296 research outputs found

    Observation of unusual chlorine activation by ground-based infrared and microwave spectroscopy in the late Arctic winter 2000/01

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    International audienceDuring the Arctic winter of 2000/01, ground-based FTIR and millimetre-wave measurements revealed significant amounts of ClO over Kiruna after the final warming in February 2001. In fact, column amounts of ClO were still increased in March 2001 when temperatures were about 20K above the PSC (Polar Stratospheric Clouds) threshold. At these temperatures, chlorine activation due to heterogeneous processes on PSCs is not possible even in the presence of strong lee wave effects. In order to discuss possible reasons of this feature, time series of other chemical species will be presented and discussed, too. Measurements of HF and COF2 indicated that vortex air was still observed in mid-March 2001. Since the time series of HNO3 column amounts do not give any evidence of a denitrification later than 11 February, chlorine activation persisting for several weeks after the presence of PSCs due to denitrification is rather unlikely. The photolysis of ClONO2-rich air which had been formed at the end of February and beginning of March 2001 as well as chlorine activation due to the presence of an unusual aerosol layer are discussed as possible causes of the increased ClO column amounts after the final warming

    Use of coupled ozone fields in a 3-D circulation model of the middle atmosphere

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    Subtropical trace gas profiles determined by ground-based FTIR spectroscopy at Izaña (28° N, 16° W): Five-year record, error analysis, and comparison with 3-D CTMs

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    International audienceWithin the framework of the NDSC (Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change) ground-based FTIR solar absorption spectra have been routinely recorded at Izaña Observatory (28° N, 16° W) on Tenerife Island since March 1999. By analyzing the shape of the absorption lines, and their different temperature sensitivities, the vertical distribution of the absorbers can be retrieved. Unique time series of subtropical profiles of O3, HCl, HF, N2O, and CH4 are presented. The effects of both dynamical and chemical annually varying cycles can be seen in the retrieved profiles. These include enhanced upwelling and photochemistry in summer and a more disturbed atmosphere in winter, which are typical of the subtropical stratosphere. A detailed error analysis has been performed for each profile. The output from two different three-dimensional (3-D) chemical transport models (CTMs), which are forced by ECMWF analyses, are compared to the measured profiles. Both models agree well with the measurements in tracking abrupt variations in the atmospheric structure, e.g. due to tropical streamers, in particular for the lower stratosphere. Simulated and measured profiles also reflect similar dynamical and chemical annual cycles. However, the differences between their mixing ratios clearly exceed the error bars estimated for the measured profiles. Possible reasons for this are discussed

    Doxorubicin induces drug efflux pumps in Candida albicans

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    Candida albicans is one of the most important opportunistic fungal pathogens. It can cause serious fungal diseases in immunocompromised patients, including those with cancer. Treatment failures due to the emergence of drug-resistant C. albicans strains have become a serious clinical problem. Resistance incidents were often mediated by fungal efflux pumps which are closely related to the human ABC transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp). P-gp is often overexpressed in cancer cells and confers resistance to many cytotoxic drugs. We examined whether cytotoxic drugs commonly used for cancer treatment (doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide) could alter the expression of genes responsible for the development of fluconazole resistance in Candida cells in the way they can influence homologous genes in cancer cell lines. ABC transporters (CDR1 and CDR2) and other resistance genes (MDR1 and ERG11) were tested by real-time PCR for their expression in C. albicans cells at the mRNA level after induction by antineoplastic drugs. The results were confirmed by a lacZ gene reporter system and verified at the protein level using GFP and immunoblotting. We showed that doxorubicin is a potent inducer of CDR1/CDR2 expression in C. albicans at both the mRNA and protein level and thus causes an increase in fluconazole MIC values. However, cyclophosphamide, which is not a substrate of human P-gp, did not induce ABC transporter expression in C. albicans. Neither doxorubicin nor cyclophosphamide could influence the expression of the other resistance genes (MDR1 and ERG11). The induction of CDR1/CDR2 by doxorubicin in C. albicans and the resulting alteration of antifungal susceptibility might be of clinical relevance for the antifungal treatment of Candida infections occurring after anticancer chemotherapy with doxorubici

    HOCl chemistry in the Antarctic stratospheric vortex 2002, as observed with the Michelson interferometer for passive atmospheric sounding (MIPAS)

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    In the 2002 Antarctic polar vortex enhanced HOCl mixing ratios were detected by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding both at altitudes of around 35 km (1000K potential temperature), where HOCl abundances are ruled by gas phase chemistry and at around 18–24 km (475–625 K), which belongs to the altitude domain where heterogeneous chlorine chemistry is relevant. At altitudes of 33 to 40 km polar vortex HOCl mixing ratios were found to be around 0.14 ppbv as long as the polar vortex was intact, centered at the pole, and thus received relatively little sunlight. This is the altitude region where in midlatitudinal and tropic atmospheres peak HOCl mixing ratios significantly above 0.2 ppbv (in terms of daily mean values) are observed. After deformation and displacement of the polar vortex in the course of a major warming, ClO-rich vortex air was more exposed to sunlight, where enhanced HOx abundances led to largely increased HOCl mixing ratios (up to 0.3 ppbv), exceeding typical midlatitudinal and tropical amounts significantly. The HOCl increase was preceded by an increase of ClO. Model runs could reproduce these measurements only when the Stimpfle et al. (1979) rate constant for the reaction ClO+HO2→HOCl+O2 was used but not with the current JPL recommendation. At an altitude of 24 km, HOCl mixing ratios of up to 0.15 ppbv were detected. This HOCl enhancement, which is already visible in 18 September data, is attributed to heterogeneous chemistry, which is in agreement with observations of polar stratospheric clouds. The measurements were compared to a model run where no polar stratospheric clouds appeared during the observation period. The fact that HOCl still was produced in the model run suggests that a significant part of HOCl was generated from ClO rather than directly via heterogeneous reaction. Excess ClO, lower ClONO2 and earlier loss of HOCl in the measurements are attributed to ongoing heterogeneous chemistry which is not reproduced by the model. On 11 October, polar vortex mean daytime mixing ratios were only 0.03 ppbv

    Global stratospheric hydrogen peroxide distribution from MIPAS-Envisat full resolution spectra compared to KASIMA model results

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    MIPAS-ENVISAT full resolution spectra were analyzed to obtain a global distribution of hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) in the stratosphere. H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> acts as reservoir gas for the HO<sub>x</sub> family (= H+OH+HO<sub>2</sub>) and thus, observations of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> provide a better understanding of the HO<sub>x</sub> chemistry in the atmosphere. A retrieval approach based on constrained least squares fitting was developed and applied to small dedicated spectral analysis windows with maximum H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> information and minimum contribution of interfering gases. Due to a low signal to noise ratio in the measured spectra single profiles cannot be used for scientific interpretation and about 100 profiles have to be averaged temporally or spatially. Our retrievals of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> from MIPAS measurements provide meaningful results between approximately 20 and 60 km. A possible impact by the high uncertainty of the reaction rate constant for HO<sub>2</sub> + HO<sub>2</sub>→H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> in our 3D-CTM KASIMA is discussed. We find best agreement between model and observations for applying rate constants according to Christensen et al. (2002) however, a mismatch in vertical profile shape remains. The observations were compared to the model results of KASIMA focusing on low to mid latitudes. Good agreement in spatial distribution and in temporal evolution was found. Highest vmr of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> in the stratosphere were observed and modeled in low latitudes shortly after equinox at about 30 km. The modelled diurnal cycle with lowest vmr shortly after sunrise and highest vmr in the afternoon is confirmed by the MIPAS observations
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