77 research outputs found

    Chinese-Iranian Mutual Strategic Perceptions

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    This article analyzes Sino-Iranian relations and mutual strategic perceptions, highlighting several types of tension in Sino-Iranian ties alongside areas of deeper cooperation. We examine in particular the policy debates about China between conservatives and reformists within Iran, and we compare their views of China to the views of Iran held by Chinese commentators. To that end, we extensively survey both the official media and scholarly literature in Farsi and in Chinese, since each strand reveals different sentiments and is accorded a different degree of openness

    Comparing the Anglo-American and Israeli-American special relationships in the Obama era: an alliance persistence perspective

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    The Anglo-American and Israeli-American security relationships have proved to be unusually close and have confounded expectations that they would wither away with the changing international environment. In order to explain this, the article proposes a theory of ‘alliance persistence’ that is based on reciprocity over shared geostrategic interests, sentimental attachments and institutionalized security relations. The article employs this theoretical framework to explore how Anglo-American and Israeli-American relations have developed during the Obama administration. It argues that the Anglo-American relationship has been closer because of the two countries’ shared strategic interests, whilst the Israeli-American relationship has experienced divergences in how the security interests of the two sides have been pursued. The article concludes by assessing how the two relationships will fair in the post-Obama era and argues that there are numerous areas of tension in the US-Israeli relationship that risk future tensions. Keywords: Alliance, US-UK, US-Israel, Special Relationship, Obam

    Genome-Wide Mapping of DNA Methylation in Chicken

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    Cytosine DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification termed as the fifth base that functions in diverse processes. Till now, the genome-wide DNA methylation maps of many organisms has been reported, such as human, Arabidopsis, rice and silkworm, but the methylation pattern of bird remains rarely studied. Here we show the genome-wide DNA methylation map of bird, using the chicken as a model organism and an immunocapturing approach followed by high-throughput sequencing. In both of the red jungle fowl and the avian broiler, DNA methylation was described separately for the liver and muscle tissue. Generally, chicken displays analogous methylation pattern with that of animals and plants. DNA methylation is enriched in the gene body regions and the repetitive sequences, and depleted in the transcription start site (TSS) and the transcription termination site (TTS). Most of the CpG islands in the chicken genome are kept in unmethylated state. Promoter methylation is negatively correlated with the gene expression level, indicating its suppressive role in regulating gene transcription. This work contributes to our understanding of epigenetics in birds

    Genetic Heterogeneity of Hepatitis C Virus in Association with Antiviral Therapy Determined by Ultra-Deep Sequencing

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    The hepatitis C virus (HCV) invariably shows wide heterogeneity in infected patients, referred to as a quasispecies population. Massive amounts of genetic information due to the abundance of HCV variants could be an obstacle to evaluate the viral genetic heterogeneity in detail.Using a newly developed massive-parallel ultra-deep sequencing technique, we investigated the viral genetic heterogeneity in 27 chronic hepatitis C patients receiving peg-interferon (IFN) α2b plus ribavirin therapy.Ultra-deep sequencing determined a total of more than 10 million nucleotides of the HCV genome, corresponding to a mean of more than 1000 clones in each specimen, and unveiled extremely high genetic heterogeneity in the genotype 1b HCV population. There was no significant difference in the level of viral complexity between immediate virologic responders and non-responders at baseline (p = 0.39). Immediate virologic responders (n = 8) showed a significant reduction in the genetic complexity spanning all the viral genetic regions at the early phase of IFN administration (p = 0.037). In contrast, non-virologic responders (n = 8) showed no significant changes in the level of viral quasispecies (p = 0.12), indicating that very few viral clones are sensitive to IFN treatment. We also demonstrated that clones resistant to direct-acting antivirals for HCV, such as viral protease and polymerase inhibitors, preexist with various abundances in all 27 treatment-naïve patients, suggesting the risk of the development of drug resistance against these agents.Use of the ultra-deep sequencing technology revealed massive genetic heterogeneity of HCV, which has important implications regarding the treatment response and outcome of antiviral therapy

    Global Analysis of DNA Methylation by Methyl-Capture Sequencing Reveals Epigenetic Control of Cisplatin Resistance in Ovarian Cancer Cell

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    Cisplatin resistance is one of the major reasons leading to the high death rate of ovarian cancer. Methyl-Capture sequencing (MethylCap-seq), which combines precipitation of methylated DNA by recombinant methyl-CpG binding domain of MBD2 protein with NGS, global and unbiased analysis of global DNA methylation patterns. We applied MethylCap-seq to analyze genome-wide DNA methylation profile of cisplatin sensitive ovarian cancer cell line A2780 and its isogenic derivative resistant line A2780CP. We obtained 21,763,035 raw reads for the drug resistant cell line A2780CP and 18,821,061reads for the sensitive cell line A2780. We identified 1224 hyper-methylated and 1216 hypomethylated DMRs (differentially methylated region) in A2780CP compared to A2780. Our MethylCap-seq data on this ovarian cancer cisplatin resistant model provided a good resource for the research community. We also found that A2780CP, compared to A2780, has lower observed to expected methylated CpG ratios, suggesting a lower global CpG methylation in A2780CP cells. Methylation specific PCR and bisulfite sequencing confirmed hypermethylation of PTK6, PRKCE and BCL2L1 in A2780 compared with A2780CP. Furthermore, treatment with the demethylation reagent 5-aza-dC in A2780 cells demethylated the promoters and restored the expression of PTK6, PRKCE and BCL2L1

    America and the special relationship: the impact of the Trump administration on relations with the UK

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    The article seeks to assess to what extent the Trump presidency damaged the Anglo-American special relationship. By drawing on a theoretical framework that is broader than much of the existing literature, this article argues that the Trump presidency inflicted largely short-term damage on the special relationship. Though common interests, common sentiments and mutual utility between the US and the UK were weakened in the Trump era, the institutionalized underpinnings of the special relationship were sufficiently robust to withstand the corrosive effects of the ‘Trump doctrine’. While President Biden cannot undo the negative impact of Brexit on the UK’s utility to the US, the early period of his presidency has witnessed the special relationship’s rapid recovery from most of the damage inflicted by the Trump presidency

    Shared adversaries in the Anglo-American Special Relationship: from the Cold War to contemporary threats

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    The Anglo-American Special Relationship has been at its most vibrant when the two countries have shared a common adversary. The Cold War confrontation with the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies, and then Islamist terrorism during the ‘War on Terror’, gave the relationship strength and purpose. Within these periods of intense cooperation, however, there were issues that caused tensions between the two sides. The Special Relationship languished during the decade after the end of the Cold War, as well as the period between 2008 and 2021. During these periods, the US and the UK lacked a shared external threat, which consequently led to a decline in the vitality of their bilateral cooperation. Now, however, the Special Relationship is beginning to face a new era of threat. Russia, following its 2022 invasion of Ukraine, and China, represent a dual challenge that is once again galvanizing the Special Relationship

    CCP elite perception of the US since the early 1990s : Wang Huning and Zheng Bijian as test cases

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    Scholars of Sino-American relations basically employ two methods to reveal indirectly Chinese policymakers’ perceptions of the US. First, some scholars make use of public opinion polls which survey the general public’s attitudes towards the US, with Alastair Lain Johnston and Mingming Shen’s monograph titled Perception and Misperception in American and Chinese Views of the Other as the latest example.3 It is noteworthy that David Lampton also uses public opinion polls to illuminate security-relevant perceptions in Sino-American relations.4 Second, there are nowadays more Western scholars who study China’s ‘America watchers’ and their perceptions of the US by making use of interviews and/or textual analysis of their writings. The America watchers on whom they focus include academics in Chinese Universities, journalists and policy analysts in government and government-affiliated research institutions. What makes this article distinct from previous research is that it juxtaposes two of the most influential yet under-studied America watchers within the top echelon of the CCP, Wang Huning and Zheng Bijian. To be sure, the two have indelibly shaped CCP attitudes, yet surprisingly enough, although Zheng has been written about extensively in the English language, Wang has hitherto largely remained outside the purview of academics. This article also aims, in passing, to explore linkages between the ideas of Wang and Zheng and those of other wellknown America watchers like Liu Mingfu and Yan Xuetong. It is hoped that this comparison will offer clues as to the extent to which the current advisors shaping CCP thinking on the US differ from the previous generation, and as to whether CCP thinking is un-American or anti-American in essence. The conclusions will tie the study together by speculating based on Wang’s and Zheng’s views about the degree to which New Confucianism, as opposed to Neo-Liberalism, might shape Chinese society in the future

    US–UK–France relations amid the Russia–Ukraine war: a new strategic alignment?

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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the recognition of the rising challenge from China have resulted in a closer alignment of American, British and French strategic interests. This policy paper explores how the strategic relationship between the United States, the United Kingdom and France has evolved amid this changed threat environment.The Russia–Ukraine war exposed the limitations of France's policy of ‘strategic autonomy’ and reasserted the importance of an American role in European security. The war has re-focused attention upon the Lancaster House framework in which the UK and France have the potential to enhance their contribution to European defence.The UK still regards its ‘special relationship’ with the US as being of critical importance to its foreign policy. But the UK's diminishing military power makes it a less valuable ally to the US whose attention is increasingly upon the Indo-Pacific region.The paper argues that the alignment between the three countries has been closer over the Russian war in Ukraine compared to attitudes towards China, where tensions between France and the ‘Anglo-Saxons’ persist.France has been unwilling to adopt the American approach towards China and has stuck to its vision of a multipolar world. The AUKUS deal arranged between the US, UK and Australia had the effect of alienating France.The policy paper contends that the temporary alignment between US, UK and French interests will erode as long-standing conflicts of interest re-emerge. In particular, the unpredictability of US leadership will damage the trilateral relationship if Donald Trump regains the presidency in November 2024