404 research outputs found

    Mykorrhiza i landbruksjord

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    Gras, korn, belgvekster og en del grønnsaker kan leve sammen med arbuskulær mykorrhizasopp. Dette samlivet kalles sopprot, fordi deler av soppen lever i plantenes rotceller og sopphyfene gjør rotnettet til plantene større. Her omtales plantenes partnervalg, dynamikk i samlivet og betydningen av samarbeidet for planten og soppen. Dyrket jord er en turbulent verden av varierende forhold som påvirker nydanning og opprettholdelse av dette samarbeidet. Sopprot er oftest fordelaktig for begge parter

    The effectiveness of teamwork training on teamwork behaviors and team performance : A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled interventions

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    The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of teamwork interventions that were carried out with the purpose of improving teamwork and team performance, using controlled experimental designs. A literature search returned 16,849 unique articles. The meta-analysis was ultimately conducted on 51 articles, comprising 72 (k) unique interventions, 194 effect sizes, and 8439 participants, using a random effects model. Positive and significant medium-sized effects were found for teamwork interventions on both teamwork and team performance. Moderator analyses were also conducted, which generally revealed positive and significant effects with respect to several sample, intervention, and measurement characteristics. Implications for effective teamwork interventions as well as considerations for future research are discussed

    Jordlevende sopp

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    Jordlevende sopp vokser som lange trådformede strukturer kalt hyfer. Når flere hyfer vokser sammen dannes et hvitaktig mycel som vi kan se med det blotte øye. Sopp har ikke klorofyll og må derfor skaffe seg næring på annet vis. Det gjør de ved å hente næring fra organisk materiale i jorda, fra å bryte ned ferske planterester på overflaten og/eller ved å leve i samliv (symbiose)med levende planterøtter (bildet. Selv om man kan se store og små sopper på overflaten, er det alltid slik at mesteparten av soppen finnes under jordoverflaten

    Het besturen van flexibele produktiesystemen

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    Making diabetes care fit: insights, strategies and support

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    Globally, over 537 million adults are living with diabetes mellitus. Treatment of diabetes poses a large burden on patients, since it relies predominantly on the patient’s daily self-management. Therefore, providing the patient with a care plan that fits seamlessly in one’s daily routines, is in line with their values and preferences and does not overburden their capacities, is of major importance. In order to make diabetes care fit, clinicians and patients need to collaborate and share their knowledge and experience. One possible approach to this collaboration is shared decision making (SDM). In SDM, patients and clinicians partner up and work together to decide on the best available healthcare strategy for the individual patient, taking into account both the best available evidence, and the patient’s preferences, needs and context. This thesis aimed to explore patient and clinician efforts towards making diabetes care fit. In this exploration we aimed to provide insight in the factors driving the decision making process, discuss various strategies to tailor SDM to the patient’s situation, needs and preferences, and explore ways to support the patient and the patient-clinician partnership in diabetes care.Department of Biomedical Data Sciences, section of Medical; Decision Making (LUMC); ChipSoftLUMC / Geneeskund

    Het versnellen van de micropoco

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    The development and significance of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas as influenced by agricultural practices

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    The development and significance of vesicular- arbuscular mycorrhizas (VAM) in wheat and potatoes have been studied in relation to various farming systems and agricultural practices. The effects of farming systems on VAM have been observed on three neighbouring experimental farms in the vicinity of Nagele, in the North East Polder, The Netherlands. It appeared that varying amounts of organic matter used during a period of 26 years had little effect on the presence of VAM fungal spores. The results of a new project started on these farms in 1979 showed that nitrogen deficiency greatly stimulated the development of VAM in wheat. In potatoes, however, no such results were found. After winter wheat the number of spores of Glomus mosseae dominated the number of spores of the other species in the soil. After potatoes spores of Glomus macrocarpus were found more frequently.The influence of various agricultural practices on the development of VAM has been studied in long-term field experiments on the Lovink-farm, another experimental farm in the North East Polder. The relation between VAM and the amounts of nitrogen fertilizers applied has also been assessed in these experiments. From the results it can be concluded that the effect of various agricultural practices on VAM is based primarily on the effect of these practices on the growth of the plants and the inoculum potential of VAM in the soil. in addition, it appears that the effect of nitrogen on the development of VAM depends on the host plant species involved. This is in accordance with the results obtained on the farms at Nagele.Greenhouse experiments with wheat showed a strong interaction between the application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in relation to the development of VAM. When sufficient phosphorus was applied, the effect of nitrogen on VAM development depended on the way in which the VAM inoculum was applied.The significance of VAM fungi for the growth of plants depends largely on the environmental conditions in which the plants grow, particularly the nutrition of the plants, plant density and inoculum potential of VAM. These factors largely determine whether the symbiosis results in a positive or even a negative effect on the growth of plants.In spite of the fact that VAM fungi occur in the relatively rich arable soils in these polders, and that VAM fungi isolated from these soils greatly stimulate the growth of red clover in a poor soil, VAM does not appear as yet to be important for Dutch agriculture. Favourable conditions for the development of these mycorrhizas and conditions under which they have the greatest effect on the growth of plants are, in general, not present. Nevertheless, in circumstances in which little or no additional plant nutrients are used, or nutrients are not readily available for the plants, the importance of these fungi for the growth of plants increases.Protection given by VAM to plants against root pathogens seems to be limited. It is predominantly based on improved nutrition of poorly-fed plants and in a few special cases on competition for a site inside or outside the mycorrhizal root

    Ambivalentie en strategische onwetenheid rond vlees; Reflectie op de Agrofoodmonitor

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    Relations between the agri-food sector and society are a source of concern, in particular with regard to in-tensive livestock farming. The agri-food monitor project was set up in order to define and measure socie-ty's valuation of the agri-food sector. Because the concept of societal valuation also raises many questions, this parallel study was added in order to create space for reflection on societal valuation. The character of this reflection has been informed by widespread signals of ambivalence towards meat as well as the suspicion that because of that ambivalence people often do not want to know too many details about meat and livestock farming. This can complicate research into societal valuation. The leading ques-tion of this study is whether and how insights into ambivalence and strategic ignorance can be helpful for understanding societal valuation, in particular with respect to meat. Some questions on this topic have al-so been added to the agri-foodmonitor itself. Ambivalence (conflicting valuation) with respect to meat has increased in recent decades because on the one hand most people are attached to eating meat while on the other hand, a great deal of unsettling information on intensive livestock farming is in the air. Ambivalence leads to emotional agitation, especially when choices relating to cherished habits are involved. One way to deal with that agitation is to keep un-welcome information at a distance, in this case information about livestock farming. In doing so, people are 'strategically ignorant'. Ambivalences in society remain partly hidden by this mechanism. This study looked at the role of ambivalence and strategic ignorance by studying existing literature and by carrying out interviews with fifteen consumers about what they did and didn't want to know about food. Three themes received particular attention: rapid-growth broilers, the use of antibiotics in livestock farming and inspiration with respect to food
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