666 research outputs found

    Financial crime after the crisis in the UK

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    Financial crime is a large area of political and social enquiry and includes a variety of illicit conducts that need to be isolated and addressed as discrete offences. Financial operations, however, may cause harm even when they do not possess a criminal nature, as events relating to the 2008 bank crisis have shown. This paper is concerned with both typologies, namely with illicit and licit harmful behaviour adopted by financial actors. In the first section, the paper focuses on the measures proposed or adopted in response to the 2008 crisis in the UK. This is followed by the presentation of a number of recent cases proving that, despite recent regulatory efforts, large loopholes are still present which allow forms of financial crime to thrive

    Organised behaviour and organised identity.

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    There is growing body of literature which offers reviews of the concepts of organised crime and political vio- lence, while documenting the official efforts to address such concepts jointly and treat them as a single issue. It would be intriguing to investigate how members of organised criminal groups and violent political groups re- spectively react to such official efforts. In my own memory, when the ‘mafiosi’ happened to share a prison in- stitution with members of the Red Brigades, they would steer away from those idealist Communists who got nothing out of killing. The former, when overcoming the disgust they felt in the presence of those who in their eyes adopted an incomprehensible political stance, and perhaps even a despicable sexual lifestyle, would simply suggest: “don’t make revolution, make money, you cretin!”. The latter, in their turn, would deal with the former as one deals with yet a different version of the economic and political power against which they fought. Echoes of this are found in an example coming from Greece itself, where the Courts have attempted to term ‘common’ rather than ‘political’ the offences attributed to the Revolutionary Organisation November 17. The fact that or- ganised crime is guided by material motivations and terrorism by political ones may be seen as irrelevant by of- ficial agencies pursuing the objective of degrading the ‘enemy’ whoever that might be. Therefore, the ceremo- nies of degradation, including the choice of an ad hoc vocabulary, may well serve the task, as the mad, the drug user and the terrorist constitute an undistinguishable mob in the face of which quibbling differences may just obstruct the criminal justice process. The purpose of this paper is to try and clarify a number of issues that we encounter when dealing with organised crime and political violence respectively

    Rafe McGregor (2021) Critical Criminology and Literary Criticism. Bristol: Bristol University Press

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    Vincenzo Ruggiero reviews Critical Criminology and Literary Criticism by Rafe McGrego


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    In the last twenty years in real estate appraisal there has been a growing interest for new and reliable assessment techniques essentially through the introduction of pluriparametric estimate, in particular of linear regression. However, also these techniques seem having not a great deal of adherence to very complex markets, for which the detection of best suited techniques to investigate market segments is necessary. The aim of the research is to test the applicative possibilities of model tree to land market, in order to highlight possible market segments in the original data set not detectable a priori.data mining, model tree, multiple regression analysis, land market appraisal, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, C01,
