47 research outputs found

    Tracking Single Particles and Elongated Filaments with Nanometer Precision

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    Recent developments in image processing have greatly advanced our understanding of biomolecular processes in vitro and in vivo. In particular, using Gaussian models to fit the intensity profiles of nanometer-sized objects have enabled their two-dimensional localization with a precision in the one-nanometer range. Here, we present an algorithm to precisely localize curved filaments whose structures are characterized by subresolution diameters and micrometer lengths. Using surface-immobilized microtubules, fluorescently labeled with rhodamine, we demonstrate positional precisions of similar to 2 nm when determining the filament centerline and similar to 9 nm when localizing the filament tips. Combined with state-of-the-art single particle tracking we apply the algorithm 1), to motor-proteins stepping on immobilized microtubules, 2), to depolymerizing microtubules, and 3), to microtubules gliding over motor-coated surfaces

    Challenges in Estimating the Motility Parameters of Single Processive Motor Proteins.

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    Cytoskeletal motor proteins are essential to the function of a wide range of intracellular mechano-systems. The biophysical characterization of their movement along their filamentous tracks is therefore of large importance. Toward this end, single-molecule, in vitro stepping-motility assays are commonly used to determine motor velocity and run length. However, comparing results from such experiments has proved difficult due to influences from variations in the experimental conditions and the data analysis methods. Here, we investigate the movement of fluorescently labeled, processive, dimeric motor proteins and propose a unified algorithm to correct the measurements for finite filament length as well as photobleaching. Particular emphasis is put on estimating the statistical errors associated with the proposed evaluation method, as knowledge of these values is crucial when comparing measurements from different experiments. Testing our approach with simulated and experimental data from GFP-labeled kinesin-1 motors stepping along immobilized microtubules, we show 1) that velocity distributions should be fitted by a t location-scale probability density function rather than by a normal distribution; 2) that the impossibility to measure events shorter than the image acquisition time needs to be taken into account; 3) that the interaction time and run length of the motors can be estimated independent of the filament length distribution; and 4) that the dimeric nature of the motors needs to be considered when correcting for photobleaching. Moreover, our analysis reveals that controlling the temperature during the experiments with a precision below 1 K is of importance. We believe our method will not only improve the evaluation of experimental data, but also allow for better statistical comparisons between different populations of motor proteins (e.g., with distinct mutations or linked to different cargos) and filaments (e.g., in distinct nucleotide states or with different posttranslational modifications). Therefore, we include a detailed workflow for image processing and analysis (including MATLAB code), serving as a tutorial for the estimation of motility parameters in stepping-motility assays

    Quantum-dot-assisted characterization of microtubule rotations during cargo transport

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    Owing to their wide spectrum of in vivo functions, motor proteins, such as kinesin-1, show great potential for application as nanomachines in engineered environments. When attached to a substrate surface, these motors are envisioned to shuttle cargo that is bound to reconstituted microtubules--one component of the cell cytoskeleton--from one location to another. One potentially serious problem for such applications is, however, the rotation of the microtubules around their longitudinal axis. Here we explore this issue by labelling the gliding microtubules with quantum dots to simultaneously follow their sinusoidal side-to-side and up-and-down motion in three dimensions with nanometre accuracy. Microtubule rotation, which originates from the kinesin moving along the individual protofilaments of the microtubule, was not impeded by the quantum dots. However, pick-up of large cargo inhibited the rotation but did not affect the velocity of microtubule gliding. Our data show that kinesin-driven microtubules make flexible, responsive and effective molecular shuttles for nanotransport applications

    Impact-Free Measurement of Microtubule Rotations on Kinesin and Cytoplasmic-Dynein Coated Surfaces.

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    Knowledge about the three-dimensional stepping of motor proteins on the surface of microtubules (MTs) as well as the torsional components in their power strokes can be inferred from longitudinal MT rotations in gliding motility assays. In previous studies, optical detection of these rotations relied on the tracking of rather large optical probes present on the outer MT surface. However, these probes may act as obstacles for motor stepping and may prevent the unhindered rotation of the gliding MTs. To overcome these limitations, we devised a novel, impact-free method to detect MT rotations based on fluorescent speckles within the MT structure in combination with fluorescence-interference contrast microscopy. We (i) confirmed the rotational pitches of MTs gliding on surfaces coated by kinesin-1 and kinesin-8 motors, (ii) demonstrated the superiority of our method over previous approaches on kinesin-8 coated surfaces at low ATP concentration, and (iii) identified MT rotations driven by mammalian cytoplasmic dynein, indicating that during collective motion cytoplasmic dynein side-steps with a bias in one direction. Our novel method is easy to implement on any state-of-the-art fluorescence microscope and allows for high-throughput experiments

    Directionally biased sidestepping of Kip3/kinesin-8 is regulated by ATP waiting time and motor-microtubule interaction strength.

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    Kinesin-8 motors, which move in a highly processive manner toward microtubule plus ends where they act as depolymerases, are essential regulators of microtubule dynamics in cells. To understand their navigation strategy on the microtubule lattice, we studied the 3D motion of single yeast kinesin-8 motors, Kip3, on freely suspended microtubules in vitro. We observed short-pitch, left-handed helical trajectories indicating that kinesin-8 motors frequently switch protofilaments in a directionally biased manner. Intriguingly, sidestepping was not directly coupled to forward stepping but rather depended on the average dwell time per forward step under limiting ATP concentrations. Based on our experimental findings and numerical simulations we propose that effective sidestepping toward the left is regulated by a bifurcation in the Kip3 step cycle, involving a transition from a two-head-bound to a one-head-bound conformation in the ATP-waiting state. Results from a kinesin-1 mutant with extended neck linker hint toward a generic sidestepping mechanism for processive kinesins, facilitating the circumvention of intracellular obstacles on the microtubule surface

    Detection of fractional steps in cargo movement by the collective operation of kinesin-1 motors

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    The stepping behavior of single kinesin-1 motor proteins has been studied in great detail. However, in cells, these motors often do not work alone but rather function in small groups when they transport cellular cargo. Until now, the cooperative interactions between motors in such groups were poorly understood. A fundamental question is whether two or more motors that move the same cargo step in synchrony, producing the same step size as a single motor, or whether the step size of the cargo movement varies. To answer this question, we performed in vitro gliding motility assays, where microtubules coated with quantum dots were driven over a glass surface by a known number of kinesin-1 motors. The motion of individual microtubules was then tracked with nanometer precision. In the case of transport by two kinesin-1 motors, we found successive 4-nm steps, corresponding to half the step size of a single motor. Dwell-time analysis did not reveal any coordination, in the sense of alternate stepping, between the motors. When three motors interacted in collective transport, we identified distinct forward and backward jumps on the order of 10 nm. The existence of the fractional steps as well as the distinct jumps illustrate a lack of synchronization and has implications for the analysis of motor-driven organelle movement investigated in vivo

    Adaptive braking by Ase1 prevents overlapping microtubules from sliding completely apart.

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    Short regions of overlap between ends of antiparallel microtubules are central elements within bipolar microtubule arrays. Although their formation requires motors1, recent in vitro studies demonstrated that stable overlaps cannot be generated by molecular motors alone. Motors either slide microtubules along each other until complete separation2, 3, 4 or, in the presence of opposing motors, generate oscillatory movements5, 6, 7. Here, we show that Ase1, a member of the conserved MAP65/PRC1 family of microtubule-bundling proteins, enables the formation of stable antiparallel overlaps through adaptive braking of Kinesin-14-driven microtubule–microtubule sliding. As overlapping microtubules start to slide apart, Ase1 molecules become compacted in the shrinking overlap and the sliding velocity gradually decreases in a dose-dependent manner. Compaction is driven by moving microtubule ends that act as barriers to Ase1 diffusion. Quantitative modelling showed that the molecular off-rate of Ase1 is sufficiently low to enable persistent overlap stabilization over tens of minutes. The finding of adaptive braking demonstrates that sliding can be slowed down locally to stabilize overlaps at the centre of bipolar arrays, whereas sliding proceeds elsewhere to enable network self-organization

    Optimization of isopolar microtubule arrays.

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    Isopolar arrays of aligned cytoskeletal filaments are components in a number of designs of hybrid nanodevices incorporating biomolecular motors. For example, a combination of filament arrays and motor arrays can form an actuator or a molecular engine resembling an artificial muscle. Here, isopolar arrays of microtubules are fabricated by flow alignment, and their quality is characterized by their degree of alignment. We find, in agreement with our analytical models, that the degree of alignment is ultimately limited by thermal forces, while the kinetics of the alignment process are influenced by the flow strength, the microtubule stiffness, the gliding velocity, and the tip length. Strong flows remove microtubules from the surface and reduce the filament density, suggesting that there is an optimal flow strength for the fabrication of ordered arrays

    The highly processive kinesin-8, Kip3, switches microtubule protofilaments with a bias towards the left

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    Kinesin-1 motor proteins walk parallel to the protofilament axes of microtubules as they step from one tubulin dimer to the next. Is protofilament tracking an inherent property of processive kinesin motors, like kinesin-1, and what are the structural determinants underlying protofilament tracking? To address these questions, we investigated the tracking properties of the processive kinesin-8, Kip3. Using in vitro gliding motility assays, we found that Kip3 rotates microtubules counterclockwise around their longitudinal axes with periodicities of ∼1 μm. These rotations indicate that the motors switch protofilaments with a bias toward the left. Molecular modeling suggests 1), that the protofilament switching may be due to kinesin-8 having a longer neck linker than kinesin-1, and 2), that the leftward bias is due the asymmetric geometry of the motor neck linker complex

    The highly processive kinesin-8, Kip3, switches microtubule protofilaments with a bias towards the left

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    Kinesin-1 motor proteins walk parallel to the protofilament axes of microtubules as they step from one tubulin dimer to the next. Is protofilament tracking an inherent property of processive kinesin motors, like kinesin-1, and what are the structural determinants underlying protofilament tracking? To address these questions, we investigated the tracking properties of the processive kinesin-8, Kip3. Using in vitro gliding motility assays, we found that Kip3 rotates microtubules counterclockwise around their longitudinal axes with periodicities of ∼1 μm. These rotations indicate that the motors switch protofilaments with a bias toward the left. Molecular modeling suggests 1), that the protofilament switching may be due to kinesin-8 having a longer neck linker than kinesin-1, and 2), that the leftward bias is due the asymmetric geometry of the motor neck linker complex