596 research outputs found

    How far are Portuguese prisons inefficient? A non-parametric approach

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    In Portugal, as worldwide, especially in the past decades, crime has become an issue of increasing interest both for society and researchers. The global growth of criminality had several repercussions in the prison system. The most direct one was the overcrowding of prisons. This situation required a great amount of investment to increase the capacity of Portuguese prisons. Simultaneously, the value for money associated with the prisons’ budget has turned itself more and more relevant. These circumstances together emphasize the importance of assessing the prisons’ performance. This study measures the efficiency of Portuguese prison facilities by means of the non-parametric benchmarking approach of data envelopment analysis (DEA). However, due to the limitations of this technique, a bootstrap methodology is also applied in order to add more robustness to the results. Furthermore, a recent procedure is computed to evaluate congestion. The results show relevant levels of inefficiency in the Portuguese prison facilities, which represent an excess of several millions of Euros spent inadequately in this sector.Bootstrap; Congestion; DEA; Efficiency; Portugal; Prison facilities

    Performance and Congestion Analysis of the Portuguese Hospital Services

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    The health care services have been characterised by a growing demand by the citizens leading to the need of more and more resources. Population aging, new pathologies and drugs as well as new treatments are some of the major factors for this. However, in hospitals, for example, consumption of a large number of inputs frequently has not corresponded to the production of the same or more proportion of outputs. Sometimes, the outputs even decline with the increase of inputs due to the influence of the congestion effect on efficiency. The heavy burden of the health sector on the state budget brings about the interest of research over its efficiency. This paper aims to assess the performance of the Portuguese hospitals and particularly the contribution of the congestion effect. We use the non-parametric technique of data envelopment analysis (DEA) for this purpose and a double-bootstrap procedure to take into account the influence of operational environment on efficiency. Afterwards, by comparing three different approaches we determine the importance of congestion in efficiency measurement and discuss its computation methodologically. The results suggest significant levels of inefficiency in 68 major Portuguese hospitals for the year 2005 and more than half of them were found to be congested.Hospitals; congestion; efficiency; DEA; Portugal

    Efficiency of the Portuguese metros. is it different from other European metros?

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    This research analyses the performance of Portuguese metros in the European context. By means of two non-parametric benchmarking techniques, respectively performance indicators and data envelopment analysis, we compute the efficiency of 37 European metros. In order to provide statistical inference and robustness to our results we apply the recent technique of bootstrap. We also use the partial frontiers (order-m) to identify outliers and the double bootstrap procedure in a second stage methodology to take into account the influence of the operational environment. The results show important levels of inefficiency both in the Portuguese metros and in other European metros.Metro; Efficiency; Portugal; Performance Indicator; Data Envelopment Analysis

    Mitigação do risco sísmico em edifícios urbanos antigos

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    The present thesis aims at contributing for the study of the seismic vulnerability assessment of urban cultural heritage assets, and subsequently, for the earthquake risk mitigation in historic centres, through the investigation of the eventual correlation between analytical and semiempirical methods, that could possibly lead to the development of a new hybrid approach. Hence, in Chapter 1, the framework of the main topic of the thesis, and the respective aims and motivations, are presented and briefly discussed, along with the outline and organisation of the document, as well as the list of publications that support the work carried out in this thesis. Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive literature review on disaster risk mitigation of UCH assets located in historic centres, by means of adopting a holistic framework about the features of such a complex system. This exercise is fundamental to understand the current streams of thought and to identify new gaps and opportunities that could eventually enhance the knowledge level on this particular field of research. Chapter 3 discusses some of the main challenges associated with survey and inspection techniques for input data acquisition of UCH assets, with particular focus to the investigation of assets located in historic centres, which are most likely enclosed in aggregate. In a second moment, the main challenges concerning the seismic response assessment of UCH assets are discussed, namely focusing on the pros and cons of macroelement approaches. Chapter 4 presents the main findings of a cost-benefit analysis model applied to investigate the integration of traditional seismic strengthening solutions in the rehabilitation of UCH assets. While in a first phase, only the economic viability of using such strengthening solutions was investigated, in a second phase, a cost-benefit model is applied to four different case studies considered representative of both rural and urban masonry building typologies of Faial island, in Azores. Chapter 5 presents the investigation of the correlation between two well-known approaches for the seismic risk assessment of UCH assets in historic centres: the “vulnerability index” method and the seismic “capacity curve” derived by using a simplified numerical model together with a nonlinear static procedure. Finally, Chapter 6 summarises the key conclusions that have been pointed out in the previous chapters of the thesis and outlines the grounds of future developments and research paths.A presente tese tem por objetivo contribuir para o estudo da avaliação da vulnerabilidade sĂ­smica de edifĂ­cios urbanos antigos, e subsequentemente, para a mitigação do risco sĂ­smico em centros histĂłricos, atravĂ©s da investigação da eventual correlação entre mĂ©todos analĂ­ticos e semiempĂ­ricos, que possa levar ao desenvolvimento de uma nova abordagem hĂ­brida. Assim, no CapĂ­tulo 1, Ă© feita uma breve contextualização do tĂłpico principal da tese e dos respetivos objectivos e motivaçÔes, sendo ainda apresentada a estrutura e organização do documento, assim como a lista das publicaçÔes que suportam o trabalho aqui desenvolvido. O CapĂ­tulo 2 apresenta uma revisĂŁo exaustiva da literatura, de forma a que se possam identificar nĂŁo sĂł as atuais linhas de investigação neste tĂłpico, mas tambĂ©m lacunas na investigação e eventuais janelas de oportunidade para melhorar o conhecimento cientĂ­fico nesta ĂĄrea especĂ­fica. No CapĂ­tulo 3 sĂŁo discutidos alguns dos principais desafios associados com as tĂ©cnicas de inspecção e diagnĂłstico de edifĂ­cios urbanos antigos, com foco para as particularidades dos edifĂ­cios integrados em agregados urbanos. Numa segunda fase, sĂŁo tambĂ©m discutidos os desafios associados Ă  avaliação da resposta sĂ­smica de edifĂ­cios urbanos antigos, nomeadamente no que diz respeito Ă s vantagens e limitaçÔes da utilização de mĂ©todos analĂ­ticos baseados em abordagens por macrolementos. O CapĂ­tulo 4 apresenta a anĂĄlise custo-benefĂ­cio associada Ă  adopção de soluçÔes tradicionais de reforço sĂ­smico na reabilitação de edifĂ­cios urbanos antigos. Se numa primeira fase, Ă© analisada, de forma isolada, a viabilidade dessas soluçÔes de reforço, num segundo momento, Ă© aplicado um modelo de anĂĄlise custobenefĂ­cio a quatro casos de estudo considerados representativos, quer do edificado rural quer do edificado urbano da ilha do Faial, nos Açores. O CapĂ­tulo 5 apresenta o estudo da correlação entre duas abordagens reconhecidas internacionalmente para a avaliação do risco sĂ­smico de edifĂ­cios de alvenaria localizados em centros histĂłricos: o mĂ©todo do “índice de vulnerabilidade” e a “curva de capacidade” resultante da utilização de um modelo numĂ©rico simplificado juntamente com uma abordagem estĂĄtica nĂŁo-linear. Finalmente, no CapĂ­tulo 6, sĂŁo resumidas as principais conclusĂ”es de cada um dos capĂ­tulos anteriores, assim como as principais linhas orientadoras para novos desenvolvimentos e trabalhos futuros.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Civi

    The Problem of Adolescent Psychopathy: The Downward Extension of Adult Psychopathy

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    With this theoretical review, we intend to understand the relationship between adolescent psychopathy and adult psychopathy, taking into account three fundamental questions: (1) the conceptualization of personality, in other words, knowing the extent to which it makes sense to speak about a structured and defined personality in adolescents; (2) the notion of disorder quite present in the stage of adolescent development; (3) and finally, whether the previously alleged disorders are stable identities or if they have temporal continuity, extending into adult life. We are aware that there is no unanimity or consensus regarding the essential core of psychopathy, that is, it presents itself in distinct ways that make it difficult to configure it in taxonomical or dimensional terms of the personality, ignoring much about its etiology, these uncertainties, end up to be translated into a major openness to the study of pre‐adult population. Thus, the study of adolescent and juvenile psychopathy will depend a lot on how much we know about adult psychopathy. This does not imply that we do not carry out studies of a longitudinal and measuring nature through psychometric instruments that allow us to clarify the way this syndrome manifests itself and develops throughout life, taking into account the Big Five

    Calibration of model parameters for the cyclic response of end-plate beam-to-column steel-concrete composite joints

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    Composite joints, considering the composite action of steel and concrete, exhibit, in general, high strength and high ductility. As a consequence, the use of this type of joint has been increasing in many countries, especially in those that are located in earthquake-prone regions. In this paper, a hysteretic model with pinching is presented that is able to reproduce the cyclic response of steel and composite joints. Secondly, the computer implementation and adaptation of the model in a spring element within the computer code Seismosoft is described. The model is subsequently calibrated using a series of experimental test results for composite joints subjected to cyclic loading. Finally, typical parameters for the various joint configurations are proposed.Financial support from the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MinistĂ©rio da CiĂȘncia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) under contract grants from PRODEP III (5.3), for Pedro Nogueiro, Foundation of Science and Technology through POCI/ECM/55783/2004 and FEDER through INTERREG-III-A (project RTCT-B-Z-/SP2.P18) is gratefully acknowledged. The assistance provided by Seismosoft, is also most (http://www.seismosoft.com). The supply of the data files from experimental tests by D. Dubina and R. Liew is warmly thanked

    Numerical implementation and calibration of a hysteretic model with pinching for the cyclic response of steel and composite joints

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    In this paper, a hysteretic model with pinching is presented that is able to reproduce the cyclic response of steel and composite joints. Secondly, the computer implementation and adaptation of the model in a spring element within the computer code Seismosoft is described. The model is subsequently calibrated using a series of experimental test results for steel and composite joints subjected to cyclic loading. Finally, typical parameters for the various joint configurations are proposed

    Systems of Packaging Waste Recycling in the EU: Comparing Five Different Case-Studies

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    All European Union (EU) member states have to comply with the demanding recycling rates targets that were set for the recovery of packaging waste in the Directive 94/62/EC. Nevertheless, each country has its own system for accomplishing these targets. Some already had national legislation when the Directive entered into force. Others had to "start from scratch". Indeed, many countries have experienced massive improvements in the waste management systems in the last years; these include the closing of dumps and the construction of complying sanitary landfills. The "maturity levels" of the waste management frameworks are different for the diverse EU countries. Evidently, this has consequences for the efficiency and effectiveness of the recycling system. Moreover, one can observe very different approaches for managing household packaging waste, although there is still a lack of evidence regarding the outperformance (if one considers economic and environmental aspects altogether) of any approach over another. This paper presents and discusses the pros and cons of the recycling systems of household packaging waste for five EU countries, namely: France, Germany, Portugal, Romania and the UK. We compare institutional frameworks, recycling rates, green dot fees and, whenever possible, recycling costs and benefits (i.e. the costs of selective collection and sorting on the one hand, and the financial transfers performed by the industry along with the product of the sale of recyclables on the other). To provide a verdict on the overall performance of any system is not straightforward. We are, however, able to underline several of the national best practices
