conditions local partners will wield this counterintuitive power, since there also are cases in which this does not take place


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    Recently, more and more modern applications have been applied to the English learning class, among which the most outstanding ones are the ‘The Rain Classroom’ and ‘The Super Star’. The first one, ‘The Rain Classroom’ is a mini-program in Wechat, through which the students can get connected to the teacher directly; they can do homework online and express their ideas on the class’ screen simultaneously. The second one, ‘The Super Star’ is an application that the students have to download on the mobile-phone, and then they can scan the teachers’ material and assignment in the app. In this essay, in order to make a comparison between the two apps, the author tries to carry an investigation and an experiment into the students, so as to find a better way of using the modern applications, in which case, can attract the students’ attention, arouse their interest and guarantee their speaking and writing hours at the same time. Furthermore, more scholars can get a better understanding of these two apps through the essay, and the producers of the app will be able to make some adjustment to them timely. This essay will form a new viewpoint on the multimedia English teaching in China, even in the world

    Single-species population models with age structure and psychological effect in a polluted environment

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    This paper considers a single-population model with age structure and psychological effects in a polluted environment. We divide the single population into two stages of larval and adult structure. The model uses Logistic input, and the larvae are converted into adult bodies by constant ratio. We only consider adulthood. The role of psychological effects makes the contact between adult and environmental toxins a functional form, while the contact between larvae and environmental toxins is linear. For the deterministic model embodied as a nonlinear time-varying system, we discuss the asymptotic stability of the system by Lyapunov one-time approximation theory, and give a sufficient condition for stability to be established. Considering that the contact rate between biological and environmental toxins in nature is not always constant, we make the contact rate interfere with white noise, and then modify the contact rate into a stochastic process, thus establishing a corresponding random single-population model. According to It\^o formula and Lyapunov in the function method, we first prove the existence of globally unique positive solutions for stochastic models under arbitrary initial conditions, and then give sufficient conditions for weak average long-term survival and random long-term survival for single populations in the expected sense

    Estimating a Large Drive Time Matrix between Zip Codes in the United States: A Differential Sampling Approach

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    Estimating a massive drive time matrix between locations is a practical but challenging task. The challenges include availability of reliable road network (including traffic) data, programming expertise, and access to high-performance computing resources. This research proposes a method for estimating a nationwide drive time matrix between ZIP code areas in the U.S.--a geographic unit at which many national datasets such as health information are compiled and distributed. The method (1) does not rely on intensive efforts in data preparation or access to advanced computing resources, (2) uses algorithms of varying complexity and computational time to estimate drive times of different trip lengths, and (3) accounts for both interzonal and intrazonal drive times. The core design samples ZIP code pairs with various intensities according to trip lengths and derives the drive times via Google Maps API, and the Google times are then used to adjust and improve some primitive estimates of drive times with low computational costs. The result provides a valuable resource for researchers

    Learning Purified Feature Representations from Task-irrelevant Labels

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    Learning an empirically effective model with generalization using limited data is a challenging task for deep neural networks. In this paper, we propose a novel learning framework called PurifiedLearning to exploit task-irrelevant features extracted from task-irrelevant labels when training models on small-scale datasets. Particularly, we purify feature representations by using the expression of task-irrelevant information, thus facilitating the learning process of classification. Our work is built on solid theoretical analysis and extensive experiments, which demonstrate the effectiveness of PurifiedLearning. According to the theory we proved, PurifiedLearning is model-agnostic and doesn't have any restrictions on the model needed, so it can be combined with any existing deep neural networks with ease to achieve better performance. The source code of this paper will be available in the future for reproducibility.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2011.0847

    REAR: A Relevance-Aware Retrieval-Augmented Framework for Open-Domain Question Answering

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    Considering the limited internal parametric knowledge, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has been widely used to extend the knowledge scope of large language models (LLMs). Despite the extensive efforts on RAG research, in existing methods, LLMs cannot precisely assess the relevance of retrieved documents, thus likely leading to misleading or even incorrect utilization of external knowledge (i.e., retrieved documents). To address this issue, in this paper, we propose REAR, a RElevance-Aware Retrieval-augmented approach for open-domain question answering (QA). As the key motivation, we aim to enhance the self-awareness of source relevance for LLMs, so as to adaptively utilize external knowledge in RAG systems. Specially, we develop a new architecture for LLM based RAG system, by incorporating a specially designed rank head that precisely assesses the relevance of retrieved documents. Furthermore, we propose an improved training method based on bi-granularity relevance fusion and noise-resistant training. By combining the improvements in both architecture and training, our proposed REAR can better utilize external knowledge by effectively perceiving the relevance of retrieved documents. Experiments on four open-domain QA tasks show that REAR significantly outperforms previous a number of competitive RAG approaches. Our code and data can be accessed at https://github.com/RUCAIBox/REAR

    Safe RLHF: Safe Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

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    With the development of large language models (LLMs), striking a balance between the performance and safety of AI systems has never been more critical. However, the inherent tension between the objectives of helpfulness and harmlessness presents a significant challenge during LLM training. To address this issue, we propose Safe Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (Safe RLHF), a novel algorithm for human value alignment. Safe RLHF explicitly decouples human preferences regarding helpfulness and harmlessness, effectively avoiding the crowdworkers' confusion about the tension and allowing us to train separate reward and cost models. We formalize the safety concern of LLMs as an optimization task of maximizing the reward function while satisfying specified cost constraints. Leveraging the Lagrangian method to solve this constrained problem, Safe RLHF dynamically adjusts the balance between the two objectives during fine-tuning. Through a three-round fine-tuning using Safe RLHF, we demonstrate a superior ability to mitigate harmful responses while enhancing model performance compared to existing value-aligned algorithms. Experimentally, we fine-tuned the Alpaca-7B using Safe RLHF and aligned it with collected human preferences, significantly improving its helpfulness and harmlessness according to human evaluations

    HybridGait: A Benchmark for Spatial-Temporal Cloth-Changing Gait Recognition with Hybrid Explorations

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    Existing gait recognition benchmarks mostly include minor clothing variations in the laboratory environments, but lack persistent changes in appearance over time and space. In this paper, we propose the first in-the-wild benchmark CCGait for cloth-changing gait recognition, which incorporates diverse clothing changes, indoor and outdoor scenes, and multi-modal statistics over 92 days. To further address the coupling effect of clothing and viewpoint variations, we propose a hybrid approach HybridGait that exploits both temporal dynamics and the projected 2D information of 3D human meshes. Specifically, we introduce a Canonical Alignment Spatial-Temporal Transformer (CA-STT) module to encode human joint position-aware features, and fully exploit 3D dense priors via a Silhouette-guided Deformation with 3D-2D Appearance Projection (SilD) strategy. Our contributions are twofold: we provide a challenging benchmark CCGait that captures realistic appearance changes across an expanded and space, and we propose a hybrid framework HybridGait that outperforms prior works on CCGait and Gait3D benchmarks. Our project page is available at https://github.com/HCVLab/HybridGait
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