2,418 research outputs found

    Gaiola vs Borbone system: a comparison between 18th Century anti-seismic case studies

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    This article briefly discusses the seismic-resistant heritage of the 18th century, circumscribed in Lisbon's Baixa Pombalina (post 1755) and case baraccate of Southern Italy (post 1783).A comparison of these anti-seismic systems is discussed through the architectural principles and the mechanical behavior. It is shown that, despite the wide diversity of cases and the different geo-historical conditioning, both systems arise from an intuition of the compound seismic efficiency, the typical pragmatism of the enlightenment period and an interpretation of the classic composition code.Two specific case studies, a private building in Baixa Pombalina (Lisbon) and the Bishop's Palace of Mileto (Calabria region) are compared. We briefly analyze: (i) configuration and structural principles; (ii) characteristics of the materials; and (iii) seismic behavior.A standardized spatial morphology closely linked to traditional construction techniques positively determines the seismic response and it is one of the key common factors in this heritage to be preserved.In both cases, the architectural and structural choices are crucial to the seismic response of the building and must be respected as an identity of a specific technical knowledge. Moreover, this materiality represents a historical continuity of the community's memory that requires transdisciplinary, critical understanding, and preservation.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Superfluid and Pseudo-Goldstone Modes in Three Flavor Crystalline Color Superconductivity

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    We study the bosonic excitations in the favorite cubic three flavor crystalline LOFF phases of QCD. We calculate in the Ginzburg-Landau approximation the masses of the eight pseudo Nambu-Goldstone Bosons (NGB) present in the low energy theory. We also compute the decay constants of the massless NGB Goldstones associated to superfluidity as well as those of the eight pseudo NGB. Differently from the corresponding situation in the Color-Flavor-Locking phase, we find that meson condensation phases are not expected in the present scenario.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX4 class. Section IIIA enlarged, to appear on Phys. Rev.

    Utilizing Activity-Based Costing To Manage The Maintenance Function In A Manufacturing Company

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    Maintenance is the term used by many industries and businesses to describe the broad functions associated with preserving assets.  Of course, preserving assets requires the expenditure of funds.  In many industries, the amount of monetary funds dedicated to maintenance functions can exceed 40% of a typical operating budget.  However, even at this level of spending, management decision-making in the maintenance area is generally accomplished without the necessary information or strategy other business areas demand

    Three resilient megastructures by Pier Luigi Nervi

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    Resilience, as the ability of a structure to withstand threats and continue to function, it is normally related to durability and performance to accepted standards over time. The resilience of a structure can be threatened by poor design, changes in the public's perception of style, the potential for a change-in-use and structural attack; catastrophic events such as fire, explosion or impact are usually considered the main threats for Resilience. In the contemporary built environment Resilience is considered increasingly important; it has, in fact, become one of the major design issues, especially for large, iconic or public and prominent structures: this has not always been the case. Following the Second World War, building designers faced the necessity to conceive projects within severe financial constraints, hence the proliferation of a low quality and limited life-span structures; buildings which were designed to be replaceable, cheap and perhaps anonymous. This was thought to be an effec-tive answer to quickly accommodate the large number of people moving towards the urban environment partly destroyed by the WWII. These very buildings now constitute the backbone of our urban scenery and although some still function adequately, many are perfect examples of structures which exhibit a lack of re-silience. Fortunately, there were a few designers who refused this post-war tendency and attempted to design lasting structures of quality: most of them were engineers. This is not a coincidence, engineers had less to do with the issue of providing residential accommodations and more with the erection of large structures which necessitated a higher quality control on materials and technologies: Pier Luigi Nervi was one of them. This work considers three large structures designed and built fifty years ago,in 1961, by the Italian engineer. The structures are the Bus Station at the George Washington Bridge in New York (USA); The Burgo Paper Mill in Mantua (Italy); and the Palace of Labour in Turin (Italy). All of these buildings are hybrid structures (concrete and steel), an unusual choice for Nervi that perhaps reects the design climate at the time; These buildings reacted quite differently to the events that have occurred over the past half century. One of the key factors to achieve resilience it is considered to be the quality of the buildings, which includes their ability to perform maintenance. The lack of which for whatever reason, this paper aims to demonstrate, will inevitably result in a weak performance in terms of resilience on the long run

    Shear viscosity and chemical equilibration of the QGP

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    We have investigated, in the frame work of the transport approach, different aspects of the QGP created in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC and LHC energies. The shear viscosity η\eta has been calculated by using the Green-Kubo relation at the cascade level. We have compared the numerical results for η\eta obtained from the Green-Kubo correlator with the analytical formula in both the Relaxation Time Approximation (RTA) and the Chapman-Enskog approximation (CE). From this comparison we show that in the range of temperature explored in a Heavy Ion collision the RTA underestimates the viscosity by about a factor of 2, while a good agreement is found between the CE approximation and Gree-Kubo relation already at first order of approximation. The agreement with the CE approximation supplies an analytical formula that allows to develop kinetic transport theory at fixed shear viscosity to entropy density ratio, η/s\eta/s. We show some results for the build up of anisotropic flows v2v_{2} in a transport approach at fixed shear viscosity to entropy density ratio, η/s\eta/s. We study the impact of a T-dependent η/s(T)\eta/s(T) on the generation of the elliptic flows at both RHIC and LHC. We show that the transport approach provides, in a unified way, a tool able to naturally describe the v2(pT)v_{2}(p_{T}) in a wide range of pTp_{T}, including also the description of the rise and fall and saturation of the v2(pT)v_{2}(p_{T}) observed at LHC. Finally, we have studied the evolution of the quark-gluon composition employing a Boltzmann-Vlasov transport approach that include: the mean fields dynamics, associated to the quasi-particle model, and the elastic and inelastic collisions for massive quarks and gluons. Following the chemical evolution from an initial gluon dominated plasma we predict a quark dominance close to TCT_{C} paving the way to an hadronization via quark coalescence.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, Invited Talk given by S. Plumari at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    A diagrammatic derivation of the meson effective masses in the neutral color-flavor-locked phase of Quantum Chromodynamics

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    We offer a diagrammatic derivation of the effective masses of the axial flavor excitations in the electrical and color neutral CFL phase of QCD. In particular we concentrate on the excitations with the quantum numbers of the kaons: we show how their effective chemical potentials, responsible of their Bose-Einstein condensation and found previously on the basis of pure symmetry arguments, arise at the microscopic level by loop effects. We perform also the numerical evaluation of the relevant loops in the whole CFL regime Ms2/2μΔ1M_s^2/2\mu\Delta\leqslant 1, showing the existence of the enhancement of the kaon condensation with respect to the lowest order result. Finally we discuss the role of electrical and color neutrality in the microscopic calculation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX4 style. Version accepted for publication on JHEP. Some minor change in the tex

    The antitumor drug, 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitroso-urea, inactivates human nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase.

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    Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) adenylyltransferase (EC from human placenta is rapidly inactivated by 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU). A similar inactivation is observed with other C- and N-nitroso compounds. The inactivation by BCNU is dependent on incubation time, temperature and BCNU concentration. Protective reagents for -SH groups, dithiothreitol and beta-mercaptoethanol, and the substrate NMN are very effective in protecting NMN adenylyltransferase from BCNU inactivation and in preserving its catalytic properties, while ATP is less efficient. Incubation of BCNU-inactivated and dialysed NMN adenylyltransferase with dithiothreitol results in a partial recovery of the enzymatic activity