27 research outputs found

    How healthcare professionals respond to parents with religious objections to vaccination: A qualitative study

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    Background: In recent years healthcare professionals have faced increasing concerns about the value of childhood vaccination and many find it difficult to deal with parents who object to vaccination. In general, healthcare professionals are advised to listen respectfully to the objections of parents, provide honest information, and attempt to correct any misperceptions regarding vaccination. Religious objections are one of the possible reasons for refusing vaccination. Although religious objections have a long history, little is known about the way healthcare professionals deal with these specific objections. The aim of this study is to gain insight into the responding of healthcare professionals to parents with religious objections to the vaccination of their children. Methods: A qualitative interview study was conducted with health care professionals (HCPs) in the Netherlands who had ample experience with religious objections to vaccination. Purposeful sampling was applied in order to include HCPs with different professional and religious backgrounds. Data saturation was reached after 22 interviews, with 7 child health clinic doctors, 5 child health clinic nurses and 10 general practitioners. The interviews were thematically analyzed. Two analysts coded, reviewed, discussed, and refined the coding of the transcripts until consensus was reached. Emerging concepts were assessed using the constant comparative method from grounded theory. Results: Three manners of responding to religious objections to vaccination were identified: providing medical information, discussion of the decision-making process, and adoption of an authoritarian stance. All of the HCPs provided the parents with medical information. In addition, some HCPs discussed the decision-making process. They verified how the decision was made and if possible consequences were realized. Sometimes they also discussed religious considerations. Whether the decision-making process was discussed depended on the willingness of the parents to engage in such a discussion and on the religious background, attitudes, and communication skills of the HCPs. Only in cases of tetanus post-exposure-prophylaxis, general practitioners reported adoption of an authoritarian stance. Conclusion: Given that the provision of medical information is generally not decisive for parents with religious objections to vaccination, we recommend HCPs to discuss the vaccination decision-making process, rather than to provide them with extra medical information

    Risk factors for persisting measles susceptibility: a case-control study among unvaccinated orthodox Protestants.

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    Measles is an infectious disease providing lifelong immunity. Epidemics periodically occur among unvaccinated orthodox Protestants in the Netherlands. During the 2013/2014 epidemic, 17% of the reported patients was over 14 years old. Apparently, they did not catch measles during the previous 1999/2000 epidemic and remained susceptible. We wanted to identify risk factors for this so-called persisting measles susceptibility, and thus risk factors for acquiring measles at older age with increased risk of complications

    Use of oseltamivir in Dutch nursing homes during the 2004-2005 influenza season.

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    To assess the implementation of guidelines for using neuraminidase inhibitors in the control of influenza outbreaks in Dutch nursing homes, data were collected on prophylactic and therapeutic use of anti-viral medication, indications for use and criteria for prescribing, based on experiences during the influenza season 2004-2005 in a retrospective cross-sectional survey among Dutch nursing homes after the 2004-2005 season. Ninety/194 (49%) participating nursing homes reported an outbreak of influenza-like illness; in 57/194 (29%) influenza was laboratory confirmed. In 37/57 homes (65%) oseltamivir had been used as prophylaxis. Prophylactic use was extended to all residents and staff in 6/37 (16%) of homes, but limited in the others. In 9/37 (24%) no staff were issued prophylaxis. Among clinicians with laboratory confirmed influenza, 41/46 (89%) had used oseltamivir therapeutically. Main reasons for not prescribing oseltamivir for prophylaxis and/or therapy were lack of scientific evidence, high costs, and absent or delayed laboratory confirmation. Logistical bottlenecks in diagnosis, cost-effectiveness concerns, and lack of an evidence-base hamper full integration in policy and should be addressed

    Ebola in the Netherlands, 2014-2015: costs of preparedness and response.

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    The recent epidemic of Ebola virus disease (EVD) resulted in countries worldwide to prepare for the possibility of having an EVD patient. In this study, we estimate the costs of Ebola preparedness and response borne by the Dutch health system. An activity-based costing method was used, in which the cost of staff time spent in preparedness and response activities was calculated based on a time-recording system and interviews with key professionals at the healthcare organizations involved. In addition, the organizations provided cost information on patient days of hospitalization, laboratory tests, personal protective equipment (PPE), as well as the additional cleaning and disinfection required. The estimated total costs averaged €12.6 million, ranging from €6.7 to €22.5 million. The main cost drivers were PPE expenditures and preparedness activities of personnel, especially those associated with ambulance services and hospitals. There were 13 possible cases clinically evaluated and one confirmed case admitted to hospital. The estimated total cost of EVD preparedness and response in the Netherlands was substantial. Future costs might be reduced and efficiency increased by designating one ambulance service for transportation and fewer hospitals for the assessment of possible patients with a highly infectious disease of high consequences

    Evaluation of the surveillance system for invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in the Netherlands, 2004-2016

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    BACKGROUND: Enhanced surveillance for confirmed cases of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) was introduced in the Netherlands in 2003, in which reference laboratory data (NRLBM) are linked with notification data (OSIRIS). The quality of surveillance information is important for public health decision making. Our objective was to describe the system and evaluate it for data completeness and timeliness. METHODS: Cases reported in the surveillance system from 2004 to 2016 were included. For the notification data, we used information on serogroup, vaccination status, mortality, and country of infection as indicators for record completeness. Notification times to regional and national level were calculated using the reported dates available in the notification database. RESULTS: A total of 2123 cases were reported in the years 2004-2016, of which 1.968 (93%) were reported by the reference laboratory and 1.995 (94%) in the notification system. Of all cases, 1.840 cases (87%) were reported in both systems and could be linked. The serogroup was known in 86% of the notified cases, and was significantly higher (94%) in the years 2013-2016. Information on vaccination status, mortality and country of infection was available in 88, 99 and 97% of notified cases, respectively. Regional notification of cases occurred within one working day for 86% of cases and 98% were notified nationally within three days. CONCLUSIONS: A well performing IMD surveillance system was demonstrated and serogroup completeness has improved over the years. Underlining the need for reporting to both the clinical and laboratory surveillance system remains important to further improve the overall performance in supporting public health response and vaccination policy

    Evaluation of the surveillance system for invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in the Netherlands, 2004-2016.

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    Contains fulltext : 215792.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Enhanced surveillance for confirmed cases of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) was introduced in the Netherlands in 2003, in which reference laboratory data (NRLBM) are linked with notification data (OSIRIS). The quality of surveillance information is important for public health decision making. Our objective was to describe the system and evaluate it for data completeness and timeliness. METHODS: Cases reported in the surveillance system from 2004 to 2016 were included. For the notification data, we used information on serogroup, vaccination status, mortality, and country of infection as indicators for record completeness. Notification times to regional and national level were calculated using the reported dates available in the notification database. RESULTS: A total of 2123 cases were reported in the years 2004-2016, of which 1.968 (93%) were reported by the reference laboratory and 1.995 (94%) in the notification system. Of all cases, 1.840 cases (87%) were reported in both systems and could be linked. The serogroup was known in 86% of the notified cases, and was significantly higher (94%) in the years 2013-2016. Information on vaccination status, mortality and country of infection was available in 88, 99 and 97% of notified cases, respectively. Regional notification of cases occurred within one working day for 86% of cases and 98% were notified nationally within three days. CONCLUSIONS: A well performing IMD surveillance system was demonstrated and serogroup completeness has improved over the years. Underlining the need for reporting to both the clinical and laboratory surveillance system remains important to further improve the overall performance in supporting public health response and vaccination policy

    Estimated reproduction numbers (top, blue dots) and vaccine efficacies (bottom, gray dots) per school, with associated 95% credible intervals (cf. Table 3).

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    <p> Note that estimated vaccine efficacy is consistently high in schools with high exposure (schools 1–6), but cannot be estimated with any precision in schools with low exposure (schools 8–10).</p