246 research outputs found

    L’applicazione diretta dei princípi costituzionali da parte del giudice a fronte di omissioni legislative

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    L’elaborato si propone di esaminare il tema dell’inerzia del legislatore e dell’attivismo dei giudici. In una situazione di grave ritardo o di persistente inerzia del legislatore, i giudici comuni si sono trovati ad essere destinatari di tutta una serie di domande sociali ed hanno quindi cercato, attraverso l’applicazione diretta dei princípi costituzionali, di porre rimedio alle omissioni legislative dando tutela alle nuove istanze sociali che non trovano un riconoscimento espresso e/o completo nella legislazione civilistica. La tesi è strutturata in cinque capitoli e, in particolare, nel primo capitolo mi occuperò del diritto politico e del diritto giurisprudenziale nella definizione e nella tutela dei diritti fondamentali. Il secondo capitolo ha ad oggetto la fonte che si pone al vertice della “piramide” delle fonti del diritto, ossia la Costituzione repubblicana. Nel terzo capitolo passerò ad analizzare più da vicino l’istituto della Drittwirkung e, in questi anni, molte e relative a diversi settori dell’ordinamento sono state le ipotesi di applicazione diretta delle disposizioni costituzionali da parte dei giudici comuni. Nel quarto capitolo verranno esaminate due diverse situazioni, ossia quando la Costituzione “consente” e quando “impone” una determinata soluzione interpretativa. Differenza che risulta evidente nel caso delle coppie omosessuali e nel diverso fondamento del diritto al matrimonio e del diritto alla vita familiare e di coppia. Mi sono soffermata, poi, su casi assai noti perché molto recenti in cui abbiamo assistito a quella situazione che è stata chiamata dei “diritti accertati, ma non tutelati”, e mi riferisco in particolare al caso di Piergiorgio Welby e alla decisione in ordine alla questione di costituzionalità relativa all’utilizzo del cognome materno. Lo stesso potrebbe dirsi a proposito della vicenda che ha visto coinvolta Eluana Englaro e del conseguente conflitto tra poteri, ma a tale caso giudiziario ho dedicato il capitolo quinto con cui si conclude la presente tesi

    The value of the testimony of minors

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    Debe darse lugar a que los menores de 14 años puedan declarar válidamente como testigos en los juicios civiles. La búsqueda debe orientarse a la verdad, aun cuando el camino para llegar a ella sea más arduo. Esto es, será necesario un estudio profundo del testimonio y de la conducta de quien declara. No tenemos que perder de vista que los niños son personas en desarrollo y, por tanto, siempre debe resguardarse su cuidado físico y psíquicopara evitar su revictimización.Un niño puede declarar en forma tan precisa como un testigo adulto,siempre y cuando se respeten pautas interdisciplinarias para poder llevar adelante las correspondientes adaptaciones y trabajos de equipos.It should be place to which children under fourteen years of may validly declare as witnesses in civil trials. The search should be directed to the truth even when the way to reach it is harder. That is, an in-depth study of the testimony and the conduct of who declares will be necessary. We must not lose sight that children are people in development and therefore always his physical care must take shelter and psychic to avoid their revictimization. A child can declare as accurately as an adult witness, provided interdisciplinary guidelines are respected for to carry out relevant adaptations and equipment works

    El valor de la prueba testimonial de los menores

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    Debe darse lugar a que los menores de catorce años puedan declarar válidamente como testigos en los juicios civiles. La búsqueda debe orientarse a la verdad aun cuando el camino para llegar a ella sea más arduo. Esto es, será necesario un estudio profundo del testimonio y de la conducta de quien declara.No tenemos que perder de vista que los niños son personas en desarrollo y, por tanto, siempre debe resguardarse su cuidado físico y psíquico para evitar su revictimización.Un niño puede declarar en forma tan precisa como un testigo adulto, siempre y cuando se respeten pautas interdisciplinarias para poder llevar adelante las correspondientes adaptaciones y trabajos de equipo

    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease inhibitors block cell-to-cell HIV-1 endocytosis in dendritic cells

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    Sexual transmission is now the most frequent means of diffusion of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Even if the underlying mechanism is still largely unknown, there is a consensus regarding the key role played by mucosal dendritic cells (DCs) in capturing HIV through contact with infected subepithelial lymphocytes, and their capacity to spread HIV by trans-infection. We found that HIV protease inhibitors (PIs) reduced virion endocytosis strongly in monocyte-derived immature (i) DCs contacting HIV-1-infected cells, and that this phenomenon led to dramatically impaired trans-infection activity. This inhibitory effect was not mediated by the block of viral protease activity, as it was also operative when donor cells were infected with a PI-resistant HIV-1 strain. The block of virus maturation imposed by PIs did not correlate with significant variations in the levels of virus expression in donor cells or of Gag/Env virion incorporation. Also, PIs did not affect the endocytosis activity of DCs. In contrast, we noticed that PI treatment inhibited the formation of cell–cell conjugates whilst reducing the expression of ICAM-1 in target iDCs. Our results contribute to a better delineation of the mechanisms underlying HIV-1 trans-infection activity in DCs, whilst having implications for the development of new anti-HIV microbicide strategies

    Medical equipment replacement prioritisation: A comparison between linear and fuzzy system models

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    In hospital management, health technology assessment techniques are being increasingly developed. This paper presents a comparison of the results obtained using two models for replacement priority value calculation applied to the Galliera hospital in Genoa (Italy). One the models was developed at the Galliera Hospital along the lines of the model by Fennigkoh and addresses four primary replacement issues: equipment service and support, equipment function, cost benefits and clinical efficacy, by a "yes-no" scheme. This model is compared with a model based on fuzzy logic. The comparison between the two models shows a conservative behaviour by the Galliera model, according to which 77.4% of the analysed instrumentation is maintained, whereas the classification by the fuzzy model allows for a better discrimination among the devices

    The role of agroforestry areas of the province of Bari in the absortion of carbon dioxide

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    Agroforestry areas have a significant and recognized productive, socio – economic, environmental and landscape role. An important ecological function performed by these areas is the net absorption of considerable quantities of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The scientific knowledge of the CO2 assimilation capacity of agroforestry ecosystems in a territory, is a useful and innovative means to support territorial planning. In the interests of environmental sustainability, emissions from human activities carried out in a specific local context, must be adapted by the simultaneous capacity of CO2 sequestration. For the protection of environmental quality, the choice of land use should therefore optimize the circuit of interaction between emissions and absorption. This work takes into account the agroforestry areas of the Province of Bari to estimate the potential capacity to absorb CO2 and compare it, with the current emission levels

    A Robust DNA Isolation Protocol from Filtered Commercial Olive Oil for PCR-Based Fingerprinting

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    Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) has elevated commercial value due to its health appeal, desirable characteristics and quantitatively limited production, and thus it has become an object of intentional adulteration. As EVOOs on the market might consist of a blend of olive varieties or sometimes even of a mixture of oils from different botanical species, an array of DNA-fingerprinting methods have been developed to check the varietal composition of the blend. Starting from a comparison between publicly available DNA extraction protocols, we set up a timely, low-cost, reproducible and effective DNA isolation protocol, which allows an adequate amount of DNA to be recovered even from commercial filtered EVOOs. Then, in order to verify the effectiveness of the DNA extraction protocol herein proposed, we applied PCR-based fingerprinting methods starting from the DNA extracted from three EVOO samples of unknown composition. In particular, genomic regions harboring nine simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and eight genotyping-by-sequencing-derived single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were amplified for authentication and traceability of the three EVOO samples. The whole investigation strategy herein described might favor producers in terms of higher revenues and consumers in terms of price transparency and food safety
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